{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE NamedFieldPuns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
module Preql.QuasiQuoter.Raw.TH where
import Preql.QuasiQuoter.Raw.Lex (Token(..), unLex, parseQuery)
import Preql.Wire (Query(..))
import Data.String (IsString (..))
import Data.Word (Word)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
import Language.Haskell.TH.Syntax (Lift (..))
import qualified Data.Text as T
cNames :: Char -> Int -> Q [Name]
cNames c n = traverse newName (replicate n (c : ""))
makeQuery :: String -> Q Exp
makeQuery string = [e|(fromString string :: Query) |]
sql :: QuasiQuoter
sql = expressionOnly "aritySql " $ \raw -> do
loc <- location
let e_ast = parseQuery (show loc) raw
case e_ast of
Right parsed -> do
positionalCount = maxParam parsed
(rewritten, haskellExpressions) = numberAntiquotes positionalCount parsed
antiNames = map mkName haskellExpressions
query <- makeQuery rewritten
case positionalCount of
0 ->
return $ TupE [query, tupleOrSingle antiNames]
1 -> do
patternName <- newName "c"
return $ LamE [VarP patternName]
(TupE [query, tupleOrSingle (patternName : antiNames)])
_ -> do
patternNames <- cNames 'q' (fromIntegral positionalCount)
return $ LamE
[TupP (map VarP patternNames)]
(TupE [query, tupleOrSingle (patternNames ++ antiNames)])
Left err -> error err
tupleOrSingle :: [Name] -> Exp
tupleOrSingle names = case names of
[name] -> VarE name
vs -> TupE $ map VarE vs
expressionOnly :: String -> (String -> Q Exp) -> QuasiQuoter
expressionOnly name qq = QuasiQuoter
{ quoteExp = qq
, quotePat = \_ -> error $ "qq " ++ name ++ " cannot be used in pattern context"
, quoteType = \_ -> error $ "qq " ++ name ++ " cannot be used in type context"
, quoteDec = \_ -> error $ "qq " ++ name ++ " cannot be used in declaration context"
maxParam :: [Token] -> Word
maxParam = foldr nextParam 0 where
nextParam token maxParam =
case token of
NumberedParam i -> max i maxParam
_ -> maxParam
numberAntiquotes :: Word -> [Token] -> (String, [String])
numberAntiquotes mp ts = (concat sqlStrings, variableNames) where
(sqlStrings, variableNames) = go mp ts
go _maxParam [] = ([], [])
go maxParam (token : ts) =
case token of
HaskellParam name -> let
newParam = maxParam + 1
(ss, ns) = go newParam ts
in (unLex (NumberedParam newParam) : ss, name : ns)
EOF -> go maxParam ts
_ -> let (ss, ns) = go maxParam ts in (unLex token : ss, ns)