-- | Exposed internals for Data.OpenUnion
{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE EmptyDataDecls #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FunctionalDependencies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
module Data.OpenUnion.Internal
    ( Union (..)
    , (@>)
    , (@!>)
    , liftUnion
    , reUnion
    , flattenUnion
    , restrict
    , typesExhausted
    ) where

import Control.Exception
import Data.Dynamic
import TypeFun.Data.List (SubList, Elem, Delete, (:++:))
#if MIN_VERSION_base(4,10,0)
import Data.Proxy
import Data.Typeable

-- | The @Union@ type - the phantom parameter @s@ is a list of types
-- denoting what this @Union@ might contain.
-- The value contained is one of those types.
newtype Union (s :: [*]) = Union Dynamic

instance Show (Union '[]) where
  show = typesExhausted

instance (Show a, Show (Union (Delete a as)), Typeable a)
         => Show (Union (a ': as)) where
  show u = case restrict u of
    Left sub       -> show sub
    Right (a :: a) ->
       let p = Proxy :: Proxy a
           rep = typeRep p
       in "Union (" ++ show a ++ " :: " ++ show rep ++ ")"

instance Eq (Union '[]) where
  a == _ = typesExhausted a

instance (Typeable a, Eq (Union (Delete a as)), Eq a)
         => Eq (Union (a ': as)) where
  u1 == u2 =
    let r1 = restrict u1
        r2 = restrict u2
    in case (r1, r2) of
       (Right (a :: a), Right b) -> a == b
       (Left  a       , Left  b)        -> a == b
       _                                -> False

instance Ord (Union '[]) where
  compare a _ = typesExhausted a

instance (Ord a, Typeable a, Ord (Union (Delete a as)))
         => Ord (Union (a ': as)) where
  compare u1 u2 =
    let r1 = restrict u1
        r2 = restrict u2
    in case (r1, r2) of
       (Right (a :: a), Right b) -> compare a b
       (Left a        , Left b)  -> compare a b
       (Right _       , Left _)  -> GT
       (Left  _       , Right _)  -> LT

instance (Exception e) => Exception (Union (e ': '[])) where
  toException u = case restrict u of
    Left (sub :: Union '[]) -> typesExhausted sub
    Right (e  :: e)         -> toException e
  fromException some = case fromException some of
    Just (e :: e) -> Just (liftUnion e)
    Nothing       -> Nothing

instance ( Exception e, Typeable e, Typeable es, Typeable e1
         , Exception (Union (Delete e (e1 ': es)))
         , SubList (Delete e (e1 ': es)) (e ': e1 ': es) )
         => Exception (Union (e ': e1 ': es)) where
  toException u = case restrict u of
    Left (sub :: Union (Delete e (e1 ': es))) -> toException sub
    Right (e  :: e)                   -> toException e

  fromException some = case fromException some of
    Just (e :: e) -> Just (liftUnion e)
    Nothing ->
      let sub :: Maybe (Union (Delete e (e1 ': es)))
          sub = fromException some
      in fmap reUnion sub

type family FlatElems a :: [*] where
  FlatElems '[]              = '[]
  FlatElems ((Union s) : ss) = s :++: FlatElems ss
  FlatElems (x : s)          = x : FlatElems s

-- general note: try to keep from re-constructing Unions if an existing one
-- can just be type-coerced.

-- | `restrict` in right-fixable style.
(@>) :: Typeable a
     => (a -> b)
     -> (Union (Delete a s) -> b)
     -> Union s
     -> b
r @> l = either l r . restrict
infixr 2 @>
{-# INLINE (@>) #-}

-- | `restrict` in right-fixable style with existance restriction.
(@!>) :: (Typeable a, Elem a s)
      => (a -> b)
      -> (Union (Delete a s) -> b)
      -> Union s
      -> b
r @!> l = either l r . restrict
infixr 2 @!>
{-# INLINE (@!>) #-}

liftUnion :: (Typeable a, Elem a s) => a -> Union s
liftUnion = Union . toDyn
{-# INLINE liftUnion #-}

-- | Narrow down a @Union@.
restrict :: Typeable a => Union s -> Either (Union (Delete a s)) a
restrict (Union d) = maybe (Left $ Union d) Right $ fromDynamic d
{-# INLINE restrict #-}

-- | Generalize a @Union@.
reUnion :: (SubList s s') => Union s -> Union s'
reUnion (Union d) = Union d
{-# INLINE reUnion #-}

-- | Flatten a @Union@.
flattenUnion :: Union s -> Union (FlatElems s)
flattenUnion (Union d) = Union d
{-# INLINE flattenUnion #-}

-- | Use this in places where all the @Union@ed options have been exhausted.
typesExhausted :: Union '[] -> a
typesExhausted = error "Union types exhausted - empty Union"
{-# INLINE typesExhausted #-}