objective-1.2: Composable objects

Copyright(c) Fumiaki Kinoshita 2015
MaintainerFumiaki Kinoshita <fumiexcel@gmail.com>
PortabilityGADTs, Rank2Types
Safe HaskellSafe






newtype Object f g Source #

The type Object f g represents objects which can handle messages f, perform actions in the environment g. It can be thought of as an automaton that transforms effects. Objects can be composed just like functions using @>>@; the identity element is echo. Objects are morphisms of the category of actions.

runObject obj . fmap f ≡ fmap f . runObject obj




echo :: Functor f => Object f f Source #

The trivial object

(@>>@) :: Functor h => Object f g -> Object g h -> Object f h infixr 1 Source #

The categorical composition of objects.

(@<<@) :: Functor h => Object g h -> Object f g -> Object f h infixl 1 Source #

Reversed '(>>)'

liftO :: Functor g => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Object f g Source #

Lift a natural transformation into an object.

(^>>@) :: Functor h => (forall x. f x -> g x) -> Object g h -> Object f h infixr 1 Source #

(@>>^) :: Functor h => Object f g -> (forall x. g x -> h x) -> Object f h infixr 1 Source #

(@||@) :: Functor h => Object f h -> Object g h -> Object (f `Sum` g) h Source #

Combine objects so as to handle a Sum of interfaces.

Stateful construction

unfoldO :: Functor g => (forall a. r -> f a -> g (a, r)) -> r -> Object f g Source #

An unwrapped analog of stateful id = unfoldO runObject iterative = unfoldO iterObject cascading = unfoldO cascadeObject

unfoldOM :: Monad m => (forall a. r -> f a -> m (a, r)) -> r -> Object f m Source #

Same as unfoldO but requires Monad instead

stateful :: Monad m => (forall a. t a -> StateT s m a) -> s -> Object t m Source #

Build a stateful object.

stateful t s = t ^>>@ variable s

(@~) :: Monad m => s -> (forall a. t a -> StateT s m a) -> Object t m infix 1 Source #

Flipped stateful. it is super convenient to use with the LambdaCase extension.

variable :: Monad m => s -> Object (StateT s m) m Source #

A mutable variable.

variable = stateful id

Method cascading

(@-) :: Object f g -> f x -> g (x, Object f g) infixr 3 Source #

An infix alias for runObject

cascadeObject :: Monad m => Object t m -> Skeleton t a -> m (a, Object t m) Source #

Pass zero or more messages to an object.

cascading :: Monad m => Object t m -> Object (Skeleton t) m Source #

Add capability to handle multiple messages at once.


data Fallible t a where Source #


Fallible :: t a -> Fallible t (Maybe a) 

filteredO :: Monad m => (forall x. t x -> Bool) -> Object t m -> Object (Fallible t) m Source #

filterO :: (forall x. t x -> Bool) -> Object (Fallible t) (Skeleton t) Source #

Manipulation on StateT

invokesOf :: Monad m => ((Object t m -> WriterT r m (Object t m)) -> s -> WriterT r m s) -> t a -> (a -> r) -> StateT s m r Source #

Send a message to an object through a lens.

invokes :: (Traversable t, Monad m, Monoid r) => f a -> (a -> r) -> StateT (t (Object f m)) m r Source #

(@!=) :: Monad m => ((Object t m -> WriterT a m (Object t m)) -> s -> WriterT a m s) -> t a -> StateT s m a Source #

A method invocation operator on StateT.

announce :: (Traversable t, Monad m) => f a -> StateT (t (Object f m)) m [a] Source #

Send a message to objects in a traversable container.

announce = withBuilder . invokesOf traverse

withBuilder :: Functor f => ((a -> Endo [a]) -> f (Endo [a])) -> f [a] Source #