{-# LANGUAGE CPP, UnboxedTuples, MagicHash, DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving, StandaloneDeriving #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800
{-# LANGUAGE TypeInType #-}
#include "HsBaseConfig.h"
module Data.Primitive.Types (
sizeOf, alignment, defaultSetByteArray#, defaultSetOffAddr#,
) where
import Control.Monad.Primitive
import Data.Primitive.MachDeps
import Data.Primitive.Internal.Operations
import Foreign.C.Types
import System.Posix.Types
import GHC.Base (
Int(..), Char(..),
import GHC.Float (
Float(..), Double(..)
import GHC.Word (
Word(..), Word8(..), Word16(..), Word32(..), Word64(..)
import GHC.Int (
Int8(..), Int16(..), Int32(..), Int64(..)
import GHC.Ptr (
Ptr(..), FunPtr(..)
import GHC.Prim
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 706
hiding (setByteArray#)
import Data.Typeable ( Typeable )
import Data.Data ( Data(..) )
import Data.Primitive.Internal.Compat ( isTrue#, mkNoRepType )
import Foreign.Storable (Storable)
import Numeric
import qualified Foreign.Storable as FS
data Addr = Addr Addr# deriving ( Typeable )
instance Show Addr where
showsPrec _ (Addr a) =
showString "0x" . showHex (fromIntegral (I# (addr2Int# a)) :: Word)
instance Eq Addr where
Addr a# == Addr b# = isTrue# (eqAddr# a# b#)
Addr a# /= Addr b# = isTrue# (neAddr# a# b#)
instance Ord Addr where
Addr a# > Addr b# = isTrue# (gtAddr# a# b#)
Addr a# >= Addr b# = isTrue# (geAddr# a# b#)
Addr a# < Addr b# = isTrue# (ltAddr# a# b#)
Addr a# <= Addr b# = isTrue# (leAddr# a# b#)
instance Data Addr where
toConstr _ = error "toConstr"
gunfold _ _ = error "gunfold"
dataTypeOf _ = mkNoRepType "Data.Primitive.Types.Addr"
class Prim a where
sizeOf# :: a -> Int#
alignment# :: a -> Int#
indexByteArray# :: ByteArray# -> Int# -> a
readByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
writeByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
setByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
indexOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> a
readOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> State# s -> (# State# s, a #)
writeOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
setOffAddr# :: Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
sizeOf :: Prim a => a -> Int
sizeOf x = I# (sizeOf# x)
alignment :: Prim a => a -> Int
alignment x = I# (alignment# x)
defaultSetByteArray# :: Prim a => MutableByteArray# s -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
defaultSetByteArray# arr# i# len# ident = go 0#
go ix# s0 = if isTrue# (ix# <# len#)
then case writeByteArray# arr# (i# +# ix#) ident s0 of
s1 -> go (ix# +# 1#) s1
else s0
defaultSetOffAddr# :: Prim a => Addr# -> Int# -> Int# -> a -> State# s -> State# s
defaultSetOffAddr# addr# i# len# ident = go 0#
go ix# s0 = if isTrue# (ix# <# len#)
then case writeOffAddr# addr# (i# +# ix#) ident s0 of
s1 -> go (ix# +# 1#) s1
else s0
newtype PrimStorable a = PrimStorable { getPrimStorable :: a }
instance Prim a => Storable (PrimStorable a) where
sizeOf _ = sizeOf (undefined :: a)
alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: a)
peekElemOff (Ptr addr#) (I# i#) =
primitive $ \s0# -> case readOffAddr# addr# i# s0# of
(# s1, x #) -> (# s1, PrimStorable x #)
pokeElemOff (Ptr addr#) (I# i#) (PrimStorable a) = primitive_ $ \s# ->
writeOffAddr# addr# i# a s#
#define derivePrim(ty, ctr, sz, align, idx_arr, rd_arr, wr_arr, set_arr, idx_addr, rd_addr, wr_addr, set_addr) \
instance Prim (ty) where { \
sizeOf# _ = unI# sz \
; alignment# _ = unI# align \
; indexByteArray# arr# i# = ctr (idx_arr arr# i#) \
; readByteArray# arr# i# s# = case rd_arr arr# i# s# of \
{ (# s1#, x# #) -> (# s1#, ctr x# #) } \
; writeByteArray# arr# i# (ctr x#) s# = wr_arr arr# i# x# s# \
; setByteArray# arr# i# n# (ctr x#) s# \
= let { i = fromIntegral (I# i#) \
; n = fromIntegral (I# n#) \
} in \
case unsafeCoerce# (internal (set_arr arr# i n x#)) s# of \
{ (# s1#, _ #) -> s1# } \
; indexOffAddr# addr# i# = ctr (idx_addr addr# i#) \
; readOffAddr# addr# i# s# = case rd_addr addr# i# s# of \
{ (# s1#, x# #) -> (# s1#, ctr x# #) } \
; writeOffAddr# addr# i# (ctr x#) s# = wr_addr addr# i# x# s# \
; setOffAddr# addr# i# n# (ctr x#) s# \
= let { i = fromIntegral (I# i#) \
; n = fromIntegral (I# n#) \
} in \
case unsafeCoerce# (internal (set_addr addr# i n x#)) s# of \
{ (# s1#, _ #) -> s1# } \
; {-# INLINE sizeOf# #-} \
; {-# INLINE alignment# #-} \
; {-# INLINE indexByteArray# #-} \
; {-# INLINE readByteArray# #-} \
; {-# INLINE writeByteArray# #-} \
; {-# INLINE setByteArray# #-} \
; {-# INLINE indexOffAddr# #-} \
; {-# INLINE readOffAddr# #-} \
; {-# INLINE writeOffAddr# #-} \
; {-# INLINE setOffAddr# #-} \
unI# :: Int -> Int#
unI# (I# n#) = n#
derivePrim(Word, W#, sIZEOF_WORD, aLIGNMENT_WORD,
indexWordArray#, readWordArray#, writeWordArray#, setWordArray#,
indexWordOffAddr#, readWordOffAddr#, writeWordOffAddr#, setWordOffAddr#)
derivePrim(Word8, W8#, sIZEOF_WORD8, aLIGNMENT_WORD8,
indexWord8Array#, readWord8Array#, writeWord8Array#, setWord8Array#,
indexWord8OffAddr#, readWord8OffAddr#, writeWord8OffAddr#, setWord8OffAddr#)
derivePrim(Word16, W16#, sIZEOF_WORD16, aLIGNMENT_WORD16,
indexWord16Array#, readWord16Array#, writeWord16Array#, setWord16Array#,
indexWord16OffAddr#, readWord16OffAddr#, writeWord16OffAddr#, setWord16OffAddr#)
derivePrim(Word32, W32#, sIZEOF_WORD32, aLIGNMENT_WORD32,
indexWord32Array#, readWord32Array#, writeWord32Array#, setWord32Array#,
indexWord32OffAddr#, readWord32OffAddr#, writeWord32OffAddr#, setWord32OffAddr#)
derivePrim(Word64, W64#, sIZEOF_WORD64, aLIGNMENT_WORD64,
indexWord64Array#, readWord64Array#, writeWord64Array#, setWord64Array#,
indexWord64OffAddr#, readWord64OffAddr#, writeWord64OffAddr#, setWord64OffAddr#)
derivePrim(Int, I#, sIZEOF_INT, aLIGNMENT_INT,
indexIntArray#, readIntArray#, writeIntArray#, setIntArray#,
indexIntOffAddr#, readIntOffAddr#, writeIntOffAddr#, setIntOffAddr#)
derivePrim(Int8, I8#, sIZEOF_INT8, aLIGNMENT_INT8,
indexInt8Array#, readInt8Array#, writeInt8Array#, setInt8Array#,
indexInt8OffAddr#, readInt8OffAddr#, writeInt8OffAddr#, setInt8OffAddr#)
derivePrim(Int16, I16#, sIZEOF_INT16, aLIGNMENT_INT16,
indexInt16Array#, readInt16Array#, writeInt16Array#, setInt16Array#,
indexInt16OffAddr#, readInt16OffAddr#, writeInt16OffAddr#, setInt16OffAddr#)
derivePrim(Int32, I32#, sIZEOF_INT32, aLIGNMENT_INT32,
indexInt32Array#, readInt32Array#, writeInt32Array#, setInt32Array#,
indexInt32OffAddr#, readInt32OffAddr#, writeInt32OffAddr#, setInt32OffAddr#)
derivePrim(Int64, I64#, sIZEOF_INT64, aLIGNMENT_INT64,
indexInt64Array#, readInt64Array#, writeInt64Array#, setInt64Array#,
indexInt64OffAddr#, readInt64OffAddr#, writeInt64OffAddr#, setInt64OffAddr#)
derivePrim(Float, F#, sIZEOF_FLOAT, aLIGNMENT_FLOAT,
indexFloatArray#, readFloatArray#, writeFloatArray#, setFloatArray#,
indexFloatOffAddr#, readFloatOffAddr#, writeFloatOffAddr#, setFloatOffAddr#)
indexDoubleArray#, readDoubleArray#, writeDoubleArray#, setDoubleArray#,
indexDoubleOffAddr#, readDoubleOffAddr#, writeDoubleOffAddr#, setDoubleOffAddr#)
derivePrim(Char, C#, sIZEOF_CHAR, aLIGNMENT_CHAR,
indexWideCharArray#, readWideCharArray#, writeWideCharArray#, setWideCharArray#,
indexWideCharOffAddr#, readWideCharOffAddr#, writeWideCharOffAddr#, setWideCharOffAddr#)
derivePrim(Addr, Addr, sIZEOF_PTR, aLIGNMENT_PTR,
indexAddrArray#, readAddrArray#, writeAddrArray#, setAddrArray#,
indexAddrOffAddr#, readAddrOffAddr#, writeAddrOffAddr#, setAddrOffAddr#)
derivePrim(Ptr a, Ptr, sIZEOF_PTR, aLIGNMENT_PTR,
indexAddrArray#, readAddrArray#, writeAddrArray#, setAddrArray#,
indexAddrOffAddr#, readAddrOffAddr#, writeAddrOffAddr#, setAddrOffAddr#)
derivePrim(FunPtr a, FunPtr, sIZEOF_PTR, aLIGNMENT_PTR,
indexAddrArray#, readAddrArray#, writeAddrArray#, setAddrArray#,
indexAddrOffAddr#, readAddrOffAddr#, writeAddrOffAddr#, setAddrOffAddr#)
deriving instance Prim CChar
deriving instance Prim CSChar
deriving instance Prim CUChar
deriving instance Prim CShort
deriving instance Prim CUShort
deriving instance Prim CInt
deriving instance Prim CUInt
deriving instance Prim CLong
deriving instance Prim CULong
deriving instance Prim CPtrdiff
deriving instance Prim CSize
deriving instance Prim CWchar
deriving instance Prim CSigAtomic
deriving instance Prim CLLong
deriving instance Prim CULLong
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
deriving instance Prim CBool
deriving instance Prim CIntPtr
deriving instance Prim CUIntPtr
deriving instance Prim CIntMax
deriving instance Prim CUIntMax
deriving instance Prim CClock
deriving instance Prim CTime
deriving instance Prim CUSeconds
deriving instance Prim CSUSeconds
deriving instance Prim CFloat
deriving instance Prim CDouble
#if defined(HTYPE_DEV_T)
deriving instance Prim CDev
#if defined(HTYPE_INO_T)
deriving instance Prim CIno
#if defined(HTYPE_MODE_T)
deriving instance Prim CMode
#if defined(HTYPE_OFF_T)
deriving instance Prim COff
#if defined(HTYPE_PID_T)
deriving instance Prim CPid
#if defined(HTYPE_SSIZE_T)
deriving instance Prim CSsize
#if defined(HTYPE_GID_T)
deriving instance Prim CGid
#if defined(HTYPE_NLINK_T)
deriving instance Prim CNlink
#if defined(HTYPE_UID_T)
deriving instance Prim CUid
#if defined(HTYPE_CC_T)
deriving instance Prim CCc
#if defined(HTYPE_SPEED_T)
deriving instance Prim CSpeed
#if defined(HTYPE_TCFLAG_T)
deriving instance Prim CTcflag
#if defined(HTYPE_RLIM_T)
deriving instance Prim CRLim
#if defined(HTYPE_BLKSIZE_T)
deriving instance Prim CBlkSize
#if defined(HTYPE_BLKCNT_T)
deriving instance Prim CBlkCnt
#if defined(HTYPE_CLOCKID_T)
deriving instance Prim CClockId
#if defined(HTYPE_FSBLKCNT_T)
deriving instance Prim CFsBlkCnt
#if defined(HTYPE_FSFILCNT_T)
deriving instance Prim CFsFilCnt
#if defined(HTYPE_ID_T)
deriving instance Prim CId
#if defined(HTYPE_KEY_T)
deriving instance Prim CKey
#if defined(HTYPE_TIMER_T)
deriving instance Prim CTimer
deriving instance Prim Fd