{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

-- |
-- Module      :  Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light
-- Copyright   :  Marco Zocca 2017
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  Marco Zocca <zocca marco gmail>
-- @plot-light@ provides functionality for rendering vector
-- graphics in SVG format. It is geared in particular towards scientific plotting, and it is termed "light" because it only requires a few common Haskell dependencies and no external libraries.
-- == Usage
-- To incorporate this library in your projects you just need @import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light@. If GHC complains of name collisions you must import the module in "qualified" form.
-- == Examples
-- If you wish to try out the examples in this page, you will need to have these import statements as well :
-- > import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.String (renderSvg) 
-- > import qualified Data.Colour.Names as C
-- > import qualified Data.Text.IO as T (readFile, writeFile)
-- > import qualified Data.Text as T
-- === 1. Heatmap plot of a 2D function
-- <<doc/fig/heatmap.png>>
-- This example renders the function
-- \[
-- {f(x, y) = \cos(\pi \theta) \sin( \rho^2) }
-- \]
-- where
-- \( \rho^2 = x^2 + y^2 \) and \( \theta = \arctan(y/x) \).
-- > xPlot = 400
-- > yPlot = 300
-- > fnameOut = "heatmap.svg"
-- > fdat = FigureData xPlot yPlot 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.9 10
-- > palette0 = palette [C.red, C.white, C.blue] 15
-- > plotFun2ex1 = do
-- >  let 
-- >    p1 = Point (-2) (-2)
-- >    p2 = Point 2 2
-- >    frame = mkFrame p1 p2
-- >    nx = 50 
-- >    ny = 50
-- >    f x y = cos ( pi * theta ) * sin r 
-- >      where
-- >        r = x'**2 + y'**2
-- >        theta = atan2 y' x'
-- >        (x', y') = (fromRational x, fromRational y)
-- >    lps = plotFun2 f $ meshGrid frame nx ny
-- >    vmin = minimum $ _lplabel <$> lps
-- >    vmax = maximum $ _lplabel <$> lps   
-- >    pixels = heatmap' fdat palette0 frame nx ny lps
-- >    cbar = colourBar fdat palette0 10 vmin vmax 10 TopRight 100
-- >    svg_t = svgHeader xPlot yPlot $ do
-- >       axes fdat frame 2 C.black 10 10
-- >       pixels
-- >       cbar
-- >  T.writeFile fnameOut $ T.pack $ renderSvg svg_t
-- This example demonstrates how to plot a 2D scalar function and write the output to SVG file.
-- First, we define a `FigureData` object (which holds the SVG figure dimensions and parameters for the white margin around the rendering canvas) and a `palette`.
--Afterwards we declare a `Frame` that bounds the rendering canvas using `mkFrame`. This is discretized in `nx` by `ny` pixels with `meshGrid`, and the function `f` is computed at the /intersections/ of the mesh with `plotFun2`.
-- The `axes` function adds labeled axes to the figure; the user just needs to specify stroke width and color and how many ticks to display.
-- The data to be plotted (represented in this case as a list of `LabeledPoint`s, in which the "label" carries the function value) are then mapped onto the given colour palette and drawn to the SVG canvas as a `heatmap'`, i.e. a mesh of filled rectangles (Caution: do not exceed resolutions of ~ hundred pixels per side).
-- Next, we create the legend; in this case this is a `colourBar` element that requires the data bounds `vmin`, `vmax`.
-- As a last step, the SVG content is wrapped in the appropriate markdown by `svgHeader` and written to file.
-- === 2. Scatter plot of 3D data
-- <<doc/fig/scatter-2.png>>
-- This example shows how to plot a collection of labelled points in the plane. Each sample row is represented by a `LabeledPoint`, in which the label is a scalar quantity.
-- The `scatterLP` function renders each data row as a glyph, by modifying a `ScatterPointData` record of default values via four functions that control the glyph size, contour line thickness, colour and opacity. This functionality can be exploited in creative ways to achieve effective infographics.
-- > xPlot = 400
-- > yPlot = 300
-- > fnameOut = "scatter.svg"
-- > fdat = FigureData xPlot yPlot 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.9 10
-- > dats = zipWith LabeledPoint p_ l_ where
-- >   l_ = [-5, -4 .. ]
-- >   p_ = zipWith Point [46,30,4,7,73,12,23,90,34,24,5,6,12,3,55,61] [20,35,43,23,20,1,23,8,11,17,25,4,5,26, 30]
-- > spdata = ScatterPointData Plus 3 3 C.black 0.8
-- > main :: IO ()
-- > main = do
-- >   let
-- >     frameTo = frameFromFigData fdat
-- >     frameFrom = frameFromPoints $ _lp <$> dats
-- >     vmin = minimum $ _lplabel <$> dats
-- >     vmax = maximum $ _lplabel <$> dats     
-- >     f l sz = 15 / (1 + exp(- (0.3 * x)) )
-- >       where x = l + sz
-- >     g l w = w * (1 + l / (1 + abs l))
-- >     h l col = C.blend l' C.red col
-- >       where
-- >         l' = (l - vmin)/(vmax - vmin)
-- >     i l alp = alp * ( 1 + l / (1 + abs l))
-- >     dats' = moveLabeledPointBwFrames frameFrom frameTo False True <$> dats
-- >     svg_t = svgHeader xPlot yPlot $ do
-- >       axes fdat frameFrom 2 C.black 10 10
-- >       scatterLP f g h i spdata dats'
-- >       scatterLPBar fdat 50 vmin vmax 3 TopRight 100 f g h i spdata
-- >   T.writeFile fnameOut $ T.pack $ renderSvg svg_t

module Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light (
  -- * Plot types
  -- ** Heatmap
  heatmap, heatmap', plotFun2, colourBar,
  -- ** Scatter
  scatter, scatterLP, scatterLPBar, ScatterPointData(..), GlyphShape_(..),
  -- * Plot elements
  -- ** Geometric primitives
  rect, rectCentered, squareCentered, circle, line, text, polyline, filledPolyline, pixel, pixel', 
  -- ** Composite plot elements
  filledBand, candlestick,
  -- ** Plot utilities
  axes, toPlot, FigureData(..),
  -- ** Element attributes
  LineStroke_(..), StrokeLineJoin_(..), TextAnchor_(..), LegendPosition_(..),
  -- ** Operations on frames
  frameFromPoints, frameFromFigData, mkFrame, mkFrameOrigin, width, height, figFWidth, figFHeight,  
  -- ** Colour utilities
  blendTwo, palette, pickColour,
  -- *** ShapeCol-related
  ShapeCol(..), Col(..),
  -- ** TimeSeries utilities
  fromTick, toTick,
  -- ** SVG utilities
  svgHeader, translateSvg, toSvgFrame, toSvgFrameLP,
  -- * Geometric types
  -- ** Frame
  -- ** Point, LabeledPoint
  Point(..), LabeledPoint(..), labelPoint, mapLabel,
  -- ** Axis
  -- * Helpers
  -- *** Misc.
  toFloat, wholeDecimal
  ) where

-- import qualified Data.Text as T

-- import Text.Blaze.Svg
-- import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.String (renderSvg)

-- import qualified Data.Colour as C
-- import qualified Data.Colour.Names as C
-- import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB as C

import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal
import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.PlotTypes