{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} module Pencil.Internal.Parser where import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec import qualified Data.List as DL import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Text.Parsec as P -- Doctest setup. -- -- $setup -- >>> :set -XOverloadedStrings -- >>> import Data.Either (isLeft) -- | Pencil's @Page@ AST. data PNode = PText T.Text | PVar T.Text | PFor T.Text [PNode] | PIf T.Text [PNode] | PPartial T.Text | PPreamble T.Text -- Signals a If/For expression in the stack waiting for expressions. So that we -- can find the next unused open if/for-statement in nested if/for-statements. | PMetaIf T.Text | PMetaFor T.Text -- A terminating node that represents the end of the program, to help with AST -- converstion | PMetaEnd deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Pencil's tokens for content. data Token = TokText T.Text | TokVar T.Text | TokFor T.Text | TokIf T.Text | TokPartial T.Text | TokPreamble T.Text | TokEnd deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Convert Tokens to PNode AST. -- -- >>> transform [TokText "hello", TokText "world"] -- [PText "hello",PText "world"] -- -- >>> transform [TokIf "title", TokEnd] -- [PIf "title" []] -- -- >>> transform [TokIf "title", TokText "hello", TokText "world", TokEnd] -- [PIf "title" [PText "hello",PText "world"]] -- -- > ${if(title)} -- > ${for(posts)} -- > world -- > ${end} -- > ${end} -- -- >>> transform [TokIf "title", TokFor "posts", TokText "world", TokEnd, TokEnd] -- [PIf "title" [PFor "posts" [PText "world"]]] -- -- > begin -- > now -- > ${if(title)} -- > hello -- > world -- > ${if(body)} -- > ${body} -- > ${someothervar} -- > wahh -- > ${end} -- > final -- > thing -- > ${end} -- > the -- > lastline -- -- >>> transform [TokText "begin", TokText "now", TokIf "title", TokText "hello", TokText "world", TokIf "body", TokVar "body", TokVar "someothervar", TokText "wahh", TokEnd, TokText "final", TokText "thing", TokEnd, TokText "the", TokText "lastline"] -- [PText "begin",PText "now",PIf "title" [PText "hello",PText "world",PIf "body" [PVar "body",PVar "someothervar",PText "wahh"],PText "final",PText "thing"],PText "the",PText "lastline"] -- -- > <!--PREAMBLE -- > foo: bar -- > do: -- > - re -- > - me -- > --> -- > Hello world ${foo} -- -- >>> transform [TokPreamble "foo: bar\ndo:\n - re\n -me", TokText "Hello world ", TokVar "foo"] -- [PPreamble "foo: bar\ndo:\n - re\n -me",PText "Hello world ",PVar "foo"] -- transform :: [Token] -> [PNode] transform toks = let stack = ast [] toks in reverse stack -- | Converts Tokens, which is just the raw list of parsed tokens, into PNodes -- which are the tree-structure expressions (i.e. if/for nesting) -- -- This function works by using a stack to keep track of where we are for nested -- expressions such as if and for statements. When a token that starts a nesting -- is found (like a TokIf), a "meta" expression (PMetaIf) is pushed into the -- stack. When we finally see an end token (TokEnd), we pop all the expressions -- off the stack until the first meta tag (e.g PMetaIf) is reached. All the -- expressions popped off are now known to be nested inside that if statement. -- ast :: [PNode] -- stack -> [Token] -- remaining -> [PNode] -- (AST, remaining) ast stack [] = stack ast stack (TokText t : toks) = ast (PText t : stack) toks ast stack (TokVar t : toks) = ast (PVar t : stack) toks ast stack (TokPartial fp : toks) = ast (PPartial fp : stack) toks ast stack (TokPreamble t : toks) = ast (PPreamble t : stack) toks ast stack (TokIf t : toks) = ast (PMetaIf t : stack) toks ast stack (TokFor t : toks) = ast (PMetaFor t : stack) toks ast stack (TokEnd : toks) = let (node, popped, remaining) = popNodes stack -- ^ Find the last unused if/for statement, and grab all the expressions -- in-between this TokEnd and the opening if/for keyword. n = case node of PMetaIf t -> PIf t popped PMetaFor t -> PFor t popped _ -> PMetaEnd -- Push the statement into the stack in ast (n : remaining) toks -- | Pop nodes until we hit a If/For statement. -- Return pair (constructor found, nodes popped, remaining stack) popNodes :: [PNode] -> (PNode, [PNode], [PNode]) popNodes = popNodes_ [] -- | Helper for 'popNodes'. popNodes_ :: [PNode] -> [PNode] -> (PNode, [PNode], [PNode]) popNodes_ popped [] = (PMetaEnd, popped, []) popNodes_ popped (PMetaIf t : rest) = (PMetaIf t, popped, rest) popNodes_ popped (PMetaFor t : rest) = (PMetaFor t, popped, rest) popNodes_ popped (t : rest) = popNodes_ (t : popped) rest -- | Render nodes as string. renderNodes :: [PNode] -> T.Text renderNodes = DL.foldl' (\str n -> (T.append str (renderNode n))) "" -- | Render node as string. renderNode :: PNode -> T.Text renderNode (PText t) = t renderNode (PVar t) = T.append (T.append "${" t) "}" renderNode (PFor t nodes) = let for = T.append (T.append "${for(" t) ")}" body = renderNodes nodes end = "${end}" in T.append (T.append for body) end renderNode (PIf t nodes) = let for = T.append (T.append "${if(" t) ")}" body = renderNodes nodes end = "${end}" in T.append (T.append for body) end renderNode (PPartial file) = T.append (T.append "${partial(" file) ")}" renderNode (PMetaIf v) = renderNode (PIf v []) renderNode (PMetaFor v) = renderNode (PFor v []) renderNode PMetaEnd = "" renderNode (PPreamble _) = "" -- Don't render the PREAMBLE -- | Render tokens. renderTokens :: [Token] -> T.Text renderTokens = DL.foldl' (\str n -> (T.append str (renderToken n))) "" -- | Render token. renderToken :: Token -> T.Text renderToken (TokText t) = t renderToken (TokVar t) = T.append (T.append "${" t) "}" renderToken (TokPartial fp) = T.append (T.append "${partial(\"" fp) "\"}" renderToken (TokFor t) = T.append (T.append "${for(" t) ")}" renderToken (TokEnd) = "${end}" renderToken (TokIf t) = T.append (T.append "${if(" t) ")}" renderToken (TokPreamble _) = "" -- Hide preamble content -- | Parse text. parseText :: T.Text -> Either ParseError [PNode] parseText text = do toks <- parse parseEverything (T.unpack "") (T.unpack text) return $ transform toks -- | Parse everything. -- -- >>> parse parseEverything "" "Hello ${man} and ${woman}." -- Right [TokText "Hello ",TokVar "man",TokText " and ",TokVar "woman",TokText "."] -- -- >>> parse parseEverything "" "Hello ${man} and ${if(woman)} text here ${end}." -- Right [TokText "Hello ",TokVar "man",TokText " and ",TokIf "woman",TokText " text here ",TokEnd,TokText "."] -- -- >>> parse parseEverything "" "Hi ${for(people)} ${name}, ${end} everyone!" -- Right [TokText "Hi ",TokFor "people",TokText " ",TokVar "name",TokText ", ",TokEnd,TokText " everyone!"] -- -- >>> parse parseEverything "" "${realvar} $.get(javascript) $$ $$$ $} $( $45.50 $$escape $${escape2} wonderful life! ${truth}" -- Right [TokVar "realvar",TokText " $.get(javascript) $$ $$$ $} $( $45.50 $$escape ",TokText "${",TokText "escape2} wonderful life! ",TokVar "truth"] -- -- >>> parse parseEverything "" "<!--PREAMBLE \n foo: bar\ndo:\n - re\n -me\n -->waffle house ${lyfe}" -- Right [TokPreamble " \n foo: bar\ndo:\n - re\n -me\n ",TokText "waffle house ",TokVar "lyfe"] -- -- >>> parse parseEverything "" "YO ${foo} <!--PREAMBLE \n ${foo}: bar\ndo:\n - re\n -me\n -->waffle house ${lyfe}" -- Right [TokText "YO ",TokVar "foo",TokText " ",TokPreamble " \n ${foo}: bar\ndo:\n - re\n -me\n ",TokText "waffle house ",TokVar "lyfe"] -- -- This is a degenerate case that we will just allow (for now) to go sideways: -- >>> parse parseEverything "" "<b>this ${var never closes</b> ${realvar}" -- Right [TokText "<b>this ",TokVar "var never closes</b> ${realvar"] -- parseEverything :: Parser [Token] parseEverything = -- Note that order matters here. We want "most general" to be last (variable -- names). many1 (try parsePreamble <|> try parseEscape <|> try parseContent <|> try parseEnd <|> try parseFor <|> try parseIf <|> try parseEnd <|> try parsePartial <|> parseVar) -- >>> parse parseVar "" "${ffwe} yep" -- Right (TokVar "ffwe") -- -- >>> parse parseVar "" "${spaces technically allowed}" -- Right (TokVar "spaces technically allowed") -- -- >>> isLeft $ parse parseVar "" "Hello ${name}" -- True -- -- >>> isLeft $ parse parseVar "" "${}" -- True -- -- | Parse variables. parseVar :: Parser Token parseVar = try $ do _ <- char '$' _ <- char '{' varName <- many1 (noneOf "}") _ <- char '}' return $ TokVar (T.pack varName) -- | Parse preamble. parsePreamble :: Parser Token parsePreamble = do _ <- parsePreambleStart -- "Note the overlapping parsers anyChar and string "-->", and therefore the -- use of the try combinator." -- (https://hackage.haskell.org/package/parsec-3.1.11/docs/Text-Parsec.html) content <- manyTill anyChar (try (string "-->")) return $ TokPreamble (T.pack content) -- | Parse the start of a PREAMBLE. parsePreambleStart :: Parser String parsePreambleStart = string "<!--PREAMBLE" -- | Parse partial commands. -- -- >>> parse parsePartial "" "${partial(\"my/file/name.html\")}" -- Right (TokPartial "my/file/name.html") -- parsePartial :: Parser Token parsePartial = do _ <- string "${partial(\"" filename <- many (noneOf "\"") _ <- string "\")}" return $ TokPartial (T.pack filename) -- | Parse escape sequence "$${" -- -- >>> parse parseEscape "" "$${example}" -- Right (TokText "${") -- parseEscape :: Parser Token parseEscape = do _ <- try $ string "$${" return (TokText "${") -- | Parse boring, boring text. -- -- >>> parse parseContent "" "hello ${ffwe} you!" -- Right (TokText "hello ") -- -- >>> parse parseContent "" "hello $.get() $ $( $$ you!" -- Right (TokText "hello $.get() $ $( $$ you!") -- -- Because of our first parser to grab a character that is not a $, we can't -- grab strings that start with a $, even if it's text. It's a bug, just deal -- with it for now. -- >>> isLeft $ parse parseContent "" "$$$ what" -- True -- -- >>> isLeft $ parse parseContent "" "${name}!!" -- True -- parseContent :: Parser Token parseContent = do -- The manyTill big parser below will accept an empty string, which is bad. So -- grab a single character to start things off. h <- noneOf "$" -- Grab chars until we see something that looks like a ${...}, or eof. Use -- both lookAhead (does not consume successful "${" found) and try (does not -- consume failure to find "${"). Not having both produces bugs, so. -- -- Also grab "$${", which should be captured as an escape (parseEscape). -- -- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/20020350/parsec-difference-between-try-and-lookahead stuff <- manyTill anyChar (try (lookAhead (string "$${")) <|> try (lookAhead (string "${")) <|> try (lookAhead parsePreambleStart) <|> (eof >> return " ")) return $ TokText (T.pack (h : stuff)) -- | Parse for loop declaration. -- -- >>> parse parseFor "" "${for(posts)}" -- Right (TokFor "posts") -- -- >>> parse parseFor "" "${for(variable name with spaces technically allowed)}" -- Right (TokFor "variable name with spaces technically allowed") -- -- >>> isLeft $ parse parseFor "" "${for()}" -- True -- -- >>> isLeft $ parse parseFor "" "${for foo}" -- True -- parseFor :: Parser Token parseFor = parseFunction "for" TokFor -- | Parse if directive. parseIf :: Parser Token parseIf = parseFunction "if" TokIf -- | General parse template functions. parseFunction :: String -> (T.Text -> Token) -> Parser Token parseFunction keyword ctor = do _ <- char '$' _ <- char '{' _ <- try $ string (keyword ++ "(") varName <- many1 (noneOf ")") _ <- char ')' _ <- char '}' return $ ctor (T.pack varName) -- | Parse end keyword. -- -- >>> parse parseEnd "" "${end}" -- Right TokEnd -- -- >>> isLeft $ parse parseEnd "" "${enddd}" -- True -- parseEnd :: Parser Token parseEnd = do _ <- try $ string "${end}" return TokEnd -- | A hack to capture strings that "almost" are templates. I couldn't figure -- out another way. parseFakeVar :: Parser Token parseFakeVar = do _ <- char '$' n <- noneOf "{" rest <- many1 (noneOf "$") return $ TokText (T.pack ("$" ++ [n] ++ rest)) -- | @many1Till p end@ will parse one or more @p@ until @end. -- -- From https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pandoc- many1Till :: P.Stream s m t => P.ParsecT s u m a -> P.ParsecT s u m end -> P.ParsecT s u m [a] many1Till p end = do first <- p rest <- manyTill p end return (first : rest) -- | Find the preamble content from the given @PNode@s. findPreambleText :: [PNode] -> Maybe T.Text findPreambleText nodes = DL.find isPreamble nodes >>= preambleText -- | Returns @True@ if the @PNode@ is a @PPreamble@. isPreamble :: PNode -> Bool isPreamble (PPreamble _) = True isPreamble _ = False -- | Gets the content of the @PPreamble@ preambleText :: PNode -> Maybe T.Text preambleText (PPreamble t) = Just t preambleText _ = Nothing