polysemy- Higher-order, low-boilerplate free monads.
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred





newtype Sem r a Source #

The Sem monad handles computations of arbitrary extensible effects. A value of type Sem r describes a program with the capabilities of r. For best results, r should always be kept polymorphic, but you can add capabilities via the Member constraint.

The value of the Sem monad is that it allows you to write programs against a set of effects without a predefined meaning, and provide that meaning later. For example, unlike with mtl, you can decide to interpret an Error effect traditionally as an Either, or instead as (a significantly faster) IO Exception. These interpretations (and others that you might add) may be used interchangeably without needing to write any newtypes or Monad instances. The only change needed to swap interpretations is to change a call from runError to errorToIOFinal.

The effect stack r can contain arbitrary other monads inside of it. These monads are lifted into effects via the Embed effect. Monadic values can be lifted into a Sem via embed.

Higher-order actions of another monad can be lifted into higher-order actions of Sem via the Final effect, which is more powerful than Embed, but also less flexible to interpret.

A Sem can be interpreted as a pure value (via run) or as any traditional Monad (via runM or runFinal). Each effect E comes equipped with some interpreters of the form:

runE :: Sem (E ': r) a -> Sem r a

which is responsible for removing the effect E from the effect stack. It is the order in which you call the interpreters that determines the monomorphic representation of the r parameter.

Order of interpreters can be important - it determines behaviour of effects that manipulate state or change control flow. For example, when interpreting this action:

>>> :{
  example :: Members '[State String, Error String] r => Sem r String
  example = do
    put "start"
    let throwing, catching :: Members '[State String, Error String] r => Sem r String
        throwing = do
          modify (++"-throw")
          throw "error"
        catching = do
          modify (++"-catch")
    catch @String throwing (\ _ -> catching)

when handling Error first, state is preserved after error occurs:

>>> :{
    & runError
    & fmap (either id id)
    & evalState ""
    & runM
    & (print =<<)

while handling State first discards state in such cases:

>>> :{
    & evalState ""
    & runError
    & fmap (either id id)
    & runM
    & (print =<<)

A good rule of thumb is to handle effects which should have "global" behaviour over other effects later in the chain.

After all of your effects are handled, you'll be left with either a Sem '[] a, a Sem '[ Embed m ] a, or a Sem '[ Final m ] a value, which can be consumed respectively by run, runM, and runFinal.


As an example of keeping r polymorphic, we can consider the type

Member (State String) r => Sem r ()

to be a program with access to

get :: Sem r String
put :: String -> Sem r ()


By also adding a

Member (Error Bool) r

constraint on r, we gain access to the

throw :: Bool -> Sem r a
catch :: Sem r a -> (Bool -> Sem r a) -> Sem r a

functions as well.

In this sense, a Member (State s) r constraint is analogous to mtl's MonadState s m and should be thought of as such. However, unlike mtl, a Sem monad may have an arbitrary number of the same effect.

For example, we can write a Sem program which can output either Ints or Bools:

foo :: ( Member (Output Int) r
       , Member (Output Bool) r
    => Sem r ()
foo = do
  output @Int  5
  output True

Notice that we must use -XTypeApplications to specify that we'd like to use the (Output Int) effect.






Instances details
Member (Fail :: (Type -> Type) -> Type -> TYPE LiftedRep) r => MonadFail (Sem r) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


fail :: String -> Sem r a #

Member Fixpoint r => MonadFix (Sem r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


mfix :: (a -> Sem r a) -> Sem r a #

Member (Embed IO) r => MonadIO (Sem r) Source #

This instance will only lift IO actions. If you want to lift into some other MonadIO type, use this instance, and handle it via the embedToMonadIO interpretation.

Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


liftIO :: IO a -> Sem r a #

Member NonDet r => Alternative (Sem r) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


empty :: Sem r a #

(<|>) :: Sem r a -> Sem r a -> Sem r a #

some :: Sem r a -> Sem r [a] #

many :: Sem r a -> Sem r [a] #

Applicative (Sem f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


pure :: a -> Sem f a #

(<*>) :: Sem f (a -> b) -> Sem f a -> Sem f b #

liftA2 :: (a -> b -> c) -> Sem f a -> Sem f b -> Sem f c #

(*>) :: Sem f a -> Sem f b -> Sem f b #

(<*) :: Sem f a -> Sem f b -> Sem f a #

Functor (Sem f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Sem f a -> Sem f b #

(<$) :: a -> Sem f b -> Sem f a #

Monad (Sem f) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


(>>=) :: Sem f a -> (a -> Sem f b) -> Sem f b #

(>>) :: Sem f a -> Sem f b -> Sem f b #

return :: a -> Sem f a #

Member NonDet r => MonadPlus (Sem r) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


mzero :: Sem r a #

mplus :: Sem r a -> Sem r a -> Sem r a #

Monoid a => Monoid (Sem f a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


mempty :: Sem f a #

mappend :: Sem f a -> Sem f a -> Sem f a #

mconcat :: [Sem f a] -> Sem f a #

Semigroup a => Semigroup (Sem f a) Source #


Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


(<>) :: Sem f a -> Sem f a -> Sem f a #

sconcat :: NonEmpty (Sem f a) -> Sem f a #

stimes :: Integral b => b -> Sem f a -> Sem f a #

class Member (t :: Effect) (r :: EffectRow) Source #

This class indicates that an effect must be present in the caller's stack. It is the main mechanism by which a program defines its effect dependencies.

Minimal complete definition



Instances details
Member t z => Member t (_1 ': z) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal.Union


membership' :: ElemOf t (_1 ': z)

Member t (t ': z) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal.Union


membership' :: ElemOf t (t ': z)

type family Members es r :: Constraint where ... Source #

Makes constraints of functions that use multiple effects shorter by translating single list of effects into multiple Member constraints:

foo :: Members '[ Output Int
                , Output Bool
                , State String
                ] r
    => Sem r ()

translates into:

foo :: ( Member (Output Int) r
       , Member (Output Bool) r
       , Member (State String) r
    => Sem r ()



Members '[] r = () 
Members (e ': es) r = (Member e r, Members es r) 

send :: Member e r => e (Sem r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Execute an action of an effect.

This is primarily used to create methods for actions of effects:

data FooBar m a where
  Foo :: String -> m a -> FooBar m a
  Bar :: FooBar m Int

foo :: Member FooBar r => String -> Sem r a -> Sem r a
foo s m = send (Foo s m)

bar :: Member FooBar r => Sem r Int
bar = send Bar

makeSem allows you to eliminate this boilerplate.

@since TODO

sendUsing :: ElemOf e r -> e (Sem r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Embed an effect into a Sem, given an explicit proof that the effect exists in r.

This is useful in conjunction with tryMembership, in order to conditionally make use of effects.

embed :: Member (Embed m) r => m a -> Sem r a Source #

Embed a monadic action m in Sem.


run :: Sem '[] a -> a Source #

Run a Sem containing no effects as a pure value.

runM :: Monad m => Sem '[Embed m] a -> m a Source #

Lower a Sem containing only a single lifted Monad into that monad.

raise_ :: forall r r' a. Raise r r' => Sem r a -> Sem r' a Source #

Introduce an arbitrary number of effects on top of the effect stack. This function is highly polymorphic, so it may be good idea to use its more concrete versions (like raise) or type annotations to avoid vague errors in ambiguous contexts.


class Raise (r :: EffectRow) (r' :: EffectRow) where Source #

See raise.



raiseUnion :: Union r m a -> Union r' m a Source #


Instances details
Raise r r Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


raiseUnion :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Union r m a -> Union r m a Source #

(r' ~ (_0 ': r''), Raise r r'') => Raise r r' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


raiseUnion :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Union r m a -> Union r' m a Source #

raise :: forall e r a. Sem r a -> Sem (e ': r) a Source #

Introduce an effect into Sem. Analogous to lift in the mtl ecosystem. For a variant that can introduce an arbitrary number of effects, see raise_.

raiseUnder :: forall e2 e1 r a. Sem (e1 ': r) a -> Sem (e1 ': (e2 ': r)) a Source #

Like raise, but introduces a new effect underneath the head of the list. See raiseUnder2 or raiseUnder3 for introducing more effects. If you need to introduce even more of them, check out subsume_.

raiseUnder can be used in order to turn transformative interpreters into reinterpreters. This is especially useful if you're writing an interpreter which introduces an intermediary effect, and then want to use an existing interpreter on that effect.

For example, given:

fooToBar :: Member Bar r => Sem (Foo ': r) a -> Sem r a
runBar   :: Sem (Bar ': r) a -> Sem r a

You can write:

runFoo :: Sem (Foo ': r) a -> Sem r a
runFoo =
    runBar     -- Consume Bar
  . fooToBar   -- Interpret Foo in terms of the new Bar
  . raiseUnder -- Introduces Bar under Foo


raiseUnder2 :: forall e2 e3 e1 r a. Sem (e1 ': r) a -> Sem (e1 ': (e2 ': (e3 ': r))) a Source #

Like raise, but introduces two new effects underneath the head of the list.


raiseUnder3 :: forall e2 e3 e4 e1 r a. Sem (e1 ': r) a -> Sem (e1 ': (e2 ': (e3 ': (e4 ': r)))) a Source #

Like raise, but introduces three new effects underneath the head of the list.


raise2Under :: forall e3 e1 e2 r a. Sem (e1 ': (e2 ': r)) a -> Sem (e1 ': (e2 ': (e3 ': r))) a Source #

Like raise, but introduces an effect two levels underneath the head of the list.


raise3Under :: forall e4 e1 e2 e3 r a. Sem (e1 ': (e2 ': (e3 ': r))) a -> Sem (e1 ': (e2 ': (e3 ': (e4 ': r)))) a Source #

Like raise, but introduces an effect three levels underneath the head of the list.


subsume_ :: forall r r' a. Subsume r r' => Sem r a -> Sem r' a Source #

Allows reordering and adding known effects on top of the effect stack, as long as the polymorphic "tail" of new stack is a raise-d version of the original one. This function is highly polymorphic, so it may be a good idea to use its more concrete version (subsume), fitting functions from the raise family or type annotations to avoid vague errors in ambiguous contexts.


class Subsume (r :: EffectRow) (r' :: EffectRow) where Source #

See subsume_.



subsumeUnion :: Union r m a -> Union r' m a Source #


Instances details
Raise r r' => Subsume r r' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


subsumeUnion :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Union r m a -> Union r' m a Source #

Subsume ('[] :: [Effect]) r Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


subsumeUnion :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Union '[] m a -> Union r m a Source #

(Member e r', Subsume r r') => Subsume (e ': r) r' Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Polysemy.Internal


subsumeUnion :: forall (m :: Type -> Type) a. Union (e ': r) m a -> Union r' m a Source #

subsume :: forall e r a. Member e r => Sem (e ': r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Interprets an effect in terms of another identical effect.

This is useful for defining interpreters that use reinterpretH without immediately consuming the newly introduced effect. Using such an interpreter recursively may result in duplicate effects, which may then be eliminated using subsume.

For a version that can introduce an arbitrary number of new effects and reorder existing ones, see subsume_.


subsumeUsing :: forall e r a. ElemOf e r -> Sem (e ': r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Interprets an effect in terms of another identical effect, given an explicit proof that the effect exists in r.

This is useful in conjunction with tryMembership in order to conditionally make use of effects. For example:

tryListen :: KnownRow r => Sem r a -> Maybe (Sem r ([Int], a))
tryListen m = case tryMembership @(Writer [Int]) of
  Just pr -> Just $ subsumeUsing pr (listen (raise m))
  _       -> Nothing


insertAt :: forall index inserted head oldTail tail old full a. (ListOfLength index head, WhenStuck index InsertAtUnprovidedIndex, old ~ Append head oldTail, tail ~ Append inserted oldTail, full ~ Append head tail, InsertAtIndex index head tail oldTail full inserted) => Sem old a -> Sem full a Source #

Introduce a set of effects into Sem at the index i, before the effect that previously occupied that position. This is intended to be used with a type application:

  sem1 :: Sem [e1, e2, e3, e4, e5] a
  sem1 = insertAt @2 (sem0 :: Sem [e1, e2, e5] a)


newtype Embed m (z :: Type -> Type) a where Source #

An effect which allows a regular Monad m into the Sem ecosystem. Monadic actions in m can be lifted into Sem via embed.

For example, you can use this effect to lift IO actions directly into Sem:

embed (putStrLn "hello") :: Member (Embed IO) r => Sem r ()

That being said, you lose out on a significant amount of the benefits of Sem by using embed directly in application code; doing so will tie your application code directly to the underlying monad, and prevent you from interpreting it differently. For best results, only use Embed in your effect interpreters.

Consider using trace and traceToIO as a substitute for using putStrLn directly.





usingSem :: Monad m => (forall x. Union r (Sem r) x -> m x) -> Sem r a -> m a Source #

Like runSem but flipped for better ergonomics sometimes.

liftSem :: Union r (Sem r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Create a Sem from a Union with matching stacks.

hoistSem :: (forall x. Union r (Sem r) x -> Union r' (Sem r') x) -> Sem r a -> Sem r' a Source #

Extend the stack of a Sem with an explicit Union transformation.

restack :: (forall e. ElemOf e r -> ElemOf e r') -> Sem r a -> Sem r' a Source #

Extend the stack of a Sem with an explicit membership proof transformation.

type family Append l r where ... Source #

Append two type-level lists.


Append (a ': l) r = a ': Append l r 
Append '[] r = r 

type InterpreterFor e r = forall a. Sem (e ': r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Type synonym for interpreters that consume an effect without changing the return value. Offered for user convenience.

r Is kept polymorphic so it's possible to place constraints upon it:

teletypeToIO :: Member (Embed IO) r
             => InterpreterFor Teletype r

type InterpretersFor es r = forall a. Sem (Append es r) a -> Sem r a Source #

Variant of InterpreterFor that takes a list of effects. @since