ombra- Render engine.

Safe HaskellNone




Creating and modifying objects

data Object gs is where Source #

A geometry associated with some uniforms.


(:~>) :: Global g -> Object gs is -> Object (g ': gs) is infixr 2

Add a Global to an Object.


(ShaderVars gs, ShaderVars is) => Monoid (Object gs is) Source # 


mempty :: Object gs is #

mappend :: Object gs is -> Object gs is -> Object gs is #

mconcat :: [Object gs is] -> Object gs is #

nothing :: Object '[] '[] Source #

An empty object.

geom :: Geometry i -> Object '[] i Source #

An object with a specified Geometry.

modifyGeometry :: (Geometry (i ': is) -> Geometry is') -> Object gs (i ': is) -> Object gs is' Source #

Modify the geometry of an Object.

Object properties

depthTest :: Bool -> Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Enable/disable depth testing for a Object.

depthMask :: Bool -> Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Enable/disable writing into the depth buffer for a Object.

colorMask :: (Bool, Bool, Bool, Bool) -> Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Enable/disable writing into the four channels of the color buffer for a Object.

type ShaderVars = Set ShaderVar Source #

A type-level set of ShaderVars.

type VOShaderVars o = (ShaderVars o, ShaderVars (VertexShaderOutput ': o)) Source #

ShaderVars for the output of VartexShader.


blend :: Mode -> Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Enable blending and set the blending mode for an Object.

noBlend :: Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Disable blending for a Object.

transparency :: Mode Source #

Standard transparency (default).

additive :: Mode Source #

Additive blend mode.

Stencil test

stencil :: Mode -> Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Enable stencil testing and set the stencil mode for an Object.

noStencil :: Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Disable stencil testing on a Object of objects.


cull :: CullFace -> Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Enable face culling.

noCull :: Object gs is -> Object gs is Source #

Disable face culling.


data Global g Source #

The value of a GPU uniform.

(-=) :: (ShaderVar g, Uniform S g) => (a -> g) -> CPU S g -> Global g infixr 4 Source #

Create a Global from a pure value. The first argument is ignored, it just provides the type (you can use the constructor of the GPU type). You can use this to set the value of a shader uniform.

withTexture :: Texture -> (ActiveTexture -> Global g) -> Global g Source #

Create a Global activating a Texture. Note that the corresponding CPU type of Sampler2D is ActiveTexture, not Texture.

withTexSize :: Texture -> ((Int, Int) -> Global g) -> Global g Source #

Create a Global using the size of a Texture.

withFramebufferSize :: ((Int, Int) -> Global g) -> Global g Source #

Create a Global using the size of the framebuffer.

data ActiveTexture Source #

A Texture ready to be passed as an uniform.

Mirror globals

mirror :: (ShaderVar g, Uniform M g) => Proxy g -> CPU M g -> Global g Source #

Like -= but for mirror types.

type family CPUMirror g Source #

The mirror type of a certain global.

For instance:

     data T = T GVec3 Float -- In the shader module
     data T = T Vec3 Float -- CPU version of the uniform type
     type CPUMirror GPU.T = T

Modifying globals

class MemberGlobal g gs where Source #

Minimal complete definition



(~~>) :: Uniform S g => (CPU S g -> Global g) -> Object gs is -> Object gs is infixr 2 Source #

Modify the global of an Object. This doesn't work with mirror globals.


((~) Bool ((==) * g g1) False, MemberGlobal g gs) => MemberGlobal g ((:) * g1 gs) Source # 


(~~>) :: Uniform (S * *) g => (CPU (S * *) g -> Global g) -> Object ((* ': g1) gs) is -> Object ((* ': g1) gs) is Source #

MemberGlobal g ((:) * g gs) Source # 


(~~>) :: Uniform (S * *) g => (CPU (S * *) g -> Global g) -> Object ((* ': g) gs) is -> Object ((* ': g) gs) is Source #

class RemoveGlobal g gs gs' where Source #

Minimal complete definition



(*~>) :: (a -> g) -> Object gs is -> Object gs' is infixr 2 Source #

Remove a global from an Object.


RemoveGlobal g ((:) * g gs) gs Source # 


(*~>) :: (a -> g) -> Object ((* ': g) gs) is -> Object gs is Source #

((~) Bool ((==) * g g1) False, RemoveGlobal g gs gs') => RemoveGlobal g ((:) * g1 gs) ((:) * g1 gs') Source # 


(*~>) :: (a -> g) -> Object ((* ': g1) gs) is -> Object ((* ': g1) gs') is Source #