probable-0.1.3: Easy and reasonably efficient probabilistic programming and random generation

Copyright(c) 2014 Alp Mestanogullari
Safe HaskellNone




Random number generation based on Gen, defined as a Monad transformer.

Quickstart, in ghci:

λ> import Math.Probable
λ> import Control.Applicative
λ> mwc double
λ> mwc word64
λ> mwc $ (,) <$> bool <*> intIn (0, 10)
λ> mwc $ do { n <- intIn (1, 10) ; listOf n (listOf 2 bool) }
[ [False,True],[True,False],[False,True],[False,False],[False,False],

This module features a bunch of combinators that can help you create some random generation descriptions easily, and in a very familiar style.

You can easily combine them through the Monad instance for RandT which really just make sure everyone gets a Gen (from mwc-random) eventually. This of course makes RandT a Functor and an Applicative.

import Math.Probable

data Person = 
  Person { name   :: String
         , age    :: Int
         , salary :: Double
    deriving (Eq, Show)

randomPerson :: PrimMonad m 
             => RandT m Person
randomPerson = do
    -- we pick a random length
    -- for the person's name
    nameLen <- intIn (3, 10) 
    -- and just express what a random Person
    -- should be, Applicative-style
    Person <$> pickName nameLen    -- pick a name
           <*> intIn (0, 100)      -- an Int between 0 and 100
           <*> doubleIn (0, 10000) -- a Double between 0 and 10000

    where pickName nameLen = do
              -- the initial, between 'A' and 'Z'
              initial <- chr `fmap` intIn (65, 90)
              (initial:) `fmap` 
              -- the rest, between 'a' and 'z'
                  listOf (nameLen - 1)
                         (chr `fmap` intIn (97, 122))

This is all nice, but how do we actually sample such a Person? You just have to call mwc:

λ> mwc randomPerson
Person {name = "Ojeesra", age = 83, salary = 3075.9945184521885}

So any value of type 'RandT m a' is something that you'll eventually run in m (hence IO or ST s) for generating a random value of type a. Note that mwc forces the execution using withSystemRandom and gets you back in IO, whereas mwcST gets you back in ST s.

My simple name generation routine can help you pick a name for your baby, if you are having one soon.

λ> map name `fmap` mwc (listOf 10 randomPerson)

If we were to make a generator that could generate more familiar and creativity-free names, we wouldn't sample uniformly from the alphabet.


RandT type

newtype RandT m a Source #

RandT type, equivalent to a ReaderT (Gen (PrimState m))

This lets you build simple or complex random generation routines without having the generator passed all around and just run the whole thing in the end, most likely by using mwc.





Monad m => Monad (RandT m) Source # 


(>>=) :: RandT m a -> (a -> RandT m b) -> RandT m b #

(>>) :: RandT m a -> RandT m b -> RandT m b #

return :: a -> RandT m a #

fail :: String -> RandT m a #

Monad m => Functor (RandT m) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> RandT m a -> RandT m b #

(<$) :: a -> RandT m b -> RandT m a #

Monad m => Applicative (RandT m) Source # 


pure :: a -> RandT m a #

(<*>) :: RandT m (a -> b) -> RandT m a -> RandT m b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> RandT m a -> RandT m b -> RandT m c #

(*>) :: RandT m a -> RandT m b -> RandT m b #

(<*) :: RandT m a -> RandT m b -> RandT m a #

PrimMonad m => Finite (RandT m) Source # 


weighted :: [(a, Double)] -> RandT m a Source #

Actually generating random values

mwc :: RandT IO a -> IO a Source #

Take a RandT value and run it in IO, generating all the random values described by the RandT. It just uses withSystemRandom so you really should try hard to put your whole random generation logic in RandT and call mwc in the end, thus initialising the generator only once and generating everything with it.

See the documentation for withSystemRandom for more about this.

λ> mwc $ (+2) `fmap` int8

mwcST :: RandT (ST s) a -> IO a Source #

If for some reason you have a RandT (ST s) you can run it from IO just like we do with mwc.

λ> mwcST $ listOf 4 bool

Combinators for generating individual values

uniformIn :: (Variate a, PrimMonad m) => (a, a) -> RandT m a Source #

A generic function for sampling uniformly any type that implements Variate.

All the xxxIn functions from this module just call uniformR.

int :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Int Source #

Generate a random Int. The whole Int range is used.

λ> mwc int

int8 :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Int8 Source #

Generate a random Int8. The whole Int8 range is used.

λ> mwc int8

int16 :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Int16 Source #

Generate a random Int16. The whole Int16 range is used.

λ> mwc int16

int32 :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Int32 Source #

Generate a random Int32. The whole Int32 range is used.

λ> mwc int32

int64 :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Int64 Source #

Generate a random Int64. The whole Int64 range is used.

λ> mwc int64

intIn :: PrimMonad m => (Int, Int) -> RandT m Int Source #

Generate a random Int in the given range.

λ> mwc $ intIn (0, 10)

int8In :: PrimMonad m => (Int8, Int8) -> RandT m Int8 Source #

Generate a random Int8 in the given range

λ> mwc $ int8In (-10, 10)

int16In :: PrimMonad m => (Int16, Int16) -> RandT m Int16 Source #

Generate a random Int16 in the given range

λ> mwc $ int16In (-500, 30129)

int32In :: PrimMonad m => (Int32, Int32) -> RandT m Int32 Source #

Generate a random Int32 in the given range.

λ> mwc $ int32In (-500, 30129)

int64In :: PrimMonad m => (Int64, Int64) -> RandT m Int64 Source #

Generate a random Int64 in the given range.

λ> mwc $ int64In (-2^30, 30)

word :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Word Source #

Generate a random Word. The whole Word range is used.

λ> mwc word

word8 :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Word8 Source #

Generate a random Word8. The whole Word8 range is used.

λ> mwc word8

word16 :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Word16 Source #

Generate a random Word16. The whole Word16 range is used.

λ> mwc word16

word32 :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Word32 Source #

Generate a random Word32. The whole Word32 range is used.

λ> mwc word32

word64 :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Word64 Source #

Generate a random Word64. The whole Word64 range is used.

λ> mwc word64

wordIn :: PrimMonad m => (Word, Word) -> RandT m Word Source #

Generate a random Word in the given range.

λ> mwc $ wordIn (1, 64)

word8In :: PrimMonad m => (Word8, Word8) -> RandT m Word8 Source #

Generate a random Word8 in the given range

λ> mwc $ word8In (2, 15)

word16In :: PrimMonad m => (Word16, Word16) -> RandT m Word16 Source #

Generate a random Word16 in the given range.

λ> mwc $ word16In (2^13, 2^14)

word32In :: PrimMonad m => (Word32, Word32) -> RandT m Word32 Source #

Generate a random Word32 in the given range.

λ> mwc $ word32In (100, 330)

word64In :: PrimMonad m => (Word64, Word64) -> RandT m Word64 Source #

Generate a random Word64 in the given range.

λ> mwc $ word64In (2^45, 2^46)

float :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Float Source #

Generate a random Float between 0 (excluded) and 1 (included)

λ> mwc float

double :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Double Source #

Generate a random Double between 0 (excluded) and 1 (included)

λ> mwc double

floatIn :: PrimMonad m => (Float, Float) -> RandT m Float Source #

Generate a random Float in the given range

λ> mwc $ floatIn (0.20, 3.14)

doubleIn :: PrimMonad m => (Double, Double) -> RandT m Double Source #

Generate a random Double in the given range

λ> mwc $ doubleIn (-30.121121445, 0.129898878612)

bool :: PrimMonad m => RandT m Bool Source #

Generate a random Bool

λ> mwc bool

Filling containers with random values

listOf :: Monad m => Int -> RandT m a -> RandT m [a] Source #

Repeatedly run a random computation yielding a value of type a to get a list of random values of type a.

λ> mwc (listOf 30 float)
[ 5.438623e-2,0.78114086,0.4954672,0.5958733,0.47243807,5.883485e-2
, 5.500287e-2,0.79262286,0.5528683,0.7628807,0.80705905,0.15368962
, 0.8654971,0.4560417,0.23922172,0.5069659,0.8130155,0.6559351
, 1.31405e-2,0.25705606,0.7134138,0.79111993,0.7529769,0.10573909
, 0.37731406,0.6289338,0.85156864,0.15691182,0.9910314,8.133593e-2
λ> mwc (sum `fmap` listOf 30 float)

vectorOf :: (Monad m, Vector v a) => Int -> RandT m a -> RandT m (v a) Source #

A function for generating a vector of the given length with random values of any type (in contrast to vectorOfVariate).

It is generic in the Vector instance it hands you back. It's implemented in terms of replicateM and has been benchmarked to perform as well as uniformVector on simple types (uniformVector can't generate values for types that don't have a Variate instance).

λ> import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
λ> :set -XScopedTypeVariables
λ> v :: V.Vector Int <- mwc $ vectorOf 10 int
λ> V.mapM_ print v

vectorOfVariate :: (PrimMonad m, Variate a, Vector v a) => Int -> RandT m (v a) Source #

A function for generating a vector of the given length for values whose types are instances of Variate.

This function is generic in the type of vector it returns, any instance of Vector will do.

It's just a wrapper arround uniformVector and doesn't really use the Monad instance of RandT.

But if you want to have a vector of Persons, you have to use vectorOf.

λ> import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as V
λ> :set -XScopedTypeVariables
λ> v :: V.Vector Double <- mwc $ vectorOfVariate 10
λ> V.mapM_ print v