penny-lib- Extensible double-entry accounting system - library

Safe HaskellSafe-Infered




Setting the radix and separator characters

periodComma :: RadGroupSource

Radix is period, grouping is comma

periodSpace :: RadGroupSource

Radix is period, grouping is space

commaPeriod :: RadGroupSource

Radix is comma, grouping is period

commaSpace :: RadGroupSource

Radix is comma, grouping is space


data GroupingSpec Source

Specifies how to perform digit grouping when rendering a quantity. All grouping groups into groups of 3 digits.



Do not perform any digit grouping


Group digits, but only if the number to be grouped is greater than 9,999 (if grouping the whole part) or if there are more than 4 decimal places (if grouping the fractional part).


Group digits whenever there are at least four decimal places.



:: RadGroup 
-> (GroupingSpec, GroupingSpec)

Group for the portion to the left and right of the radix point?

-> Qty 
-> Text 

Renders an unquoted Qty. Performs digit grouping as requested.

quote :: Text -> TextSource

Quotes a rendered Qty, but only if necessary; otherwise, simply leaves it unquoted.

Parsing quantities

qtyUnquoted :: RadGroup -> Parser QtySource

Unquoted quantity. These include no spaces, regardless of what the grouping character is.

qtyQuoted :: RadGroup -> Parser QtySource

Parse quoted quantity. It can include spaces, if the grouping character is a space. However these must be quoted when in a Ledger file (from the command line they need not be quoted). The quote character is a caret, ^.

qty :: RadGroup -> Parser QtySource

Parse a quoted quantity or, if that fails, an unquoted quantity.