ombra- Render engine.

PortabilityGHC only
Safe HaskellNone







data Draw o a Source #

An implementation of MonadDraw and MonadDrawBuffers.


GLES => MonadDrawBuffers Draw Source # 
GLES => MonadRead GVec4 Draw Source # 
(FragmentShaderOutput o, GLES) => MonadDraw o Draw Source # 
MonadBase IO (Draw o) Source # 


liftBase :: IO α -> Draw o α #

MonadBaseControl IO (Draw o) Source # 

Associated Types

type StM (Draw o :: * -> *) a :: * #


liftBaseWith :: (RunInBase (Draw o) IO -> IO a) -> Draw o a #

restoreM :: StM (Draw o) a -> Draw o a #

Monad (Draw o) Source # 


(>>=) :: Draw o a -> (a -> Draw o b) -> Draw o b #

(>>) :: Draw o a -> Draw o b -> Draw o b #

return :: a -> Draw o a #

fail :: String -> Draw o a #

Functor (Draw o) Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> Draw o a -> Draw o b #

(<$) :: a -> Draw o b -> Draw o a #

Applicative (Draw o) Source # 


pure :: a -> Draw o a #

(<*>) :: Draw o (a -> b) -> Draw o a -> Draw o b #

(*>) :: Draw o a -> Draw o b -> Draw o b #

(<*) :: Draw o a -> Draw o b -> Draw o a #

MonadIO (Draw o) Source # 


liftIO :: IO a -> Draw o a #

GLES => MonadCulling (Draw o) Source # 


withCulling :: Maybe CullFace -> Draw o a -> Draw o a Source #

GLES => MonadScreen (Draw o) Source # 


currentViewport :: Draw o ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

resizeViewport :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Draw o () Source #

GLES => MonadTexture (Draw o) Source # 


getTexture :: Texture -> Draw o (Either String LoadedTexture)

withActiveTextures :: [Texture] -> (String -> Draw o a) -> ([Sampler2D] -> Draw o a) -> Draw o a

newTexture :: Int -> Int -> TextureParameters -> Int -> (Texture -> GL ()) -> Draw o LoadedTexture

type StM (Draw o) a Source # 
type StM (Draw o) a

Running the Draw monad

runDraw Source #


:: GLES 
=> Int

Viewport width

-> Int

Viewport height

-> Ctx 
-> Draw GVec4 a 
-> IO a 

Run a Draw program.

Draw actions

class (MonadGeometry (m o), MonadProgram (m o), MonadTexture (m o), MonadScreen (m o)) => MonadDraw o m where Source #

Monads that can be used to draw Images.


withColorMask :: (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) -> m o a -> m o a Source #

Enable/disable writing to one or more color channels.

withDepthTest :: Bool -> m o a -> m o a Source #

Enable/disable depth testing.

withDepthMask :: Bool -> m o a -> m o a Source #

Enable/disable writing to the depth buffer.

clearColor :: m o () Source #

Clear the color buffer.

clearColorWith :: Vec4 -> m o () Source #

Clear the color buffer filling it with the given color.

clearDepth :: m o () Source #

Clear the depth buffer.

clearDepthWith :: Double -> m o () Source #

Clear the depth buffer filling it with the given value.

clearStencil :: m o () Source #

Clear the stencil buffer.

clearStencilWith :: Int -> m o () Source #

Clear the stencil buffer filling it with the given value.

class MonadDrawBuffers m where Source #

Monads that support drawing to GBuffers and DepthBuffers.


createBuffers :: FragmentShaderOutput o => Int -> Int -> GBufferInfo o -> DepthBufferInfo -> m o a -> m o' (a, BufferPair o) Source #

Create a GBuffer and a DepthBuffer and draw something to them.

createGBuffer :: FragmentShaderOutput o => GBufferInfo o -> DepthBuffer -> m o a -> m o' (a, BufferPair o) Source #

createDepthBuffer :: FragmentShaderOutput o => GBuffer o -> DepthBufferInfo -> m o a -> m o' (a, BufferPair o) Source #

drawBuffers :: FragmentShaderOutput o => BufferPair o -> m o a -> m o' a Source #

Draw an image to some buffers.

class MonadDraw o m => MonadRead o m where Source #


readColor :: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> m o [Color] Source #

Read a rectangle of pixel colors from the screen (or texture).

readColorFloat :: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> m o [Vec4] Source #

readColor variant that read color vectors.

readDepth :: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> m o [Word16] Source #

Read a rectangle of pixel depths from the screen (or texture). Not supported on WebGL!

readDepthFloat :: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> m o [Float] Source #

readDepth variants that read floats. Not supported on WebGL as well.

readStencil :: (Int, Int, Int, Int) -> m o [Word8] Source #

Read a rectangle of stencil values from the screen (or texture). Not supported on WebGL!

class (GLES, Monad m) => MonadScreen m where Source #

Minimal complete definition

currentViewport, resizeViewport


resizeViewport :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> m () Source #

Resize the drawing space.


GLES => MonadScreen (Draw o) Source # 


currentViewport :: Draw o ((Int, Int), (Int, Int))

resizeViewport :: (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int) -> Draw o () Source #


class GLES => MonadCulling m where Source #

Minimal complete definition



withCulling :: Maybe CullFace -> m a -> m a Source #


GLES => MonadCulling (Draw o) Source # 


withCulling :: Maybe CullFace -> Draw o a -> Draw o a Source #


In Ombra, GPU resources are allocated when they're needed, and they're kept alive by their corresponding CPU resources. Specifically, these resources are Geometries, Textures and Shaders. This means that, when a CPU resource is garbage collected, the GPU resource is also removed. The functions below let you manage allocation and deallocation manually. Note that if you try to use a resource that was deallocated with the remove* functions, it will be allocated again.

data ResStatus r Source #


Loaded r 
Error String 


Functor ResStatus Source # 


fmap :: (a -> b) -> ResStatus a -> ResStatus b #

(<$) :: a -> ResStatus b -> ResStatus a #

preloadGeometry :: (GLES, GeometryVertex g, ElementType e) => Geometry e g -> Draw o (Maybe String) Source #

Manually allocate a Geometry in the GPU. Eventually returns an error string.

preloadTexture :: GLES => Texture -> Draw o (Maybe String) Source #

Manually allocate a Texture in the GPU.

removeGeometry :: (GLES, GeometryVertex g, ElementType e) => Geometry e g -> Draw o () Source #

Manually delete a Geometry from the GPU.

removeTexture :: GLES => Texture -> Draw o () Source #

Manually delete a Texture from the GPU.

checkGeometry :: (GLES, GeometryVertex g, ElementType e) => Geometry e g -> Draw o (ResStatus ()) Source #

Check if a Geometry failed to load.

checkTexture :: (GLES, Num a) => Texture -> Draw o (ResStatus (a, a)) Source #

Check if a Texture failed to load. Eventually returns the texture width and height.