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numeric-prelude- An experimental alternative hierarchy of numeric type classes

Safe HaskellNone




Interface to Number.Positional which dynamically checks for equal bases.



data T Source #

The value Cons b e m represents the number b^e * (m!!0 / 1 + m!!1 / b + m!!2 / b^2 + ...). The interpretation of exponent is chosen such that floor (logBase b (Cons b e m)) == e. That is, it is good for multiplication and logarithms. (Because of the necessity to normalize the multiplication result, the alternative interpretation wouldn't be more complicated.) However for base conversions, roots, conversion to fixed point and working with the fractional part the interpretation b^e * (m!!0 / b + m!!1 / b^2 + m!!2 / b^3 + ...) would fit better. The digits in the mantissa range from 1-base to base-1. The representation is not unique and cannot be made unique in finite time. This way we avoid infinite carry ripples.




Eq T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


(==) :: T -> T -> Bool #

(/=) :: T -> T -> Bool #

Fractional T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


(/) :: T -> T -> T #

recip :: T -> T #

fromRational :: Rational -> T #

Num T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


(+) :: T -> T -> T #

(-) :: T -> T -> T #

(*) :: T -> T -> T #

negate :: T -> T #

abs :: T -> T #

signum :: T -> T #

fromInteger :: Integer -> T #

Ord T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


compare :: T -> T -> Ordering #

(<) :: T -> T -> Bool #

(<=) :: T -> T -> Bool #

(>) :: T -> T -> Bool #

(>=) :: T -> T -> Bool #

max :: T -> T -> T #

min :: T -> T -> T #

Show T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


showsPrec :: Int -> T -> ShowS #

show :: T -> String #

showList :: [T] -> ShowS #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


zero :: T Source #

(+) :: T -> T -> T Source #

(-) :: T -> T -> T Source #

negate :: T -> T Source #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


isZero :: T -> Bool Source #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


(*) :: T -> T -> T Source #

one :: T Source #

fromInteger :: Integer -> T Source #

(^) :: T -> Integer -> T Source #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


abs :: T -> T Source #

signum :: T -> T Source #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


(/) :: T -> T -> T Source #

recip :: T -> T Source #

fromRational' :: Rational -> T Source #

(^-) :: T -> Integer -> T Source #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


sqrt :: T -> T Source #

root :: Integer -> T -> T Source #

(^/) :: T -> Rational -> T Source #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


pi :: T Source #

exp :: T -> T Source #

log :: T -> T Source #

logBase :: T -> T -> T Source #

(**) :: T -> T -> T Source #

sin :: T -> T Source #

cos :: T -> T Source #

tan :: T -> T Source #

asin :: T -> T Source #

acos :: T -> T Source #

atan :: T -> T Source #

sinh :: T -> T Source #

cosh :: T -> T Source #

tanh :: T -> T Source #

asinh :: T -> T Source #

acosh :: T -> T Source #

atanh :: T -> T Source #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


splitFraction :: C b => T -> (b, T) Source #

fraction :: T -> T Source #

ceiling :: C b => T -> b Source #

floor :: C b => T -> b Source #

truncate :: C b => T -> b Source #

round :: C b => T -> b Source #

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check

C T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


atan2 :: T -> T -> T Source #

Power T Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Number.Positional.Check


power :: Rational -> T0 T -> T0 T Source #

basic helpers

compress :: T -> T Source #

Shift digits towards zero by partial application of carries. E.g. 1.8 is converted to 2.(-2) If the digits are in the range (1-base, base-1) the resulting digits are in the range ((1-base)2-2, (base-1)2+2). The result is still not unique, but may be useful for further processing.

carry :: T -> T Source #

perfect carry resolution, works only on finite numbers


lift0 :: (Basis -> T) -> T Source #

lift1 :: (Basis -> T -> T) -> T -> T Source #

lift2 :: (Basis -> T -> T -> T) -> T -> T -> T Source #