{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
module Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Range
( RangeBound(..)
, PGRange(..)
, empty
, isEmpty, isEmptyBy
, contains, containsBy
) where
import Control.Applicative hiding (empty)
import Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 (Parser, parseOnly)
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString.Char8 as A
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Data.ByteString.Builder
( Builder, byteString, lazyByteString, char8
, intDec, int8Dec, int16Dec, int32Dec, int64Dec, integerDec
, wordDec, word8Dec, word16Dec, word32Dec, word64Dec
, doubleDec, floatDec )
import Data.Int (Int16, Int32, Int64,
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.Monoid (mempty)
import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as LT
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as LT
import Data.Time (Day, LocalTime,
TimeOfDay, UTCTime,
import Data.Typeable (Typeable)
import Data.Word (Word, Word16, Word32,
Word64, Word8)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Compat (scientificBuilder, (<>), toByteString)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.FromField
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.Time
hiding (PosInfinity, NegInfinity)
import Database.PostgreSQL.Simple.ToField
data RangeBound a = NegInfinity
| Inclusive !a
| Exclusive !a
| PosInfinity
deriving (Show, Typeable, Eq, Functor)
data PGRange a = PGRange !(RangeBound a) !(RangeBound a)
deriving (Show, Typeable, Functor)
empty :: PGRange a
empty = PGRange PosInfinity NegInfinity
instance Ord a => Eq (PGRange a) where
x == y = eq x y || (isEmpty x && isEmpty y)
where eq (PGRange a m) (PGRange b n) = a == b && m == n
isEmptyBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> PGRange a -> Bool
isEmptyBy cmp v =
case v of
(PGRange PosInfinity _) -> True
(PGRange _ NegInfinity) -> True
(PGRange NegInfinity _) -> False
(PGRange _ PosInfinity) -> False
(PGRange (Inclusive x) (Inclusive y)) -> cmp x y == GT
(PGRange (Inclusive x) (Exclusive y)) -> cmp x y /= LT
(PGRange (Exclusive x) (Inclusive y)) -> cmp x y /= LT
(PGRange (Exclusive x) (Exclusive y)) -> cmp x y /= LT
isEmpty :: Ord a => PGRange a -> Bool
isEmpty = isEmptyBy compare
contains :: Ord a => PGRange a -> (a -> Bool)
contains = containsBy compare
containsBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> PGRange a -> (a -> Bool)
containsBy cmp rng x =
case rng of
PGRange _lb NegInfinity -> False
PGRange lb ub -> checkLB lb x && checkUB ub x
checkLB lb x =
case lb of
NegInfinity -> True
PosInfinity -> False
Inclusive a -> cmp a x /= GT
Exclusive a -> cmp a x == LT
checkUB ub x =
case ub of
NegInfinity -> False
PosInfinity -> True
Inclusive z -> cmp x z /= GT
Exclusive z -> cmp x z == LT
lowerBound :: Parser (a -> RangeBound a)
lowerBound = (A.char '(' *> pure Exclusive) <|> (A.char '[' *> pure Inclusive)
{-# INLINE lowerBound #-}
upperBound :: Parser (a -> RangeBound a)
upperBound = (A.char ')' *> pure Exclusive) <|> (A.char ']' *> pure Inclusive)
{-# INLINE upperBound #-}
pgrange :: Parser (RangeBound B.ByteString, RangeBound B.ByteString)
pgrange = do
lb <- lowerBound
v1 <- (A.char ',' *> "") <|> (rangeElem (==',') <* A.char ',')
v2 <- rangeElem $ \c -> c == ')' || c == ']'
ub <- upperBound
let low = if B.null v1 then NegInfinity else lb v1
up = if B.null v2 then PosInfinity else ub v2
return (low, up)
rangeElem :: (Char -> Bool) -> Parser B.ByteString
rangeElem end = (A.char '"' *> doubleQuoted)
<|> A.takeTill end
{-# INLINE rangeElem #-}
doubleQuoted :: Parser B.ByteString
doubleQuoted = toByteString <$> go mempty
go acc = do
h <- byteString <$> A.takeTill (\c -> c == '\\' || c == '"')
let rest = do
start <- A.anyChar
case start of
'\\' -> do
c <- A.anyChar
go (acc <> h <> char8 c)
'"' -> (A.char '"' *> go (acc <> h <> char8 '"'))
<|> pure (acc <> h)
_ -> error "impossible in doubleQuoted"
rangeToBuilder :: Ord a => (a -> Builder) -> PGRange a -> Builder
rangeToBuilder = rangeToBuilderBy compare
rangeToBuilderBy :: (a -> a -> Ordering) -> (a -> Builder) -> PGRange a -> Builder
rangeToBuilderBy cmp f x =
if isEmptyBy cmp x
then byteString "'empty'"
else let (PGRange a b) = x
in buildLB a <> buildUB b
buildLB NegInfinity = byteString "'[,"
buildLB (Inclusive v) = byteString "'[\"" <> f v <> byteString "\","
buildLB (Exclusive v) = byteString "'(\"" <> f v <> byteString "\","
buildLB PosInfinity = error "impossible in rangeToBuilder"
buildUB NegInfinity = error "impossible in rangeToBuilder"
buildUB (Inclusive v) = char8 '"' <> f v <> byteString "\"]'"
buildUB (Exclusive v) = char8 '"' <> f v <> byteString "\")'"
buildUB PosInfinity = byteString "]'"
{-# INLINE rangeToBuilder #-}
instance (FromField a, Typeable a) => FromField (PGRange a) where
fromField f mdat = do
info <- typeInfo f
case info of
Range{} ->
let f' = f { typeOid = typoid (rngsubtype info) }
in case mdat of
Nothing -> returnError UnexpectedNull f ""
Just "empty" -> pure $ empty
Just bs ->
let parseIt NegInfinity = pure NegInfinity
parseIt (Inclusive v) = Inclusive <$> fromField f' (Just v)
parseIt (Exclusive v) = Exclusive <$> fromField f' (Just v)
parseIt PosInfinity = pure PosInfinity
in case parseOnly pgrange bs of
Left e -> returnError ConversionFailed f e
Right (lb,ub) -> PGRange <$> parseIt lb <*> parseIt ub
_ -> returnError Incompatible f ""
instance ToField (PGRange Int8) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder int8Dec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Int16) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder int16Dec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Int32) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder int32Dec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Int) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder intDec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Int64) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder int64Dec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Integer) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder integerDec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Word8) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder word8Dec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Word16) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder word16Dec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Word32) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder word32Dec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Word) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder wordDec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Word64) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder word64Dec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Float) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder floatDec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Double) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder doubleDec
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Scientific) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder f
f = lazyByteString . LT.encodeUtf8 . LT.toLazyText . scientificBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange UTCTime) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder utcTimeToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange ZonedTime) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilderBy cmpZonedTime zonedTimeToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
cmpZonedTime :: ZonedTime -> ZonedTime -> Ordering
cmpZonedTime = compare `on` zonedTimeToUTC
instance ToField (PGRange LocalTime) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder localTimeToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Day) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder dayToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange TimeOfDay) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder timeOfDayToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange UTCTimestamp) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder utcTimestampToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange ZonedTimestamp) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilderBy cmpZonedTimestamp zonedTimestampToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
cmpZonedTimestamp :: ZonedTimestamp -> ZonedTimestamp -> Ordering
cmpZonedTimestamp = compare `on` (zonedTimeToUTC <$>)
instance ToField (PGRange LocalTimestamp) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder localTimestampToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange Date) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder dateToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}
instance ToField (PGRange NominalDiffTime) where
toField = Plain . rangeToBuilder nominalDiffTimeToBuilder
{-# INLINE toField #-}