{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings     #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards       #-}
Module      : $header$
Copyright   : (c) Laurent P René de Cotret, 2020
License     : GNU GPL, version 2 or above
Maintainer  : laurent.decotret@outlook.com
Stability   : internal
Portability : portable


module Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Scripting
    ( ScriptResult(..)
    , runTempScript
    , runScriptIfNecessary
    , figurePath
    ) where

import           Control.Monad.Reader

import           Data.Hashable                     (hash)
import           Data.Text                         (Text, pack, unpack)
import qualified Data.Text.IO                      as T

import           Paths_pandoc_plot                 (version)

import           System.Directory                  (createDirectoryIfMissing,
                                                    doesFileExist, getTemporaryDirectory,
import           System.Exit                       (ExitCode (..))
import           System.FilePath                   (addExtension,
                                                    normalise, replaceExtension,
                                                    takeDirectory, (</>))

import           Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Renderers
import           Text.Pandoc.Filter.Plot.Monad

-- Run script as described by the spec, only if necessary
runScriptIfNecessary :: FigureSpec -> PlotM ScriptResult
runScriptIfNecessary spec = do
    target <- figurePath spec
    liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True . takeDirectory $ target

    fileAlreadyExists <- liftIO . doesFileExist $ target
    result <- if fileAlreadyExists
                then return ScriptSuccess
                else runTempScript spec

    logScriptResult result

    case result of
        ScriptSuccess -> do
            scp <- sourceCodePath spec
            liftIO $ T.writeFile scp (script spec) >> return ScriptSuccess
        other         -> return other

        logScriptResult ScriptSuccess = return ()
        logScriptResult r             = err   . pack . show $ r

-- | Possible result of running a script
data ScriptResult
    = ScriptSuccess
    | ScriptChecksFailed Text   -- Message
    | ScriptFailure Text Int    -- Command and exit code
    | ToolkitNotInstalled Toolkit -- Script failed because toolkit is not installed

instance Show ScriptResult where
    show ScriptSuccess            = "Script success."
    show (ScriptChecksFailed msg) = unpack $ "Script checks failed: " <> msg
    show (ScriptFailure msg ec)   = mconcat ["Script failed with exit code ", show ec, " and the following message: ", unpack msg]
    show (ToolkitNotInstalled tk) = (show tk) <> " toolkit not installed."

-- Run script as described by the spec
-- Checks are performed, according to the renderer
-- Note that stdout from the script is suppressed, but not
-- stderr.
runTempScript :: FigureSpec -> PlotM ScriptResult
runTempScript spec@FigureSpec{..} = do
    let checks = scriptChecks toolkit
        checkResult = mconcat $ checks <*> [script]
    case checkResult of
        CheckFailed msg -> return $ ScriptChecksFailed msg
        CheckPassed -> do
            scriptPath <- tempScriptPath spec
            target <- figurePath spec

            -- Check if executable is present
            exe <- executable toolkit
            case exe of
                Nothing -> error $ "Toolkit " <> show toolkit <> " is not installed."
                Just (Executable exedir exename) -> do
                    -- Commands are run from the executable directory,
                    -- so we need to tell the full absolute path where to save the
                    -- figure
                    curdir <- liftIO $ getCurrentDirectory
                    let scriptWithCapture = (capture toolkit) spec (curdir </> target)

                    liftIO $ T.writeFile scriptPath scriptWithCapture
                    let outputSpec = OutputSpec { oFigureSpec = spec
                                                , oScriptPath = scriptPath
                                                , oFigurePath = target

                    let command_ = command toolkit outputSpec exename
                    (ec, _) <- runCommand exedir command_
                    case ec of
                        ExitSuccess      -> return   ScriptSuccess
                        ExitFailure code -> do
                            -- Two possible types of failures: either the script
                            -- failed because the toolkit was not available, or
                            -- because of a genuine error
                            toolkitInstalled <- toolkitAvailable toolkit
                            if toolkitInstalled
                                then return $ ScriptFailure command_ code
                                else return $ ToolkitNotInstalled toolkit

-- | Determine the temp script path from Figure specifications
-- Note that for certain renderers, the appropriate file extension
-- is important.
tempScriptPath :: FigureSpec -> PlotM FilePath
tempScriptPath FigureSpec{..} = do
    let ext = scriptExtension toolkit
    -- MATLAB will refuse to process files that don't start with
    -- a letter
    -- Note that this hash is only so that we are running scripts from unique
    -- file names; it does NOT determine whether this figure should
    -- be rendered or not.
    let hashedPath = "pandocplot" <> (show . abs . hash $ script) <> ext
    liftIO $ (</> hashedPath) <$> getTemporaryDirectory

-- | Determine the path to the source code that generated the figure.
sourceCodePath :: FigureSpec -> PlotM FilePath
sourceCodePath = fmap normalise . fmap (flip replaceExtension ".txt") . figurePath

-- | Hash of the content of a @FigureSpec@. Note that unlike usual hashes,
-- two @FigureSpec@ with the same @figureContentHash@ does not mean that they are equal!
-- Not all parts of a FigureSpec are related to running code.
-- For example, changing the caption should not require running the figure again.
figureContentHash :: FigureSpec -> PlotM Word
figureContentHash FigureSpec{..} = do
    dependenciesHash <- sequence $ fileHash <$> dependencies
    -- hash looks strange because instances only exist for 7-tuples or less
    return $ fromIntegral
           $ hash ( (fromEnum toolkit
                    , script
                    , fromEnum saveFormat
                    , directory)
                  , ( dpi
                    , dependenciesHash
                    , extraAttrs
                    , show version -- Included version because capture
                    )              -- scripts may change between releases

-- | Determine the path a figure should have.
-- The path for this file is unique to the content of the figure,
-- so that @figurePath@ can be used to determine whether a figure should
-- be rendered again or not.
figurePath :: FigureSpec -> PlotM FilePath
figurePath spec = do
    fh <- figureContentHash spec
    let    ext  = extension . saveFormat $ spec
           stem = flip addExtension ext . show $ fh
    return $ normalise $ directory spec </> stem