{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFoldable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveFunctor #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveTraversable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wall #-}

module NumHask.Data.LogField
  ( -- * @LogField@
  , logField
  , fromLogField
    -- ** Isomorphism to log-domain
  , logToLogField
  , logFromLogField
    -- ** Additional operations
  , accurateSum
  , accurateProduct
  , pow

import Data.Data (Data)
import GHC.Generics (Generic, Generic1)
import NumHask.Algebra.Abstract.Additive
import NumHask.Algebra.Abstract.Field
import NumHask.Algebra.Abstract.Multiplicative
import NumHask.Algebra.Abstract.Ring
import NumHask.Algebra.Abstract.Lattice
import NumHask.Analysis.Metric
import NumHask.Data.Integral
import NumHask.Data.Rational
import Prelude hiding (Num(..), exp, log, negate)
import qualified Data.Foldable as F

-- LogField is adapted from LogFloat
--                                                  ~ 2015.08.06
-- |
-- Module      :  Data.Number.LogFloat
-- Copyright   :  Copyright (c) 2007--2015 wren gayle romano
-- License     :  BSD3
-- Maintainer  :  wren@community.haskell.org
-- Stability   :  stable
-- Portability :  portable (with CPP, FFI)
-- Link        :  https://hackage.haskell.org/package/logfloat
-- | A @LogField@ is just a 'Field' with a special interpretation.
-- The 'LogField' function is presented instead of the constructor,
-- in order to ensure semantic conversion. At present the 'Show'
-- instance will convert back to the normal-domain, and hence will
-- underflow at that point. This behavior may change in the future.
-- Because 'logField' performs the semantic conversion, we can use
-- operators which say what we *mean* rather than saying what we're
-- actually doing to the underlying representation. That is,
-- equivalences like the following are true[1] thanks to type-class
-- overloading:
-- > logField (p + q) == logField p + logField q
-- > logField (p * q) == logField p * logField q
-- Performing operations in the log-domain is cheap, prevents
-- underflow, and is otherwise very nice for dealing with miniscule
-- probabilities. However, crossing into and out of the log-domain
-- is expensive and should be avoided as much as possible. In
-- particular, if you're doing a series of multiplications as in
-- @lp * LogField q * LogField r@ it's faster to do @lp * LogField
-- (q * r)@ if you're reasonably sure the normal-domain multiplication
-- won't underflow; because that way you enter the log-domain only
-- once, instead of twice. Also note that, for precision, if you're
-- doing more than a few multiplications in the log-domain, you
-- should use 'product' rather than using '(*)' repeatedly.
-- Even more particularly, you should /avoid addition/ whenever
-- possible. Addition is provided because sometimes we need it, and
-- the proper implementation is not immediately apparent. However,
-- between two @LogField@s addition requires crossing the exp\/log
-- boundary twice; with a @LogField@ and a 'Double' it's three
-- times, since the regular number needs to enter the log-domain
-- first. This makes addition incredibly slow. Again, if you can
-- parenthesize to do normal-domain operations first, do it!
-- [1] That is, true up-to underflow and floating point fuzziness.
-- Which is, of course, the whole point of this module.
newtype LogField a =
  LogField a
  deriving ( Eq
           , Ord
           , Read
           , Data
           , Generic
           , Generic1
           , Functor
           , Foldable
           , Traversable

-- To show it, we want to show the normal-domain value rather than
-- the log-domain value. Also, if someone managed to break our
-- invariants (e.g. by passing in a negative and noone's pulled on
-- the thunk yet) then we want to crash before printing the
-- constructor, rather than after.  N.B. This means the show will
-- underflow\/overflow in the same places as normal doubles since
-- we underflow at the @exp@. Perhaps this means we should show the
-- log-domain value instead.
instance (ExpField a, Show a) => Show (LogField a) where
  showsPrec p (LogField x) =
    let y = exp x
    in y `seq` showParen (p > 9) (showString "LogField " . showsPrec 11 y)

-- | Constructor which does semantic conversion from normal-domain
-- to log-domain. Throws errors on negative and NaN inputs. If @p@
-- is non-negative, then following equivalence holds:
-- > logField p == logToLogField (log p)
logField :: (ExpField a) => a -> LogField a
{-# INLINE [0] logField #-}
logField = LogField . log

-- | Constructor which assumes the argument is already in the
-- log-domain.
logToLogField :: a -> LogField a
logToLogField = LogField

-- | Semantically convert our log-domain value back into the
-- normal-domain. Beware of overflow\/underflow. The following
-- equivalence holds (without qualification):
-- > fromLogField == exp . logFromLogField
fromLogField :: ExpField a => LogField a -> a
{-# INLINE [0] fromLogField #-}
fromLogField (LogField x) = exp x

-- | Return the log-domain value itself without conversion.
logFromLogField :: LogField a -> a
logFromLogField (LogField x) = x

-- These are our module-specific versions of "log\/exp" and "exp\/log";
-- They do the same things but also have a @LogField@ in between
-- the logarithm and exponentiation. In order to ensure these rules
-- fire, we have to delay the inlining on two of the four
-- con-\/destructors.
"log/fromLogField" forall x . log (fromLogField x) =
                   logFromLogField x
"fromLogField/LogField" forall x . fromLogField (LogField x) = x

log1p :: ExpField a => a -> a
{-# INLINE [0] log1p #-}
log1p x = log (one + x)

expm1 :: (ExpField a) => a -> a
{-# INLINE [0] expm1 #-}
expm1 x = exp x - one

"expm1/log1p" forall x . expm1 (log1p x) = x
"log1p/expm1" forall x . log1p (expm1 x) = x

instance (ExpField a, LowerBoundedField a, Ord a) =>
  Additive (LogField a) where
  x@(LogField x') + y@(LogField y')
    | x == zero && y == zero = zero
    | x == zero = y
    | y == zero = x
    | x >= y = LogField (x' + log1p (exp (y' - x')))
    | otherwise = LogField (y' + log1p (exp (x' - y')))

  zero = LogField negInfinity

instance (ExpField a, Ord a, LowerBoundedField a, UpperBoundedField a) =>
  Subtractive (LogField a) where
  negate x
    | x == zero = zero
    | otherwise = nan

instance (LowerBoundedField a, Eq a) =>
  Multiplicative (LogField a) where
  (LogField x) * (LogField y)
    | x == negInfinity || y == negInfinity = LogField negInfinity
    | otherwise = LogField (x + y)

  one = LogField zero

instance (LowerBoundedField a, Eq a) =>
  Divisive (LogField a) where
  recip (LogField x) = LogField $ negate x

instance (Ord a, LowerBoundedField a, ExpField a) =>
  Distributive (LogField a)

instance (Field (LogField a), ExpField a, LowerBoundedField a, Ord a) => ExpField (LogField a) where
    exp (LogField x) = LogField $ exp x
    log (LogField x) = LogField $ log x
    (**) x (LogField y) = pow x $ exp y

instance (FromIntegral a b, ExpField a) => FromIntegral (LogField a) b where
  fromIntegral_ = logField . fromIntegral_

instance (ToIntegral a b, ExpField a) => ToIntegral (LogField a) b where
  toIntegral = toIntegral . fromLogField

instance (FromRatio a b, ExpField a) => FromRatio (LogField a) b where
  fromRatio = logField . fromRatio

instance (ToRatio a b, ExpField a) => ToRatio (LogField a) b where
  toRatio = toRatio . fromLogField

instance (Ord a) => JoinSemiLattice (LogField a) where
  (\/) = min

instance (Ord a) => MeetSemiLattice (LogField a) where
  (/\) = max

instance (Epsilon a, ExpField a, LowerBoundedField a, UpperBoundedField a, Ord a) =>
  Epsilon (LogField a) where
  epsilon = logField epsilon
  nearZero (LogField x) = nearZero $ exp x
  aboutEqual (LogField x) (LogField y) = aboutEqual (exp x) (exp y)

instance (Ord a, ExpField a, LowerBoundedField a, UpperBoundedField a) => Field (LogField a)

instance (Ord a, ExpField a, LowerBoundedField a, UpperBoundedField a) =>
  LowerBoundedField (LogField a)

instance (Ord a, ExpField a, LowerBoundedField a) =>
  IntegralDomain (LogField a) where

instance (Ord a, ExpField a, LowerBoundedField a, UpperBoundedField a) =>
  UpperBoundedField (LogField a)

instance (Ord a, LowerBoundedField a, UpperBoundedField a, ExpField a) =>
  Signed (LogField a) where
  sign a
    | a == negInfinity = zero
    | otherwise = one
  abs = id

-- | /O(1)/. Compute powers in the log-domain; that is, the following
-- equivalence holds (modulo underflow and all that):
-- > LogField (p ** m) == LogField p `pow` m
-- /Since: 0.13/
pow :: (ExpField a, LowerBoundedField a, Ord a) => LogField a -> a -> LogField a
{-# INLINE pow #-}
infixr 8 `pow`

pow x@(LogField x') m
  | x == zero && m == zero = LogField zero
  | x == zero = x
  | otherwise = LogField $ m * x'

-- Some good test cases:
-- for @logsumexp == log . accurateSum . map exp@:
--     logsumexp[0,1,0] should be about 1.55
-- for correctness of avoiding underflow:
--     logsumexp[1000,1001,1000]   ~~ 1001.55 ==  1000 + 1.55
--     logsumexp[-1000,-999,-1000] ~~ -998.45 == -1000 + 1.55
-- | /O(n)/. Compute the sum of a finite list of 'LogField's, being
-- careful to avoid underflow issues. That is, the following
-- equivalence holds (modulo underflow and all that):
-- > LogField . accurateSum == accurateSum . map LogField
-- /N.B./, this function requires two passes over the input. Thus,
-- it is not amenable to list fusion, and hence will use a lot of
-- memory when summing long lists.
{-# INLINE accurateSum #-}
accurateSum :: (ExpField a, Foldable f, Ord a) => f (LogField a) -> LogField a
accurateSum xs = LogField (theMax + log theSum)
  LogField theMax = maximum xs
-- compute @\log \sum_{x \in xs} \exp(x - theMax)@
  theSum = F.foldl' (\acc (LogField x) -> acc + exp (x - theMax)) zero xs

-- | /O(n)/. Compute the product of a finite list of 'LogField's,
-- being careful to avoid numerical error due to loss of precision.
-- That is, the following equivalence holds (modulo underflow and
-- all that):
-- > LogField . accurateProduct == accurateProduct . map LogField
{-# INLINE accurateProduct #-}
accurateProduct :: (ExpField a, Foldable f) => f (LogField a) -> LogField a
accurateProduct = LogField . fst . F.foldr kahanPlus (zero, zero)
  kahanPlus (LogField x) (t, c) =
      y = x - c
      t' = t + y
      c' = (t' - t) - y
    in (t', c')