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one-liner-1.0: Constraint-based generics

LicenseBSD-style (see the file LICENSE)
Safe HaskellNone






type J f a = f a a Source #

Type-level join, of kind (k -> k -> k') -> k -> k'.

class (c a, a ~ b) => D (c :: k -> Constraint) a b Source #

Constraint-level duplicate, of kind (k -> Constraint) -> k -> k -> Constraint.


(c a, (~) k a b) => D k c a b Source # 

type Constraints t c = Constraints t t (D c) Source #

type Constraints1 t c = Constraints1 t t (D c) Source #

type Constraints01 t c0 c1 = Constraints01 t t (D c0) (D c1) Source #

type Constraints' t c c1 = Constraints' t t (D c) (D c1) Source #

type ADT t = (ADT t t, Constraints t AnyType) Source #

type ADT1 t = (ADT1 t t, Constraints1 t AnyType) Source #

record :: forall c p t. (ADTRecord t, Constraints t c, GenericRecordProfunctor p) => (forall s. c s => p s s) -> p t t Source #

record1 :: forall c p t a b. (ADTRecord1 t, Constraints1 t c, GenericRecordProfunctor p) => (forall d e s. c s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

record01 :: forall c0 c1 p t a b. (ADTRecord1 t, Constraints01 t c0 c1, GenericRecordProfunctor p) => (forall s. c0 s => p s s) -> (forall d e s. c1 s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

nonEmpty :: forall c p t. (ADTNonEmpty t, Constraints t c, GenericNonEmptyProfunctor p) => (forall s. c s => p s s) -> p t t Source #

nonEmpty1 :: forall c p t a b. (ADTNonEmpty1 t, Constraints1 t c, GenericNonEmptyProfunctor p) => (forall d e s. c s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

nonEmpty01 :: forall c0 c1 p t a b. (ADTNonEmpty1 t, Constraints01 t c0 c1, GenericNonEmptyProfunctor p) => (forall s. c0 s => p s s) -> (forall d e s. c1 s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

generic :: forall c p t. (ADT t, Constraints t c, GenericProfunctor p) => (forall s. c s => p s s) -> p t t Source #

generic1 :: forall c p t a b. (ADT1 t, Constraints1 t c, GenericProfunctor p) => (forall d e s. c s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

generic01 :: forall c0 c1 p t a b. (ADT1 t, Constraints01 t c0 c1, GenericProfunctor p) => (forall s. c0 s => p s s) -> (forall d e s. c1 s => p d e -> p (s d) (s e)) -> p a b -> p (t a) (t b) Source #

ctorIndex :: forall t. ADT t => t -> Int Source #

Get the index in the lists returned by create and createA of the constructor of the given value.

For example, this is the implementation of put that generates the binary data that the above implentation of get expects:

put t = putWord8 (toEnum (ctorIndex t)) <> gfoldMap @Binary put t

ctorIndex1 :: forall t a. ADT1 t => t a -> Int Source #

class AnyType (a :: k) Source #

Any type is instance of AnyType, you can use it with @AnyType if you don't actually need a class constraint.
