polysemy-test- Polysemy effects for testing
Safe HaskellNone






This package provides utilities for testing Polysemy programs:

  1. An effect, Test, that gives access to temporary files and fixtures
  2. An effect, Hedgehog, for lifted Hedgehog assertions
import Polysemy.Test
import Test.Tasty (defaultMain)

test_fixture :: UnitTest
test_fixture =
  runTestAuto do
    fixContent1 <- fixtureLines fixRel
    fixPath <- Test.fixturePath fixRel
    fixContent2 Text.lines <$ embed (Text.readFile (toFilePath fixPath))
    fixContent1 === fixContent2
    fixContent1 === ["file", "content"]
    fixRel =

main :: IO () main = defaultMain (unitTest test_fixture)

data Test :: Effect Source #

Operations for interacting with fixtures and temp files in a test.


Instances details
type DefiningModule Test Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Test.Data.Test

type DefiningModule Test = "Polysemy.Test.Data.Test"

testDir :: forall r. Member Test r => Sem r (Path Abs Dir) Source #

Return the base dir in which tests are executed.

tempDir :: forall r. Member Test r => Path Rel Dir -> Sem r (Path Abs Dir) Source #

Create a subdirectory of the directory for temporary files and return its absolute path.

tempFile :: forall r. Member Test r => [Text] -> Path Rel File -> Sem r (Path Abs File) Source #

Write the specified lines of Text to a file under the temp dir and return its absolute path.

tempFileContent :: forall r. Member Test r => Path Rel File -> Sem r Text Source #

Read the contents of a temporary file.

fixturePath :: forall p r. Member Test r => Path Rel p -> Sem r (Path Abs p) Source #

Construct a path relative to the fixture directory.

fixture :: forall r. Member Test r => Path Rel File -> Sem r Text Source #

Read the contents of a file relative to the fixture directory.

tempFileLines :: forall r. Member Test r => Path Rel File -> Sem r [Text] Source #

Read the contents of a temporary file as a list of lines.

fixtureLines :: forall r. Member Test r => Path Rel File -> Sem r [Text] Source #

Read the contents of a file relative to the fixture directory as a list of lines.

interpretTest :: Member (Embed IO) r => Path Abs Dir -> InterpreterFor Test r Source #

Interpret Test so that all file system operations are performed in the directory base. The temp directory will be removed before running.

This library uses Path for all file system related tasks, so in order to construct paths manually, you'll have to use the quasiquoters absdir and reldir or the functions parseAbsDir and parseRelDir.

interpretTestInSubdir :: Member (Embed IO) r => Text -> InterpreterFor Test r Source #

Call interpretTest with the subdirectory prefix of the current working directory as the base dir, which is most likely something like test. This is not necessarily consistent, it depends on which directory your test runner uses as cwd.

runTestAuto :: HasCallStack => Sem (Test ': TestEffects) a -> TestT IO a Source #

Wrapper for runTest that uses the call stack to determine the base dir of the test run. Note that if you wrap this function, you'll have to use the HasCallStack constraint to supply the implicit CallStack.

runTest :: Path Abs Dir -> Sem (Test ': TestEffects) a -> TestT IO a Source #

Convenience combinator that runs both Hedgehog and Test and uses the final monad TestT IO, ready for execution as a property.

runTestInSubdir :: Text -> Sem (Test ': TestEffects) a -> TestT IO a Source #

Same as runTest, but uses interpretTestInSubdir.

Hedgehog effect

data Hedgehog :: Effect Source #

Convenience effect for embedding Hedgehog assertions.


Instances details
type DefiningModule Hedgehog Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Test.Data.Hedgehog

type DefiningModule Hedgehog = "Polysemy.Test.Data.Hedgehog"

liftH :: forall a r. Member Hedgehog r => TestT IO a -> Sem r a Source #

Lift a TestT IO into Sem. >>> liftH (Hedgehog.evalEither (Right 0))

assert :: forall r. Member Hedgehog r => Bool -> Sem r () Source #

Embeds assert.

assertEqual :: forall a r. Eq a => Show a => Member Hedgehog r => a -> a -> Sem r () Source #

Embeds 'Hedgehog.(===)'.

evalEither :: forall a e r. Show e => Member Hedgehog r => Either e a -> Sem r a Source #

Embeds evalEither.

assertRight :: forall a e r. Show e => Eq a => Show a => Member Hedgehog r => a -> Either e a -> Sem r () Source #

Given a reference value, unpacks an Either with evalEither and applies assertEqual to the result in the Right case, and produces a test failure in the Left case.

(===) :: Eq a => Show a => Member Hedgehog r => a -> a -> Sem r () Source #

Alias for assertEqual. >>> 5 === 6

interpretHedgehog :: Member (Embed (TestT IO)) r => InterpreterFor Hedgehog r Source #

Interpret Hedgehog into TestT IO by simple embedding of the native combinators.


type UnitTest = TestT IO () Source #

Convenience type alias for tests.

unitTest :: TestName -> UnitTest -> TestTree Source #

Convert a TestT IO () to a TestTree ready for use with Tasty's machinery.