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pretty-simple- pretty printer for data types with a 'Show' instance.

Copyright(c) Dennis Gosnell 2016
LicenseBSD-style (see LICENSE file)
Safe HaskellNone





testString1 :: String Source #

testString1 and testString2 are convenient to use in GHCi when playing around with how parsing works.

parseExprs :: String -> ([Expr], String) Source #

Parse multiple expressions.

>>> parseExprs "Just 'a'"
([Other "Just ",CharLit "a"],"")

Handle escaped characters correctly

>>> parseExprs $ "Foo \"hello \\\"world!\""
([Other "Foo ",StringLit "hello \\\"world!"],"")
>>> parseExprs $ "'\\''"
([CharLit "\\'"],"")

parseStringLit :: String -> (String, String) Source #

Parse string literals until a trailing double quote.

>>> parseStringLit "foobar\" baz"
("foobar"," baz")

Keep literal back slashes:

>>> parseStringLit "foobar\\\" baz\" after"
("foobar\\\" baz"," after")

parseCharLit :: String -> (String, String) Source #

Parse character literals until a trailing single quote.

>>> parseCharLit "a' foobar"
("a"," foobar")

Keep literal back slashes:

>>> parseCharLit "\\'' hello"
("\\'"," hello")

parseNumberLit :: Char -> String -> (String, String) Source #

Parses integers and reals, like 123 and 45.67.

To be more precise, any numbers matching the regex \d+(\.\d+)? should get parsed by this function.

>>> parseNumberLit '3' "456hello world []"
("3456","hello world []")
>>> parseNumberLit '0' ".12399880 foobar"
("0.12399880"," foobar")

parseOther :: String -> (String, String) Source #

This function consumes input, stopping only when it hits a special character or a digit. However, if the digit is in the middle of a Haskell-style identifier (e.g. foo123), then keep going anyway.

This is almost the same as the function

parseOtherSimple = span $ \c ->
  notElem c ("{[()]}\"," :: String) && not (isDigit c)

except parseOther ignores digits that appear in Haskell-like identifiers.

>>> parseOther "hello world []"
("hello world ","[]")
>>> parseOther "hello234 world"
("hello234 world","")
>>> parseOther "hello 234 world"
("hello ","234 world")
>>> parseOther "hello{[ 234 world"
("hello","{[ 234 world")
>>> parseOther "H3110 World"
("H3110 World","")