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polysemy- Higher-order, low-boilerplate, zero-cost free monads.

Safe HaskellNone



This module provides Template Haskell functions for automatically generating effect operation functions (that is, functions that use send) from a given effect algebra. For example, using the FileSystem effect from the example in the module documentation for Polysemy, we can write the following:

data FileSystem m a where
  ReadFile  :: FilePath -> FileSystem String
  WriteFile :: FilePath -> String -> FileSystem ()

makeSem ''FileSystem

This will automatically generate (approximately) the following functions:

readFile :: Member FileSystem r => FilePath -> Sem r String
readFile a = send (ReadFile a)

writeFile :: Member FileSystem r => FilePath -> String -> Sem r ()
writeFile a b = send (WriteFile a b)


makeSem :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

If T is a GADT representing an effect algebra, as described in the module documentation for Polysemy, $(makeSem ''T) automatically generates a smart constructor for every data constructor of T. This also works for data family instances. Names of smart constructors are created by changing first letter to lowercase or removing prefix : in case of operators. Fixity declaration is preserved for both normal names and operators.


makeSem_ :: Name -> Q [Dec] Source #

Like makeSem, but does not provide type signatures and fixities. This can be used to attach Haddock comments to individual arguments for each generated function.

data Output o m a where
  Output :: o -> Output o m ()

makeSem_ ''Output

-- | Output the value @o@.
output :: forall o r
       .  Member (Output o) r
       => o         -- ^ Value to output.
       -> Sem r ()  -- ^ No result.

Because of limitations in Template Haskell, signatures have to follow some rules to work properly:

  • makeSem_ must be used before the explicit type signatures
  • signatures have to specify argument of Sem representing union of effects as r (e.g. Sem r ())
  • all arguments in effect's type constructor have to follow naming scheme from data constructor's declaration:
data Foo e m a where
  FooC1 :: Foo x m ()
  FooC2 :: Foo (Maybe x) m ()

should have x in type signature of fooC1:

fooC1 :: forall x r. Member (Foo x) r => Sem r ()

and Maybe x in signature of fooC2:

fooC2 :: forall x r. Member (Foo (Maybe x)) r => Sem r ()
  • all effect's type variables and r have to be explicitly quantified using forall (order is not important)

These restrictions may be removed in the future, depending on changes to the compiler.

Change in (TODO(Sandy): version): in case of GADTs, signatures now only use names from data constructor's type and not from type constructor declaration.
