perdure-0.2.1: Robust persistence for acyclic immutable data

Safe HaskellNone




data LocalStoreFile Source

A file or raw device where we can persist bytes.

withRawDeviceStoreFiles :: [FilePath] -> ([LocalStoreFile] -> IO a) -> ErrorT String IO aSource

Like nesting multiple calls to withRawDeviceStoreFile.

withRawDeviceStoreFile :: FilePath -> (LocalStoreFile -> IO a) -> ErrorT String IO aSource

Opens the specified raw device as a LocalStoreFile, runs the provided function and closes the device. Do not make concurrent calls on the same device, place concurrency in the passed function.

withFileStoreFile :: FilePath -> (LocalStoreFile -> IO a) -> ErrorT String IO aSource

Opens the specified file as a LocalStoreFile, runs the provided function and closes the file. Do not make concurrent calls on the same file, place concurrency in the passed function.

newtype ReplicatedFile Source

A list of LocalStoreFile to be used as replicates. We write to all replicates and read from the first one that reports no error.

newCachedFile :: Integer -> ReplicatedFile -> IO CachedFileSource

Wraps a ReplicatedFile with a cache of a given size. The size is specified in bytes of serialized data, but the actual consumed size may be a few times larger since the cache contains the deserialized data, which is often less compact than its serialized representation.

data RootLocation Source

The RootLocation specifies where roots are written, and provides a cache.

defaultRootLocation :: CachedFile -> RootLocationSource

At the moment this is the only way to create a rootLocation. The root of the database will be located in one of two reserved locations at the start of the specified files.

data PVar s Source

Represents a persisted database. Contains a (ram-only) lock to sequence multithreaded operations, so only one PVar must be created per RootLocation.

openPVar :: (Typeable s, Persistent s) => RootLocation -> IO (Maybe (PVar s))Source

Attempts to open a PVar by reading at the given RootLocation. Do not open the same location multiple times, share the PVar instead.

createPVar :: (Typeable s, Persistent s) => s -> Word64 -> RootLocation -> IO (PVar s)Source

Creates a PVar with the specified initial state. Writes at the specified location, using the given maximum usable space (in bytes).

updatePVar :: (Typeable s, Persistent s) => PVar s -> StateT s IO a -> IO aSource

Persist a state change

updateInspectPVar :: (Typeable s, Persistent s) => PVar s -> StateT s (ReaderT (PState s) IO) a -> IO aSource

This function allows read access to the bookkeeping structures of the database. The PState type is subject to change.