{-# language BangPatterns #-}
{-# language DataKinds #-}
{-# language MagicHash #-}
{-# language ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# language UnboxedTuples #-}
{-# language UnliftedFFITypes #-}

module Linux.Socket
  ( -- * Functions
  , uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageB
  , uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageC
  , uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageD
  , uninterruptibleAccept4
    -- * Types
  , SocketFlags(..)
    -- * Option Names
  , LST.headerInclude
    -- * Message Flags
  , LST.dontWait
  , LST.truncate
  , LST.controlTruncate
    -- * Socket Flags
  , LST.closeOnExec
  , LST.nonblocking
    -- * Twiddle
  , applySocketFlags
    -- * UDP Header
  , LST.sizeofUdpHeader
  , LST.pokeUdpHeaderSourcePort
  , LST.pokeUdpHeaderDestinationPort
  , LST.pokeUdpHeaderLength
  , LST.pokeUdpHeaderChecksum
    -- * IPv4 Header
  , LST.sizeofIpHeader
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderVersionIhl
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderTypeOfService
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderTotalLength
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderIdentifier
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderFragmentOffset
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderTimeToLive
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderProtocol
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderChecksum
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderSourceAddress
  , LST.pokeIpHeaderDestinationAddress
  ) where

import Prelude hiding (truncate)

import Control.Monad (when)
import Data.Bits ((.|.))
import Data.Primitive.Addr (Addr(..),plusAddr,nullAddr)
import Data.Primitive (MutableByteArray(..),ByteArray(..),MutablePrimArray(..))
import Data.Primitive.Unlifted.Array (MutableUnliftedArray(..),UnliftedArray)
import Data.Word (Word8)
import Foreign.C.Error (Errno,getErrno)
import Foreign.C.Types (CInt(..),CSize(..),CUInt(..))
import GHC.Exts (Ptr(..),RealWorld,MutableByteArray#,Addr#,MutableArrayArray#,Int(I#))
import GHC.Exts (shrinkMutableByteArray#,touch#,nullAddr#)
import GHC.IO (IO(..))
import Linux.Socket.Types (SocketFlags(..))
import Posix.Socket (Type(..),MessageFlags(..),Message(Receive),SocketAddress(..))
import System.Posix.Types (Fd(..),CSsize(..))

import qualified Data.Primitive as PM
import qualified Data.Primitive.Unlifted.Array as PM
import qualified Control.Monad.Primitive as PM
import qualified Posix.Socket as S
import qualified Linux.Socket.Types as LST

foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/socket.h recvmmsg"
  c_unsafe_addr_recvmmsg :: Fd
                         -> Addr# -- This addr is an array of msghdr
                         -> CUInt -- Length of msghdr array
                         -> MessageFlags 'Receive
                         -> Addr# -- Timeout
                         -> IO CSsize

foreign import ccall unsafe "sys/socket.h accept4"
  c_unsafe_accept4 :: Fd
                   -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -- SocketAddress
                   -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -- Ptr CInt
                   -> SocketFlags
                   -> IO Fd

foreign import ccall unsafe "HaskellPosix.h recvmmsg_sockaddr_in"
  c_unsafe_recvmmsg_sockaddr_in ::
    -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -- lengths
    -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -- sockaddrs
    -> MutableArrayArray# RealWorld -- buffers
    -> CUInt -- Length of msghdr array
    -> MessageFlags 'Receive
    -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "HaskellPosix.h recvmmsg_sockaddr_discard"
  c_unsafe_recvmmsg_sockaddr_discard ::
    -> MutableByteArray# RealWorld -- lengths
    -> MutableArrayArray# RealWorld -- buffers
    -> CUInt -- Length of msghdr array
    -> MessageFlags 'Receive
    -> IO CInt

-- | Linux extends the @type@ argument of
--   <http://man7.org/linux/man-pages/man2/socket.2.html socket> to allow
--   setting two socket flags on socket creation: @SOCK_CLOEXEC@ and
--   @SOCK_NONBLOCK@. It is advisable to set @SOCK_CLOEXEC@ on when
--   opening a socket on linux. For example, we may open a TCP Internet
--   socket with:
--   > uninterruptibleSocket internet (applySocketFlags closeOnExec stream) defaultProtocol
--   To additionally open the socket in nonblocking mode
--   (e.g. with @SOCK_NONBLOCK@):
--   > uninterruptibleSocket internet (applySocketFlags (closeOnExec <> nonblocking) stream) defaultProtocol
applySocketFlags :: SocketFlags -> Type -> Type
applySocketFlags (SocketFlags s) (Type t) = Type (s .|. t)

-- | Receive multiple messages. This does not provide the socket
--   addresses or the control messages. It does not use any of the
--   input-scattering that @recvmmsg@ offers, meaning that a single
--   datagram is never split across noncontiguous memory. It supplies
--   @NULL@ for the timeout argument. All of the messages must have the
--   same maximum size. All resulting byte arrays have been explicitly
--   pinned. In addition to bytearrays corresponding to each datagram,
--   this also provides the maximum @msg_len@ that @recvmmsg@ wrote
--   back out. This is provided so that users of @MSG_TRUNC@ can detect
--   when bytes were dropped from the end of a message (although it does
--   let the user figure out which message had bytes dropped).
uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageA ::
     Fd -- ^ Socket
  -> CSize -- ^ Maximum bytes per message
  -> CUInt -- ^ Maximum number of messages
  -> MessageFlags 'Receive -- ^ Flags
  -> IO (Either Errno (CUInt,UnliftedArray ByteArray))
uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageA !s !msgSize !msgCount !flags = do
  bufs <- PM.unsafeNewUnliftedArray (cuintToInt msgCount)
  mmsghdrsBuf <- PM.newPinnedByteArray (cuintToInt msgCount * cintToInt LST.sizeofMultipleMessageHeader)
  iovecsBuf <- PM.newPinnedByteArray (cuintToInt msgCount * cintToInt S.sizeofIOVector)
  let !mmsghdrsAddr@(Addr mmsghdrsAddr#) = ptrToAddr (PM.mutableByteArrayContents mmsghdrsBuf)
  let iovecsAddr = ptrToAddr (PM.mutableByteArrayContents iovecsBuf)
  initializeMultipleMessageHeadersWithoutSockAddr bufs iovecsAddr mmsghdrsAddr msgSize msgCount
  r <- c_unsafe_addr_recvmmsg s mmsghdrsAddr# msgCount flags nullAddr#
  if r > (-1)
    then do
      (_,maxMsgSz,frozenBufs) <- shrinkAndFreezeMessages msgSize 0 (cssizeToInt r) bufs mmsghdrsAddr
      touchMutableUnliftedArray bufs
      touchMutableByteArray iovecsBuf
      touchMutableByteArray mmsghdrsBuf
      pure (Right (maxMsgSz,frozenBufs))
    else do
      touchMutableUnliftedArray bufs
      touchMutableByteArray iovecsBuf
      touchMutableByteArray mmsghdrsBuf
      fmap Left getErrno

-- | Receive multiple messages. This is similar to
-- @uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageA@. However, it also
-- provides the @sockaddr@s of the remote endpoints. These are
-- written in contiguous memory to a bytearray of length
-- @max_num_msgs * expected_sockaddr_sz@. The @sockaddr@s must
-- all be expected to be of the same length. This function
-- provides a @sockaddr@ size check that is non-zero when any
-- @sockaddr@ had a length other than the expected length.
-- This can be used to detect if the @sockaddr@ array has one or
-- more corrupt @sockaddr@s in it. All byte arrays returned by
-- this function are pinned.
-- The values in the returned tuple are:
-- * Error-checking number for @sockaddr@ size. Non-zero indicates
--   that at least one @sockaddr@ required a number of bytes other
--   than the expected number.
-- * Pinned bytearray with all of the @sockaddr@s in it as a
--   array of structures.
-- * The size of the largest message received. If @MSG_TRUNC@ is used
--   this lets the caller know if one or more messages were truncated.
-- * The message data of each message.
-- The @sockaddr@s bytearray and the unlifted array of messages are
-- guaranteed to have the same number of elements. 
uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageB ::
     Fd -- ^ Socket
  -> CInt -- ^ Expected @sockaddr@ size
  -> CSize -- ^ Maximum bytes per message
  -> CUInt -- ^ Maximum number of messages
  -> MessageFlags 'Receive -- ^ Flags
  -> IO (Either Errno (CInt,ByteArray,CUInt,UnliftedArray ByteArray))
uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageB !s !expSockAddrSize !msgSize !msgCount !flags = do
  bufs <- PM.unsafeNewUnliftedArray (cuintToInt msgCount)
  mmsghdrsBuf <- PM.newPinnedByteArray (cuintToInt msgCount * cintToInt LST.sizeofMultipleMessageHeader)
  iovecsBuf <- PM.newPinnedByteArray (cuintToInt msgCount * cintToInt S.sizeofIOVector)
  sockaddrsBuf <- PM.newPinnedByteArray (cuintToInt msgCount * cintToInt expSockAddrSize)
  -- Linux does not require zeroing out sockaddr_in before using it,
  -- so we leave sockaddrsBuf alone after initialization.
  let sockaddrsAddr = ptrToAddr (PM.mutableByteArrayContents sockaddrsBuf)
  let !mmsghdrsAddr@(Addr mmsghdrsAddr#) = ptrToAddr (PM.mutableByteArrayContents mmsghdrsBuf)
  let iovecsAddr = ptrToAddr (PM.mutableByteArrayContents iovecsBuf)
  initializeMultipleMessageHeadersWithSockAddr bufs iovecsAddr mmsghdrsAddr sockaddrsAddr expSockAddrSize msgSize msgCount
  r <- c_unsafe_addr_recvmmsg s mmsghdrsAddr# msgCount flags nullAddr#
  if r > (-1)
    then do
      (validation,maxMsgSz,frozenBufs) <- shrinkAndFreezeMessages msgSize expSockAddrSize (cssizeToInt r) bufs mmsghdrsAddr
      shrinkMutableByteArray sockaddrsBuf (cssizeToInt r * cintToInt expSockAddrSize)
      sockaddrs <- PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray sockaddrsBuf
      touchMutableByteArray iovecsBuf
      touchMutableByteArray mmsghdrsBuf
      touchMutableByteArray sockaddrsBuf
      pure (Right (validation,sockaddrs,maxMsgSz,frozenBufs))
    else do
      touchMutableUnliftedArray bufs
      touchMutableByteArray iovecsBuf
      touchMutableByteArray mmsghdrsBuf
      touchMutableByteArray sockaddrsBuf
      fmap Left getErrno

-- | All three buffer arguments need to have the same length (in elements, not bytes).
uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageC ::
     Fd -- ^ Socket
  -> MutablePrimArray RealWorld CInt -- ^ Buffer for payload lengths
  -> MutablePrimArray RealWorld S.SocketAddressInternet -- ^ Buffer for @sockaddr_in@s
  -> MutableUnliftedArray RealWorld (MutableByteArray RealWorld) -- ^ Buffers for payloads
  -> CUInt -- ^ Maximum number of datagrams to receive, length of buffers
  -> MessageFlags 'Receive -- ^ Flags
  -> IO (Either Errno CInt)
uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageC !s (MutablePrimArray lens) (MutablePrimArray addrs) (PM.MutableUnliftedArray payloads) !msgCount !flags =
  c_unsafe_recvmmsg_sockaddr_in s lens addrs payloads msgCount flags >>= errorsFromInt

-- | All three buffer arguments need to have the same length (in elements, not bytes).
-- This discards the source addresses.
uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageD ::
     Fd -- ^ Socket
  -> MutablePrimArray RealWorld CInt -- ^ Buffer for payload lengths
  -> MutableUnliftedArray RealWorld (MutableByteArray RealWorld) -- ^ Buffers for payloads
  -> CUInt -- ^ Maximum number of datagrams to receive, length of buffers
  -> MessageFlags 'Receive -- ^ Flags
  -> IO (Either Errno CInt)
uninterruptibleReceiveMultipleMessageD !s (MutablePrimArray lens) (PM.MutableUnliftedArray payloads) !msgCount !flags =
  c_unsafe_recvmmsg_sockaddr_discard s lens payloads msgCount flags >>= errorsFromInt

-- This sets up an array of mmsghdr. Each msghdr has msg_iov set to
-- be an array of iovec with a single element.
initializeMultipleMessageHeadersWithoutSockAddr ::
     MutableUnliftedArray RealWorld (MutableByteArray RealWorld) -- buffers
  -> Addr -- array of iovec
  -> Addr -- array of message headers
  -> CSize -- message size
  -> CUInt -- message count
  -> IO ()
initializeMultipleMessageHeadersWithoutSockAddr bufs iovecsAddr mmsgHdrsAddr msgSize msgCount =
  let go !ix !iovecAddr !mmsgHdrAddr = if ix < cuintToInt msgCount
        then do
          pokeMultipleMessageHeader mmsgHdrAddr nullAddr 0 iovecAddr 1 nullAddr 0 mempty 0
          initializeIOVector bufs iovecAddr msgSize ix
          go (ix + 1) (plusAddr iovecAddr (cintToInt S.sizeofIOVector)) (plusAddr mmsgHdrAddr (cintToInt LST.sizeofMultipleMessageHeader))
        else pure ()
   in go 0 iovecsAddr mmsgHdrsAddr

-- This sets up an array of mmsghdr. Each msghdr has msg_iov set to
-- be an array of iovec with a single element. One giant buffer with
-- space for all of the @sockaddr@s is used.
initializeMultipleMessageHeadersWithSockAddr ::
     MutableUnliftedArray RealWorld (MutableByteArray RealWorld) -- buffers
  -> Addr -- array of iovec
  -> Addr -- array of message headers
  -> Addr -- array of sockaddrs
  -> CInt -- expected sockaddr size
  -> CSize -- message size
  -> CUInt -- message count
  -> IO ()
initializeMultipleMessageHeadersWithSockAddr bufs iovecsAddr0 mmsgHdrsAddr0 sockaddrsAddr0 sockaddrSize msgSize msgCount =
  let go !ix !iovecAddr !mmsgHdrAddr !sockaddrAddr = if ix < cuintToInt msgCount
        then do
          pokeMultipleMessageHeader mmsgHdrAddr sockaddrAddr sockaddrSize iovecAddr 1 nullAddr 0 mempty 0
          initializeIOVector bufs iovecAddr msgSize ix
          go (ix + 1)
            (plusAddr iovecAddr (cintToInt S.sizeofIOVector))
            (plusAddr mmsgHdrAddr (cintToInt LST.sizeofMultipleMessageHeader))
            (plusAddr sockaddrAddr (cintToInt sockaddrSize))
        else pure ()
   in go 0 iovecsAddr0 mmsgHdrsAddr0 sockaddrsAddr0

ptrToAddr :: Ptr Word8 -> Addr
ptrToAddr (Ptr x) = Addr x

-- Initialize a single iovec. We write the pinned byte array into
-- both the iov_base field and into an unlifted array.
initializeIOVector ::
     MutableUnliftedArray RealWorld (MutableByteArray RealWorld)
  -> Addr
  -> CSize
  -> Int
  -> IO ()
initializeIOVector bufs iovecAddr msgSize ix = do
  buf <- PM.newPinnedByteArray (csizeToInt msgSize)
  PM.writeUnliftedArray bufs ix buf
  S.pokeIOVectorBase iovecAddr (ptrToAddr (PM.mutableByteArrayContents buf))
  S.pokeIOVectorLength iovecAddr msgSize

-- Freeze a slice of the mutable byte arrays inside the unlifted array,
-- shrinking the byte arrays before doing so.
shrinkAndFreezeMessages ::
     CSize -- Full size of each buffer
  -> CInt -- Expected sockaddr size
  -> Int -- Actual number of received messages
  -> MutableUnliftedArray RealWorld (MutableByteArray RealWorld)
  -> Addr -- Array of mmsghdr
  -> IO (CInt,CUInt,UnliftedArray ByteArray)
shrinkAndFreezeMessages !bufSize !expSockAddrSize !n !bufs !mmsghdr0 = do
  r <- PM.unsafeNewUnliftedArray n
  go r 0 0 0 mmsghdr0
  go !r !validation !ix !maxMsgSz !mmsghdr = if ix < n
    then do
      sz <- LST.peekMultipleMessageHeaderLength mmsghdr
      sockaddrSz <- LST.peekMultipleMessageHeaderNameLength mmsghdr
      buf <- PM.readUnliftedArray bufs ix
      when (cuintToInt sz < csizeToInt bufSize) (shrinkMutableByteArray buf (cuintToInt sz))
      PM.writeUnliftedArray r ix =<< PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray buf
      go r (validation .|. (sockaddrSz - expSockAddrSize)) (ix + 1) (max maxMsgSz sz)
        (plusAddr mmsghdr (cintToInt LST.sizeofMultipleMessageHeader))
    else do
      a <- PM.unsafeFreezeUnliftedArray r
      pure (validation,maxMsgSz,a)

pokeMultipleMessageHeader :: Addr -> Addr -> CInt -> Addr -> CSize -> Addr -> CSize -> MessageFlags 'Receive -> CUInt -> IO ()
pokeMultipleMessageHeader mmsgHdrAddr a b c d e f g len = do
  LST.pokeMultipleMessageHeaderName mmsgHdrAddr a
  LST.pokeMultipleMessageHeaderNameLength mmsgHdrAddr b
  LST.pokeMultipleMessageHeaderIOVector mmsgHdrAddr c
  LST.pokeMultipleMessageHeaderIOVectorLength mmsgHdrAddr d
  LST.pokeMultipleMessageHeaderControl mmsgHdrAddr e
  LST.pokeMultipleMessageHeaderControlLength mmsgHdrAddr f
  LST.pokeMultipleMessageHeaderFlags mmsgHdrAddr g
  LST.pokeMultipleMessageHeaderLength mmsgHdrAddr len

shrinkMutableByteArray :: MutableByteArray RealWorld -> Int -> IO ()
shrinkMutableByteArray (MutableByteArray arr) (I# sz) =
  PM.primitive_ (shrinkMutableByteArray# arr sz)

-- | Variant of 'Posix.Socket.uninterruptibleAccept' that allows setting
--   flags on the newly-accepted connection.
uninterruptibleAccept4 ::
     Fd -- ^ Listening socket
  -> CInt -- ^ Maximum socket address size
  -> SocketFlags -- ^ Set non-blocking and close-on-exec without extra syscall
  -> IO (Either Errno (CInt,SocketAddress,Fd)) -- ^ Peer information and connected socket
{-# inline uninterruptibleAccept4 #-}
uninterruptibleAccept4 !sock !maxSz !flags = do
  sockAddrBuf@(MutableByteArray sockAddrBuf#) <- PM.newByteArray (cintToInt maxSz)
  lenBuf@(MutableByteArray lenBuf#) <- PM.newByteArray (PM.sizeOf (undefined :: CInt))
  PM.writeByteArray lenBuf 0 maxSz
  r <- c_unsafe_accept4 sock sockAddrBuf# lenBuf# flags
  if r > (-1)
    then do
      (sz :: CInt) <- PM.readByteArray lenBuf 0
      if sz < maxSz
        then shrinkMutableByteArray sockAddrBuf (cintToInt sz)
        else pure ()
      sockAddr <- PM.unsafeFreezeByteArray sockAddrBuf
      pure (Right (sz,SocketAddress sockAddr,r))
    else fmap Left getErrno

cintToInt :: CInt -> Int
cintToInt = fromIntegral

cuintToInt :: CUInt -> Int
cuintToInt = fromIntegral

csizeToInt :: CSize -> Int
csizeToInt = fromIntegral

cssizeToInt :: CSsize -> Int
cssizeToInt = fromIntegral

errorsFromInt :: CInt -> IO (Either Errno CInt)
{-# inline errorsFromInt #-}
errorsFromInt r = if r > (-1)
  then pure (Right r)
  else fmap Left getErrno

touchMutableUnliftedArray :: MutableUnliftedArray RealWorld a -> IO ()
touchMutableUnliftedArray (MutableUnliftedArray x) = touchMutableUnliftedArray# x

touchMutableByteArray :: MutableByteArray RealWorld -> IO ()
touchMutableByteArray (MutableByteArray x) = touchMutableByteArray# x

touchMutableUnliftedArray# :: MutableArrayArray# RealWorld -> IO ()
touchMutableUnliftedArray# x = IO $ \s -> case touch# x s of s' -> (# s', () #)

touchMutableByteArray# :: MutableByteArray# RealWorld -> IO ()
touchMutableByteArray# x = IO $ \s -> case touch# x s of s' -> (# s', () #)