{-| Copyright: This file is part of the package openid-connect. It is subject to the license terms in the LICENSE file found in the top-level directory of this distribution and at: https://code.devalot.com/sthenauth/openid-connect No part of this package, including this file, may be copied, modified, propagated, or distributed except according to the terms contained in the LICENSE file. License: BSD-2-Clause -} module OpenID.Connect.Authentication ( ClientAuthentication(..) , ClientSecret(..) , Credentials(..) , ClientID , ClientRedirectURI , AuthenticationRequest(..) ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports: import Crypto.JOSE.JWK (JWK) import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.Text (Text) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Network.HTTP.Types (QueryItem) import qualified Network.URI as Network import OpenID.Connect.JSON import OpenID.Connect.Scope -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Private values needed by the client in order to authenticate with -- the provider. -- -- The method of authentication is established when the client -- registers with the provider. -- -- @since data ClientSecret = AssignedSecretText Text -- ^ A @client_secret@ created by the provider and given to the -- client to use during authentication. -- -- This is the most common way to authenticate with a provider. | AssignedAssertionText Text -- ^ A @client_secret@ created by the provider and given to the -- client. The client must create a JWT and use the -- @client_secret@ to calculate a message authentication code for -- the JWT. | AssertionPrivateKey JWK -- ^ A private key that is solely in the client's possession. The -- provider holds the public key portion of the given key. -- -- The client creates and signs a JWT in order to authenticate. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A @client_id@ assigned by the provider. -- -- @since type ClientID = Text -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | The client (relying party) redirection URL previously registered -- with the OpenID Provider (i.e. a URL to an endpoint on your web -- site that receives authentication details from the provider via the -- end-user's browser). -- -- After the provider has authenticated the end-user, they will be -- redirected to this URL to continue the flow. -- -- NOTE: This URL must match exactly with the one registered with the -- provider. If they don't match the provider will not redirect the -- end-user back to your site. -- -- @since type ClientRedirectURI = Network.URI -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | A complete set of credentials used by the client to authenticate -- with the provider. -- -- @since data Credentials = Credentials { assignedClientId :: ClientID -- ^ The provider-assigned @client_id@. , clientSecret :: ClientSecret -- ^ The @client_secret@ or other means of authenticating. , clientRedirectUri :: ClientRedirectURI -- ^ The @redirect_uri@ shared between the client and provider. -- This URI must be registered with the provider. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | § Authentication Request. -- -- The fields of this record are send to the provider by way of a URI -- given to the end-user. -- -- Clients can use the -- 'OpenID.Connect.Client.Flow.AuthorizationCode.defaultAuthenticationRequest' -- function to easily create a value of this type. -- -- @since data AuthenticationRequest = AuthenticationRequest { authRequestRedirectURI :: ClientRedirectURI -- ^ Where to redirect the end-user to after authentication. , authRequestClientId :: Text -- ^ The @client_id@ assigned by the provider. , authRequestScope :: Scope -- ^ The @scope@ to request. The @openid@ scope is always part of -- this list. , authRequestResponseType :: ByteString -- ^ The @response_type@ parameter. , authRequestDisplay :: Maybe ByteString -- ^ The @display@ parameter. , authRequestPrompt :: Maybe ByteString -- ^ The @prompt@ parameter. , authRequestMaxAge :: Maybe Int -- ^ The @max_age@ parameter. , authRequestUiLocales :: Maybe Words -- ^ The @ui_locales@ parameter. , authRequestIdTokenHint :: Maybe ByteString -- ^ The @id_token_hint@ parameter. , authRequestLoginHint :: Maybe Text -- ^ The @login_hint@ parameter. , authRequestAcrValues :: Maybe Words -- ^ The @acr_values@ parameter. , authRequestOtherParams :: [QueryItem] -- ^ Any additional query parameters you wish to send to the -- provider. } -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Methods that a client can use to authenticate with a provider. -- -- Defined in OpenID Connect Core 1.0 §9. -- -- @since data ClientAuthentication = ClientSecretBasic -- ^ Send credentials using HTTP Basic Authentication. | ClientSecretPost -- ^ Send the credentials in the body of an HTTP POST. | ClientSecretJwt -- ^ Create a JWT and calculate a message authentication code -- using a shared secret. The JWT confirms that the client is in -- possession of the shared secret. | PrivateKeyJwt -- ^ Create and sign a JWT using a private key. The provider must -- already have access to the public key corresponding to the -- private key. | None -- ^ The Client does not authenticate itself at the Token -- Endpoint, either because it uses only the Implicit Flow (and so -- does not use the Token Endpoint) or because it is a Public -- Client with no Client Secret or other authentication mechanism. deriving stock (Generic, Eq, Show) deriving (ToJSON, FromJSON) via GenericJSON ClientAuthentication