{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, DeriveFunctor, DeriveGeneric #-}
module Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal
  -- * Frame
    Frame(..), mkFrame, unitFrame, mkFrameOrigin, frameToFrame, frameToFrameValue, frameFromPoints, frameFromFigData, xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax, width, height,
    -- * FigureData
    FigureData(..), figFWidth, figFHeight
    -- * Point
  , Point(..), mkPoint, origin
    -- * LabeledPoint
  , LabeledPoint(..), mkLabeledPoint, labelPoint, mapLabel, Axis(..), axes, meshGrid, subdivSegment,
    -- * SVG elements
    svgHeader, rect, rectCentered, squareCentered, circle, line, tick, ticks, axis, toPlot, text, pixel, pixel', pickColour, colourBar, legendBar, plusGlyph, crossGlyph, polyline, filledPolyline, filledBand, candlestick, strokeLineJoin, LineStroke_(..), StrokeLineJoin_(..), TextAnchor_(..), LegendPosition_(..)
    -- * Geometry
    -- ** R^2 Vectors
  , V2(..), e1, e2, norm2, normalize2, v2fromEndpoints, v2fromPoint, (-.), pointRange
    -- ** R^2 -> R^2 Matrices
  , Mat2(..), DiagMat2(..), diagMat2
    -- ** Typeclasses
  , AdditiveGroup(..), VectorSpace(..), Hermitian(..), LinearMap(..), MultiplicativeSemigroup(..), MatrixGroup(..), Eps(..), movePoint, moveLabeledPointV2, moveLabeledPointBwFrames, translateSvg, toSvgFrame, toSvgFrameLP, toFloat, wholeDecimal
  -- * Colours
  , blendTwo, palette
    -- ** Col
  , (!#), Col(..), ShapeCol(..), col, col50, col100, shapeColBoth
  , shapeColNoBorder, shapeColNoFill
    -- * General utility
    -- ** Function interpolation
  , interpolateBilinear)

import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Foldable as F (toList)
import Data.List
-- import Control.Arrow ((&&&), (***))
import Control.Monad (forM, forM_)
import Control.Monad.State
-- import Data.Semigroup (Min(..), Max(..))
import Data.Scientific (Scientific, toRealFloat)

-- import Data.Foldable
import qualified Data.Text as T
-- import qualified Data.Vector as V

import Text.Blaze.Internal (Attributable(..))
import Text.Blaze.Svg
import Text.Blaze.Svg11  ((!))
import qualified Text.Blaze.Svg11 as S hiding (style)
import qualified Text.Blaze.Svg11.Attributes as SA hiding (rotate)
import Text.Blaze.Svg.Renderer.String (renderSvg)

import qualified Data.Colour as C
import qualified Data.Colour.Names as C
import qualified Data.Colour.SRGB as C

import GHC.Real
import GHC.Generics
import Data.Fixed

import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal.Geometry
import Graphics.Rendering.Plot.Light.Internal.Utils

-- | Figure data
data FigureData a = FigureData {
  -- | Figure width
    figWidth :: a
    -- | Figure height
  , figHeight :: a
  -- | Left margin fraction (w.r.t figure width)
  , figLeftMFrac :: a
  -- | Right margin fraction (w.r.t figure width)  
  , figRightMFrac :: a
  -- | Top margin fraction (w.r.t figure height)
  , figTopMFrac :: a
  -- | Bottom margin fraction (w.r.t figure height)  
  , figBottomMFrac :: a
  -- -- | Axis stroke width
  -- , figAxisStrokeWidth :: a
  -- | Tick label font size
  , figLabelFontSize :: Int
                       } deriving (Eq, Show, Functor, Generic)

figureDataDefault :: Floating a => FigureData a
figureDataDefault = FigureData 400 300 0.1 0.9 0.1 0.9 10

-- | Create the SVG header
svgHeader :: Real a =>
     a   -- ^ Image width (X axis)
  -> a   -- ^ Image height (Y axis)
  -> Svg -- ^ Image content
  -> Svg
svgHeader w h  =
  ! SA.version "1.1"
  ! SA.width (vd w)
  ! SA.height (vd h)
  ! SA.viewbox (vds [xmin fd, ymin fd, xmax fd, ymax fd]) where
     fd = mkFrameOrigin w h

-- | A Col is both a 'Colour' and an alpha (opacity) coefficient
data Col a = Col {
    cColour :: C.Colour Double
  , cAlpha :: a } deriving (Eq, Show)

col :: C.Colour Double -> a -> Col a
col = Col

-- | Full opacity colour
col100 :: Num a => C.Colour Double -> Col a
col100 c = col c 1

-- | Half opacity colour
col50 :: Fractional a => C.Colour Double -> Col a
col50 c = col c 0.5

-- | A shape can either be only filled, or only contoured, or both
data ShapeCol a =
    NoBorderCol (Col a)  -- ^ Only fill colour
  | NoFillCol (Col a) a   -- ^ Only border colour + stroke width
  | BothCol (Col a) (Col a) a -- ^ Fill and border colours
  deriving (Eq, Show)

shapeColNoBorder :: C.Colour Double -> a -> ShapeCol a
shapeColNoBorder c a = NoBorderCol $ col c a

shapeColNoFill :: C.Colour Double -> a -> a -> ShapeCol a
shapeColNoFill c a = NoFillCol $ col c a 

shapeColBoth ::
     C.Colour Double  -- ^ Fill colour
  -> C.Colour Double  -- ^ Stroke colour
  -> a                -- ^ Opacity 
  -> a                -- ^ Stroke width
  -> ShapeCol a
shapeColBoth cs cf a = BothCol (col cs a) (col cf a)

-- | Set the fill and stroke colour and opacity attributes all at once (e.g. if the fill is set to invisible, the stroke must be visible somehow.
(!#) :: (Attributable h, Real a) => h -> ShapeCol a -> h
m !# col = case col of
  NoBorderCol (Col c a) ->
    m ! SA.fillOpacity (vd a) ! SA.fill (colourAttr c) ! SA.stroke none
  NoFillCol (Col c a) sw  ->
    m ! SA.strokeOpacity (vd a) ! SA.stroke (colourAttr c) ! SA.strokeWidth (vd sw) ! SA.fill none
  BothCol (Col cf af) (Col cb ab) sw ->
    m ! SA.fillOpacity (vd af) ! SA.fill (colourAttr cf) ! SA.strokeOpacity (vd ab) ! SA.stroke (colourAttr cb) ! SA.strokeWidth (vd sw)

none :: S.AttributeValue
none = S.toValue ("none" :: String)

-- | A rectangle, defined by its anchor point coordinates and side lengths
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ rect 50 60 (shapeColNoBorder C.blue 0.5) (Point 100 30)
-- > <rect x="100.0" y="30.0" width="50.0" height="60.0" fill-opacity="0.5" fill="#0000ff" stroke="none" />
rect :: Real a =>
         a          -- ^ Width
      -> a          -- ^ Stroke width 
      -> ShapeCol a -- ^ Colour and alpha information
      -> Point a    -- ^ Corner point coordinates
      -> Svg
rect wid hei col (Point x0 y0) = S.rect ! SA.x (vd x0) ! SA.y (vd y0) ! SA.width (vd wid) ! SA.height (vd hei) !# col

-- | A rectangle, defined by its center coordinates and side lengths
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ rectCentered 15 30 (shapeColBoth C.blue C.red 1 5) (Point 20 30)
-- > <rect x="12.5" y="15.0" width="15.0" height="30.0" fill-opacity="1.0" fill="#0000ff" stroke-opacity="1.0" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="5.0" />
rectCentered :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
     a                       -- ^ Width
  -> a                       -- ^ Height
  -> ShapeCol a              -- ^ Colour and alpha information
  -> Point a                 -- ^ Center coordinates     
  -> Svg
rectCentered  wid hei col (Point x0 y0) =
  rect wid hei col p' where
    p' = Point x0c y0c
    x0c = x0 - (wid / 2)
    y0c = y0 - (hei / 2)   

-- | A square, defined by its center coordinates and side length
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ squareCentered 30 (shapeColBoth C.blue C.red 1 5) (Point 20 30)
-- > <rect x="5.0" y="15.0" width="30.0" height="30.0" fill-opacity="1.0" fill="#0000ff" stroke-opacity="1.0" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="5.0" />
squareCentered :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
                  a                          -- ^ Side length
               -> ShapeCol a              -- ^ Colour and alpha information
               -> Point a                 -- ^ Center coordinates
               -> Svg
squareCentered w = rectCentered w w

lineColourDefault :: C.Colour Double
lineColourDefault = C.blue

lineStrokeTypeDefault :: LineStroke_ a
lineStrokeTypeDefault = Continuous

data LineOptions a = LineOptions {
    loStrokeWidth :: a            -- ^ Stroke width 
  , loStrokeType :: LineStroke_ a -- ^ Stroke type
  , loColour :: C.Colour Double   -- ^ Stroke colour
                                 } deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

lineOptionsDefault :: Num a => LineOptions a
lineOptionsDefault = LineOptions 2 lineStrokeTypeDefault lineColourDefault

-- | Line options "picker". Creates an unbounded stream of LineOptions, may be useful when plotting multiple timeseries (essentially imitating the Matlab behaviour)
lineOptionCycle :: Fractional a => a -> [LineOptions a]
lineOptionCycle lw =
    strTys =
      replicate 5 Continuous <>
      replicate 5 (Dashed [0.2, 0.5]) <>
      replicate 5 (Dashed [0.5, 0.2])       
    cols = [C.blue, C.green, C.red, C.black, C.purple]
    nc = length cols
  LineOptions <$>
  repeat lw <*>
  strTys <*>

-- | Line segment between two `Point`s
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ line (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) 0.1 Continuous C.blueviolet
-- > <line x1="0.0" y1="0.0" x2="1.0" y2="1.0" stroke="#8a2be2" stroke-width="0.1" />
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg (line (Point 0 0) (Point 1 1) 0.1 (Dashed [0.2, 0.3]) C.blueviolet)
-- > <line x1="0.0" y1="0.0" x2="1.0" y2="1.0" stroke="#8a2be2" stroke-width="0.1" stroke-dasharray="0.2, 0.3" />
line :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
     Point a         -- ^ First point
  -> Point a         -- ^ Second point
  -> a               -- ^ Stroke width
  -> LineStroke_ a   -- ^ Stroke type
  -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour
  -> Svg
line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) sw lstr col =
    svg0 = S.line ! SA.x1 (vd x1) ! SA.y1 (vd y1) ! SA.x2 (vd x2)  ! SA.y2 (vd y2) ! SA.stroke (colourAttr col) ! SA.strokeWidth (vd sw)
  in case lstr of Continuous -> svg0
                  Dashed d -> svg0 ! strokeDashArray d

strokeDashArray :: Real a => [a] -> S.Attribute
strokeDashArray sz = SA.strokeDasharray (S.toValue str) where
  str = intercalate ", " $ map (show . real) sz

-- | Specify a continuous or dashed stroke
data LineStroke_ a = Continuous | Dashed [a] deriving (Eq, Show, Generic)

tick :: (Show a, RealFrac a) => Axis -> a -> a -> C.Colour Double -> Point a -> Svg
tick ax len sw col (Point x y) = line (Point x1 y1) (Point x2 y2) sw Continuous col where
  lh = len / 2
  (x1, y1, x2, y2)
    | ax == Y = (x, y-lh, x, y+lh)
    | otherwise = (x-lh, y, x+lh, y)

plusGlyph, crossGlyph :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
                         a               -- ^ Width
                      -> a               -- ^ Stroke width
                      -> C.Colour Double
                      -> Point a
                      -> Svg
plusGlyph w sw k (Point x y) = do
  line pl pr sw Continuous k
  line pt pb sw Continuous k
    wh = w / 2
    pl = Point (x-wh) y
    pr = Point (x+wh) y
    pt = Point x (y-wh)
    pb = Point x (y+wh)

crossGlyph w sw k (Point x y) = do
  line pa pb sw Continuous k
  line pc pd sw Continuous k
    wh = 1.4142 * w
    pa = Point (x+wh) (x+wh)
    pb = Point (x-wh) (x-wh)
    pc = Point (x+wh) (x-wh)
    pd = Point (x-wh) (x+wh)


  :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
     -> a                 -- ^ Length
     -> a                 -- ^ Stroke width
     -> C.Colour Double
     -> Int               -- ^ Font size
     -> a                 -- ^ Label angle
     -> TextAnchor_     
     -> (t -> T.Text)     -- ^ Label rendering function
     -> V2 a              -- ^ Label shift 
     -> LabeledPoint t a
     -> Svg
labeledTick ax len sw col fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab (LabeledPoint p label) = do
  tick ax len sw col p
  text lrot fontsize col tanchor (flab label) vlab p

-- | An array of axis-aligned identical segments (to be used as axis tickmarks), with centers given by the array of `Point`s
ticks :: (Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) =>
               Axis                -- ^ Axis 
               -> a                -- ^ Length         
               -> a                -- ^ Stroke width
               -> C.Colour Double  -- ^ Stroke colour
               -> t (Point a)      -- ^ Center coordinates
               -> Svg
ticks ax len sw col ps = forM_ ps (tick ax len sw col)

labeledTicks :: (Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) =>
             -> a
             -> a
             -> C.Colour Double
             -> Int
             -> a
             -> TextAnchor_
             -> (t2 -> T.Text)
             -> V2 a
             -> t (LabeledPoint t2 a)
             -> Svg
labeledTicks ax len sw col fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab ps =
  forM_ ps (labeledTick ax len sw col fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab)

-- | A plot axis with labeled tickmarks
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ axis (Point 0 50) X 200 2 C.red 0.05 Continuous 15 (-45) TAEnd T.pack (V2 (-10) 0) [LabeledPoint (Point 50 1) "bla", LabeledPoint (Point 60 1) "asdf"]
-- > <line x1="0.0" y1="50.0" x2="200.0" y2="50.0" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2.0" /><line x1="50.0" y1="45.0" x2="50.0" y2="55.0" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2.0" /><text x="-10.0" y="0.0" transform="translate(50.0 50.0)rotate(-45.0)" font-size="15" fill="#ff0000" text-anchor="end">bla</text><line x1="60.0" y1="45.0" x2="60.0" y2="55.0" stroke="#ff0000" stroke-width="2.0" /><text x="-10.0" y="0.0" transform="translate(60.0 50.0)rotate(-45.0)" font-size="15" fill="#ff0000" text-anchor="end">asdf</text>
axis :: (Functor t, Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) =>
              Point a            -- ^ Origin coordinates
              -> Axis            -- ^ Axis (i.e. either `X` or `Y`)
              -> a               -- ^ Length of the axis
              -> a               -- ^ Stroke width
              -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour
              -> a               -- ^ The tick length is a fraction of the axis length
              -> LineStroke_ a   -- ^ Stroke type
              -> Int               -- ^ Label font size
              -> a               -- ^ Label rotation angle
              -> TextAnchor_     -- ^ How to anchor a text label to the axis
              -> (l -> T.Text)   -- ^ How to render the tick label
              -> V2 a            -- ^ Offset the label
              -> t (LabeledPoint l a)     -- ^ Tick center coordinates
              -> Svg
axis o@(Point ox oy) ax len sw col tickLenFrac ls fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab ps = do
      line o pend sw ls col
      labeledTicks (otherAxis ax) (tickLenFrac * len) sw col fontsize lrot tanchor flab vlab (moveLabeledPoint f <$> ps)
          pend | ax == X = Point (ox + len) oy
               | otherwise = Point ox (oy + len)
          f | ax == X = setPointY oy
            | otherwise = setPointX ox

-- | A pair of Cartesian axes
axes :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
     FigureData a
     -> Frame a
     -> a
     -> C.Colour Double
     -> Int
     -> Int
     -> Svg
axes fdat (Frame (Point xmi ymi) (Point xma yma)) sw col nx ny = do
  axis o X lenx sw col 0.01 Continuous fontsize (-45) TAEnd showlabf (V2 (-10) 0) plabx_
  axis o Y (- leny) sw col 0.01 Continuous fontsize 0 TAEnd showlabf (V2 (-10) 0) plaby_
    o = Point (figWidth fdat * figLeftMFrac fdat) (figHeight fdat * figBottomMFrac fdat)
    pxend = movePoint (V2 lenx 0) o
    pyend = movePoint (V2 0 (- leny)) o
    plabx_ = zipWith LabeledPoint (pointRange nx o pxend) (take (nx+1) $ subdivSegment xmi xma $ fromIntegral nx)
    plaby_ = zipWith LabeledPoint (pointRange ny o pyend) (take (ny+1) $ subdivSegment ymi yma $ fromIntegral ny)
    fontsize = figLabelFontSize fdat
    lenx = figFWidth fdat
    leny = figFHeight fdat
    showlabf x = T.pack $ show (fromRational x :: Fixed E2)

-- | `toPlot` performs a number of related operations:
-- * Maps the dataset to the figure frame
-- * Renders the X, Y axes
-- * Renders the transformed dataset onto the newly created plot canvas
toPlot :: (Functor t, Foldable t, Show a, RealFrac a) =>
          FigureData a     
       -> (l -> T.Text)  -- ^ X tick label
       -> (l -> T.Text)  -- ^ Y tick label
       -> a   -- ^ X label rotation angle
       -> a -- ^ Y label rotation angle
       -> a -- ^ Stroke width
       -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour
       -> Maybe (t (LabeledPoint l a))  -- ^ X axis labels
       -> Maybe (t (LabeledPoint l a))  -- ^ Y axis labels
       -> (t (LabeledPoint l a) -> Svg)  -- ^ Data rendering function
       -> t (LabeledPoint l a) -- ^ Data
       -> Svg 
toPlot fd flabelx flabely rotx roty sw col1 tickxe tickye plotf dat = do
  axis oSvg X (width to) sw col1 0.05 Continuous fontsize rotx TAEnd flabelx (V2 (-10) 0) tickx
  axis oSvg Y (negate $ height to) sw col1 0.05 Continuous fontsize roty TAEnd flabely (V2 (-10) 0) ticky
  plotf dat'
    fontsize = figLabelFontSize fd
    from = frameFromPoints $ _lp <$> dat
    to = frameFromFigData fd
    datf = toSvgFrameLP from to False -- data mapping function    
    dat' = datf <$> dat
    tickDefault ti d = case ti of Just t -> datf <$> t
                                  Nothing -> d
    tickx = tickDefault tickxe dat'
    ticky = tickDefault tickye dat'
    oSvg = Point (xmin to) (ymax to)

frameFromFigData :: Num a => FigureData a -> Frame a
frameFromFigData fd = mkFrame oTo p2To where
    fontsize = figLabelFontSize fd
    wfig = figWidth fd
    hfig = figHeight fd
    (left, right) = (figLeftMFrac fd * wfig, figRightMFrac fd * wfig)
    (top, bot) = (figTopMFrac fd * hfig, figBottomMFrac fd * hfig)
    oTo = Point left top
    p2To = Point right bot

figFWidth, figFHeight :: Num a => FigureData a -> a
figFWidth = width . frameFromFigData
figFHeight = height . frameFromFigData

-- * text

-- | `text` renders text onto the SVG canvas
-- === Conventions
-- The `Point` argument `p` refers to the /lower-left/ corner of the text box.
-- The text box can be rotated by `rot` degrees around `p` and then anchored at either its beginning, middle or end to `p` with the `TextAnchor_` flag.
-- The user can supply an additional `V2` displacement which will be applied /after/ rotation and anchoring and refers to the rotated text box frame.
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ text (-45) C.green TAEnd "blah" (V2 (- 10) 0) (Point 250 0)
-- > <text x="-10.0" y="0.0" transform="translate(250.0 0.0)rotate(-45.0)" fill="#008000" text-anchor="end">blah</text>
text :: (Show a, Real a) =>
        a               -- ^ Rotation angle of the textbox
     -> Int             -- ^ Font size
     -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Font colour
     -> TextAnchor_     -- ^ How to anchor the text to the point
     -> T.Text          -- ^ Text 
     -> V2 a            -- ^ Displacement w.r.t. rotated textbox
     -> Point a         -- ^ Initial position of the text box (i.e. before rotation and displacement)
     -> Svg
text rot fontsize col ta te (V2 vx vy) (Point x y) = S.text_ (S.toMarkup te) ! SA.x (vd vx) ! SA.y (vd vy) ! SA.transform (S.translate (real x) (real y) <> S.rotate (real rot)) ! SA.fontSize (vi fontsize) ! SA.fill (colourAttr col) ! textAnchor ta

-- | Specify at which end should the text be anchored to its current point
data TextAnchor_ = TAStart | TAMiddle | TAEnd deriving (Eq, Show)

textAnchor :: TextAnchor_ -> S.Attribute
textAnchor TAStart = SA.textAnchor (vs "start")
textAnchor TAMiddle = SA.textAnchor (vs "middle")
textAnchor TAEnd = SA.textAnchor (vs "end")

-- | A circle
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ circle 15 (shapeColBoth C.red C.blue 1 5) (Point 10 20)
-- > <circle cx="10.0" cy="20.0" r="15.0" fill-opacity="1.0" fill="#ff0000" stroke-opacity="1.0" stroke="#0000ff" stroke-width="5.0" />
  :: (Real a1, Real a) =>
        a                       -- ^ Radius
     -> ShapeCol a 
     -> Point a1                   -- ^ Center     
  -> Svg
circle r col (Point x y) =
  S.circle ! SA.cx (vd x) ! SA.cy (vd y) ! SA.r (vd r) !# col

-- | Polyline (piecewise straight line)
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg (polyline [Point 100 50, Point 120 20, Point 230 50] 4 (Dashed [3, 5]) Round C.blueviolet)
-- > <polyline points="100.0,50.0 120.0,20.0 230.0,50.0" fill="none" stroke="#8a2be2" stroke-width="4.0" stroke-linejoin="round" stroke-dasharray="3.0, 5.0" />
polyline :: (Foldable t, Show a1, Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac a1) =>
            a1              -- ^ Stroke width
         -> LineStroke_ a   -- ^ Stroke type 
         -> StrokeLineJoin_ -- ^ Stroke join type 
         -> C.Colour Double -- ^ Stroke colour
         -> t (Point a)     -- ^ Data         
         -> Svg
polyline sw strTy slj col lis =
    svg0 = S.polyline ! SA.points (S.toValue $ unwords $ map show $ F.toList lis) ! SA.fill none ! SA.stroke (colourAttr col ) ! SA.strokeWidth (vd sw) ! strokeLineJoin slj
  in case strTy of Continuous -> svg0
                   Dashed d -> svg0 ! strokeDashArray d

-- | A filled polyline
-- > > putStrLn $ renderSvg $ filledPolyline C.coral 0.3 [(Point 0 1), (Point 10 40), Point 34 50, Point 30 5]
-- > <polyline points="0,1 10,40 34,50 30,5" fill="#ff7f50" fill-opacity="0.3" />
filledPolyline :: (Foldable t, Show a, Real o) =>
                  C.Colour Double   -- ^ Fill colour
               -> o                 -- ^ Fill opacity
               -> t (Point a)       -- ^ Contour point coordinates
               -> Svg
filledPolyline col opac lis = S.polyline ! SA.points (S.toValue $ unwords $ map show $ F.toList lis) ! SA.fill (colourAttr col) ! SA.fillOpacity (vd opac)

-- | A filled band of colour, given the coordinates of its center line
-- This element can be used to overlay uncertainty ranges (e.g. the first standard deviation) associated with a given data series.
filledBand :: (Foldable t, Real o, Show a) =>
    C.Colour Double          -- ^ Fill colour
           -> o              -- ^ Fill opacity
           -> (l -> a) -- ^ Band maximum value
           -> (l -> a) -- ^ Band minimum value
           -> t (LabeledPoint l a)    -- ^ Centerline points
           -> Svg
filledBand col opac ftop fbot lis0 = filledPolyline col opac (lis1 <> lis2) where
  lis = F.toList lis0
  f1 lp = setPointY (ftop $ _lplabel lp) $ _lp lp
  f2 lp = setPointY (fbot $ _lplabel lp) $ _lp lp
  lis1 = f1  <$> lis
  lis2 = f2  <$> reverse lis

-- | A `candlestick` glyph for time series plots. This is a type of box glyph, commonly used in plotting financial time series.
-- Some financial market quantities such as currency exchange rates are aggregated over some time period (e.g. a day) and summarized by various quantities, for example opening and closing rates, as well as maximum and minimum over the period.
-- By convention, the `candlestick` colour depends on the derivative sign of one such quantity (e.g. it is green if the market closes higher than it opened, and red otherwise).
  :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
     (a -> a -> Bool)       -- ^ If True, fill the box with the first colour, otherwise with the second
     -> (l -> a) -- ^ Box maximum value
     -> (l -> a) -- ^ Box minimum value
     -> (l -> a) -- ^ Line maximum value 
     -> (l -> a) -- ^ Line minimum value
     -> a                       -- ^ Box width
     -> a                       -- ^ Stroke width
     -> ShapeCol a              -- ^ First box colour
     -> ShapeCol a              -- ^ Second box colour
     -> C.Colour Double         -- ^ Line stroke colour
     -> LabeledPoint l a        -- ^ Data point
     -> Svg
candlestick fdec fboxmin fboxmax fmin fmax wid sw col1 col2 colstroke lp = do
  line pmin pmax sw Continuous colstroke
  rectCentered wid hei col p
    p = _lp lp
    lab = _lplabel lp
    pmin = setPointY (fmin lab) p
    pmax = setPointY (fmax lab) p
    hei = abs $ fboxmax lab - fboxmin lab
    col | fdec (fboxmax lab) (fboxmin lab) = col1
        | otherwise = col2

-- | Specify the type of connection between line segments
data StrokeLineJoin_ = Miter | Round | Bevel | Inherit deriving (Eq, Show)

strokeLineJoin :: StrokeLineJoin_ -> S.Attribute
strokeLineJoin slj = SA.strokeLinejoin (S.toValue str) where
  str | slj == Miter = "miter" :: String
      | slj == Round = "round"
      | slj == Bevel = "bevel"
      | otherwise = "inherit"

-- | Move a Svg entity to a new position
translateSvg :: Show a => Point a -> Svg -> Svg
translateSvg (Point x y) svg = S.g ! SA.transform (S.translate x y) $ svg

-- | Move point to the SVG frame of reference (for which the origing is a the top-left corner of the screen)
toSvgFrame ::
  Fractional a =>
     Frame a  -- ^ Initial frame
  -> Frame a  -- ^ Final frame
  -> Bool     -- ^ Flip L-R in [0,1] x [0,1]
  -> Point a  -- ^ Point in the initial frame
  -> Point a
toSvgFrame from to fliplr p = pointFromV2 v' where
  v' = frameToFrame from to fliplr True (v2fromPoint p)

-- | Move LabeledPoint to the SVG frame of reference (uses `toSvgFrame` ) 
toSvgFrameLP ::
  Fractional a => Frame a -> Frame a -> Bool -> LabeledPoint l a -> LabeledPoint l a
toSvgFrameLP from to fliplr (LabeledPoint p lab) = LabeledPoint (toSvgFrame from to fliplr p) lab

-- withToSvgFrame figdata dat = datf
--   where
--     from = frameFromPoints $ _lp <$> dat
--     to = frameFromFigData figdata
--     datf = toSvgFrameLP from to False -- data mapping function   

pixel :: (Show a, RealFrac a) =>
         [C.Colour Double]         -- ^ Palette
      -> a                         -- ^ Width
      -> a                         -- ^ Height
      -> Scientific          
      -> Scientific
      -> LabeledPoint Scientific a
      -> Svg
pixel pal w h vmin vmax (LabeledPoint p l) = rect w h col p where
  col = pickColour pal (toFloat vmin) (toFloat vmax) (toFloat l)

  :: (Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac t) =>
     [C.Colour Double] -> a -> a -> t -> t -> LabeledPoint t a -> Svg
pixel' pal w h vmin vmax (LabeledPoint p l) = rect w h col p where
  col = pickColour pal vmin vmax l

-- | Pick a colour from a list, assumed to be a palette mapped onto a compact numerical interval.
pickColour :: (RealFrac t, Num a) =>
        [C.Colour Double] -> t -> t -> t -> ShapeCol a
pickColour pal xmin xmax x = NoBorderCol $ Col (pal !! i) 1
    i = floor (x01 * fromIntegral (nColors - 1))
    x01 = (x - xmin) / (xmax - xmin)
    nColors = length pal

data LegendPosition_ =
  TopLeft | TopRight | BottomLeft | BottomRight deriving (Eq, Show)

posCoeff :: Fractional a => LegendPosition_ -> (a, a)
posCoeff pos =
  case pos of
    TopLeft -> (0.1, 0.1)
    TopRight -> (0.83, 0.15)
    BottomLeft -> (0.1, 0.9)
    BottomRight -> (0.9, 0.9)

-- | A colour bar legend, to be used within `heatmap`-style plots.
  :: (RealFrac t, RealFrac a, Show a, Enum t, Floating a) =>
     FigureData (Ratio Integer)  -- ^ Figure data
     -> [C.Colour Double]        -- ^ Palette
     -> a                        -- ^ Width
     -> t                        -- ^ Value range minimum
     -> t                        -- ^ Value range maximum
     -> Int                      -- ^ Number of distinct values
     -> LegendPosition_          -- ^ Legend position in the figure
     -> a                        -- ^ Colour bar length
     -> Svg
colourBar fdat pal w vmin vmax n legpos legh =
  legendBar (fromRational <$> fdat) w vmin vmax n legpos legh (colBarPx pal)

legendBar :: (Monad m, Enum t, Fractional t, Fractional a) =>
             FigureData a
          -> a
          -> t
          -> t
          -> Int
          -> LegendPosition_
          -> a
          -> (FigureData a -> a -> a -> t -> t -> LabeledPoint t a -> m b)
          -> m ()
legendBar fdat w vmin vmax n legpos legh fun = do
  -- rect wrect hrect 1 (Just C.black) (Just C.white) prect
  forM_ lps (fun fdat w h vmin vmax) where
    wrect = 0.95 * (1 - figRightMFrac fdat) * figWidth fdat
    hrect = 1.5 * legh
    prect = movePoint (V2 (-0.5 * w) (-0.5 * w)) p2
    (legx, legy) = posCoeff legpos
    legendX = figWidth fdat * legx 
    legendY = figHeight fdat * legy
    p1 = Point legendX (legendY + legh)
    p2 = Point legendX legendY
    lps = zipWith LabeledPoint (pointRange n p1 p2) v_
    h = legh / fromIntegral n
    v_ = take (n+1) [vmin, vmin + dv ..]
    dv = (vmax - vmin)/fromIntegral n

  :: (Show a, RealFrac a, RealFrac t) =>
     [C.Colour Double]       
     -> FigureData a1
     -> a
     -> a
     -> t
     -> t
     -> LabeledPoint t a
     -> Svg
colBarPx pal fdat w h vmin vmax (LabeledPoint p val) = do
  text 0 (figLabelFontSize fdat) C.black TAStart (T.pack $ show (rr val :: Fixed E3)) (V2 (1.1*w) (0.5*h)) p
  rectCentered w h (pickColour pal vmin vmax val) p


-- * Helpers

-- | Render a Colour from `colour` into a `blaze` Attribute
colourAttr :: C.Colour Double -> S.AttributeValue
colourAttr = S.toValue . C.sRGB24show 

-- ** Conversion from primitive numerical types to AttributeValue

-- String

vs :: String -> S.AttributeValue
vs x = S.toValue (x :: String)

vi :: Int -> S.AttributeValue
vi = S.toValue

-- Double
vd0 :: Double -> S.AttributeValue
vd0 = S.toValue

vd :: Real a => a -> S.AttributeValue 
vd = vd0 . real

real :: (Real a, Fractional b) => a -> b
real = fromRational . toRational

vds :: Real a => [a] -> S.AttributeValue
vds = S.toValue . unwords . map (show . real)