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operational-alacarte-0.3.1: A version of Operational suitable for extensible EDSLs

Safe HaskellSafe





This module gives an alternative to the Operational package 1, in which instructions can be higher-order functors, parameterized on the program monad that they are part of. This makes it possible to define instruction sets compositionally using :+:. In the normal Operational, this could be done for simple instructions, but here it can be done even for "control instructions" -- instructions that take programs as arguments.

For general information about the ideas behind this module, see the Operational package 1.

1 http://hackage.haskell.org/package/operational


(Full code found in https://github.com/emilaxelsson/operational-alacarte/blob/master/examples/Simple.hs.)

An "if" instruction can be defined as follows:

data If fs a where
  If :: Exp Bool -> prog a -> prog a -> If (Param1 prog) a

Note the use of the type parameter prog to refer to sub-programs. (Exp is some type representing pure expressions.)

The type (Param1 prog) can be seen as a type-level list with one element prog. (See Data.ALaCarte for more details on parameter lists.)

We can now make program types that combine several instructions; e.g.:

type MyProgram = Program (If :+: Loop :+: ...) Param0

Program is a recursive type that sets the type of the sub-programs of If (and Loop, etc.) to MyProgram. With the original Operational package, we would have to hard-code a specific type for the sub-programs of If (or make MyProgram a recursive newtype, as noted by the author of Operational).

Interpretation of Program in a monad m can be done using

interpret :: (Interp i m fs, HFunctor i, Monad m) => Program i fs a -> m a

In order to use this function, If needs to be an instance of Interp and HFunctor. The HFunctor instance is straightforward:

instance HFunctor If where
  hfmap f (If c thn els) = If c (f thn) (f els)

The Interp type class is parameterized both on the instruction type and the destination monad. For example, interpretation of If in the IO monad might look as follows:

instance Interp If IO fs where
  interp (If c thn els) = if eval c then thn else els

(Here eval is the evaluator for the expression languauge Exp.)

The Interp class distributes over :+: which means that it is possible to interpret any expression type (I1 :+: I2 :+: I3 :+: ...) to IO, as long as the individual instructions (I1, I2, etc.) have Interp instances for IO.

Bi-functorial instructions

The type (Param1 prog) in the result of If above says that the instruction has one sub-structure whose type is prog. The advanced example https://github.com/emilaxelsson/operational-alacarte/blob/master/examples/Advanced.hs shows a version of If that has two parameters:

  If :: exp Bool -> prog a -> prog a -> If (Param2 prog exp) a

prog represents sub-programs and exp represents expressions (Exp Bool has been replaced with exp Bool).

This new If instruction is a higher-order bi-functor (see HBifunctor).

The advantage of parameterizing instructions on expressions is that it lets us define generic functions, such as interpretBi, which decouple the interpretation of instructions from the interpretation of expressions.

Generalized interface

We have seen two examples of If with a parameter list of one and two arguments respectively ((Param1 prog) and (Param2 prog exp)). There is nothing stopping us from having instructions with more parameters. For example, we could make a version of If that takes an extra type class constraint pred as parameter:

  If :: pred a => exp Bool -> prog a -> prog a -> If (Param3 prog exp pred) a

(See the documentation to Data.ALaCarte regarding why it is a good idea to make pred part of the parameter list rather than just making it a separate parameter.)

In fact, it is possible to have arbitrarily many parameters to instructions (but the type synonyms for parameter lists stop at Param4).

The functions and types in this module (and Data.ALaCarte) are designed to be generic in the sense that things that work for parameter lists of N elements also work for parameter lists of more elements. For example, the function interpret mentioned above requires the instruction i to be a higher-order functor, but it also works for high-order bi-functors, and for the last version of If that has an additional parameter pred.

Typical use

Here we give specialized type signatures for a selection of functions for different uses of the general interface.


Functorial instructions with no extra parameters

This scenario is used in https://github.com/emilaxelsson/operational-alacarte/blob/master/examples/Simple.hs.

singleton :: instr (Param1 (ProgramT instr Param0 m)) a -> ProgramT instr Param0 m a

    :: (HFunctor instr, Monad m)
    => (forall b . instr (Param1 m) b -> m b)
    -> Program instr Param0 a -> m a

    :: (Interp i m Param0, HFunctor i, Monad m)
    => Program i Param0 a -> m a


Functorial instructions with extra parameter

Like the previous scenario but with an extra parameter p (poly-kinded) that instructions can use for anything.

singleton :: instr (Param2 (ProgramT instr (Param1 p) m) p) a -> ProgramT instr (Param1 p) m a

    :: (HFunctor instr, Monad m)
    => (forall b . instr (Param2 m p) b -> m b)
    -> Program instr (Param1 p) a -> m a

    :: (Interp i m (Param1 p), HFunctor i, Monad m)
    => Program i (Param1 p) a -> m a


Bi-functorial instructions with no extra parameters

This scenario is used in https://github.com/emilaxelsson/operational-alacarte/blob/master/examples/Advanced.hs.

The parameter exp is an extra interpreted structure that e.g. can represent expressions.

singleton :: instr (Param2 (ProgramT instr (Param1 exp) m) exp) a -> ProgramT instr (Param1 exp) m a

    :: (HBifunctor instr, Functor m, Monad m)
    => (forall b . exp b -> m b)
    -> (forall b . instr (Param2 m m) b -> m b)
    -> Program instr (Param1 exp) a -> m a

    :: (InterpBi i m Param0, HBifunctor i, Functor m, Monad m)
    => (forall b . exp b -> m b) -> Program i (Param1 exp) a -> m a


Bi-functorial instructions with extra parameter

Like the previous scenario but with an extra parameter p (poly-kinded) that instructions can use for anything.

singleton :: instr (Param3 (ProgramT instr (Param2 exp p) m) exp p) a -> ProgramT instr (Param2 exp p) m a

    :: (HBifunctor instr, Functor m, Monad m)
    => (forall b . exp b -> m b)
    -> (forall b . instr (Param3 m m p) b -> m b)
    -> Program instr (Param2 exp p) a -> m a

    :: (InterpBi i m (Param1 p), HBifunctor i, Functor m, Monad m)
    => (forall b . exp b -> m b) -> Program i (Param2 exp p) a -> m a



Program monad

data ProgramT instr fs m a Source #

Representation of programs parameterized by the primitive instructions (transformer version)


MonadTrans (ProgramT k instr fs) Source # 


lift :: Monad m => m a -> ProgramT k instr fs m a #

Monad m => Monad (ProgramT k instr fs m) Source # 


(>>=) :: ProgramT k instr fs m a -> (a -> ProgramT k instr fs m b) -> ProgramT k instr fs m b #

(>>) :: ProgramT k instr fs m a -> ProgramT k instr fs m b -> ProgramT k instr fs m b #

return :: a -> ProgramT k instr fs m a #

fail :: String -> ProgramT k instr fs m a #

Monad m => Functor (ProgramT k instr fs m) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ProgramT k instr fs m a -> ProgramT k instr fs m b #

(<$) :: a -> ProgramT k instr fs m b -> ProgramT k instr fs m a #

Monad m => Applicative (ProgramT k instr fs m) Source # 


pure :: a -> ProgramT k instr fs m a #

(<*>) :: ProgramT k instr fs m (a -> b) -> ProgramT k instr fs m a -> ProgramT k instr fs m b #

(*>) :: ProgramT k instr fs m a -> ProgramT k instr fs m b -> ProgramT k instr fs m b #

(<*) :: ProgramT k instr fs m a -> ProgramT k instr fs m b -> ProgramT k instr fs m a #

type Program instr fs = ProgramT instr fs Identity Source #

Representation of programs parameterized by the primitive instructions

singleton :: instr '(ProgramT instr fs m, fs) a -> ProgramT instr fs m a Source #

Make a program from a single instruction

singleInj :: i :<: instr => i '(ProgramT instr fs m, fs) a -> ProgramT instr fs m a Source #

Make a program from a single instruction


liftProgram Source #


:: (HFunctor instr, Monad m) 
=> Program instr fs a

Program to lift

-> ProgramT instr fs m a 

Lift a program to a program transformer

interpretWithMonadT Source #


:: (HFunctor instr, Monad m) 
=> (forall b. instr '(m, fs) b -> m b)

Interpretation of instructions

-> (forall b. n b -> m b)

Interpretation of the underlying monad

-> ProgramT instr fs n a 
-> m a 

Interpret a program in a monad

interpretWithMonad Source #


:: (HFunctor instr, Monad m) 
=> (forall b. instr '(m, fs) b -> m b)

Interpretation of instructions

-> Program instr fs a 
-> m a 

Interpret a program in a monad

class Interp instr m fs where Source #

Interp instr m fs represents the fact that instr can be interpreted in the monad m

Minimal complete definition



interp :: instr '(m, fs) a -> m a Source #

Interpret an instruction in a monad


(Interp k k1 i1 m fs, Interp k k1 i2 m fs) => Interp k k1 ((:+:) k (k -> *, k1) i1 i2) m fs Source # 


interp :: fs (((k :+: (k -> *, k1)) i1 i2 -> *, m) m fs) a -> m a Source #

interpretT Source #


:: (Interp i m fs, HFunctor i, Monad m) 
=> (forall b. n b -> m b)

Interpretation of the underlying monad

-> ProgramT i fs n a 
-> m a 

Interpret a program in a monad. The interpretation of instructions is provided by the Interp class.

interpret :: (Interp i m fs, HFunctor i, Monad m) => Program i fs a -> m a Source #

Interpret a program in a monad. The interpretation of instructions is provided by the Interp class.

data ProgramViewT instr fs m a where Source #

View type for inspecting the first instruction


Return :: a -> ProgramViewT instr fs m a 
(:>>=) :: instr '(ProgramT instr fs m, fs) b -> (b -> ProgramT instr fs m a) -> ProgramViewT instr fs m a 

type ProgramView instr fs = ProgramViewT instr fs Identity Source #

View type for inspecting the first instruction

type ProgViewT instr m = ProgramViewT instr () m Source #

type ProgView instr = ProgramView instr () Source #

viewT :: Monad m => ProgramT instr fs m a -> m (ProgramViewT instr fs m a) Source #

View function for inspecting the first instruction

view :: HFunctor instr => Program instr fs a -> ProgramView instr fs a Source #

View function for inspecting the first instruction

unview :: Monad m => ProgramViewT instr fs m a -> ProgramT instr fs m a Source #

Turn a ProgramViewT back to a Program

Bi-functorial instructions

interpretWithMonadBiT Source #


:: (HBifunctor instr, Functor m, Monad m, Monad n) 
=> (forall b. exp b -> m b)

Interpretation of the exp sub-structure

-> (forall b. instr '(m, '(m, fs)) b -> m b)

Interpretation of instructions

-> (forall b. n b -> m b)

Interpretation of the underlying monad

-> ProgramT instr '(exp, fs) n a 
-> m a 

Bi-functorial version of interpretWithMonadT

Bi-functorial instructions are of the form instr '(prog, '(exp, ...)) a, where prog is a representation of sub-programs, and exp is a representation of some other sub-structure, e.g. expressions. interpretWithMonadBiT allows interpreting both these kinds of sub-structures in a generic way.

interpretWithMonadBi Source #


:: (HBifunctor instr, Functor m, Monad m) 
=> (forall b. exp b -> m b)

Interpretation of the exp sub-structure

-> (forall b. instr '(m, '(m, fs)) b -> m b)

Interpretation of instructions

-> Program instr '(exp, fs) a 
-> m a 

Bi-functorial version of interpretWithMonad

See explanation of interpretWithMonadBiT.

class InterpBi instr m fs where Source #

InterpBi instr m fs represents the fact that the bi-functorial instruction instr can be interpreted in the monad m

Minimal complete definition



interpBi :: instr '(m, '(m, fs)) a -> m a Source #

Interpret a bi-functorial instruction in a monad


(InterpBi k k1 i1 m fs, InterpBi k k1 i2 m fs) => InterpBi k k1 ((:+:) k (k -> *, (k -> *, k1)) i1 i2) m fs Source # 


interpBi :: fs (((k :+: (k -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, ((k :+: (k -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, m)) m (((k :+: (k -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, m) m fs)) a -> m a Source #

interpretBiT Source #


:: (InterpBi i m fs, HBifunctor i, Functor m, Monad m, Monad n) 
=> (forall b. exp b -> m b)

Interpretation of the exp sub-structure

-> (forall b. n b -> m b)

Interpretation of the underlying monad

-> ProgramT i '(exp, fs) n a 
-> m a 

Interpret a program in a monad. The interpretation of instructions is provided by the InterpBi class.

interpretBi Source #


:: (InterpBi i m fs, HBifunctor i, Functor m, Monad m) 
=> (forall b. exp b -> m b)

Interpretation of the exp sub-structure

-> Program i '(exp, fs) a 
-> m a 

Interpret a program in a monad. The interpretation of instructions is provided by the InterpBi class.

class HBifunctor i => Reexpressible i instr env where Source #

Reexpressible types

i is a bi-functorial instruction where, in the type i '(p,'(e1,...)) a, sub-structure e1 can be converted to a different sub-structure e2.

e1 and e2 typically represent expressions; hence the name "reexpressible".

Minimal complete definition



reexpressInstrEnv :: Monad m => (forall b. exp1 b -> ReaderT env (ProgramT instr '(exp2, fs) m) (exp2 b)) -> i '(ReaderT env (ProgramT instr '(exp2, fs) m), '(exp1, fs)) a -> ReaderT env (ProgramT instr '(exp2, fs) m) a Source #

Rewrite an instruction changing its "expression" sub-structure

As an example of how to define this function, take the following instruction that just puts a tag on a sub-program:

data Tag fs a
    Tag :: String -> prog () -> Tag (Param2 prog exp) ()

To define reexpressInstrEnv we have to use a combination of ReaderT and runReaderT:

instance (Tag :<: instr) => Reexpressible Tag instr
    reexpressInstrEnv reexp (Tag tag prog) = ReaderT $ env ->
        singleInj $ Tag tag (flip runReaderT env prog)


(Reexpressible k k1 i1 instr env, Reexpressible k k1 i2 instr env) => Reexpressible k k1 ((:+:) * (* -> *, (k -> *, k1)) i1 i2) instr env Source # 


reexpressInstrEnv :: Monad m => (forall b. exp1 b -> ReaderT * env (ProgramT ((* :+: (* -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, instr) instr (((* :+: (* -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, instr) exp2 fs) m) (exp2 b)) -> env ((* -> *, ((* :+: (* -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, instr)) (ReaderT * env (ProgramT ((* :+: (* -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, instr) instr (((* :+: (* -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, instr) exp2 fs) m)) (((* :+: (* -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, instr) exp1 fs)) a -> ReaderT * env (ProgramT ((* :+: (* -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, instr) instr (((* :+: (* -> *, (k -> *, k1))) i1 i2 -> *, instr) exp2 fs) m) a Source #

reexpress Source #


:: (Reexpressible instr1 instr2 (), Monad m) 
=> (forall b. exp1 b -> ProgramT instr2 '(exp2, fs) m (exp2 b))

Conversion of expressions

-> ProgramT instr1 '(exp1, fs) m a 
-> ProgramT instr2 '(exp2, fs) m a 

Rewrite a program changing its expression type (assuming that the second sub-structure of the instruction type represents expressions)

Conversion of expressions is done in the target monad, so pure expressions are allowed to expand to monadic code. This can be used e.g. to "compile" complex expressions into simple expressions with supporting monadic code.

reexpressEnv Source #


:: (Reexpressible instr1 instr2 env, Monad m) 
=> (forall b. exp1 b -> ReaderT env (ProgramT instr2 '(exp2, fs) m) (exp2 b))

Conversion of expressions

-> ProgramT instr1 '(exp1, fs) m a 
-> ReaderT env (ProgramT instr2 '(exp2, fs) m) a 

Rewrite a program changing its expression type (assuming that the second sub-structure of the instruction type represents expressions)

Conversion of expressions is done in the target monad, so pure expressions are allowed to expand to monadic code. This can be used e.g. to "compile" complex expressions into simple expressions with supporting monadic code.