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parameterized-utils-2.1.1: Classes and data structures for working with data-kind indexed types

Copyright(c) Galois Inc 2014-2019
MaintainerJoe Hendrix <jhendrix@galois.com>
Safe HaskellTrustworthy




This module provides a simple generator of new indexes in the ST monad. It is predictable and not intended for cryptographic purposes.

This module also provides a global nonce generator that will generate 2^64 nonces before repeating.

NOTE: The TestEquality and OrdF instances for the Nonce type simply compare the generated nonce values and then assert to the compiler (via unsafeCoerce) that the types ascribed to the nonces are equal if their values are equal.



data NonceGenerator (m :: * -> *) (s :: *) Source #

Provides a monadic action for getting fresh typed names.

The first type parameter m is the monad used for generating names, and the second parameter s is used for the counter.

freshNonce :: forall m s k (tp :: k). NonceGenerator m s -> m (Nonce s tp) Source #

countNoncesGenerated :: NonceGenerator m s -> m Integer Source #

The number of nonces generated so far by this generator. Only really useful for profiling.

data Nonce (s :: *) (tp :: k) Source #

An index generated by the counter.

TestEquality (Nonce s :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Nonce


testEquality :: Nonce s a -> Nonce s b -> Maybe (a :~: b) #

HashableF (Nonce s :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Nonce


hashWithSaltF :: Int -> Nonce s tp -> Int Source #

hashF :: Nonce s tp -> Int Source #

ShowF (Nonce s :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Nonce


withShow :: p (Nonce s) -> q tp -> (Show (Nonce s tp) -> a) -> a Source #

showF :: Nonce s tp -> String Source #

showsPrecF :: Int -> Nonce s tp -> String -> String Source #

OrdF (Nonce s :: k -> Type) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Nonce


compareF :: Nonce s x -> Nonce s y -> OrderingF x y Source #

leqF :: Nonce s x -> Nonce s y -> Bool Source #

ltF :: Nonce s x -> Nonce s y -> Bool Source #

geqF :: Nonce s x -> Nonce s y -> Bool Source #

gtF :: Nonce s x -> Nonce s y -> Bool Source #

Eq (Nonce s tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Nonce


(==) :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Bool #

(/=) :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Bool #

Ord (Nonce s tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Nonce


compare :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Ordering #

(<) :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Bool #

(<=) :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Bool #

(>) :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Bool #

(>=) :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Bool #

max :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp #

min :: Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp -> Nonce s tp #

Show (Nonce s tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Nonce


showsPrec :: Int -> Nonce s tp -> ShowS #

show :: Nonce s tp -> String #

showList :: [Nonce s tp] -> ShowS #

Hashable (Nonce s tp) Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Data.Parameterized.Nonce


hashWithSalt :: Int -> Nonce s tp -> Int #

hash :: Nonce s tp -> Int #

Accessing a nonce generator

newSTNonceGenerator :: ST t (Some (NonceGenerator (ST t))) Source #

Create a new nonce generator in the ST monad.

newIONonceGenerator :: IO (Some (NonceGenerator IO)) Source #

Create a new nonce generator in the ST monad.

withIONonceGenerator :: (forall s. NonceGenerator IO s -> IO r) -> IO r Source #

Create a new nonce generator in the IO monad.

withSTNonceGenerator :: (forall s. NonceGenerator (ST t) s -> ST t r) -> ST t r Source #

Run a ST computation with a new nonce generator in the ST monad.

runSTNonceGenerator :: (forall s. NonceGenerator (ST s) s -> ST s a) -> a Source #

This combines runST and newSTNonceGenerator to create a nonce generator that shares the same phantom type parameter as the ST monad.

This can be used to reduce the number of type parameters when we know a ST computation only needs a single NonceGenerator.

Global nonce generator

withGlobalSTNonceGenerator :: (forall t. NonceGenerator (ST t) t -> ST t r) -> r Source #

Create a new counter.

globalNonceGenerator :: NonceGenerator IO GlobalNonceGenerator Source #

A nonce generator that uses a globally-defined counter.