{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
module Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistUnique () where

import Control.Exception (throwIO)
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (liftIO, MonadIO)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ReaderT)
import Database.Persist
import Database.Persist.Sql.Types
import Database.Persist.Sql.Raw
import Database.Persist.Sql.Orphan.PersistStore (withRawQuery)
import Database.Persist.Sql.Util (dbColumns, parseEntityValues)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Monoid (mappend, (<>))
import qualified Data.Conduit.List as CL
import Control.Monad.Trans.Reader (ask, withReaderT)
import Control.Monad (when, liftM)

defaultUpsert :: (MonadIO m, PersistEntity record, PersistUniqueWrite backend
                 , PersistEntityBackend record ~ BaseBackend backend) 
                => record -> [Update record] -> ReaderT backend m (Entity record)
defaultUpsert record updates = do
  uniqueKey <- onlyUnique record
  upsertBy uniqueKey record updates

instance PersistUniqueWrite SqlBackend where

    upsert record updates = do
      conn <- ask
      uniqueKey <- onlyUnique record
      case connUpsertSql conn of
        Just upsertSql -> case updates of
                            [] -> defaultUpsert record updates
                            xs -> do
                                let upds = T.intercalate "," $ map (go' . go) updates
                                    sql = upsertSql t upds
                                    vals = (map toPersistValue $ toPersistFields record) ++ (map updatePersistValue updates) ++ (unqs uniqueKey)
                                    go'' n Assign = n <> "=?"
                                    go'' n Add = T.concat [n, "=", n, "+?"]
                                    go'' n Subtract = T.concat [n, "=", n, "-?"]
                                    go'' n Multiply = T.concat [n, "=", n, "*?"]
                                    go'' n Divide = T.concat [n, "=", n, "/?"]
                                    go'' _ (BackendSpecificUpdate up) = error $ T.unpack $ "BackendSpecificUpdate" `mappend` up `mappend` "not supported"
                                    go' (x, pu) = go'' (connEscapeName conn x) pu
                                    go x = (fieldDB $ updateFieldDef x, updateUpdate x)

                                x <- rawSql sql vals
                                return $ head x
        Nothing -> defaultUpsert record updates
          t = entityDef $ Just record
          unqs uniqueKey = concat $ map (persistUniqueToValues) [uniqueKey]

    deleteBy uniq = do
        conn <- ask
        let sql' = sql conn
            vals = persistUniqueToValues uniq
        rawExecute sql' vals
        t = entityDef $ dummyFromUnique uniq
        go = map snd . persistUniqueToFieldNames
        go' conn x = connEscapeName conn x `mappend` "=?"
        sql conn = T.concat
            [ "DELETE FROM "
            , connEscapeName conn $ entityDB t
            , " WHERE "
            , T.intercalate " AND " $ map (go' conn) $ go uniq
instance PersistUniqueWrite SqlWriteBackend where
    deleteBy uniq = withReaderT persistBackend $ deleteBy uniq

instance PersistUniqueRead SqlBackend where
    getBy uniq = do
        conn <- ask
        let sql = T.concat
                [ "SELECT "
                , T.intercalate "," $ dbColumns conn t
                , " FROM "
                , connEscapeName conn $ entityDB t
                , " WHERE "
                , sqlClause conn
            uvals = persistUniqueToValues uniq
        withRawQuery sql uvals $ do
            row <- CL.head
            case row of
                Nothing -> return Nothing
                Just [] -> error "getBy: empty row"
                Just vals -> case parseEntityValues t vals of
                    Left err -> liftIO $ throwIO $ PersistMarshalError err
                    Right r -> return $ Just r
        sqlClause conn =
            T.intercalate " AND " $ map (go conn) $ toFieldNames' uniq
        go conn x = connEscapeName conn x `mappend` "=?"
        t = entityDef $ dummyFromUnique uniq
        toFieldNames' = map snd . persistUniqueToFieldNames
instance PersistUniqueRead SqlReadBackend where
    getBy uniq = withReaderT persistBackend $ getBy uniq
instance PersistUniqueRead SqlWriteBackend where
    getBy uniq = withReaderT persistBackend $ getBy uniq

dummyFromUnique :: Unique v -> Maybe v
dummyFromUnique _ = Nothing

updateFieldDef :: PersistEntity v => Update v -> FieldDef
updateFieldDef (Update f _ _) = persistFieldDef f
updateFieldDef (BackendUpdate {}) = error "updateFieldDef did not expect BackendUpdate"

updatePersistValue :: Update v -> PersistValue
updatePersistValue (Update _ v _) = toPersistValue v
updatePersistValue (BackendUpdate {}) = error "updatePersistValue did not expect BackendUpdate"