-- |
-- Module      :  Data.OrgMode.Parse.Attoparsec.Time
-- Copyright   :  © 2014 Parnell Springmeyer
-- License     :  All Rights Reserved
-- Maintainer  :  Parnell Springmeyer <parnell@digitalmentat.com>
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Parsing combinators for org-mode timestamps; both active and
-- inactive.

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds         #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns      #-}

module Data.OrgMode.Parse.Attoparsec.Time
( parsePlannings
, parseClock
, parseTimestamp

import           Control.Applicative
import qualified Data.Attoparsec.ByteString         as Attoparsec.ByteString
import           Data.Attoparsec.Combinator         as Attoparsec
import           Data.Attoparsec.Text
import           Data.Attoparsec.Types              as Attoparsec (Parser)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8              as BS
import           Data.Functor                       (($>))
import           Data.HashMap.Strict                (HashMap, fromList)
import           Data.Maybe                         (listToMaybe)
import           Data.Monoid                        ()
import qualified Data.OrgMode.Parse.Attoparsec.Util as Util
import           Data.OrgMode.Types
import           Data.Semigroup                     ((<>))
import           Data.Text                          (Text)
import qualified Data.Text                          as Text
import           Data.Thyme.Format                  (buildTime, timeParser)
import           Data.Thyme.LocalTime               (Hours, Minutes)
import           Prelude                            hiding (repeat)
import           System.Locale                      (defaultTimeLocale)

-- | Parse a planning line.
-- Plannings inhabit a heading section and are formatted as a keyword
-- and a timestamp. There can be more than one, but they are all on
-- the same line e.g:
-- > DEADLINE: <2015-05-10 17:00> CLOSED: <2015-04-1612:00>
parsePlannings :: Attoparsec.Parser Text (HashMap PlanningKeyword Timestamp)
parsePlannings = fromList <$> many' (skipSpace *> planning <* Util.skipOnlySpace)
    planning =  (,) <$> pType <* char ':' <*> (skipSpace *> parseTimestamp)
    pType    = choice [string "SCHEDULED" $>  SCHEDULED
                      ,string "DEADLINE"  $>  DEADLINE
                      ,string "CLOSED"    $>  CLOSED

-- | Parse a clock line.
-- A heading's section contains one line per clock entry. Clocks may
-- have a timestamp, a duration, both, or neither e.g.:
-- > CLOCK: [2014-12-10 Fri 2:30]--[2014-12-10 Fri 10:30] => 08:00
parseClock :: Attoparsec.Parser Text Clock
parseClock = Clock <$> ((,) <$> (skipSpace *> string "CLOCK: " *> ts) <*> dur)
    ts  = optional parseTimestamp
    dur = optional (string " => " *> skipSpace *> parseHM)

-- | Parse a timestamp.
-- Timestamps may be timepoints or timeranges, and they indicate
-- whether they are active or closed by using angle or square brackets
-- respectively.
-- Time ranges are formatted by infixing two timepoints with a double
-- hyphen, @--@; or, by appending two @hh:mm@ timestamps together in a
-- single timepoint with one hyphen @-@.
-- Each timepoint includes an optional repeater flag and an optional
-- delay flag.
parseTimestamp :: Attoparsec.Parser Text Timestamp
parseTimestamp = do
  (ts1, tsb1, act) <- transformBracketedDateTime <$> parseBracketedDateTime

  blk2 <- fmap (fmap transformBracketedDateTime)  optionalBracketedDateTime

  -- TODO: refactor this case logic
  case (tsb1, blk2) of
    (Nothing, Nothing) ->
      pure (Timestamp ts1 act Nothing)
    (Nothing, Just (ts2, Nothing, _)) ->
      pure (Timestamp ts1 act (Just ts2))
    (Nothing, Just _) ->
      -- TODO: improve error message with an example of what would
      -- cause this case
      fail "Illegal time range in second timerange timestamp"
    (Just (h',m'), Nothing) ->
      pure (Timestamp ts1 act
               (Just $ ts1 {hourMinute = Just (h',m')
                           ,repeater   = Nothing
                           ,delay      = Nothing}))
    (Just _, Just _) ->
      -- TODO: improve error message with an example of what would
      -- cause thise case
      fail "Illegal mix of time range and timestamp range"

    optionalBracketedDateTime =
      optional (string "--" *> parseBracketedDateTime)

-- | Parse a single time part.
-- > [2015-03-27 Fri 10:20 +4h]
-- Returns:
-- - The basic timestamp
-- - Whether there was a time interval in place of a single time
-- (this will be handled upstream by parseTimestamp)
-- - Whether the time is active or inactive
parseBracketedDateTime :: Attoparsec.Parser Text BracketedDateTime
parseBracketedDateTime = do
  openingBracket <- char '<' <|> char '['
  brkDateTime    <- BracketedDateTime <$>
            parseDate <* skipSpace
        <*> optionalParse parseDay
        <*> optionalParse parseTime'
        <*> maybeListParse parseRepeater
        <*> maybeListParse parseDelay
        <*> pure (activeBracket openingBracket)

  closingBracket <- char '>' <|> char ']'
  finally brkDateTime openingBracket closingBracket
    optionalParse p  = optional p <* skipSpace
    maybeListParse p = listToMaybe <$> many' p  <* skipSpace
    activeBracket ((=='<') -> active) =
      if active then Active else Inactive

    finally bkd ob cb | complementaryBracket ob /= cb =
                          -- TODO: improve this error message with an
                          -- example of what would cause this case
                          fail "mismatched timestamp brackets"
                      | otherwise = return bkd

    complementaryBracket '<' = '>'
    complementaryBracket '[' = ']'
    complementaryBracket x   = x

-- | Given a @BracketedDateTime@ data type, transform it into a triple
-- composed of a @DateTime@, possibly a @(Hours, Minutes)@ tuple
-- signifying the end of a timestamp range, and a boolean indic
transformBracketedDateTime :: BracketedDateTime
                           -> (DateTime, Maybe (Hours, Minutes), ActiveState)
transformBracketedDateTime BracketedDateTime{..} =
  maybe dateStamp timeStamp timePart
    defdt = DateTime datePart dayNamePart Nothing repeat delayPart
    timeStamp (AbsoluteTime   (hs,ms)) =
      ( defdt { hourMinute = Just (hs,ms) }
      , Nothing
      , activeState
    timeStamp (TimeStampRange (t0,t1)) =
      ( defdt { hourMinute = Just t0 }
      , Just t1
      , activeState
    dateStamp = (defdt, Nothing, activeState)

-- | Parse a day name in the same way as org-mode does.
-- The character set (@]+0123456789>\r\n -@) is based on a part of a
-- regexp named @org-ts-regexp0@ found in org.el.
parseDay :: Attoparsec.Parser Text Text
parseDay = Text.pack <$> some (Attoparsec.satisfyElem isDayChar)
    isDayChar :: Char -> Bool
    isDayChar = (`notElem` nonDayChars)

    -- | This is based on: @[^]+0-9>\r\n -]+@, a part of a regexp
    -- named org-ts-regexp0 in org.el.
    nonDayChars = "]+0123456789>\r\n -" :: String

-- | Parse the time-of-day part of a time part, as a single point or a
-- time range.
parseTime' :: Attoparsec.Parser Text TimePart
parseTime' = stampRng <|> stampAbs
    stampRng = do
      beg <- parseHM <* char '-'
      end <- parseHM
      pure $ TimeStampRange (beg,end)

    stampAbs = AbsoluteTime   <$> parseHM

-- | Parse the YYYY-MM-DD part of a time part.
parseDate :: Attoparsec.Parser Text YearMonthDay
parseDate = consumeDate >>= either bad good . dateParse
    bad e        = fail $ "failure parsing date: " <> e
    good t       = pure $ buildTime t
    consumeDate  = manyTill anyChar $ char ' '
    dateParse    = Attoparsec.ByteString.parseOnly dpCombinator . BS.pack
    dpCombinator = timeParser defaultTimeLocale "%Y-%m-%d"

-- | Parse a single @HH:MM@ point.
parseHM :: Attoparsec.Parser Text (Hours, Minutes)
parseHM = (,) <$> decimal <* char ':' <*> decimal

-- | Parse the Timeunit part of a delay or repeater flag.
parseTimeUnit :: Attoparsec.Parser Text TimeUnit
parseTimeUnit =
  choice [ char 'h' $> UnitHour
         , char 'd' $> UnitDay
         , char 'w' $> UnitWeek
         , char 'm' $> UnitMonth
         , char 'y' $> UnitYear

-- | Parse a repeater flag, e.g. @.+4w@, or @++1y@.
parseRepeater :: Attoparsec.Parser Text Repeater
parseRepeater =
  <$> choice
        [ string "++" $> RepeatCumulate
        , char   '+'  $> RepeatCatchUp
        , string ".+" $> RepeatRestart
  <*> decimal
  <*> parseTimeUnit

-- | Parse a delay flag, e.g. @--1d@ or @-2w@.
parseDelay :: Attoparsec.Parser Text Delay
parseDelay =
  <$> choice
        [ string "--" $> DelayFirst
        , char   '-'  $> DelayAll
  <*> decimal
  <*> parseTimeUnit