{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
-- | Logic for loading up trees from HTTPS archives.
module Pantry.Archive
  ( getArchivePackage
  , getArchive
  , getArchiveKey
  , fetchArchivesRaw
  , fetchArchives
  , findCabalOrHpackFile
  ) where

import RIO
import qualified Pantry.SHA256 as SHA256
import Pantry.Storage hiding (Tree, TreeEntry)
import Pantry.Tree
import Pantry.Types
import RIO.Process
import Pantry.Internal (normalizeParents, makeTarRelative)
import qualified RIO.Text as T
import qualified RIO.Text.Partial as T
import qualified RIO.List as List
import qualified RIO.ByteString.Lazy as BL
import qualified RIO.Map as Map
import qualified RIO.Set as Set
import qualified Hpack.Config as Hpack
import Pantry.HPack (hpackVersion)
import Data.Bits ((.&.), shiftR)
import Path (toFilePath)
import qualified Codec.Archive.Zip as Zip
import qualified Data.Digest.CRC32 as CRC32
import Distribution.PackageDescription (packageDescription, package)

import Conduit
import Data.Conduit.Zlib (ungzip)
import qualified Data.Conduit.Tar as Tar
import Pantry.HTTP

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
  => [(RawArchive, RawPackageMetadata)]
  -> RIO env ()
fetchArchivesRaw pairs =
  for_ pairs $ \(ra, rpm) ->
    getArchive (RPLIArchive ra rpm) ra rpm

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
  => [(Archive, PackageMetadata)]
  -> RIO env ()
fetchArchives pairs =
  -- TODO be more efficient, group together shared archives
  fetchArchivesRaw [(toRawArchive a, toRawPM pm) | (a, pm) <- pairs]

  :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
  => RawPackageLocationImmutable -- ^ for exceptions
  -> RawArchive
  -> RawPackageMetadata
  -> RIO env TreeKey
getArchiveKey rpli archive rpm =
  packageTreeKey <$> getArchivePackage rpli archive rpm -- potential optimization

thd3 :: (a, b, c) -> c
thd3 (_, _, z) = z

  :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env, HasCallStack)
  => RawPackageLocationImmutable -- ^ for exceptions
  -> RawArchive
  -> RawPackageMetadata
  -> RIO env Package
getArchivePackage rpli archive rpm = thd3 <$> getArchive rpli archive rpm

  :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env, HasCallStack)
  => RawPackageLocationImmutable -- ^ for exceptions
  -> RawArchive
  -> RawPackageMetadata
  -> RIO env (SHA256, FileSize, Package)
getArchive rpli archive rpm = do
  -- Check if the value is in the archive, and use it if possible
  mcached <- loadCache rpli archive
  cached@(_, _, pa) <-
    case mcached of
      Just stored -> pure stored
      -- Not in the archive. Load the archive. Completely ignore the
      -- PackageMetadata for now, we'll check that the Package
      -- info matches next.
      Nothing -> withArchiveLoc archive $ \fp sha size -> do
        pa <- parseArchive rpli archive fp
        -- Storing in the cache exclusively uses information we have
        -- about the archive itself, not metadata from the user.
        storeCache archive sha size pa
        pure (sha, size, pa)

  either throwIO (\_ -> pure cached) $ checkPackageMetadata rpli rpm pa

  :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => RawArchive
  -> SHA256
  -> FileSize
  -> Package
  -> RIO env ()
storeCache archive sha size pa =
  case raLocation archive of
    ALUrl url -> withStorage $ storeArchiveCache url (raSubdir archive) sha size (packageTreeKey pa)
    ALFilePath _ -> pure () -- TODO cache local as well

  :: forall env. (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
  => RawPackageLocationImmutable
  -> RawArchive
  -> RIO env (Maybe (SHA256, FileSize, Package))
loadCache rpli archive =
  case loc of
    ALFilePath _ -> pure Nothing -- TODO can we do something intelligent here?
    ALUrl url -> withStorage (loadArchiveCache url (raSubdir archive)) >>= loop
    loc = raLocation archive
    msha = raHash archive
    msize = raSize archive

    loadFromCache :: TreeId -> RIO env (Maybe Package)
    loadFromCache tid = fmap Just $ withStorage $ loadPackageById rpli tid

    loop [] = pure Nothing
    loop ((sha, size, tid):rest) =
      case msha of
        Nothing -> do
          case msize of
            Just size' | size /= size' -> loop rest
            _ -> do
              case loc of
                ALUrl url -> do
                  -- Only debug level, let lock files solve this
                  logDebug $ "Using archive from " <> display url <> " without a specified cryptographic hash"
                  logDebug $ "Cached hash is " <> display sha <> ", file size " <> display size
                ALFilePath _ -> pure ()
              fmap (sha, size,) <$> loadFromCache tid
        Just sha'
          | sha == sha' ->
              case msize of
                Nothing -> do
                  case loc of
                    -- Only debug level, let lock files solve this
                    ALUrl url -> logDebug $ "Archive from " <> display url <> " does not specify a size"
                    ALFilePath _ -> pure ()
                  fmap (sha, size,) <$> loadFromCache tid
                Just size'
                  | size == size' -> fmap (sha, size,) <$> loadFromCache tid
                  | otherwise -> do
                      -- This is an actual warning, since we have a concrete mismatch
                      logWarn $ "Archive from " <> display loc <> " has a matching hash but mismatched size"
                      logWarn "Please verify that your configuration provides the correct size"
                      loop rest
          | otherwise -> loop rest

-- ensure name, version, etc are correct
  :: RawPackageLocationImmutable
  -> RawPackageMetadata
  -> Package
  -> Either PantryException Package
checkPackageMetadata pl pm pa = do
      err = MismatchedPackageMetadata
              (Just (packageTreeKey pa))
              (packageIdent pa)

      test :: Eq a => Maybe a -> a -> Bool
      test (Just x) y = x == y
      test Nothing _ = True

      tests =
        [ test (rpmTreeKey pm) (packageTreeKey pa)
        , test (rpmName pm) (pkgName $ packageIdent pa)
        , test (rpmVersion pm) (pkgVersion $ packageIdent pa)

   in if and tests then Right pa else Left err

-- | Provide a local file with the contents of the archive, regardless
-- of where it comes from. Perform SHA256 and file size validation if
-- downloading.
  :: HasLogFunc env
  => RawArchive
  -> (FilePath -> SHA256 -> FileSize -> RIO env a)
  -> RIO env a
withArchiveLoc (RawArchive (ALFilePath resolved) msha msize _subdir) f = do
  let abs' = resolvedAbsolute resolved
      fp = toFilePath abs'
  (sha, size) <- withBinaryFile fp ReadMode $ \h -> do
    size <- FileSize . fromIntegral <$> hFileSize h
    for_ msize $ \size' -> when (size /= size') $ throwIO $ LocalInvalidSize abs' Mismatch
      { mismatchExpected = size'
      , mismatchActual = size

    sha <- runConduit (sourceHandle h .| SHA256.sinkHash)
    for_ msha $ \sha' -> when (sha /= sha') $ throwIO $ LocalInvalidSHA256 abs' Mismatch
      { mismatchExpected = sha'
      , mismatchActual = sha

    pure (sha, size)
  f fp sha size
withArchiveLoc (RawArchive (ALUrl url) msha msize _subdir) f =
  withSystemTempFile "archive" $ \fp hout -> do
    logDebug $ "Downloading archive from " <> display url
    (sha, size, ()) <- httpSinkChecked url msha msize (sinkHandle hout)
    hClose hout
    f fp sha size

data ArchiveType = ATTarGz | ATTar | ATZip
  deriving (Enum, Bounded)

instance Display ArchiveType where
  display ATTarGz = "GZIP-ed tar file"
  display ATTar = "Uncompressed tar file"
  display ATZip = "Zip file"

data METype
  = METNormal
  | METExecutable
  | METLink !FilePath
  deriving Show

data MetaEntry = MetaEntry
  { mePath :: !FilePath
  , meType :: !METype
  deriving Show

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => ArchiveLocation -- ^ for error reporting
  -> FilePath
  -> ArchiveType
  -> a
  -> (a -> MetaEntry -> ConduitT ByteString Void (RIO env) a)
  -> RIO env a
foldArchive loc fp ATTarGz accum f =
  withSourceFile fp $ \src -> runConduit $ src .| ungzip .| foldTar loc accum f
foldArchive loc fp ATTar accum f =
  withSourceFile fp $ \src -> runConduit $ src .| foldTar loc accum f
foldArchive loc fp ATZip accum0 f = withBinaryFile fp ReadMode $ \h -> do
  let go accum entry = do
        let me = MetaEntry (Zip.eRelativePath entry) met
            met = fromMaybe METNormal $ do
              let modes = shiftR (Zip.eExternalFileAttributes entry) 16
              guard $ Zip.eVersionMadeBy entry .&. 0xFF00 == 0x0300
              guard $ modes /= 0
              Just $
                if (modes .&. 0o100) == 0
                  then METNormal
                  else METExecutable
            lbs = Zip.fromEntry entry
        let crcExpected = Zip.eCRC32 entry
            crcActual = CRC32.crc32 lbs
        when (crcExpected /= crcActual)
          $ throwIO $ CRC32Mismatch loc (Zip.eRelativePath entry) Mismatch
              { mismatchExpected = crcExpected
              , mismatchActual = crcActual
        runConduit $ sourceLazy lbs .| f accum me
      isDir entry =
        case reverse $ Zip.eRelativePath entry of
          '/':_ -> True
          _ -> False
  -- We're entering lazy I/O land thanks to zip-archive.
  lbs <- BL.hGetContents h
  foldM go accum0 (filter (not . isDir) $ Zip.zEntries $ Zip.toArchive lbs)

  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env)
  => ArchiveLocation -- ^ for exceptions
  -> a
  -> (a -> MetaEntry -> ConduitT ByteString o (RIO env) a)
  -> ConduitT ByteString o (RIO env) a
foldTar loc accum0 f = do
  ref <- newIORef accum0
  Tar.untar $ \fi -> toME fi >>= traverse_ (\me -> do
    accum <- readIORef ref
    accum' <- f accum me
    writeIORef ref $! accum')
  readIORef ref
    toME :: MonadIO m => Tar.FileInfo -> m (Maybe MetaEntry)
    toME fi = do
      let exc = InvalidTarFileType loc (Tar.getFileInfoPath fi) (Tar.fileType fi)
      mmet <-
        case Tar.fileType fi of
          Tar.FTSymbolicLink bs ->
            case decodeUtf8' bs of
              Left _ -> throwIO exc
              Right text -> pure $ Just $ METLink $ T.unpack text
          Tar.FTNormal -> pure $ Just $
            if Tar.fileMode fi .&. 0o100 /= 0
              then METExecutable
              else METNormal
          Tar.FTDirectory -> pure Nothing
          _ -> throwIO exc
      pure $
        (\met -> MetaEntry
          { mePath = Tar.getFileInfoPath fi
          , meType = met
        <$> mmet

data SimpleEntry = SimpleEntry
  { seSource :: !FilePath
  , seType :: !FileType
  deriving Show

-- | Attempt to parse the contents of the given archive in the given
-- subdir into a 'Tree'. This will not consult any caches. It will
-- ensure that:
-- * The cabal file exists
-- * The cabal file can be parsed
-- * The name inside the cabal file matches the name of the cabal file itself
  :: (HasPantryConfig env, HasLogFunc env, HasProcessContext env)
  => RawPackageLocationImmutable
  -> RawArchive
  -> FilePath -- ^ file holding the archive
  -> RIO env Package
parseArchive rpli archive fp = do
  let loc = raLocation archive
      getFiles [] = throwIO $ UnknownArchiveType loc
      getFiles (at:ats) = do
        eres <- tryAny $ foldArchive loc fp at id $ \m me -> pure $ m . (me:)
        case eres of
          Left e -> do
            logDebug $ "parseArchive of " <> display at <> ": " <> displayShow e
            getFiles ats
          Right files -> pure (at, Map.fromList $ map (mePath &&& id) $ files [])
  (at :: ArchiveType, files :: Map FilePath MetaEntry) <- getFiles [minBound..maxBound]
  let toSimple :: FilePath -> MetaEntry -> Either String (Map FilePath SimpleEntry)
      toSimple key me =
        case meType me of
          METNormal -> Right $ Map.singleton key $ SimpleEntry (mePath me) FTNormal
          METExecutable -> Right $ Map.singleton key $ SimpleEntry (mePath me) FTExecutable
          METLink relDest -> do
            case relDest of
              '/':_ -> Left $ concat
                         [ "File located at "
                         , show $ mePath me
                         , " is a symbolic link to absolute path "
                         , relDest
              _ -> Right ()
            dest0 <-
              case makeTarRelative (mePath me) relDest of
                Left e -> Left $ concat
                  [ "Error resolving relative path "
                  , relDest
                  , " from symlink at "
                  , mePath me
                  , ": "
                  , e
                Right x -> Right x
            dest <-
              case normalizeParents dest0 of
                Left e -> Left $ concat
                  [ "Invalid symbolic link from "
                  , mePath me
                  , " to "
                  , relDest
                  , ", tried parsing "
                  , dest0
                  , ": "
                  , e
                Right x -> Right x
            -- Check if it's a symlink to a file
            case Map.lookup dest files of
              Nothing ->
                -- Check if it's a symlink to a directory
                case findWithPrefix dest files of
                  [] -> Left $ "Symbolic link dest not found from " ++ mePath me ++ " to " ++ relDest ++ ", looking for " ++ dest ++ ".\n"
                            ++ "This may indicate that the source is a git archive which uses git-annex.\n"
                            ++ "See https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4579 for further information."
                  pairs -> fmap fold $ for pairs $ \(suffix, me') -> toSimple (key ++ '/' : suffix) me'
              Just me' ->
                case meType me' of
                  METNormal -> Right $ Map.singleton key $ SimpleEntry dest FTNormal
                  METExecutable -> Right $ Map.singleton key $ SimpleEntry dest FTExecutable
                  METLink _ -> Left $ "Symbolic link dest cannot be a symbolic link, from " ++ mePath me ++ " to " ++ relDest

  case fold <$> Map.traverseWithKey toSimple files of
    Left e -> throwIO $ UnsupportedTarball loc $ T.pack e
    Right files1 -> do
      let files2 = stripCommonPrefix $ Map.toList files1
          files3 = takeSubdir (raSubdir archive) files2
          toSafe (fp', a) =
            case mkSafeFilePath fp' of
              Nothing -> Left $ "Not a safe file path: " ++ show fp'
              Just sfp -> Right (sfp, a)
      case traverse toSafe files3 of
        Left e -> throwIO $ UnsupportedTarball loc $ T.pack e
        Right safeFiles -> do
          let toSave = Set.fromList $ map (seSource . snd) safeFiles
          (blobs :: Map FilePath BlobKey)  <-
            foldArchive loc fp at mempty $ \m me ->
              if mePath me `Set.member` toSave
                then do
                  bs <- mconcat <$> sinkList
                  (_, blobKey) <- lift $ withStorage $ storeBlob bs
                  pure $ Map.insert (mePath me) blobKey m
                else pure m
          tree <- fmap (TreeMap . Map.fromList) $ for safeFiles $ \(sfp, se) ->
            case Map.lookup (seSource se) blobs of
              Nothing -> error $ "Impossible: blob not found for: " ++ seSource se
              Just blobKey -> pure (sfp, TreeEntry blobKey (seType se))
          -- parse the cabal file and ensure it has the right name
          buildFile <- findCabalOrHpackFile rpli tree
          (buildFilePath, buildFileBlobKey, buildFileEntry) <- case buildFile of
                                                                 BFCabal fpath te@(TreeEntry key _) -> pure (fpath, key, te)
                                                                 BFHpack te@(TreeEntry key _) -> pure (hpackSafeFilePath, key, te)
          mbs <- withStorage $ loadBlob buildFileBlobKey
          bs <-
            case mbs of
              Nothing -> throwIO $ TreeReferencesMissingBlob rpli buildFilePath buildFileBlobKey
              Just bs -> pure bs
          cabalBs <- case buildFile of
            BFCabal _ _ -> pure bs
            BFHpack _ -> snd <$> hpackToCabal rpli tree
          (_warnings, gpd) <- rawParseGPD (Left rpli) cabalBs
          let ident@(PackageIdentifier name _) = package $ packageDescription gpd
          case buildFile of
            BFCabal _ _ -> when (buildFilePath /= cabalFileName name) $ throwIO $ WrongCabalFileName rpli buildFilePath name
            _ -> return ()
          -- It's good! Store the tree, let's bounce
          (tid, treeKey') <- withStorage $ storeTree rpli ident tree buildFile
          packageCabal <- case buildFile of
                            BFCabal _ _ -> pure $ PCCabalFile buildFileEntry
                            BFHpack _ -> do
                              cabalKey <- withStorage $ do
                                            hpackId <- storeHPack rpli tid
                                            loadCabalBlobKey hpackId
                              hpackSoftwareVersion <- hpackVersion
                              let cabalTreeEntry = TreeEntry cabalKey (teType buildFileEntry)
                              pure $ PCHpack $ PHpack { phOriginal = buildFileEntry, phGenerated = cabalTreeEntry, phVersion = hpackSoftwareVersion}
          pure Package
            { packageTreeKey = treeKey'
            , packageTree = tree
            , packageCabalEntry = packageCabal
            , packageIdent = ident

-- | Find all of the files in the Map with the given directory as a
-- prefix. Directory is given without trailing slash. Returns the
-- suffix after stripping the given prefix.
findWithPrefix :: FilePath -> Map FilePath MetaEntry -> [(FilePath, MetaEntry)]
findWithPrefix dir = mapMaybe go . Map.toList
    prefix = dir ++ "/"
    go (x, y) = (, y) <$> List.stripPrefix prefix x

  :: MonadThrow m
  => RawPackageLocationImmutable -- ^ for exceptions
  -> Tree
  -> m BuildFile
findCabalOrHpackFile loc (TreeMap m) = do
  let isCabalFile (sfp, _) =
        let txt = unSafeFilePath sfp
         in not ("/" `T.isInfixOf` txt) && (".cabal" `T.isSuffixOf` txt)
      isHpackFile (sfp, _) =
        let txt = unSafeFilePath sfp
         in T.pack (Hpack.packageConfig) == txt
      isBFCabal (BFCabal _ _) = True
      isBFCabal _ = False
      sfpBuildFile (BFCabal sfp _) = sfp
      sfpBuildFile (BFHpack _) = hpackSafeFilePath
      toBuildFile xs@(sfp, te) = let cbFile = if (isCabalFile xs)
                                              then Just $ BFCabal sfp te
                                              else Nothing
                                     hpFile = if (isHpackFile xs)
                                              then Just $ BFHpack te
                                              else Nothing
                                 in cbFile <|> hpFile
  case mapMaybe toBuildFile $ Map.toList m of
    [] -> throwM $ TreeWithoutCabalFile loc
    [bfile] -> pure bfile
    xs -> case (filter isBFCabal xs) of
            [] -> throwM $ TreeWithoutCabalFile loc
            [bfile] -> pure bfile
            xs' -> throwM $ TreeWithMultipleCabalFiles loc $ map sfpBuildFile xs'

-- | If all files have a shared prefix, strip it off
stripCommonPrefix :: [(FilePath, a)] -> [(FilePath, a)]
stripCommonPrefix [] = []
stripCommonPrefix pairs@((firstFP, _):_) = fromMaybe pairs $ do
  let firstDir = takeWhile (/= '/') firstFP
  guard $ not $ null firstDir
  let strip (fp, a) = (, a) <$> List.stripPrefix (firstDir ++ "/") fp
  stripCommonPrefix <$> traverse strip pairs

-- | Take us down to the specified subdirectory
  :: Text -- ^ subdir
  -> [(FilePath, a)] -- ^ files after stripping common prefix
  -> [(Text, a)]
takeSubdir subdir = mapMaybe $ \(fp, a) -> do
  stripped <- List.stripPrefix subdirs $ splitDirs $ T.pack fp
  Just (T.intercalate "/" stripped, a)
    splitDirs = List.dropWhile (== ".") . filter (/= "") . T.splitOn "/"
    subdirs = splitDirs subdir