{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Pantry.SQLite
  ( Storage (..)
  , initStorage
  ) where

import RIO hiding (FilePath)
import Database.Persist.Sqlite
import RIO.Orphans ()
import Path (Path, Abs, File, toFilePath, parent)
import Path.IO (ensureDir)
import Pantry.Types (PantryException (MigrationFailure), Storage (..))
import System.FileLock (withFileLock, withTryFileLock, SharedExclusive (..))
import Pantry.Internal.Companion

  :: HasLogFunc env
  => Text
  -> Migration
  -> Path Abs File -- ^ storage file
  -> (Storage -> RIO env a)
  -> RIO env a
initStorage description migration fp inner = do
  ensureDir $ parent fp

  migrates <- withWriteLock (display description) fp $ wrapMigrationFailure $
    withSqliteConnInfo (sqinfo True) $ runSqlConn $
    runMigrationSilent migration
  forM_ migrates $ \mig -> logDebug $ "Migration executed: " <> display mig

  -- Make a single connection to the SQLite database and wrap it in an MVar for
  -- the entire execution context. Previously we used a resource pool of size
  -- 1, but (1) there's no advantage to that, and (2) it had a _very_ weird
  -- interaction with Docker on OS X where when resource-pool's reaper would
  -- trigger, it would somehow cause the Stack process inside the container to
  -- die with a SIGBUS. Definitely an interesting thing worth following up
  -- on...
  withSqliteConnInfo (sqinfo False) $ \conn0 -> do
    connVar <- newMVar conn0
    inner $ Storage
      -- NOTE: Currently, we take a write lock on every action. This is
      -- a bit heavyweight, but it avoids the SQLITE_BUSY errors
      -- reported in
      -- <https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4471>
      -- completely. We can investigate more elegant solutions in the
      -- future, such as separate read and write actions or introducing
      -- smarter retry logic.
      { withStorage_ = \action -> withMVar connVar $ \conn ->
                       withWriteLock (display description) fp $
                       runSqlConn action conn
      , withWriteLock_ = id
    wrapMigrationFailure = handleAny (throwIO . MigrationFailure description fp)

    sqinfo isMigration
           = set extraPragmas ["PRAGMA busy_timeout=2000;"]

           -- When doing a migration, we want to disable foreign key
           -- checking, since the order in which tables are created by
           -- the migration scripts may not respect foreign keys. The
           -- rest of the time: enforce those foreign keys.
           $ set fkEnabled (not isMigration)

           $ mkSqliteConnectionInfo (fromString $ toFilePath fp)

-- | Ensure that only one process is trying to write to the database
-- at a time. See
-- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4471 and comments
-- above.
  :: HasLogFunc env
  => Utf8Builder -- ^ database description, for lock messages
  -> Path Abs File -- ^ SQLite database file
  -> RIO env a
  -> RIO env a
withWriteLock desc dbFile inner = do
  let lockFile = toFilePath dbFile ++ ".pantry-write-lock"
  withRunInIO $ \run -> do
    mres <- withTryFileLock lockFile Exclusive $ const $ run inner
    case mres of
      Just res -> pure res
      Nothing -> do
        let complainer :: Companion IO
            complainer delay = run $ do
              -- Wait five seconds before giving the first message to
              -- avoid spamming the user for uninteresting file locks
              delay $ 5 * 1000 * 1000 -- 5 seconds
              logInfo $ "Unable to get a write lock on the " <> desc <> " database, waiting..."

              -- Now loop printing a message every 1 minute
              forever $ do
                delay (60 * 1000 * 1000) -- 1 minute
                  `onCompanionDone` logInfo ("Acquired the " <> desc <> " database write lock")
                logWarn ("Still waiting on the " <> desc <> " database write lock...")
        withCompanion complainer $ \stopComplaining ->
          withFileLock lockFile Exclusive $ const $ do
            run inner