{-# language ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# language NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# language OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# language RecordWildCards #-}


This module exposes a @prometheus-client@ "Metric" for exporting information
about the currently running process.

module Prometheus.Metric.Proc ( ProcMetrics(..), procMetrics ) where

import Data.Char ( isSpace )
import Data.Maybe ( catMaybes )
import Data.String ( fromString )
import Foreign.C
import Prometheus
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Unsafe
import System.Posix.Memory ( sysconfPageSize )
import System.Posix.Process ( getProcessID )
import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative as RE
import qualified Text.Regex.Applicative.Common as RE

-- | The tag for 'procMetrics'.
data ProcMetrics =


Unregistered metrics for the current process. This is to be used with
'Prometheus.register' to register the metrics.

This exports the following:

* @process_cpu_seconds_total@
* @process_start_time_seconds@
* @process_virtual_memory_bytes@
* @process_resident_memory_bytes@

See the official Prometheus documentation for more information on these standard
metrics: https://prometheus.io/docs/instrumenting/writing_clientlibs/#standard-and-runtime-collectors

procMetrics :: Prometheus.Metric ProcMetrics
procMetrics =
  Metric ( return ( ProcMetrics, collect ) )

-- | Returns the number of CPU clock ticks per second.
foreign import ccall unsafe
  clk_tck :: CLong

collect :: IO [ SampleGroup ]
collect = do
  pid <-

  mprocStat <-
      RE.match parseProcStat <$> readFile ( "/" </> "proc" </> show pid </> "stat" )

    ( foldMap ( toMetrics ) mprocStat )

toMetrics :: ProcStat -> [ SampleGroup ]
toMetrics ProcStat{ utime, stime, starttime, vsize, rss } =
    [ Just process_cpu_seconds_total
    , process_start_time_seconds
    , Just process_virtual_memory_bytes
    , Just process_resident_memory_bytes


    process_cpu_seconds_total =
        "Total user and system CPU time spent in seconds."
        ( fromTicks ( utime + stime ) )

    process_start_time_seconds = do
      btime <-

        ( metric
            "Start time of the process since unix epoch in seconds."
            ( fromIntegral btime + fromTicks starttime )

    process_virtual_memory_bytes =
        "Virtual memory size in bytes."

    process_resident_memory_bytes =
        "Resident memory size in bytes."
        ( rss * sysconfPageSize )

    metric metricName metricHelp metricType value =
        [ Sample
            ( fromString ( show value ) )

-- | Convert a number of clock ticks into the corresponding duration in seconds.
fromTicks :: Int -> Double
fromTicks ticks =
  fromIntegral ticks / fromIntegral clk_tck


Returns the current boot time in seconds since Unix epoch. This is a Maybe
as we might not to be able to successfully parse this information out of

'unsafePerformIO' is used as this value does not change during the
execution of the program, so this gives us a lightweight cache for this

{-# NOINLINE mbtime #-}
mbtime :: Maybe Int
mbtime = unsafePerformIO $ do
  fmap ( \( _, a, _ ) -> a ) . RE.findFirstInfix ( "btime " *> RE.decimal )
    <$> readFile "/proc/stat"

-- | Specific metrics from @/proc/xyz/stat@ that we are interested in.
data ProcStat = ProcStat
  { utime :: Int
    -- ^ Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in user mode,
    -- measured in clock ticks (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
  , stime :: Int
    -- ^ Amount of time that this process has been scheduled in kernel mode,
    -- measured in clock ticks (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
  , starttime :: Int
    -- ^ The time the process started after system boot. In kernels before Linux
    -- 2.6, this value was expressed in jiffies. Since Linux 2.6, the value is
    -- expressed in clock ticks (divide by sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK)).
  , vsize :: Int
    -- ^ Virtual memory size in bytes.
  , rss :: Int
    -- ^ Resident Set Size: number of pages the process has in real memory. This
    -- is just the pages which count toward text, data, or stack space. This
    -- does not include pages which have not been demand-loaded in, or which are
    -- swapped out.
    ( Show )


A regular expression for parsing @/proc/xyz/stat@. See
@man 5 proc@ for more information on the format of this file:

parseProcStat :: RE.RE Char ProcStat
parseProcStat =
    <$  any                                                     -- pid %d
    <*  token ( RE.sym '(' *> RE.some RE.anySym <* RE.sym ')' ) -- comm %s
    <*  any                                                     -- state %c
    <*  any                                                     -- ppid %d
    <*  any                                                     -- pgrp %d
    <*  any                                                     -- session %d
    <*  any                                                     -- tty_nr %d
    <*  any                                                     -- tpgid %d
    <*  any                                                     -- flags %u (%lu before Linux 2.6.22)
    <*  any                                                     -- minflt %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- cminflt %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- majflt %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- cmajflt %lu
    <*> token RE.decimal                                        -- utime %lu
    <*> token RE.decimal                                        -- stime %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- cutime %ld
    <*  any                                                     -- cstime %ld
    <*  any                                                     -- priority %ld
    <*  any                                                     -- nice %ld
    <*  any                                                     -- num_threads %ld
    <*  any                                                     -- itrealvalue %ld
    <*> token RE.decimal                                        -- starttime %llu (was %lu before Linux 2.6)
    <*> token RE.decimal                                        -- vsize %lu
    <*> token RE.decimal                                        -- rss %ld
    <*  any                                                     -- rsslim %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- startcode %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- endcode %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- startstack %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- kstkesp %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- kstkeip %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- signal %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- blocked %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- sigignore %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- sigcatch %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- wchan %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- nswap %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- cnswap %lu
    <*  any                                                     -- exit_signal %d (since Linux 2.1.22)
    <*  any                                                     -- processor %d (since Linux 2.2.8)
    <*  any                                                     -- rt_priority %u (since Linux 2.5.19; was %lu before Linux 2.6.22)
    <*  any                                                     -- policy %u (since Linux 2.5.19; was %lu before Linux 2.6.22)
    <*  any                                                     -- delayacct_blkio_ticks %llu (since Linux 2.6.18)
    <*  any                                                     -- guest_time %lu (since Linux 2.6.24)
    <*  any                                                     -- cguest_time %ld (since Linux 2.6.24)


    token a =
      a <* RE.psym isSpace <* RE.few ( RE.psym isSpace )

    any =
      token ( RE.few RE.anySym )