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patch- Infrastructure for writing patches which act on other types.

Safe HaskellNone



Patches on Map that can insert, delete, and move values from one key to another



newtype PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p Source #

Patch a Map with additions, deletions, and moves. Invariant: If key k1 is coming from From_Move k2, then key k2 should be going to Just k1, and vice versa. There should never be any unpaired From/To keys.




(Eq k, Eq p, Eq (PatchTarget p)) => Eq (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

(Ord k, Ord p, Ord (PatchTarget p)) => Ord (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

(Ord k, Read k, Read p, Read (PatchTarget p)) => Read (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

(Show k, Show p, Show (PatchTarget p)) => Show (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

(Ord k, DecidablyEmpty p, Patch p) => Semigroup (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source #

Compose patches having the same effect as applying the patches in turn: applyAlways (p <> q) == applyAlways p . applyAlways q

Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

(Ord k, DecidablyEmpty p, Patch p) => Monoid (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source #

Compose patches having the same effect as applying the patches in turn: applyAlways (p <> q) == applyAlways p . applyAlways q

Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

Wrapped (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

Associated Types

type Unwrapped (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) :: Type #

(Ord k, DecidablyEmpty p, Patch p) => DecidablyEmpty (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

(Ord k, Patch p) => Patch (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source #

Apply the insertions, deletions, and moves to a given Map

Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

Associated Types

type PatchTarget (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) :: Type Source #

PatchMapWithPatchingMove k1 p1 ~ t => Rewrapped (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k2 p2) t Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

type Unwrapped (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

type PatchTarget (PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

data NodeInfo k p Source #

Holds the information about each key: where its new value should come from, and where its old value should go to




  • _nodeInfo_from :: !(From k p)

    Where do we get the new value for this key?

  • _nodeInfo_to :: !(To k)

    If the old value is being kept (i.e. moved rather than deleted or replaced), where is it going?

(Eq k, Eq p, Eq (PatchTarget p)) => Eq (NodeInfo k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove


(==) :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> Bool #

(/=) :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> Bool #

(Ord k, Ord p, Ord (PatchTarget p)) => Ord (NodeInfo k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove


compare :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> Ordering #

(<) :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> Bool #

(<=) :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> Bool #

(>) :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> Bool #

(>=) :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> Bool #

max :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p #

min :: NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p -> NodeInfo k p #

(Read k, Read p, Read (PatchTarget p)) => Read (NodeInfo k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove

(Show k, Show p, Show (PatchTarget p)) => Show (NodeInfo k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove


showsPrec :: Int -> NodeInfo k p -> ShowS #

show :: NodeInfo k p -> String #

showList :: [NodeInfo k p] -> ShowS #

bitraverseNodeInfo :: Applicative f => (k0 -> f k1) -> (p0 -> f p1) -> (PatchTarget p0 -> f (PatchTarget p1)) -> NodeInfo k0 p0 -> f (NodeInfo k1 p1) Source #

data From k p Source #

Describe how a key's new value should be produced


From_Insert (PatchTarget p)

Insert the given value here


Delete the existing value, if any, from here

From_Move !k !p

Move the value here from the given key, and apply the given patch

(Eq k, Eq p, Eq (PatchTarget p)) => Eq (From k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove


(==) :: From k p -> From k p -> Bool #

(/=) :: From k p -> From k p -> Bool #

(Ord k, Ord p, Ord (PatchTarget p)) => Ord (From k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove


compare :: From k p -> From k p -> Ordering #

(<) :: From k p -> From k p -> Bool #

(<=) :: From k p -> From k p -> Bool #

(>) :: From k p -> From k p -> Bool #

(>=) :: From k p -> From k p -> Bool #

max :: From k p -> From k p -> From k p #

min :: From k p -> From k p -> From k p #

(Read k, Read p, Read (PatchTarget p)) => Read (From k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove


readsPrec :: Int -> ReadS (From k p) #

readList :: ReadS [From k p] #

readPrec :: ReadPrec (From k p) #

readListPrec :: ReadPrec [From k p] #

(Show k, Show p, Show (PatchTarget p)) => Show (From k p) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Patch.MapWithPatchingMove


showsPrec :: Int -> From k p -> ShowS #

show :: From k p -> String #

showList :: [From k p] -> ShowS #

bitraverseFrom :: Applicative f => (k0 -> f k1) -> (p0 -> f p1) -> (PatchTarget p0 -> f (PatchTarget p1)) -> From k0 p0 -> f (From k1 p1) Source #

type To = Maybe Source #

Describe where a key's old value will go. If this is Just, that means the key's old value will be moved to the given other key; if it is Nothing, that means it will be deleted.

insertMapKey :: k -> PatchTarget p -> PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p Source #

Make a PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p which has the effect of inserting or replacing a value v at the given key k, like insert.

moveMapKey :: (DecidablyEmpty p, Patch p) => Ord k => k -> k -> PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p Source #

Make a PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p which has the effect of moving the value from the first key k to the second key k, equivalent to:

    delete src (maybe map (insert dst) (Map.lookup src map))

swapMapKey :: (DecidablyEmpty p, Patch p) => Ord k => k -> k -> PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p Source #

Make a PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p which has the effect of swapping two keys in the mapping, equivalent to:

    let aMay = Map.lookup a map
        bMay = Map.lookup b map
    in maybe id (Map.insert a) (bMay mplus aMay)
     . maybe id (Map.insert b) (aMay mplus bMay)
     . Map.delete a . Map.delete b $ map

deleteMapKey :: k -> PatchMapWithPatchingMove k v Source #

Make a PatchMapWithPatchingMove k v which has the effect of deleting a key in the mapping, equivalent to delete.

unsafePatchMapWithPatchingMove :: Map k (NodeInfo k p) -> PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p Source #

Wrap a Map k (NodeInfo k v) representing patch changes into a PatchMapWithPatchingMove k v, without checking any invariants.

Warning: when using this function, you must ensure that the invariants of PatchMapWithPatchingMove are preserved; they will not be checked.

patchMapWithPatchingMoveNewElements :: PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p -> [PatchTarget p] Source #

Returns all the new elements that will be added to the Map

patchMapWithPatchingMoveNewElementsMap :: PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p -> Map k (PatchTarget p) Source #

Return a Map k v with all the inserts/updates from the given PatchMapWithPatchingMove k v.

patchThatSortsMapWith :: (Ord k, Monoid p) => (PatchTarget p -> PatchTarget p -> Ordering) -> Map k (PatchTarget p) -> PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p Source #

Create a PatchMapWithPatchingMove that, if applied to the given Map, will sort its values using the given ordering function. The set keys of the Map is not changed.

patchThatChangesAndSortsMapWith :: forall k p. (Ord k, Ord (PatchTarget p), Monoid p) => (PatchTarget p -> PatchTarget p -> Ordering) -> Map k (PatchTarget p) -> Map k (PatchTarget p) -> PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p Source #

Create a PatchMapWithPatchingMove that, if applied to the first Map provided, will produce a Map with the same values as the second Map but with the values sorted with the given ordering function.

patchThatChangesMap :: (Ord k, Ord (PatchTarget p), Monoid p) => Map k (PatchTarget p) -> Map k (PatchTarget p) -> PatchMapWithPatchingMove k p Source #

Create a PatchMapWithPatchingMove that, if applied to the first Map provided, will produce the second Map.

nodeInfoMapFrom :: (From k v -> From k v) -> NodeInfo k v -> NodeInfo k v Source #

Change the From value of a NodeInfo

nodeInfoMapMFrom :: Functor f => (From k v -> f (From k v)) -> NodeInfo k v -> f (NodeInfo k v) Source #

Change the From value of a NodeInfo, using a Functor (or Applicative, Monad, etc.) action to get the new value

nodeInfoSetTo :: To k -> NodeInfo k v -> NodeInfo k v Source #

Set the To field of a NodeInfo

data Fixup k v Source #

Helper data structure used for composing patches using the monoid instance.


Fixup_Update (These (From k v) (To k))