phonetic-languages-properties- A generalization of the uniqueness-periods-vector-properties package.
Copyright(c) OleksandrZhabenko 2020
Safe HaskellNone



Generalization of the functionality of the DobutokO.Poetry.Norms and DobutokO.Poetry.Norms.Extended modules from the dobutokO-poetry package.



diverse Source #


:: Eq a 
=> UniquenessGeneral2 a

Is gotten after the application of the uniquenessPeriodsVector2.

-> Int16

The resulting value.

The function is inteded to be used after uniquenessPeriodsVector2 application to obtain the first argument. So generally, it is used as follows:

diverse . uniquenessPeriodsVector2 y whspss $ v

The maximum value of the function corresponds to possibly more smoothly changing and mixing elements in the list. If they are used to represent sounds (especially some text, may be poetic) then the resulting maximum possible diverse value corresponds to more "diverse" (phonetically) text intervals. Is somewhat similar to the norm4 function from the DobutokO.Poetry.Norms module from dobutokO-poetry package See:

diverse1 Source #


:: Eq a 
=> UniquenessGeneral2 a

Is gotten after the application of the uniquenessPeriodsVector2.

-> Int16

The resulting value.

The function is inteded to be used after uniquenessPeriodsVector2 application to obtain the first argument. So generally, it is used as follows:

diverse1 . uniquenessPeriodsVector2 y whspss $ v

The maximum value of the function corresponds to possibly more smoothly changing and mixing elements in the list. If they are used to represent sounds (especially some text, may be poetic) then the resulting maximum possible diverse value corresponds to more "diverse" (phonetically) text intervals. Is somewhat similar to the norm4 function from the DobutokO.Poetry.Norms module from dobutokO-poetry package. Unlike the diverse function diverse1 takes into account that in the word possibly there can be doubled or prolonged sounds that can be represented by repetition of the same sound representation (in some cases). These repetitions do not depend on the words order and, therefore, do not change with it so are not informative on the possible words order rearrangement that is essential to the phonetic languages as the one important application. See:

diverse1s Source #


:: Eq a 
=> UniquenessGeneral2 a

Is gotten after the application of the uniquenessPeriodsVector2.

-> Int16

The resulting value.

Is used similarly to diverse1, but uses another approach based on the sumPositiveWithoutMax application, so generally can give another result. It computes sum of the lists of Int where each one is without the maximum value respectively and is without the elements that equal to 1.

sumPositiveAndMaxTuple :: (Num a, Ord a) => (a, a) -> [a] -> (a, a) Source #

For the list of positive Num elements (this is not checked so it is up to the user to check positiveness) finds out the sum of the list and the maximum value if the first argument is in the form (0, 0). For the empty list returns (0, 0) in such a case. For another first argument has more complex behaviour. Tries to be tail-recursive.

sumPositiveAndMaxTuple' :: (Num a, Ord a) => (a, a) -> [a] -> (a, a) Source #

Unlike sumPositiveAndMaxTuple, it is strict by its first argument's inner elements (by both of them).

sumPositiveWithoutMax :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> a Source #

For the list of positive Num elements (this is not checked so it is up to the user to check positiveness) finds out the sum of the list without the maximum value.

sumPositiveWithoutMax' :: (Num a, Ord a) => [a] -> a Source #

The strict variant the of the sumPositiveWithoutMax function.

diverse2 Source #


:: Eq a 
=> UniquenessGeneral2 a

Is gotten after the application of the uniquenessPeriodsVector3.

-> Int16

The resulting value.

The function is inteded to be used after uniquenessPeriodsVector3 application to obtain the first argument. So generally, it is used as follows:

diverse2 . uniquenessPeriodsVector3 whspss $ v

The maximum value of the function corresponds to possibly more smoothly changing and mixing elements in the list. If they are used to represent sounds (especially some text, may be poetic) then the resulting maximum possible diverse2 value corresponds to more "diverse" (phonetically) text intervals. Is somewhat similar to the norm4 function from the DobutokO.Poetry.Norms module from dobutokO-poetry package. Unlike the diverse and diverse1 and diverse1s functions diverse2 depends much more significantly on the words order. Possibly, the most accurate among "diverse" functions in the module. See:

oneProperty :: Ord b => [b] -> b Source #

Is intended to be used in the Vector ([b] -> b) where just the first value in the list is used. The simplest case among all possible ones. For an empty list returns error with an informative message.

justOneValue2Property :: Ord b => b -> [b] Source #

Converts just one value to the needed list to be used as a "property". Is provided here for explanation purposes (just as a meaningful alias). Therefore, it is an auxiliary function.