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prettyprinter-ansi-terminal- ANSI terminal backend for the »prettyprinter« package.

Safe HaskellSafe




Render SimpleDocStream in a terminal.



data AnsiStyle Source #

Render the annotated document in a certain style. Styles not set in the annotation will use the style of the surrounding document, or the terminal’s default if none has been set yet.

style = color Green <> bold
styledDoc = annotate style "hello world"


Eq AnsiStyle Source # 
Ord AnsiStyle Source # 
Show AnsiStyle Source # 
Semigroup AnsiStyle Source #

Keep the first decision for each of foreground color, background color, boldness, italication, and underlining. If a certain style is not set, the terminal’s default will be used.


color Red <> color Green

is red because the first color wins, and not bold because (or if) that’s the terminal’s default.

Monoid AnsiStyle Source #

mempty does nothing, which is equivalent to inheriting the style of the surrounding doc, or the terminal’s default if no style has been set yet.

data Color Source #

The 8 ANSI terminal colors.




Eq Color Source # 


(==) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

(/=) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

Ord Color Source # 


compare :: Color -> Color -> Ordering #

(<) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

(<=) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

(>) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

(>=) :: Color -> Color -> Bool #

max :: Color -> Color -> Color #

min :: Color -> Color -> Color #

Show Color Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Color -> ShowS #

show :: Color -> String #

showList :: [Color] -> ShowS #

Font color

color :: Color -> AnsiStyle Source #

Style the foreground with a vivid color.

colorDull :: Color -> AnsiStyle Source #

Style the foreground with a dull color.

Background color

bgColor :: Color -> AnsiStyle Source #

Style the background with a vivid color.

bgColorDull :: Color -> AnsiStyle Source #

Style the background with a dull color.

Font style

bold :: AnsiStyle Source #

Render in bold.

italicized :: AnsiStyle Source #

Render in italics.

underlined :: AnsiStyle Source #

Render underlined.

Internal markers

These should only be used for writing adaptors to other libraries; for the average use case, use bold, bgColorDull, etc.

data Intensity Source #

Dull or vivid coloring, as supported by ANSI terminals.



data Bold Source #




Eq Bold Source # 


(==) :: Bold -> Bold -> Bool #

(/=) :: Bold -> Bold -> Bool #

Ord Bold Source # 


compare :: Bold -> Bold -> Ordering #

(<) :: Bold -> Bold -> Bool #

(<=) :: Bold -> Bold -> Bool #

(>) :: Bold -> Bold -> Bool #

(>=) :: Bold -> Bold -> Bool #

max :: Bold -> Bold -> Bold #

min :: Bold -> Bold -> Bold #

Show Bold Source # 


showsPrec :: Int -> Bold -> ShowS #

show :: Bold -> String #

showList :: [Bold] -> ShowS #

Conversion to ANSI-infused Text

renderLazy :: SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> Text Source #

(renderLazy doc) takes the output doc from a rendering function and transforms it to lazy text, including ANSI styling directives for things like colorization.

ANSI color information will be discarded by this function unless you are running on a Unix-like operating system. This is due to a technical limitation in Windows ANSI support.

With a bit of trickery to make the ANSI codes printable, here is an example that would render colored in an ANSI terminal:

>>> let render = TL.putStrLn . TL.replace "\ESC" "\\e" . renderLazy . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
>>> let doc = annotate (color Red) ("red" <+> align (vsep [annotate (color Blue <> underlined) ("blue+u" <+> annotate bold "bold" <+> "blue+u"), "red"]))
>>> render (unAnnotate doc)
red blue+u bold blue+u
>>> render doc
\e[0;91mred \e[0;94;4mblue+u \e[0;94;1;4mbold\e[0;94;4m blue+u\e[0;91m

Run the above via echo -e ... in your terminal to see the coloring.

renderStrict :: SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> Text Source #

(renderStrict sdoc) takes the output sdoc from a rendering and transforms it to strict text.

Render directly to stdout

renderIO :: Handle -> SimpleDocStream AnsiStyle -> IO () Source #

(renderIO h sdoc) writes sdoc to the handle h.

>>> let render = renderIO System.IO.stdout . layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions
>>> let doc = annotate (color Red) ("red" <+> align (vsep [annotate (color Blue <> underlined) ("blue+u" <+> annotate bold "bold" <+> "blue+u"), "red"]))

We render the unAnnotated version here, since the ANSI codes don’t display well in Haddock,

>>> render (unAnnotate doc)
red blue+u bold blue+u

This function behaves just like

renderIO h sdoc = hPutStr h (renderLazy sdoc)

but will not generate any intermediate text, rendering directly to the handle.

Convenience functions

putDoc :: Doc AnsiStyle -> IO () Source #

(putDoc doc) prettyprints document doc to standard output using defaultLayoutOptions.

>>> putDoc ("hello" <+> "world")
hello world
putDoc = hPutDoc stdout

hPutDoc :: Handle -> Doc AnsiStyle -> IO () Source #

Like putDoc, but instead of using stdout, print to a user-provided handle, e.g. a file or a socket using defaultLayoutOptions.

main = withFile "someFile.txt" (\h -> hPutDoc h (vcat ["vertical", "text"]))
hPutDoc h doc = renderIO h (layoutPretty defaultLayoutOptions doc)