Safe Haskell | Safe-Inferred |
Language | Haskell98 |
Compact pretty-printer.
Assume that we want to pretty print S-Expressions, which can either be atom or a list of S-Expressions.
data SExpr = SExpr [SExpr] | Atom String deriving Show
let pretty :: SExpr -> Doc (); pretty (Atom s) = text s; pretty (SExpr xs) = text "(" <> (sep $ map pretty xs) <> text ")"
Using the above representation, the S-Expression (a b c d)
has the following encoding:
let abcd = SExpr [Atom "a",Atom "b",Atom "c",Atom "d"]
The legible layouts of the abcd
S-Expression defined above would be either
putStrLn $ render $ pretty abcd
(a b c d)
putStrLn $ renderWith defaultOptions { optsPageWidth = 5 } $ pretty abcd
(a b c d)
The testData
S-Expression is specially crafted to
demonstrate general shortcomings of both Hughes and Wadler libraries.
let abcd4 = SExpr [abcd,abcd,abcd,abcd]
let testData = SExpr [ SExpr [Atom "abcde", abcd4], SExpr [Atom "abcdefgh", abcd4]]
putStrLn $ render $ pretty testData
((abcde ((a b c d) (a b c d) (a b c d) (a b c d))) (abcdefgh ((a b c d) (a b c d) (a b c d) (a b c d))))
on 20-column-wide page
putStrLn $ renderWith defaultOptions { optsPageWidth = 20 } $ pretty testData
((abcde ((a b c d) (a b c d) (a b c d) (a b c d))) (abcdefgh ((a b c d) (a b c d) (a b c d) (a b c d))))
Yet, neither Hughes' nor Wadler's library can deliver those results.
For example we can annotate every car element of S-Expressions, and in the rendering phase emphasise them by rendering them in uppercase.
let pretty' :: SExpr -> Doc Any; pretty' (Atom s) = text s; pretty' (SExpr []) = text "()"; pretty' (SExpr (x:xs)) = text "(" <> (sep $ annotate (Any True) (pretty' x) : map pretty' xs) <> text ")"
let render' = renderWith defaultOptions { optsAnnotate = \a x -> if a == Any True then map toUpper x else x }
putStrLn $ render' $ pretty' testData
((ABCDE ((A B C D) (A B C D) (A B C D) (A B C D))) (ABCDEFGH ((A B C D) (A b c d) (A b c d) (A b c d))))
- type Doc = ODoc
- module Data.Monoid
- text :: (Layout d, Monoid a) => String -> d a
- flush :: (Layout d, Monoid a) => d a -> d a
- char :: Annotation a => Char -> Doc a
- hang :: Annotation a => Int -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
- hangWith :: Annotation a => String -> Int -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
- encloseSep :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a -> [Doc a] -> Doc a
- list :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a
- tupled :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a
- semiBraces :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a
- (<+>) :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
- ($$) :: (Layout d, Monoid a, Semigroup (d a)) => d a -> d a -> d a
- (</>) :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
- (<//>) :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
- (<$$>) :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
- hsep :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a
- sep :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a
- hcat :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a
- vcat :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a
- cat :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a
- punctuate :: Annotation a => Doc a -> [Doc a] -> [Doc a]
- enclose :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a
- squotes :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a
- dquotes :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a
- parens :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a
- angles :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a
- braces :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a
- brackets :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a
- lparen :: Annotation a => Doc a
- rparen :: Annotation a => Doc a
- langle :: Annotation a => Doc a
- rangle :: Annotation a => Doc a
- lbrace :: Annotation a => Doc a
- rbrace :: Annotation a => Doc a
- lbracket :: Annotation a => Doc a
- rbracket :: Annotation a => Doc a
- squote :: Annotation a => Doc a
- dquote :: Annotation a => Doc a
- semi :: Annotation a => Doc a
- colon :: Annotation a => Doc a
- comma :: Annotation a => Doc a
- space :: Annotation a => Doc a
- dot :: Annotation a => Doc a
- backslash :: Annotation a => Doc a
- equals :: Annotation a => Doc a
- string :: Annotation a => String -> Doc a
- int :: Annotation a => Int -> Doc a
- integer :: Annotation a => Integer -> Doc a
- float :: Annotation a => Float -> Doc a
- double :: Annotation a => Double -> Doc a
- rational :: Annotation a => Rational -> Doc a
- bool :: Annotation a => Bool -> Doc a
- renderWith :: (Monoid r, Annotation a) => Options a r -> ODoc a -> r
- render :: Annotation a => Doc a -> String
- data Options a r = Options {
- optsPageWidth :: !Int
- optsAnnotate :: a -> String -> r
- defaultOptions :: Options a String
- annotate :: forall a. (Layout d, Monoid a) => a -> d a -> d a
Basic combinators
module Data.Monoid
hang :: Annotation a => Int -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a Source #
The hang combinator implements hanging indentation. The document
(hang i x y)
either x
and y
concatenated with <+>
or y
below x
with an additional indentation of i
hangWith :: Annotation a => String -> Int -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a Source #
The hang combinator implements hanging indentation. The document
(hang separator i x y)
either x
and y
concatenated with <>
text separator <>
or y
below x
with an additional
indentation of i
encloseSep :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a -> [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (enclosure l r sep xs)
concatenates the documents
separated by sep
and encloses the resulting document by l
and r
. The documents are rendered horizontally if that fits the
page. Otherwise they are aligned vertically. All separators are put
in front of the elements. For example, the combinator list
can be
defined with enclosure
list xs = enclosure lbracket rbracket comma xs test = text "list" <+> (list (map int [10,200,3000]))
Which is layed out with a page width of 20 as:
list [10,200,3000]
But when the page width is 15, it is layed out as:
list [10 ,200 ,3000]
list :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (list xs)
comma separates the documents xs
encloses them in square brackets. The documents are rendered
horizontally if that fits the page. Otherwise they are aligned
vertically. All comma separators are put in front of the elements.
tupled :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (tupled xs)
comma separates the documents xs
encloses them in parenthesis. The documents are rendered
horizontally if that fits the page. Otherwise they are aligned
vertically. All comma separators are put in front of the elements.
semiBraces :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (semiBraces xs)
separates the documents xs
semi colons and encloses them in braces. The documents are rendered
horizontally if that fits the page. Otherwise they are aligned
vertically. All semi colons are put in front of the elements.
(<+>) :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a Source #
The document (x <+> y)
concatenates document x
and y
with a
in between. (infixr 6)
($$) :: (Layout d, Monoid a, Semigroup (d a)) => d a -> d a -> d a Source #
The document (x $$> y)
concatenates document x
and y
a linebreak in between. (infixr 5)
(</>) :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a Source #
The document (x </> y)
puts x
and y
either next to each other
(with a space
in between) or underneath each other. (infixr 5)
(<//>) :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a Source #
The document (x <//> y)
puts x
and y
either right next
to each other (if x
fits on a single line) or underneath each
other. (infixr 5)
(<$$>) :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a Source #
The document (x <$$> y)
concatenates document x
and y
a linebreak in between. (infixr 5)
List combinators
hsep :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (hsep xs)
concatenates all documents xs
horizontally with (<+>)
sep :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (sep xs)
concatenates all documents xs
horizontally with (<+>)
, if it fits the page, or vertically
with (<$$>)
. Documents on the left of horizontal concatenation
must fit on a single line.
hcat :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (hcat xs)
concatenates all documents xs
horizontally with (<>)
vcat :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (vcat xs)
concatenates all documents xs
vertically with ($$)
cat :: Annotation a => [Doc a] -> Doc a Source #
The document (cat xs)
concatenates all documents xs
horizontally with (<>)
, if it fits the page, or vertically with
punctuate :: Annotation a => Doc a -> [Doc a] -> [Doc a] Source #
(punctuate p xs)
concatenates all documents in xs
document p
except for the last document.
someText = map text ["words","in","a","tuple"] test = parens (align (cat (punctuate comma someText)))
This is layed out on a page width of 20 as:
But when the page width is 15, it is layed out as:
(words, in, a, tuple)
(If you want put the commas in front of their elements instead of
at the end, you should use tupled
or, in general, encloseSep
Fill combiantors
Bracketing combinators
enclose :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a -> Doc a Source #
The document (enclose l r x)
encloses document x
documents l
and r
using (<>)
squotes :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a Source #
Document (squotes x)
encloses document x
with single quotes
dquotes :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a Source #
Document (dquotes x)
encloses document x
with double quotes
parens :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a Source #
Document (parens x)
encloses document x
in parenthesis, "("
and ")".
angles :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a Source #
Document (angles x)
encloses document x
in angles, "<" and
braces :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a Source #
Document (braces x)
encloses document x
in braces, "{" and
brackets :: Annotation a => Doc a -> Doc a Source #
Document (brackets x)
encloses document x
in square brackets,
"[" and "]".
Character documents
lparen :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document lparen
contains a left parenthesis, "(".
rparen :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document rparen
contains a right parenthesis, ")".
langle :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document langle
contains a left angle, "<".
rangle :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document rangle
contains a right angle, ">".
lbrace :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document lbrace
contains a left brace, "{".
rbrace :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document rbrace
contains a right brace, "}".
lbracket :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document lbracket
contains a left square bracket, "[".
rbracket :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document rbracket
contains a right square bracket, "]".
squote :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document squote
contains a single quote, "'".
dquote :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document dquote
contains a double quote, '"'.
semi :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document semi
contains a semi colon, ";".
colon :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document colon
contains a colon, ":".
comma :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document comma
contains a comma, ",".
space :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
dot :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document dot
contains a single dot, ".".
backslash :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document backslash
contains a back slash, "\".
equals :: Annotation a => Doc a Source #
The document equals
contains an equal sign, "=".
Primitive type documents
string :: Annotation a => String -> Doc a Source #
The document (string s)
concatenates all characters in s
using line
for newline characters and char
for all other
characters. It is used instead of text
whenever the text contains
newline characters.
int :: Annotation a => Int -> Doc a Source #
The document (int i)
shows the literal integer i
integer :: Annotation a => Integer -> Doc a Source #
The document (integer i)
shows the literal integer i
float :: Annotation a => Float -> Doc a Source #
The document (float f)
shows the literal float f
double :: Annotation a => Double -> Doc a Source #
The document (double d)
shows the literal double d
rational :: Annotation a => Rational -> Doc a Source #
The document (rational r)
shows the literal rational r
:: (Monoid r, Annotation a) | |
=> Options a r | rendering options |
-> ODoc a | renderable |
-> r |
Options | |
defaultOptions :: Options a String Source #