Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Overloaded labels are a solution to Haskell's namespace problem for records.
The -XOverloadedLabels
extension allows a new expression syntax for labels,
a prefix #
sign followed by an identifier, e.g. #foo
. These expressions
can then be given an interpretation that depends on the type at which they
are used and the text of the label.
The following example shows how overloaded labels can be used as optics.
Consider the following:
:set -XDataKinds
:set -XFlexibleContexts
:set -XFlexibleInstances
:set -XMultiParamTypeClasses
:set -XOverloadedLabels
:set -XTypeFamilies
:set -XUndecidableInstances
data Human = Human { humanName :: String , humanAge :: Integer , humanPets :: [Pet] } deriving Show data Pet = Cat { petName :: String, petAge :: Int, petLazy :: Bool } | Fish { petName :: String, petAge :: Int } deriving Show :}
The following instances can be generated by makeFieldLabels
in the optics-th
instance (a ~ String, b ~ String) => LabelOptic "name" A_Lens Human Human a b where labelOptic = lensVL $ \f s -> (\v -> s { humanName = v }) <$> f (humanName s) instance (a ~ Integer, b ~ Integer) => LabelOptic "age" A_Lens Human Human a b where labelOptic = lensVL $ \f s -> (\v -> s { humanAge = v }) <$> f (humanAge s) instance (a ~ [Pet], b ~ [Pet]) => LabelOptic "pets" A_Lens Human Human a b where labelOptic = lensVL $ \f s -> (\v -> s { humanPets = v }) <$> f (humanPets s) instance (a ~ String, b ~ String) => LabelOptic "name" A_Lens Pet Pet a b where labelOptic = lensVL $ \f s -> (\v -> s { petName = v }) <$> f (petName s) instance (a ~ Int, b ~ Int) => LabelOptic "age" A_Lens Pet Pet a b where labelOptic = lensVL $ \f s -> (\v -> s { petAge = v }) <$> f (petAge s) instance (a ~ Bool, b ~ Bool) => LabelOptic "lazy" An_AffineTraversal Pet Pet a b where labelOptic = atraversalVL $ \point f s -> case s of Cat name age lazy -> (\lazy' -> Cat name age lazy') <$> f lazy _ -> point s :}
Here is some test data:
peter :: Human peter = Human "Peter" 13 [ Fish "Goldie" 1 , Cat "Loopy" 3 False , Cat "Sparky" 2 True ] :}
Now we can ask for Peter's name:
view #name peter
or for names of his pets:
toListOf (#pets % folded % #name) peter
We can check whether any of his pets is lazy:
orOf (#pets % folded % #lazy) peter
or how things might be be a year from now:
peter & over #age (+1) & over (#pets % mapped % #age) (+1)
Human {humanName = "Peter", humanAge = 14, humanPets = [Fish {petName = "Goldie", petAge = 2},Cat {petName = "Loopy", petAge = 4, petLazy = False},Cat {petName = "Sparky", petAge = 3, petLazy = True}]}
Perhaps Peter is going on vacation and needs to leave his pets at home:
peter & set #pets []
Human {humanName = "Peter", humanAge = 13, humanPets = []}
Structure of LabelOptic
You might wonder why instances above are written in form
instance (a ~ [Pet], b ~ [Pet]) => LabelOptic "pets" A_Lens Human Human a b where
instead of
instance LabelOptic "pets" A_Lens Human Human [Pet] [Pet] where
The reason is that using the first form ensures that GHC always matches on
the instance if either s
or t
is known and verifies type equalities
later, which not only makes type inference better, but also allows it to
generate good error messages.
For example, if you try to write peter & set #pets []
with the appropriate
LabelOptic instance in the second form, you get the following:
interactive:16:1: error: • No instance for LabelOptic "pets" ‘A_Lens’ ‘Human’ ‘()’ ‘[Pet]’ ‘[a0]’ (maybe you forgot to define it or misspelled a name?) • In the first argument of ‘print’, namely ‘it’ In a stmt of an interactive GHCi command: print it
That's because empty list doesn't have type [Pet]
, it has type [r]
GHC doesn't have enough information to match on the instance we
provided. We'd need to either annotate the list: peter & set #pets
or the result type: peter & set #pets [] :: Human
, which is
Here are more examples of confusing error messages if the instance for
LabelOptic "age"
is written without type equalities:
λ> view #age peter :: Char interactive:28:6: error: • No instance for LabelOptic "age" ‘k0’ ‘Human’ ‘Human’ ‘Char’ ‘Char’ (maybe you forgot to define it or misspelled a name?) • In the first argument of ‘view’, namely ‘#age’ In the expression: view #age peter :: Char In an equation for ‘it’: it = view #age peter :: Char λ> peter & set #age "hi" interactive:29:1: error: • No instance for LabelOptic "age" ‘k’ ‘Human’ ‘b’ ‘a’ ‘[Char]’ (maybe you forgot to define it or misspelled a name?) • When checking the inferred type it :: forall k b a. ((TypeError ...), Is k A_Setter) => b
If we use the first form, error messages become more accurate:
λ> view #age peter :: Char interactive:31:6: error: • Couldn't match type ‘Char’ with ‘Integer’ arising from the overloaded label ‘#age’ • In the first argument of ‘view’, namely ‘#age’ In the expression: view #age peter :: Char In an equation for ‘it’: it = view #age peter :: Char λ> peter & set #age "hi" interactive:32:13: error: • Couldn't match type ‘[Char]’ with ‘Integer’ arising from the overloaded label ‘#age’ • In the first argument of ‘set’, namely ‘#age’ In the second argument of ‘(&)’, namely ‘set #age "hi"’ In the expression: peter & set #age "hi"
Limitations arising from functional dependencies
Functional dependencies guarantee good type inference, but also create limitations. We can split them into two groups:
name s -> k a
,name t -> k b
name s b -> t
,name t a -> s
The first group ensures that when we compose two optics, the middle type is
unambiguous. The consequence is that it's not possible to create label optics
with a
or b
referencing type variables not referenced in s
or t
i.e. getters for fields of rank 2 type or reviews for constructors with
existentially quantified types inside.
The second group ensures that when we perform a chain of updates, the middle type is unambiguous. The consequence is that it's not possible to define label optics that:
- Modify phantom type parameters of type
. - Modify type parameters of type
contain ambiguous applications of type families to these type parameters.
- class LabelOptic (name :: Symbol) k s t a b | name s -> k a, name t -> k b, name s b -> t, name t a -> s where
- labelOptic :: Optic k NoIx s t a b
- type LabelOptic' name k s a = LabelOptic name k s s a a
class LabelOptic (name :: Symbol) k s t a b | name s -> k a, name t -> k b, name s b -> t, name t a -> s where Source #
Support for overloaded labels as optics. An overloaded label #foo
can be
used as an optic if there is an instance of
"foo" k s t a b
See Optics.Label for examples and further details.
labelOptic :: Optic k NoIx s t a b Source #
Used to interpret overloaded label syntax. An overloaded label #foo
corresponds to
(LabelOptic name k s t a b, (TypeError ((((((((((((Text "No instance for LabelOptic " :<>: ShowType name) :<>: Text " ") :<>: QuoteType k) :<>: Text " ") :<>: QuoteType s) :<>: Text " ") :<>: QuoteType t) :<>: Text " ") :<>: QuoteType a) :<>: Text " ") :<>: QuoteType b) :$$: Text " (maybe you forgot to define it or misspelled a name?)") :: Constraint)) => LabelOptic name k s t a b Source # | If no instance matches, GHC tends to bury error messages "No instance for LabelOptic..." within a ton of other error messages about ambiguous type variables and overlapping instances which are irrelevant and confusing. Use overlappable instance providing a custom type error to cut its efforts short. |
Defined in Optics.Internal.Optic Methods labelOptic :: Optic k NoIx s t a b Source # |
type LabelOptic' name k s a = LabelOptic name k s s a a Source #
Type synonym for a type-preserving optic as overloaded label.