{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- |
-- Module:      Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.TypeInfo
-- Copyright:   (c) 2013 Leon P Smith
-- License:     BSD3
-- Maintainer:  Leon P Smith <leon@melding-monads.com>
-- Stability:   experimental
-- This module provides convenient and efficient access to parts of the
-- @pg_type@ metatable.  At the moment, this requires PostgreSQL 8.4 if
-- you need to work with types that do not appear in
-- 'Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.TypeInfo.Static'.
-- The current scheme could be more efficient, especially for some use
-- cases.  In particular,  connection pools that use many user-added
-- types and connect to a set of servers with identical (or at least
-- compatible) @pg_type@ and associated tables could share a common
-- typeinfo cache,  thus saving memory and communication between the
-- client and server.

module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.TypeInfo
     ( getTypeInfo
     , TypeInfo(..)
     , Attribute(..)
     ) where

import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
import qualified Data.Vector as V
import qualified Data.Vector.Mutable as MV
import           Control.Concurrent.MVar
import           Control.Exception (throw)

import qualified Database.PostgreSQL.LibPQ as PQ
import {-# SOURCE #-} Database.PostgreSQL.Simple
import                Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Internal
import                Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Types
import                Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.TypeInfo.Types
import                Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.TypeInfo.Static

-- | Returns the metadata of the type with a particular oid.  To find
--   this data, 'getTypeInfo' first consults postgresql-simple's
--   built-in 'staticTypeInfo' table,  then checks  the connection's
--   typeinfo cache.   Finally,  the database's 'pg_type' table will
--   be queried only if necessary,  and the result will be stored
--   in the connections's cache.

getTypeInfo :: Connection -> PQ.Oid -> IO TypeInfo
getTypeInfo conn@Connection{..} oid' =
  case staticTypeInfo oid' of
    Just name' -> return name'
    Nothing -> modifyMVar connectionObjects $ getTypeInfo' conn oid'

getTypeInfo' :: Connection -> PQ.Oid -> TypeInfoCache
             -> IO (TypeInfoCache, TypeInfo)
getTypeInfo' conn oid' oidmap =
  case IntMap.lookup (oid2int oid') oidmap of
    Just typeinfo -> return (oidmap, typeinfo)
    Nothing -> do
      names  <- query conn "SELECT oid, typcategory, typdelim, typname,\
                         \ typelem, typrelid\
                         \ FROM pg_type WHERE oid = ?"
                           (Only oid')
      (oidmap', typeInfo) <-
          case names of
            []  -> return $ throw (fatalError "invalid type oid")
            [(typoid, typcategory, typdelim, typname, typelem_, typrelid)] -> do
               case typcategory of
                 'A' -> do
                   (oidmap', typelem) <- getTypeInfo' conn typelem_ oidmap
                   let !typeInfo = Array{..}
                   return $! (oidmap', typeInfo)
                 'R' -> do
                   rngsubtypeOids <- query conn "SELECT rngsubtype\
                                               \ FROM pg_range\
                                               \ WHERE rngtypid = ?"
                                                (Only oid')
                   case rngsubtypeOids of
                     [Only rngsubtype_] -> do
                        (oidmap', rngsubtype) <-
                            getTypeInfo' conn rngsubtype_ oidmap
                        let !typeInfo = Range{..}
                        return $! (oidmap', typeInfo)
                     _ -> fail "range subtype query failed to return exactly one result"
                 'C' -> do
                   cols <- query conn "SELECT attname, atttypid\
                                     \ FROM pg_attribute\
                                     \ WHERE attrelid = ?\
                                       \ AND attnum > 0\
                                       \ AND NOT attisdropped\
                                     \ ORDER BY attnum"
                                      (Only typrelid)
                   vec <- MV.new $! length cols
                   (oidmap', attributes) <- getAttInfos conn cols oidmap vec 0
                   let !typeInfo = Composite{..}
                   return $! (oidmap', typeInfo)
                 _ -> do
                   let !typeInfo = Basic{..}
                   return $! (oidmap, typeInfo)
            _ -> fail "typename query returned more than one result"
                   -- oid is a primary key,  so the query should
                   -- never return more than one result
      let !oidmap'' = IntMap.insert (oid2int oid') typeInfo oidmap'
      return $! (oidmap'', typeInfo)

getAttInfos :: Connection -> [(B.ByteString, PQ.Oid)] -> TypeInfoCache
            -> MV.IOVector Attribute -> Int
            -> IO (TypeInfoCache, V.Vector Attribute)
getAttInfos conn cols oidmap vec n =
    case cols of
      [] -> do
        !attributes <- V.unsafeFreeze vec
        return $! (oidmap, attributes)
      ((attname, attTypeOid):xs) -> do
        (oidmap', atttype) <- getTypeInfo' conn attTypeOid oidmap
        MV.write vec n $! Attribute{..}
        getAttInfos conn xs oidmap' vec (n+1)