{-| Module : Simple Assembly Example 1 Description : A simple assembly language, with binding Copyright : (c) Murdoch J. Gabbay, 2020 License : GPL-3 Maintainer : murdoch.gabbay@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : POSIX Based on <https://github.com/ekmett/bound/blob/master/examples/Imperative.hs an example in the Bound package>. What makes this interesting is the binding behaviour of 'Add', which adds two numbers and binds the result to a fresh register with scope over subsequent instructions. -} {-# LANGUAGE InstanceSigs , DeriveGeneric , MultiParamTypeClasses , DeriveAnyClass -- to derive 'Swappable' , FlexibleInstances #-} module Language.Nominal.Examples.Assembly1 where import GHC.Generics import Language.Nominal.Name import Language.Nominal.Nom import Language.Nominal.Binder import Language.Nominal.Abs import Language.Nominal.Sub -- | Variables are string-labelled names type V = Name String -- | An operand is an integer literal or a variable data Operand = Lit Int | Var V deriving (Eq, Generic, Swappable, Show) -- | Substitution as standard on 'Operand' instance KSub V Operand Operand where sub :: V -> Operand -> Operand -> Operand sub _ _ (Lit n) = Lit n sub v o (Var v') = if v == v' then o else Var v' -- | Terms of our assembly language data Prog = Ret Operand -- ^ Return a value | Add Operand Operand (KAbs V Prog) -- ^ Add two operands and store the value in a fresh variable which is local to subsequent computation (the third argument) deriving (Eq, Generic, Swappable, Show, KSub V Operand -- ^ Substitution on 'Prog'rams is generic ) -- | Evaluate an operand. -- -- * A literal maps to its corresponding integer. -- * If asked to evaluate a free variable, complain. evalOperand :: Operand -> Int evalOperand (Lit i) = i evalOperand (Var _) = undefined -- | Evaluate a program evalProg :: Prog -> Int evalProg (Ret o) = evalOperand o evalProg (Add o1 o2 x') = evalProg (x' `conc` Lit (evalOperand o1 + evalOperand o2)) -- `conc` here substitutes a value for a bound name in an abstraction -- | Add 1 2 [v] Add v v [w] Ret w example1 :: Prog example1 = freshNames ["v", "w"] @@! \_ [v, w] -> Add (Lit 1) (Lit 2) $ v :@> Add (Var v) (Var v) $ w :@> Ret (Var w) -- :@> is name-abstraction, also called 'abst'. -- | 6 example1eval :: Int example1eval = evalProg example1