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persistent-spatial- Database agnostic, spatially indexed type for geographic points.

Copyright© 2018-2019 Satsuma labs
Safe HaskellNone




Morton reperesentation of integer pairs (interleaved bits) used for creating spatial indexes.

Bit interleaving code is originally from the documentation of Data.Sparse by Edward Kmett at https://www.schoolofhaskell.com/user/edwardk/revisiting-matrix-multiplication/part-1



newtype Morton Source #

Type implementing a Morton Z-Order Curve. Stores two Word32 values with bits interleaved. This allows for spatial indexing by rectangular tiles which form contiguous intervals.


Morton Word64 

Bundled Patterns

pattern MortonPair :: Word32 -> Word32 -> Morton

Construct a Morton value from its two coordinates.

Enum Morton Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton

Eq Morton Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton


(==) :: Morton -> Morton -> Bool #

(/=) :: Morton -> Morton -> Bool #

Ord Morton Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton

Read Morton Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton

Show Morton Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton


data Interval a Source #

Type for closed intervals. The second field should be greater than the first.


Interval a a 
Functor Interval Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Interval a -> Interval b #

(<$) :: a -> Interval b -> Interval a #

Eq a => Eq (Interval a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton


(==) :: Interval a -> Interval a -> Bool #

(/=) :: Interval a -> Interval a -> Bool #

Read a => Read (Interval a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton

Show a => Show (Interval a) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton


showsPrec :: Int -> Interval a -> ShowS #

show :: Interval a -> String #

showList :: [Interval a] -> ShowS #

intersectInterval :: Ord a => Interval a -> Interval a -> Maybe (Interval a) Source #

Returns intersection of two intervals, or Nothing if they do not overlap.

intervalElem :: Ord a => a -> Interval a -> Bool Source #

Tests whether an element is contained within a given Interval.

intervalSize :: Integral a => Interval a -> Integer Source #

Returns the size of an integer interval.

intervalSizeMorton :: Interval Morton -> Integer Source #

Returns the size of a Morton interval.


data MortonRect Source #

Type for retangles in Morton space reperesented by upper-left and lower-right corners


MortonRect !Morton !Morton 

Bundled Patterns

pattern MortonRectSides :: Interval Word32 -> Interval Word32 -> MortonRect

Construct/match rectangles by their sides.

mortonRectBounds :: MortonRect -> (Interval Word32, Interval Word32) Source #

Returns x,y bounds of a rectangle

intersectMortonRect :: MortonRect -> MortonRect -> Maybe MortonRect Source #

Rerurns intersection of two rectangles.

mortonRectSize :: MortonRect -> Integer Source #

Returns the area of a rectangle


data MortonTile Source #

Type for a tile in Morton space, a special type of rectangle which is the set of all points sharing a common binary prefex. Reperesented as a point and mask length simillarly to a CIDR subnet.


MortonTile !Morton !Int 
Eq MortonTile Source #

Values which reperesent the same tile compare equal even if the reperesentative points differ.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton

Ord MortonTile Source #

A tile sorts immediately before its subtiles, i.e. x sorts before 0 and 1.

Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton

Read MortonTile Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton

Show MortonTile Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Morton

enclosingMortonTile :: MortonRect -> MortonTile Source #

Finds the smallest tile completely enclosing a rectangle. This can be arbitrarily large if the rectangle crosses a seam.

splitMortonTile :: MortonTile -> [MortonTile] Source #

Splits a MortonTile in half. Does not split tiles containing a single value.

trimMortonTile :: MortonRect -> MortonTile -> Maybe MortonTile Source #

Trims a MortonTile to its subtile overlapping a given rectangle. Returns Nothing if the rectabgle and tile do not intersect.

mortonTileCoverSized :: Int -> Maybe Int -> MortonRect -> [MortonTile] Source #

Covers a rectangle using tiles within a range of sizes (specified by their mask values).

mortonTileCover :: MortonRect -> [MortonTile] Source #

Covers a rectangle with tiles no larger then the area to be covered (no lower size limit). The total area coverd by these tiles bas a trivial upper bound of 8 tiles the rectangle's area plus the area of its enclosing square and the actual performance is usually significantly better (possibly always, although I have not proven so).

mortonTileCoverTorus :: Morton -> Morton -> [MortonTile] Source #

Version of mortonTileCover which allows the rectangle to wrap around the maximum x/y coordinates (as if the space were a torus).