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optics-core- Optics as an abstract interface: core definitions

Safe HaskellNone




Overloaded labels are a solution to Haskell's namespace problem for records. The -XOverloadedLabels extension allows a new expression syntax for labels, a prefix # sign followed by an identifier, e.g. #foo. These expressions can then be given an interpretation that depends on the type at which they are used and the text of the label.


How to use labels as optics to make working with Haskell's records more convenient

The problem

Standard Haskell records are a common source of frustration amongst seasoned Haskell programmers. Their main issues are:

  1. Inability to define multiple data types sharing field names in the same module.
  2. Pollution of global namespace as every field accessor is also a top-level function.
  3. Clunky update syntax, especially when nested fields get involved.

Over the years multiple language extensions were proposed and implemented to alleviate these issues. We're quite close to having a reasonable solution with the following trifecta:

It needs to be noted however that both NoFieldSelectors and RecordDotSyntax are not yet implemented, with the latter depending on adding setField to HasField (ghc/16232), not yet merged.

Is there no hope then for people who would like to work with records in a reasonable way without waiting for these extensions? Not necessarily, as by following a couple of simple patterns we can get pretty much the same (and more) features with labels as optics, just with a slightly more verbose syntax.

The solution

Prefixless fields with DuplicateRecordFields

We necessarily want field names to be prefixless, i.e. field to be a field name and #field to be an overloaded label that becomes an optic refering to this field in the appropriate context. With this approach we get working autocompletion and jump-to-definition in editors supporting ctags/etags in combination with hasktags, both of which (especially the latter) are very important for developer's productivity in real-world code bases.

Let's look at data types defined with this approach in mind:

{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}

import Data.Time

data User = User { id     :: Int
                 , name   :: String
                 , joined :: UTCTime
                 , movies :: [Movie]

data Movie = Movie { id          :: Int
                   , name        :: String
                   , releaseDate :: UTCTime

Then appropriate LabelOptic instances can be either written by hand or generated using Template Haskell functions (defined in Optics.TH module from optics-th package) with

makeFieldLabelsWith noPrefixFieldLabels ''User
makeFieldLabelsWith noPrefixFieldLabels ''Movie

Note: there exists a similar approach that involves prefixing field names with the underscore and generation of lenses as ordinary functions so that _field is the ordinary field name and field is the lens referencing it. The drawback of such solution is inability to get working jump-to-definition for field names, which makes navigation in unfamiliar code bases significantly harder, so it's not recommended.

Emulation of NoFieldSelectors

Prefixless fields (especially ones with common names such as id or name) leak into global namespace as accessor functions and can generate a lot of name clashes. Before NoFieldSelectors is available, this can be alleviated by splitting modules defining types into two, namely:

  1. A private one that exports full type definitions, i.e. with their fields and constructors.
  2. A public one that exports only constructors (or no constructors at all if the data type in question is opaque).

There is no notion of private and public modules within a single cabal target, but we can hint at it e.g. by naming the public module T and private T.Internal.

An example:

Private module:

{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module User.Internal (User(..)) where

import Optics.TH

data User = User { id   :: Int
                 , name :: String

makeFieldLabelsWith noPrefixFieldLabels ''User


Public module:

module User (User(User)) where

import User.Internal


Then, whenever we're dealing with a value of type User and want to read or modify its fields, we can use corresponding labels without having to import User.Internal. Importing User is enough because it provides appropriate LabelOptic instances through User.Internal which enables labels to be interpreted as optics in the appropriate context.

Note: if you plan to completely hide (some of) the fields of a data type, you need to skip defining the corresponding LabelOptic instances for them (in case you want fields to be read only, you can make the optic kind of the coresponding LabelOptic A_Getter instead of A_Lens). It's because Haskell makes it impossible to selectively hide instances, so once a LabelOptic instance is defined, it'll always be possible to use a label that desugars to its usage whenever a module with its definition is (transitively) imported.

{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedLabels #-}

import Optics
import User

greetUser :: User -> String
greetUser user = "Hello " ++ user ^. #name ++ "!"

addSurname :: String -> User -> User
addSurname surname user = user & #name %~ (++ " " ++ surname)

But what if we want to create a new User with the record syntax? Importing User module is not sufficient since it doesn't export User's fields. However, if we import User.Internal fully qualified and make use of the fact that field names used within the record syntax don't have to be prefixed when DisambiguateRecordFields language extension is enabled, it works out:

{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}

import User
import qualified User.Internal

newUser :: User
newUser = User { id   = 1     -- not User.Internal.id
               , name = "Ian" -- not User.Internal.name

This way top-level field accessor functions stay in their own qualified namespace and don't generate name clashes, yet they can be used without prefix within the record syntax.

The result

When we follow the above conventions for data types in our application, we get:

  1. Prefixless field names that don't pollute global namespace (with the internal module qualification trick).
  2. Working tags based jump-to-definition for field names (as field is the ordinary field, whereas #field is the lens referencing it).
  3. The full power of optics at our disposal, should we ever need it.

Sample usage

An example showing how overloaded labels can be used as optics.

>>> :set -XDataKinds
>>> :set -XDuplicateRecordFields
>>> :set -XFlexibleInstances
>>> :set -XMultiParamTypeClasses
>>> :set -XOverloadedLabels
>>> :set -XTypeFamilies
>>> :set -XUndecidableInstances
>>> :{
data Human = Human
  { name :: String
  , age  :: Integer
  , pets :: [Pet]
  } deriving Show
data Pet
  = Cat  { name :: String, age :: Int, lazy :: Bool }
  | Fish { name :: String, age :: Int }
  deriving Show

The following instances can be generated by makeFieldLabelsWith noPrefixFieldLabels from Optics.TH in the optics-th package:

>>> :{
instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ String, b ~ String) => LabelOptic "name" k Human Human a b where
  labelOptic = lensVL $ \f (Human name age pets) -> (\name' -> Human name' age pets) <$> f name
instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ Integer, b ~ Integer) => LabelOptic "age" k Human Human a b where
  labelOptic = lensVL $ \f (Human name age pets) -> (\age' -> Human name age' pets) <$> f age
instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ [Pet], b ~ [Pet]) => LabelOptic "pets" k Human Human a b where
  labelOptic = lensVL $ \f (Human name age pets) -> (\pets' -> Human name age pets') <$> f pets
instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ String, b ~ String) => LabelOptic "name" k Pet Pet a b where
  labelOptic = lensVL $ \f s -> case s of
    Cat  name age lazy -> (\name' -> Cat  name' age lazy) <$> f name
    Fish name age      -> (\name' -> Fish name' age     ) <$> f name
instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ Int, b ~ Int) => LabelOptic "age" k Pet Pet a b where
  labelOptic = lensVL $ \f s -> case s of
    Cat  name age lazy -> (\age' -> Cat  name age' lazy) <$> f age
    Fish name age      -> (\age' -> Fish name age'     ) <$> f age
instance (k ~ An_AffineTraversal, a ~ Bool, b ~ Bool) => LabelOptic "lazy" k Pet Pet a b where
  labelOptic = atraversalVL $ \point f s -> case s of
    Cat name age lazy -> (\lazy' -> Cat name age lazy') <$> f lazy
    _                 -> point s

Here is some test data:

>>> :{
peter :: Human
peter = Human { name = "Peter"
              , age  = 13
              , pets = [ Fish { name = "Goldie"
                              , age  = 1
                       , Cat { name = "Loopy"
                             , age  = 3
                             , lazy = False
                       , Cat { name = "Sparky"
                             , age  = 2
                             , lazy = True

Now we can ask for Peter's name:

>>> view #name peter

or for names of his pets:

>>> toListOf (#pets % folded % #name) peter

We can check whether any of his pets is lazy:

>>> orOf (#pets % folded % #lazy) peter

or how things might be be a year from now:

>>> peter & over #age (+1) & over (#pets % mapped % #age) (+1)
Human {name = "Peter", age = 14, pets = [Fish {name = "Goldie", age = 2},Cat {name = "Loopy", age = 4, lazy = False},Cat {name = "Sparky", age = 3, lazy = True}]}

Perhaps Peter is going on vacation and needs to leave his pets at home:

>>> peter & set #pets []
Human {name = "Peter", age = 13, pets = []}

Technical details

LabelOptic type class

class LabelOptic (name :: Symbol) k s t a b | name s -> k a, name t -> k b, name s b -> t, name t a -> s where Source #

Support for overloaded labels as optics. An overloaded label #foo can be used as an optic if there is an instance of LabelOptic "foo" k s t a b.


labelOptic :: Optic k NoIx s t a b Source #

Used to interpret overloaded label syntax. An overloaded label #foo corresponds to labelOptic @"foo".

(LabelOptic name k s t a b, GeneralLabelOptic name k s t a b (AnyHasRep (Rep s) (Rep t))) => LabelOptic name k s t a b Source #

If no instance matches, fall back on GeneralLabelOptic.

Instance details

Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic


labelOptic :: Optic k NoIx s t a b Source #

type LabelOptic' name k s a = LabelOptic name k s s a a Source #

Type synonym for a type-preserving optic as overloaded label.

Structure of LabelOptic instances

You might wonder why instances above are written in form

instance (k ~ A_Lens, a ~ [Pet], b ~ [Pet]) => LabelOptic "pets" k Human Human a b where

instead of

instance LabelOptic "pets" A_Lens Human Human [Pet] [Pet] where

The reason is that using the first form ensures that it is enough for GHC to match on the instance if either s or t is known (as type equalities are verified after the instance matches), which not only makes type inference better, but also allows it to generate better error messages.

For example, if you try to write peter & set #pets [] with the appropriate LabelOptic instance in the second form, you get the following:

interactive:16:1: error:
   • No instance for LabelOptic "pets" ‘A_Lens’ ‘Human’ ‘()’ ‘[Pet]’ ‘[a0]’
       (maybe you forgot to define it or misspelled a name?)
   • In the first argument of ‘print’, namely ‘it’
     In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it

That's because empty list doesn't have type [Pet], it has type [r] and GHC doesn't have enough information to match on the instance we provided. We'd need to either annotate the list: peter & set #pets ([]::[Pet]) or the result type: peter & set #pets [] :: Human, which is suboptimal.

Here are more examples of confusing error messages if the instance for LabelOptic "age" is written without type equalities:

λ> view #age peter :: Char

interactive:28:6: error:
    • No instance for LabelOptic "age" ‘k0’ ‘Human’ ‘Human’ ‘Char’ ‘Char’
        (maybe you forgot to define it or misspelled a name?)
    • In the first argument of ‘view’, namely ‘#age’
      In the expression: view #age peter :: Char
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = view #age peter :: Char
λ> peter & set #age "hi"

interactive:29:1: error:
    • No instance for LabelOptic "age" ‘k’ ‘Human’ ‘b’ ‘a’ ‘[Char]’
        (maybe you forgot to define it or misspelled a name?)
    • When checking the inferred type
        it :: forall k b a. ((TypeError ...), Is k A_Setter) => b

λ> age = #age :: Iso' Human Int

interactive:7:7: error:
    • No instance for LabelOptic "age" ‘An_Iso’ ‘Human’ ‘Human’ ‘Int’ ‘Int’
        (maybe you forgot to define it or misspelled a name?)
    • In the expression: #age :: Iso' Human Int
      In an equation for ‘age’: age = #age :: Iso' Human Int

If we use the first form, error messages become more accurate:

λ> view #age peter :: Char
interactive:31:6: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘Char’ with ‘Integer’
        arising from the overloaded label ‘#age’
    • In the first argument of ‘view’, namely ‘#age’
      In the expression: view #age peter :: Char
      In an equation for ‘it’: it = view #age peter :: Char
λ> peter & set #age "hi"

interactive:32:13: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Integer’
        arising from the overloaded label ‘#age’
    • In the first argument of ‘set’, namely ‘#age’
      In the second argument of ‘(&)’, namely ‘set #age "hi"’
      In the expression: peter & set #age "hi"
λ> age = #age :: Iso' Human Int

interactive:9:7: error:
    • Couldn't match type ‘An_Iso’ with ‘A_Lens’
        arising from the overloaded label ‘#age’
    • In the expression: #age :: Iso' Human Int
      In an equation for ‘age’: age = #age :: Iso' Human Int

Limitations arising from functional dependencies

LabelOptic uses the following functional dependencies to guarantee good type inference:

  1. name s -> k a (the optic for the field name in s is of type k and focuses on a)
  2. name t -> k b (the optic for the field name in t is of type k and focuses on b)
  3. name s b -> t (replacing the field name in s with b yields t)
  4. name t a -> s (replacing the field name in t with a yields s)

Dependencies (1) and (2) ensure that when we compose two optics, the middle type is unambiguous. The consequence is that it's not possible to create label optics with a or b referencing type variables not referenced in s or t, i.e. getters for fields of rank 2 type or reviews for constructors with existentially quantified types inside.

Dependencies (3) and (4) ensure that when we perform a chain of updates, the middle type is unambiguous. The consequence is that it's not possible to define label optics that:

  • Modify phantom type parameters of type s or t.
  • Modify type parameters of type s or t if a or b contain ambiguous applications of type families to these type parameters.