{-# LANGUAGE AllowAmbiguousTypes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuantifiedConstraints #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Polysemy.Internal.CustomErrors
( AmbiguousSend
, Break
, FirstOrder
, UnhandledEffect
, DefiningModule
, DefiningModuleForEffect
) where
import Data.Coerce
import Data.Kind
import GHC.TypeLits
type family DefiningModule (t :: k) :: Symbol
type family DefiningModuleForEffect (e :: k) :: Symbol where
DefiningModuleForEffect (e a) = DefiningModuleForEffect e
DefiningModuleForEffect e = DefiningModule e
data T1 m a
type family Break (c :: Constraint)
(rep :: (* -> *) -> * -> *) :: Constraint where
Break _ T1 = ((), ())
Break _ c = ()
type AmbigousEffectMessage r e t vs =
( 'Text "Ambiguous use of effect '"
':<>: 'ShowType e
':<>: 'Text "'"
':$$: 'Text "Possible fix:"
':$$: 'Text " add (Member ("
':<>: 'ShowType t
':<>: 'Text ") "
':<>: 'ShowType r
':<>: 'Text ") to the context of "
':$$: 'Text " the type signature"
':$$: 'Text "If you already have the constraint you want, instead"
':$$: 'Text " add a type application to specify"
':$$: 'Text " "
':<>: PrettyPrint vs
':<>: 'Text " directly"
type family PrettyPrint (vs :: [k]) where
PrettyPrint '[a] =
'Text "'" ':<>: 'ShowType a ':<>: 'Text "'"
PrettyPrint '[a, b] =
'Text "'" ':<>: 'ShowType a ':<>: 'Text "', and "
'Text "'" ':<>: 'ShowType b ':<>: 'Text "'"
PrettyPrint (a ': vs) =
'Text "'" ':<>: 'ShowType a ':<>: 'Text "', "
':<>: PrettyPrint vs
type family AmbiguousSend r e where
AmbiguousSend r (e a b c d f) =
TypeError (AmbigousEffectMessage r e (e a b c d f) '[a, b c d f])
AmbiguousSend r (e a b c d) =
TypeError (AmbigousEffectMessage r e (e a b c d) '[a, b c d])
AmbiguousSend r (e a b c) =
TypeError (AmbigousEffectMessage r e (e a b c) '[a, b c])
AmbiguousSend r (e a b) =
TypeError (AmbigousEffectMessage r e (e a b) '[a, b])
AmbiguousSend r (e a) =
TypeError (AmbigousEffectMessage r e (e a) '[a])
AmbiguousSend r e =
( 'Text "Could not deduce: (Member "
':<>: 'ShowType e
':<>: 'Text " "
':<>: 'ShowType r
':<>: 'Text ") "
':$$: 'Text "Fix:"
':$$: 'Text " add (Member "
':<>: 'ShowType e
':<>: 'Text " "
':<>: 'ShowType r
':<>: 'Text ") to the context of"
':$$: 'Text " the type signature"
type family FirstOrderError e (fn :: Symbol) :: k where
FirstOrderError e fn =
TypeError ( 'Text "'"
':<>: 'ShowType e
':<>: 'Text "' is higher-order, but '"
':<>: 'Text fn
':<>: 'Text "' can help only"
':$$: 'Text "with first-order effects."
':$$: 'Text "Fix:"
':$$: 'Text " use '"
':<>: 'Text fn
':<>: 'Text "H' instead."
type FirstOrder e fn = ∀ m. Coercible (e m) (e (FirstOrderError e fn))
type UnhandledEffectMsg e
= 'Text "Unhandled effect '"
':<>: 'ShowType e
':<>: 'Text "'"
':$$: 'Text "Probable fix:"
':$$: 'Text " add an interpretation for '"
':<>: 'ShowType e
':<>: 'Text "'"
type CheckDocumentation e
= 'Text " If you are looking for inspiration, try consulting"
':$$: 'Text " the documentation for module '"
':<>: 'Text (DefiningModuleForEffect e)
':<>: 'Text "'"
type family BreakSym (z :: k -> k) e (c :: Constraint)
(rep :: Symbol) :: k where
BreakSym _ e _ "" = TypeError (UnhandledEffectMsg e ':$$: CheckDocumentation e)
BreakSym z e _ c = z (TypeError (UnhandledEffectMsg e ':$$: CheckDocumentation e))
type family UnhandledEffect z e where
UnhandledEffect z e =
BreakSym z e (TypeError (UnhandledEffectMsg e)) (DefiningModuleForEffect e)