{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} module Polysemy.Final ( -- * Effect Final(..) , ThroughWeavingToFinal -- * Actions , withWeavingToFinal , withStrategicToFinal , embedFinal -- * Combinators for Interpreting to the Final Monad , interpretFinal -- * Strategy -- | Strategy is a domain-specific language very similar to @Tactics@ -- (see 'Polysemy.Tactical'), and is used to describe how higher-order -- effects are threaded down to the final monad. -- -- Much like @Tactics@, computations can be run and threaded -- through the use of 'runS' and 'bindS', and first-order constructors -- may use 'pureS'. In addition, 'liftS' may be used to -- lift actions of the final monad. -- -- Unlike @Tactics@, the final return value within a 'Strategic' -- must be a monadic value of the target monad -- with the functorial state wrapped inside of it. , Strategic , WithStrategy , pureS , liftS , runS , bindS , getInspectorS , getInitialStateS -- * Interpretations , runFinal , finalToFinal -- * Interpretations for Other Effects , embedToFinal ) where import Polysemy.Internal import Polysemy.Internal.Combinators import Polysemy.Internal.Union import Polysemy.Internal.Strategy import Polysemy.Internal.TH.Effect ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | This represents a function which produces -- an action of the final monad @m@ given: -- -- * The initial effectful state at the moment the action -- is to be executed. -- -- * A way to convert @z@ (which is typically @'Sem' r@) to @m@ by -- threading the effectful state through. -- -- * An inspector that is able to view some value within the -- effectful state if the effectful state contains any values. -- -- A @'Polysemy.Internal.Union.Weaving'@ provides these components, -- hence the name 'ThroughWeavingToFinal'. -- -- @since type ThroughWeavingToFinal m z a = forall f . Functor f => f () -> (forall x. f (z x) -> m (f x)) -> (forall x. f x -> Maybe x) -> m (f a) ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | An effect for embedding higher-order actions in the final target monad -- of the effect stack. -- -- This is very useful for writing interpreters that interpret higher-order -- effects in terms of the final monad. -- -- 'Final' is more powerful than 'Embed', but is also less flexible -- to interpret (compare 'Polysemy.Embed.runEmbedded' with 'finalToFinal'). -- If you only need the power of 'embed', then you should use 'Embed' instead. -- -- /Beware/: 'Final' actions are interpreted as actions of the final monad, -- and the effectful state visible to -- 'withWeavingToFinal' \/ 'withStrategicToFinal' -- \/ 'interpretFinal' -- is that of /all interpreters run in order to produce the final monad/. -- -- This means that any interpreter built using 'Final' will /not/ -- respect local/global state semantics based on the order of -- interpreters run. You should signal interpreters that make use of -- 'Final' by adding a @-'Final'@ suffix to the names of these. -- -- State semantics of effects that are /not/ -- interpreted in terms of the final monad will always -- appear local to effects that are interpreted in terms of the final monad. -- -- State semantics between effects that are interpreted in terms of the final monad -- depend on the final monad. For example, if the final monad is a monad transformer -- stack, then state semantics will depend on the order monad transformers are stacked. -- -- @since newtype Final m z a where WithWeavingToFinal :: ThroughWeavingToFinal m z a -> Final m z a makeSem_ ''Final ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Allows for embedding higher-order actions of the final monad -- by providing the means of explicitly threading effects through @'Sem' r@ -- to the final monad. -- -- Consider using 'withStrategicToFinal' instead, -- which provides a more user-friendly interface, but is also slightly weaker. -- -- You are discouraged from using 'withWeavingToFinal' directly -- in application code, as it ties your application code directly to -- the final monad. -- -- @since withWeavingToFinal :: forall m r a . Member (Final m) r => ThroughWeavingToFinal m (Sem r) a -> Sem r a ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | 'withWeavingToFinal' admits an implementation of 'embed'. -- -- Just like 'embed', you are discouraged from using this in application code. -- -- @since embedFinal :: (Member (Final m) r, Functor m) => m a -> Sem r a embedFinal m = withWeavingToFinal $ \s _ _ -> (<$ s) <$> m {-# INLINE embedFinal #-} ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Allows for embedding higher-order actions of the final monad -- by providing the means of explicitly threading effects through @'Sem' r@ -- to the final monad. This is done through the use of the 'Strategic' -- environment, which provides 'runS' and 'bindS'. -- -- You are discouraged from using 'withStrategicToFinal' in application code, -- as it ties your application code directly to the final monad. -- -- @since withStrategicToFinal :: Member (Final m) r => Strategic m (Sem r) a -> Sem r a withStrategicToFinal strat = withWeavingToFinal (runStrategy strat) {-# INLINE withStrategicToFinal #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Like 'interpretH', but may be used to -- interpret higher-order effects in terms of the final monad. -- -- 'interpretFinal' requires less boilerplate than using 'interpretH' -- together with 'withStrategicToFinal' \/ 'withWeavingToFinal', -- but is also less powerful. -- 'interpretFinal' does not provide any means of executing actions -- of @'Sem' r@ as you interpret each action, and the provided interpreter -- is automatically recursively used to process higher-order occurences of -- @'Sem' (e ': r)@ to @'Sem' r@. -- -- If you need greater control of how the effect is interpreted, -- use 'interpretH' together with 'withStrategicToFinal' \/ -- 'withWeavingToFinal' instead. -- -- /Beware/: Effects that aren't interpreted in terms of the final -- monad will have local state semantics in regards to effects -- interpreted using 'interpretFinal'. See 'Final'. -- -- @since interpretFinal :: forall m e r a . Member (Final m) r => (forall x n. e n x -> Strategic m n x) -- ^ A natural transformation from the handled effect to the final monad. -> Sem (e ': r) a -> Sem r a interpretFinal n = let go :: Sem (e ': r) x -> Sem r x go = hoistSem $ \u -> case decomp u of Right (Weaving e s wv ex ins) -> injWeaving $ Weaving (WithWeavingToFinal (runStrategy (n e))) s (go . wv) ex ins Left g -> hoist go g {-# INLINE go #-} in go {-# INLINE interpretFinal #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Lower a 'Sem' containing only a single lifted, final 'Monad' into that -- monad. -- -- If you also need to process an @'Embed' m@ effect, use this together with -- 'embedToFinal'. -- -- @since runFinal :: Monad m => Sem '[Final m] a -> m a runFinal = usingSem $ \u -> case extract u of Weaving (WithWeavingToFinal wav) s wv ex ins -> ex <$> wav s (runFinal . wv) ins {-# INLINE runFinal #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Given natural transformations between @m1@ and @m2@, run a @'Final' m1@ -- effect by transforming it into a @'Final' m2@ effect. -- -- @since finalToFinal :: forall m1 m2 r a . Member (Final m2) r => (forall x. m1 x -> m2 x) -> (forall x. m2 x -> m1 x) -> Sem (Final m1 ': r) a -> Sem r a finalToFinal to from = let go :: Sem (Final m1 ': r) x -> Sem r x go = hoistSem $ \u -> case decomp u of Right (Weaving (WithWeavingToFinal wav) s wv ex ins) -> injWeaving $ Weaving (WithWeavingToFinal $ \s' wv' ins' -> to $ wav s' (from . wv') ins' ) s (go . wv) ex ins Left g -> hoist go g {-# INLINE go #-} in go {-# INLINE finalToFinal #-} ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- | Transform an @'Embed' m@ effect into a @'Final' m@ effect -- -- @since embedToFinal :: (Member (Final m) r, Functor m) => Sem (Embed m ': r) a -> Sem r a embedToFinal = interpret $ \(Embed m) -> embedFinal m {-# INLINE embedToFinal #-}