{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, OverloadedStrings, FlexibleContexts #-}
module GraphViz where
import Control.Applicative ((<$>), Applicative(..), Alternative(..))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.State
import Control.Monad.Error
import Control.Concurrent (forkIO)
import Data.List (intercalate, intersperse, nub)
import Data.Char (ord)
import qualified Data.Graph.Inductive as Graph
import Data.GraphViz (runGraphvizCommand, runGraphvizCanvas', GraphvizCanvas(Xlib), graphElemsToDot, GraphvizOutput(..), toLabel, nonClusteredParams, GraphvizParams(..), GlobalAttributes(GraphAttrs), GraphvizCommand(Dot))
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors (Color(X11Color), WeightedColor(..))
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Colors.X11 (X11Color(..))
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML
import Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete (Attribute(Ordering,Label,Shape,Color,Width,Regular), Shape(BoxShape), Label(HtmlLabel), Order(OutEdges))
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy
import Language.Prolog
htmlStr = Str . Data.Text.Lazy.pack
resolveTree p q = preview =<< execGraphGenT (resolve_ p q)
resolveTreeToFile path p q = do
graph <- execGraphGenT (resolve_ p q)
runGraphvizCommand Dot (toDot [] graph) Png path
preview g = ign $ forkIO (ign $ runGraphvizCanvas' (toDot [] g) Xlib)
ign = (>> return ())
toDot attrs g = graphElemsToDot params (labNodes g) (labEdges g)
params = nonClusteredParams { fmtNode = \ (_,l) -> formatNode l
, fmtEdge = \ (_, _, l) -> formatEdge l
, globalAttributes = [GraphAttrs (Ordering OutEdges : attrs)]
, isDirected = True
type Graph = Gr NodeLabel EdgeLabel
type NodeLabel = ((ProtoBranch, Branch), [Branch], CutFlag)
type EdgeLabel = (ProtoBranch, Branch)
type Branch = (Path, [(VariableName, Term)], [Term])
type Path = [Integer]
type ProtoBranch = Branch
data Gr a b = Gr [(Int,a)] [(Int, Int, b)] deriving Show
empty = Gr [] []
insEdge edge (Gr ns es) = Gr ns (es ++ [edge])
insNode node (Gr ns es) = Gr (ns ++ [node]) es
gelem n (Gr ns es) = n `elem` map fst ns
relabelNode f node (Gr ns es) = Gr (map (\(n,l) -> (n,if n == node then f l else l)) ns) es
labNodes (Gr ns _) = ns
labEdges (Gr _ es) = es
newtype GraphGenT m a = GraphGenT (StateT Graph m a) deriving (Monad, Functor, MonadFix, MonadPlus, Applicative, MonadError e, MonadState Graph, MonadTrans, Alternative)
runGraphGenT (GraphGenT st) = runStateT st GraphViz.empty
execGraphGenT (GraphGenT st) = execStateT st GraphViz.empty
instance Monad m => MonadGraphGen (GraphGenT m) where
createConnections currentBranch@(path,_,_) protoBranches branches = do
let current = hash path
let protoBranch = error "Unknown protobranch accessed during graph generation"
let label = ((protoBranch, currentBranch), branches, WasNotCut)
modify $ \graph ->
if gelem current graph
then relabelNode (const label) current graph
else insNode (current, label) graph
forM_ (zip protoBranches branches) $ \x@(_,(pathOfTarget,_,_))-> do
let new = hash pathOfTarget
modify $ insNode (new, (x, [], WasNotCut))
modify $ insEdge (current, new, x)
markSolution usf = do
return ()
markCutBranches stackPrefix = do
forM_ stackPrefix $ \((path_,u_,gs_),alts_) -> do
forM_ alts_ $ \(pathOfChild,_,_) -> do
let child = hash pathOfChild
modifyLabel child $ \(t,b,_) -> (t,b,WasCut)
data CutFlag = WasNotCut | WasCut
formatNode :: NodeLabel -> [Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Attribute]
formatNode ((_,(_,u',[])), _, WasNotCut) =
Shape BoxShape :
case filterOriginal u' of
[] -> [ toLabel ("" :: String)
, Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Width 0.2
, Regular True
, Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Color [(WC (X11Color Green) Nothing)]
uf -> [ toLabel $ colorize Green $ htmlUnifier uf
, Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Color [(WC (X11Color Green) Nothing)]
formatNode ((_,(_,_,gs')), [], WasNotCut) =
[ toLabel $ colorize Red [htmlGoals gs']
, Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Color [(WC (X11Color Red) Nothing)]
formatNode ((_,(_,_,gs')), _, WasNotCut) =
[ toLabel [htmlGoals gs'] ]
formatNode ((_,(_,u',[])), _, WasCut) =
Shape BoxShape :
case filterOriginal u' of
[] -> [ toLabel ("" :: String)
, Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Width 0.2
, Regular True
, Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Color [(WC (X11Color Gray) Nothing)]
uf -> [ toLabel $ colorize Gray $ htmlUnifier uf
, Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Color [(WC (X11Color Gray) Nothing)]
formatNode ((_,(_,_,gs')), _, WasCut) =
[ toLabel $ colorize Gray [htmlGoals gs']
, Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Color [(WC (X11Color Gray) Nothing)]
formatEdge :: EdgeLabel -> [Data.GraphViz.Attributes.Complete.Attribute]
formatEdge ((_,u ,_),_) =
[ toLabel [Font [PointSize 8] $ htmlUnifier $ simplify u] ]
simplify = ([] +++)
htmlGoals = htmlStr . intercalate "," . map show
htmlUnifier [] = [htmlStr " "]
htmlUnifier u = intersperse (Newline []) [ htmlStr $ show v ++ " = " ++ show t | (v,t) <- u ]
modifyLabel node f =
modify $ relabelNode f node
colorize color label = [Font [Data.GraphViz.Attributes.HTML.Color (X11Color color)] label]
hash :: Path -> Int
hash = fromEnum . hashString . show
filterOriginal = filter $ \(VariableName n _, _) -> n == 0
hashString = fromIntegral . foldr f 0
where f c m = ord c + (m * 128) `rem` 1500007