pontarius-xmpp- An XMPP client library

Safe HaskellNone




The Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol (XMPP) is an open technology for near-real-time communication, which powers a wide range of applications including instant messaging, presence, multi-party chat, voice and video calls, collaboration, lightweight middleware, content syndication, and generalized routing of XML data. XMPP provides a technology for the asynchronous, end-to-end exchange of structured data by means of direct, persistent XML streams among a distributed network of globally addressable, presence-aware clients and servers.

Pontarius XMPP is an XMPP client library, implementing the core capabilities of XMPP (RFC 6120): setup and tear-down of XML streams, channel encryption, authentication, error handling, and communication primitives for messaging.

For low-level access to Pontarius XMPP, see the Network.Xmpp.Internal module.

Getting Started

We use session to create a session object and connect to a server. Here we use the default SessionConfiguration.

sess <- session realm (simpleAuth "myUsername" "mypassword") def

Defining AuthData can be a bit unwieldy, so simpleAuth gives us a reasonable default. Though, for improved security, we should consider restricting the mechanisms to scramSha1 whenever we can.

Next we have to set the presence to online, otherwise we won't be able to send or receive stanzas to/from other entities.

sendPresence presenceOnline sess


Session management

data Session Source

The Session object represents a single session with an XMPP server. You can use session to establish a session

session Source


:: HostName

The hostname / realm

-> AuthData 
-> SessionConfiguration

configuration details

-> IO (Either XmppFailure Session) 

Creates a Session object by setting up a connection with an XMPP server.

Will connect to the specified host with the provided configuration. If the third parameter is a Just value, session will attempt to authenticate and acquire an XMPP resource.

setConnectionClosedHandler :: (XmppFailure -> Session -> IO ()) -> Session -> IO () Source

Changes the handler to be executed when the server connection is closed. To avoid race conditions the initial value should be set in the configuration when creating the session

reconnect Source


:: Integer

Maximum number of retries (numbers of 1 or less will perform exactly one retry)

-> Session

Session to reconnect

-> IO (Bool, [XmppFailure])

Whether or not the reconnect attempt was successful, and a list of failure modes encountered

Reconnect with the stored settings.

Waits a random amount of seconds (between 0 and 60 inclusive) before the first attempt and an increasing amount after each attempt after that. Caps out at 2-5 minutes.

This function does not set your presence to online, so you will have to do this yourself.

reconnect' Source


:: Session

Session to reconnect

-> IO Integer

Number of failed retries before connection could be established

Reconnect with the stored settings with an unlimited number of retries.

Waits a random amount of seconds (between 0 and 60 inclusive) before the first attempt and an increasing amount after each attempt after that. Caps out at 2-5 minutes.

This function does not set your presence to online, so you will have to do this yourself.

reconnectNow Source


:: Session

session to reconnect

-> IO (Maybe XmppFailure) 

Reconnect immediately with the stored settings. Returns Just the error when the reconnect attempt fails and Nothing when no failure was encountered.

This function does not set your presence to online, so you will have to do this yourself.

data StreamConfiguration Source

Configuration settings related to the stream.




preferredLang :: !(Maybe LangTag)

Default language when no language tag is set

toJid :: !(Maybe (Jid, Bool))

JID to include in the stream element's to attribute when the connection is secured; if the boolean is set to True, then the JID is also included when the ConnectionState is Plain

connectionDetails :: ConnectionDetails

By settings this field, clients can specify the network interface to use, override the SRV lookup of the realm, as well as specify the use of a non-standard port when connecting by IP or connecting to a domain without SRV records.

resolvConf :: ResolvConf

DNS resolver configuration

establishSession :: Bool

Whether or not to perform the legacy session bind as defined in the (outdated) RFC 3921 specification

tlsBehaviour :: TlsBehaviour

How the client should behave in regards to TLS.

tlsParams :: ClientParams

Settings to be used for TLS negotitation

data SessionConfiguration Source

Configuration for the Session object.




sessionStreamConfiguration :: StreamConfiguration

Configuration for the Stream object.

onConnectionClosed :: Session -> XmppFailure -> IO ()

Handler to be run when the conection to the XMPP server is closed. See also reconnect and 'reconnect\'' for easy reconnection. The default does nothing

sessionStanzaIDs :: IO (IO Text)

Function to generate new stanza identifiers.

plugins :: [Plugin]

Plugins can modify incoming and outgoing stanzas, for example to en- and decrypt them, respectively

enableRoster :: Bool

Enable roster handling according to rfc 6121. See getRoster to acquire the current roster

data ConnectionDetails Source

Specify the method with which the connection is (re-)established



Use realm to resolv host. This is the default.

UseSrv HostName

Use this hostname for a SRV lookup

UseHost HostName PortID

Use specified host

UseConnection (ErrorT XmppFailure IO StreamHandle)

Use custom method to create a StreamHandle. This will also be used by reconnect. For example, to establish TLS before starting the stream as done by GCM, see connectTls. You can also return an already established connection.

data ConnectionState Source

Signals the state of the stream connection.



No stream has been established


Stream established, but not secured via TLS


Stream established and secured via TLS


Stream is closed

closeConnection :: Session -> IO () Source

Close the connection to the server. Closes the stream (by enforcing a write lock and sending a </stream:stream> element), waits (blocks) for three seconds, and then closes the connection.

endSession :: Session -> IO () Source

End the current XMPP session. Kills the associated threads and closes the connection.

Note that XMPP clients (that have signalled availability) should send "Unavailable" presence prior to disconnecting.

The connectionClosedHandler will not be called (to avoid possibly reestablishing the connection).

waitForStream :: Session -> IO () Source

Wait until the connection of the stream is re-established

Authentication handlers

The use of scramSha1 is recommended, but digestMd5 might be useful for interaction with older implementations.

type SaslHandler = (Text, StateT StreamState IO (Either XmppFailure (Maybe AuthFailure))) Source

Tuple defining the SASL Handler's name, and a SASL mechanism computation. The SASL mechanism is a stateful Stream computation, which has the possibility of resulting in an authentication error.

type AuthData = Maybe (ConnectionState -> [SaslHandler], Maybe Resource) Source

SASL handlers and the desired JID resource

Nothing to disable authentication

The allowed SASL mecahnism can depend on the connection state. For example, plain should be avoided unless the connection state is Secured

It is recommended to leave the resource up to the server

simpleAuth :: Username -> Password -> AuthData Source

Authenticate using, in order of preference, scramSha1, digestMd5 and finally, if both of those are not support and the stream is Secured with TLS, try plain

The resource will be decided by the server

scramSha1 Source


:: Username


-> Maybe AuthZID

authorization ID

-> Password


-> SaslHandler 

plain Source


:: Username

authentication ID (username)

-> Maybe AuthZID

authorization ID

-> Password


-> SaslHandler 

digestMd5 Source


:: Username

Authentication identity (authcid or username)

-> Maybe AuthZID

Authorization identity (authzid)

-> Password


-> SaslHandler 


A JID (historically: Jabber ID) is XMPPs native format for addressing entities in the network. It is somewhat similar to an e-mail address, but contains three parts instead of two.

data Jid Source

A JID is XMPP's native format for addressing entities in the network. It is somewhat similar to an e-mail address but contains three parts instead of two: localpart, domainpart, and resourcepart.

The localpart of a JID is an optional identifier placed before the domainpart and separated from the latter by a '@' character. Typically a localpart uniquely identifies the entity requesting and using network access provided by a server (i.e., a local account), although it can also represent other kinds of entities (e.g., a chat room associated with a multi-user chat service). The entity represented by an XMPP localpart is addressed within the context of a specific domain (i.e., localpart@domainpart).

The domainpart typically identifies the home server to which clients connect for XML routing and data management functionality. However, it is not necessary for an XMPP domainpart to identify an entity that provides core XMPP server functionality (e.g., a domainpart can identify an entity such as a multi-user chat service, a publish-subscribe service, or a user directory).

The resourcepart of a JID is an optional identifier placed after the domainpart and separated from the latter by the '/' character. A resourcepart can modify either a localpart@domainpart address or a mere domainpart address. Typically a resourcepart uniquely identifies a specific connection (e.g., a device or location) or object (e.g., an occupant in a multi-user chat room) belonging to the entity associated with an XMPP localpart at a domain (i.e., localpart@domainpart/resourcepart).

For more details see RFC 6122 http://xmpp.org/rfcs/rfc6122.html


jid :: QuasiQuoter Source

Constructs and validates a Jid at compile time.

Syntax: [jid|localpart@domainpart/resourcepart|]

>>> [jid|foo@bar/quux|]
parseJid "foo@bar/quux"
>>> Just [jid|foo@bar/quux|] == jidFromTexts (Just "foo") "bar" (Just "quux")
>>> Just [jid|foo@bar/quux|] == jidFromText "foo@bar/quux"

See also jidFromText

jidQ :: QuasiQuoter Source

Synonym for jid

isBare :: Jid -> Bool Source

Returns True if the JID is bare, that is, it doesn't have a resource part, and False otherwise.

>>> isBare [jid|foo@bar|]
>>> isBare [jid|foo@bar/quux|]

isFull :: Jid -> Bool Source

Returns True if the JID is full, and False otherwise.

isFull = not . isBare
>>> isBare [jid|foo@bar|]
>>> isBare [jid|foo@bar/quux|]

jidFromText :: Text -> Maybe Jid Source

Parse a JID

>>> localpart <$> jidFromText "foo@bar/quux"
Just (Just "foo")
>>> domainpart <$> jidFromText "foo@bar/quux"
Just "bar"
>>> resourcepart <$> jidFromText "foo@bar/quux"
Just (Just "quux")
  • Counterexamples

A JID must only have one '@':

>>> jidFromText "foo@bar@quux"

'@' must come before '/':

>>> jidFromText "foo/bar@quux"

The domain part can't be empty:

>>> jidFromText "foo@/quux"

Both the local part and the resource part can be omitted (but the '@' and '/', must also be removed):

>>> jidToTexts <$> jidFromText "bar"
Just (Nothing,"bar",Nothing)
>>> jidToTexts <$> jidFromText "@bar"
>>> jidToTexts <$> jidFromText "bar/"

jidFromTexts :: Maybe Text -> Text -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Jid Source

Convert localpart, domainpart, and resourcepart to a JID. Runs the appropriate stringprep profiles and validates the parts.

>>> jidFromTexts (Just "foo") "bar" (Just "baz") == jidFromText "foo@bar/baz"
jidFromTexts (localpart j) (domainpart j) (resourcepart j) == Just j

jidToText :: Jid -> Text Source

Converts a JID to a Text.

jidToTexts :: Jid -> (Maybe Text, Text, Maybe Text) Source

Converts a JID to up to three Text values: (the optional) localpart, the domainpart, and (the optional) resourcepart.

>>> jidToTexts [jid|foo@bar/quux|]
(Just "foo","bar",Just "quux")
>>> jidToTexts [jid|bar/quux|]
(Nothing,"bar",Just "quux")
>>> jidToTexts [jid|foo@bar|]
(Just "foo","bar",Nothing)
jidToTexts j == (localpart j, domainpart j, resourcepart j)

toBare :: Jid -> Jid Source

Returns the Jid without the resourcepart (if any).

>>> toBare [jid|foo@bar/quux|] == [jid|foo@bar|]

localpart :: Jid -> Maybe Text Source

Returns the localpart of the Jid (if any).

>>> localpart [jid|foo@bar/quux|]
Just "foo"

domainpart :: Jid -> Text Source

Returns the domainpart of the Jid.

>>> domainpart [jid|foo@bar/quux|]

resourcepart :: Jid -> Maybe Text Source

Returns the resourcepart of the Jid (if any).

>>> resourcepart [jid|foo@bar/quux|]
Just "quux"

parseJid :: String -> Jid Source

Parses a JID string.

Note: This function is only meant to be used to reverse Jid Show operations; it will produce an undefined value if the JID does not validate; please refer to jidFromText for a safe equivalent.

getJid :: Session -> IO (Maybe Jid) Source

Return the JID assigned to us by the server


The basic protocol data unit in XMPP is the XML stanza. The stanza is essentially a fragment of XML that is sent over a stream. Stanzas come in 3 flavors:

  • Message, for traditional push-style message passing between peers
  • Presence, for communicating status updates
  • Info/Query (or IQ), for request-response semantics communication

All stanza types have the following attributes in common:

  • The id attribute is used by the originating entity to track any response or error stanza that it might receive in relation to the generated stanza from another entity (such as an intermediate server or the intended recipient). It is up to the originating entity whether the value of the id attribute is unique only within its current stream or unique globally.
  • The from attribute specifies the JID of the sender.
  • The to attribute specifies the JID of the intended recipient for the stanza.
  • The type attribute specifies the purpose or context of the message, presence, or IQ stanza. The particular allowable values for the 'type' attribute vary depending on whether the stanza is a message, presence, or IQ stanza.

getStanza :: Session -> IO (Stanza, [Annotation]) Source

Get the next incoming stanza

getStanzaChan :: Session -> TChan (Stanza, [Annotation]) Source

Get the channel of incoming stanzas.

newStanzaID :: Session -> IO Text Source

Generates a new stanza identifier based on the sessionStanzaIDs field of SessionConfiguration.


The message stanza is a push mechanism whereby one entity pushes information to another entity, similar to the communications that occur in a system such as email. It is not to be confused with an InstantMessage

data Message Source

The message stanza. Used for push type communication.

message :: Message Source

An empty message

message = Message { messageID      = Nothing
                  , messageFrom    = Nothing
                  , messageTo      = Nothing
                  , messageLangTag = Nothing
                  , messageType    = Normal
                  , messagePayload = []

data MessageType Source



The message is sent in the context of a one-to-one chat session. Typically an interactive client will present a message of type chat in an interface that enables one-to-one chat between the two parties, including an appropriate conversation history.


The message is sent in the context of a multi-user chat environment (similar to that of IRC). Typically a receiving client will present a message of type groupchat in an interface that enables many-to-many chat between the parties, including a roster of parties in the chatroom and an appropriate conversation history.


The message provides an alert, a notification, or other transient information to which no reply is expected (e.g., news headlines, sports updates, near-real-time market data, or syndicated content). Because no reply to the message is expected, typically a receiving client will present a message of type headline in an interface that appropriately differentiates the message from standalone messages, chat messages, and groupchat messages (e.g., by not providing the recipient with the ability to reply).


The message is a standalone message that is sent outside the context of a one-to-one conversation or groupchat, and to which it is expected that the recipient will reply. Typically a receiving client will present a message of type normal in an interface that enables the recipient to reply, but without a conversation history.

This is the default value.


answerMessage :: Message -> [Element] -> Maybe Message Source

Produce an answer message with the given payload, setting "from" to the "to" attributes in the original message. Produces a Nothing value of the provided message message has no "from" attribute. Sets the "from" attribute to Nothing to let the server assign one.


sendMessage :: Message -> Session -> IO (Either XmppFailure ()) Source

Send a message stanza. Returns False when the Message could not be sent.


pullMessage :: Session -> IO (Either MessageError Message) Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message or message error is found. Returns the message or message error.

getMessage :: Session -> IO Message Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message is found. Returns the message.

getMessageA :: Session -> IO (Annotated Message) Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message is found. Returns the message with annotations.

waitForMessage :: (Message -> Bool) -> Session -> IO Message Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message matching the given predicate is found. Returns the matching message.

waitForMessageA :: (Annotated Message -> Bool) -> Session -> IO (Annotated Message) Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message matching the given predicate is found. Returns the matching message with annotations.

waitForMessageError :: (MessageError -> Bool) -> Session -> IO MessageError Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message error matching the given predicate is found. Returns the matching message error

waitForMessageErrorA :: (Annotated MessageError -> Bool) -> Session -> IO (Annotated MessageError) Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message error matching the given predicate is found. Returns the matching message error with annotations.

filterMessages :: (MessageError -> Bool) -> (Message -> Bool) -> Session -> IO (Either MessageError Message) Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message or message error matching the given respective predicate is found. Returns the matching message or message error.

filterMessagesA :: (Annotated MessageError -> Bool) -> (Annotated Message -> Bool) -> Session -> IO (Either (Annotated MessageError) (Annotated Message)) Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a message or message error matching the given respective predicate is found. Returns the matching message or message error with annotations


XMPP includes the ability for an entity to advertise its network availability, or "presence", to other entities. In XMPP, this availability for communication is signaled end-to-end by means of a dedicated communication primitive: the presence stanza.

data Presence Source

The presence stanza. Used for communicating status updates.

data PresenceType Source

PresenceType holds Xmpp presence types. The "error" message type is left out as errors are using PresenceError.



Sender wants to subscribe to presence


Sender has approved the subscription


Sender is unsubscribing from presence


Sender has denied or cancelled a subscription


Sender requests current presence; should only be used by servers


Sender wants to express availability (no type attribute is defined)



presence :: Presence Source

An empty presence.

presenceOffline :: Presence Source

Signal to the server that the client is no longer available for communication.

presenceOnline :: Presence Source

Signal to the server that the client is available for communication.

presenceSubscribe :: Jid -> Presence Source

Request subscription with an entity.

presenceSubscribed :: Jid -> Presence Source

Approve a subscripton of an entity.

presenceUnsubscribe :: Jid -> Presence Source

End a subscription with an entity.

presenceUnsubscribed :: Jid -> Presence Source

Deny a not-yet approved or terminate a previously approved subscription of an entity

presTo :: Presence -> Jid -> Presence Source

Add a recipient to a presence notification.


Sends a presence stanza. In general, the presence stanza should have no to attribute, in which case the server to which the client is connected will broadcast that stanza to all subscribed entities. However, a publishing client may also send a presence stanza with a to attribute, in which case the server will route or deliver that stanza to the intended recipient.

sendPresence :: Presence -> Session -> IO (Either XmppFailure ()) Source

Send a presence stanza.


pullPresence :: Session -> IO (Either PresenceError Presence) Source

Read a presence stanza from the inbound stanza channel, discards any other stanzas. Returns the presence stanza.

waitForPresence :: (Presence -> Bool) -> Session -> IO Presence Source

Draw and discard stanzas from the inbound channel until a presence stanza matching the given predicate is found. Return the presence stanza with annotations.


Info/Query, or IQ, is a request-response mechanism, similar in some ways to the Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP. The semantics of IQ enable an entity to make a request of, and receive a response from, another entity. The data content and precise semantics of the request and response is defined by the schema or other structural definition associated with the XML namespace that qualifies the direct child element of the IQ element. IQ interactions follow a common pattern of structured data exchange such as get/result or set/result (although an error can be returned in reply to a request if appropriate)


data IQRequest Source

A "request" Info/Query (IQ) stanza is one with either "get" or "set" as type. It always contains an xml payload.

data IQRequestTicket Source

A received and wrapped up IQ request. Prevents you from (illegally) answering a single IQ request multiple times

iqRequestBody :: IQRequestTicket -> IQRequest Source

The actual IQ request that created this ticket.

data IQRequestType Source

The type of IQ request that is made.



data IQResult Source

The (non-error) answer to an IQ request.

data IQError Source

The answer to an IQ request that generated an error.

data IQResponse Source

A "response" Info/Query (IQ) stanza is either an IQError, an IQ stanza of type "result" (IQResult)

sendIQ Source


:: Maybe Integer

Timeout . When the timeout is reached the response TMVar will be filled with IQResponseTimeout and the id is removed from the list of IQ handlers. Nothing deactivates the timeout

-> Maybe Jid

Recipient (to)

-> IQRequestType

IQ type (Get or Set)

-> Maybe LangTag

Language tag of the payload (Nothing for default)

-> Element

The IQ body (there has to be exactly one)

-> Session 
-> IO (Either XmppFailure (STM (Maybe (Annotated IQResponse)))) 

Sends an IQ, returns an STM action that returns the first inbound IQ with a matching ID that has type result or error or Nothing if the timeout was reached.

When sending the action fails, an XmppFailure is returned.

sendIQ' :: Maybe Integer -> Maybe Jid -> IQRequestType -> Maybe LangTag -> Element -> Session -> IO (Either IQSendError IQResponse) Source

Like sendIQ, but waits for the answer IQ. Discards plugin Annotations

answerIQ :: IQRequestTicket -> Either StanzaError (Maybe Element) -> IO (Maybe (Either XmppFailure ())) Source

Answer an IQ request. Only the first answer ist sent and Just True is returned when the answer is sucessfully sent. If an error occured during sending Just False is returned (and another attempt can be undertaken). Subsequent answers after the first sucessful one are dropped and (False is returned in that case)

iqResult :: Maybe Element -> IQRequest -> IQResult Source

Create an IQ Result matching an IQ request

listenIQ Source


:: IQRequestType

Type of IQs to receive (Get or Set)

-> Text

Namespace of the child element

-> Session 
-> IO (Either (STM IQRequestTicket) (STM IQRequestTicket)) 

Register your interest in inbound IQ stanzas of a specific type and namespace. The returned STM action yields the received, matching IQ stanzas.

If a handler for IQ stanzas with the given type and namespace is already registered, the producer will be wrapped in Left. In this case the returned request tickets may already be processed elsewhere.

unlistenIQ Source


:: IQRequestType

Type of IQ (Get or Set)

-> Text

Namespace of the child element

-> Session 
-> IO () 

Unregister a previously registered IQ handler. No more IQ stanzas will be delivered to any of the returned producers.


data StanzaErrorType Source

StanzaErrors always have one of these types.



Error is unrecoverable - do not retry


Conditition was a warning - proceed


Change the data and retry


Provide credentials and retry


Error is temporary - wait and retry

data StanzaError Source

All stanzas (IQ, message, presence) can cause errors, which in the Xmpp stream looks like <stanza-kind to='sender' type='error'> . These errors are wrapped in the StanzaError type. TODO: Sender XML is (optional and is) not yet included.

associatedErrorType :: StanzaErrorCondition -> StanzaErrorType Source

The RECOMMENDED error type associated with an error condition. The following conditions allow for multiple types

mkStanzaError Source


:: StanzaErrorCondition


-> StanzaError 

Create a StanzaError with condition and the associatedErrorType. Leave the error text and the application specific condition empty

data StanzaErrorCondition Source

Stanza errors are accommodated with one of the error conditions listed below.



Malformed XML.


Resource or session with name already exists.


Insufficient permissions.

Gone (Maybe NonemptyText)

Entity can no longer be contacted at this address.


Does not meet policy criteria.


No entity may perform this action.


Must provide proper credentials.


The entity has violated some local service policy (e.g., a message contains words that are prohibited by the service)


Temporarily unavailable.

Redirect (Maybe NonemptyText)

Redirecting to other entity, usually temporarily.


Entity lacks the necessary system resources.


Application-specific condition.


Badly timed request.

data IQSendError Source

Error that can occur during sendIQ'


dupSession :: Session -> IO Session Source

Duplicate the inbound channel of the session object. Most receiving functions discard stanzas they are not interested in from the inbound channel. Duplicating the channel ensures that those stanzas can aren't lost and can still be handled somewhere else.


Network.Xmpp doesn't re-export the accessors to avoid name clashes. To use them import Network.Xmpp.Lens


type Annotated a = (a, [Annotation]) Source

data Annotation Source

Annotations are auxiliary data attached to received stanzas by Plugins to convey information regarding their operation. For example, a plugin for encryption might attach information about whether a received stanza was encrypted and which algorithm was used.


forall f . (Typeable f, Show f) => Annotation 


fromAnnotation :: f


type Plugin Source


 = (Stanza -> IO (Either XmppFailure ()))

pass stanza to next plugin

-> ErrorT XmppFailure IO Plugin' 

data Plugin' Source




inHandler :: Stanza -> [Annotation] -> IO [(Stanza, [Annotation])]

Resulting stanzas and additional Annotations

outHandler :: Stanza -> IO (Either XmppFailure ())
onSessionUp :: Session -> IO ()

In order to allow plugins to tie the knot (Plugin / Session) we pass the plugin the completed Session once it exists


data LangTag Source

The language tag in accordance with RFC 5646 (in the form of "en-US"). It has a primary tag and a number of subtags. Two language tags are considered equal if and only if they contain the same tags (case-insensitive).

langTagFromText :: Text -> Maybe LangTag Source

Parses, validates, and possibly constructs a LangTag object.


data XmppFailure Source

Signals an XMPP stream error or another unpredicted stream-related situation. This error is fatal, and closes the XMPP stream.


StreamErrorFailure StreamErrorInfo

An error XML stream element has been encountered.


The stream has been closed. This exception is caught by the concurrent implementation, and will thus not be visible through use of Session.

StreamCloseError ([Element], XmppFailure)

When an XmppFailure is encountered in closeStreams, this constructor wraps the elements collected so far.


All attempts to TCP connect to the server failed.


The TCP details provided did not validate.

TlsError XmppTlsError

An error occurred in the TLS layer


The server does not support the use of TLS


An action that required an active stream were performed when the StreamState was Closed

XmppAuthFailure AuthFailure

Authentication with the server failed (unrecoverably)


Connection already secured


Undefined condition. More information should be available in the log.

XmppIOException IOException

An IOException occurred

XmppInvalidXml String

Received data is not valid XML

data StreamErrorInfo Source

Encapsulates information about an XMPP stream error.



data StreamErrorCondition Source



The entity has sent XML that cannot be processed.


The entity has sent a namespace prefix that is unsupported, or has sent no namespace prefix on an element that needs such a prefix


The server either (1) is closing the existing stream for this entity because a new stream has been initiated that conflicts with the existing stream, or (2) is refusing a new stream for this entity because allowing the new stream would conflict with an existing stream (e.g., because the server allows only a certain number of connections from the same IP address or allows only one server-to-server stream for a given domain pair as a way of helping to ensure in-order processing


One party is closing the stream because it has reason to believe that the other party has permanently lost the ability to communicate over the stream.


The value of the to attribute provided in the initial stream header corresponds to an FQDN that is no longer serviced by the receiving entity


The value of the to attribute provided in the initial stream header does not correspond to an FQDN that is serviced by the receiving entity.


A stanza sent between two servers lacks a to or from attribute, the from or to attribute has no value, or the value violates the rules for XMPP addresses


The server has experienced a misconfiguration or other internal error that prevents it from servicing the stream.


The data provided in a from attribute does not match an authorized JID or validated domain as negotiated (1) between two servers using SASL or Server Dialback, or (2) between a client and a server via SASL authentication and resource binding.


The stream namespace name is something other than "http:/etherx.jabber.orgstreams" (see Section 11.2) or the content namespace declared as the default namespace is not supported (e.g., something other than "jabber:client" or "jabber:server").


The entity has sent invalid XML over the stream to a server that performs validation


The entity has attempted to send XML stanzas or other outbound data before the stream has been authenticated, or otherwise is not authorized to perform an action related to stream negotiation; the receiving entity MUST NOT process the offending data before sending the stream error.


The initiating entity has sent XML that violates the well-formedness rules of [XML] or [XML‑NAMES].


The entity has violated some local service policy (e.g., a stanza exceeds a configured size limit); the server MAY choose to specify the policy in the <text/> element or in an application-specific condition element.


The server is unable to properly connect to a remote entity that is needed for authentication or authorization (e.g., in certain scenarios related to Server Dialback [XEP‑0220]); this condition is not to be used when the cause of the error is within the administrative domain of the XMPP service provider, in which case the <internal-server-error /> condition is more appropriate.


The server is closing the stream because it has new (typically security-critical) features to offer, because the keys or certificates used to establish a secure context for the stream have expired or have been revoked during the life of the stream , because the TLS sequence number has wrapped, etc. The reset applies to the stream and to any security context established for that stream (e.g., via TLS and SASL), which means that encryption and authentication need to be negotiated again for the new stream (e.g., TLS session resumption cannot be used)


The server lacks the system resources necessary to service the stream.


he entity has attempted to send restricted XML features such as a comment, processing instruction, DTD subset, or XML entity reference


The server will not provide service to the initiating entity but is redirecting traffic to another host under the administrative control of the same service provider.


The server is being shut down and all active streams are being closed.


The error condition is not one of those defined by the other conditions in this list


The initiating entity has encoded the stream in an encoding that is not supported by the server or has otherwise improperly encoded the stream (e.g., by violating the rules of the [UTF‑8] encoding).


The receiving entity has advertised a mandatory-to-negotiate stream feature that the initiating entity does not support, and has offered no other mandatory-to-negotiate feature alongside the unsupported feature.


The initiating entity has sent a first-level child of the stream that is not supported by the server, either because the receiving entity does not understand the namespace or because the receiving entity does not understand the element name for the applicable namespace (which might be the content namespace declared as the default namespace)


The version attribute provided by the initiating entity in the stream header specifies a version of XMPP that is not supported by the server.

data AuthFailure Source

Signals a SASL authentication error condition.


AuthNoAcceptableMechanism [Text]

No mechanism offered by the server was matched by the provided acceptable mechanisms; wraps the mechanisms offered by the server

AuthSaslFailure SaslFailure

A SASL failure element was encountered


The credentials provided did not conform to the SASLprep Stringprep profile


Other failure; more information is available in the log

connectTls Source


:: ResolvConf

Resolv conf to use (try defaultResolvConf as a default)

-> ClientParams

TLS parameters to use when securing the connection

-> String

Host to use when connecting (will be resolved using SRV records)

-> ErrorT XmppFailure IO StreamHandle 

Connect to an XMPP server and secure the connection with TLS before starting the XMPP streams

NB RFC 6120 does not specify this method, but some servers, notably GCS, seem to use it.

def :: Default a => a

The default value for this type.