Safe Haskell | None |
Language | Haskell2010 |
Please read the source code to view the tests.
- newtype ValidTx r d v = ValidTx (Transaction r d v)
- fromValidTx :: ValidTx r d v -> Transaction r d v
- newtype SmallChunk r d v = SmallChunk (Chunk r d v)
- class Validator r d v => Fixable r d v | v -> r d where
- fixChunkToBlockchain :: (Arbitrary d, Arbitrary v, Fixable r d v) => Chunk r d v -> Gen (Blockchain r d v)
- type TR = Int
- type TD = Int
- type TV = ValFin TR TD
- type TC = Chunk TR TD TV
- type SmallTC = SmallChunk TR TD TV
- type TB = Blockchain TR TD TV
- type TX = ValidTx TR TD TV
- type TC' v = Chunk TR TD v
- atValTriv :: Proxy (ValTriv TR TD)
- atValFin :: Proxy (ValFin TR TD)
- type CVal v = (Typeable v, Show v, Arbitrary v, UnifyPerm v, Validator TR TD v)
- data ValProxy where
- valTriv :: ValProxy
- valFin :: ValProxy
- withVal :: (forall v proxy. CVal v => proxy v -> a) -> ValProxy -> a
- prop_arbitraryChunkIsValid :: TC -> Bool
- prop_arbitraryChunkIsValid' :: TC -> Bool
- prop_arbitraryChunkEqCheck :: TC -> Bool
- prop_notEveryChunkBlockchain :: TC -> Property
- prop_arbitraryTxIsValid :: TX -> Bool
- prop_arbitraryBlockchainIsValid :: TB -> Bool
- prop_blockchainToChunkAndBack :: TB -> Bool
- prop_blockchainHasNoUTxIs :: TB -> Bool
- prop_chunkrefl :: CVal v => proxy v -> TC' v -> Bool
- prop_chunkneq :: TC -> TC -> Property
- prop_emptyIsPrefix :: TC -> Bool
- prop_chunkTail_is_chunk :: TC -> Property
- prop_chunkTail_is_prefix :: TC -> Property
- genChunkTail :: (UnifyPerm r, UnifyPerm d, UnifyPerm v, Validator r d v) => Chunk r d v -> Maybe (Chunk r d v)
- prop_chunkTail_is_prefix_gotcha :: TC -> Property
- prop_warningNotChunkTail_is_not_chunk :: TC -> Property
- prop_underbinding :: TC -> Property
- prop_overbinding :: TC -> Property
- prop_chunkHead_chunkTail_recombine :: TC -> Property
- prop_chunkHdTl_recombine :: TC -> Property
- prop_reverseIsNotValid :: TC -> Property
- prop_subchunksValid :: SmallChunk TR TD TV -> Bool
- prop_apart_is_valid_tx :: TX -> TX -> Bool
- prop_apart_is_valid_ch :: TC -> TC -> Bool
- observe :: Maybe TC -> Maybe TC -> Maybe TC -> Bool
- prop_chunk_apart_commutes :: SmallTC -> SmallTC -> SmallTC -> Bool
- prop_validity_fresh :: TC -> Property
newtype ValidTx r d v Source #
ValidTx (Transaction r d v) |
(Show r, Show d, Show v) => Show (ValidTx r d v) Source # | |
Generic (ValidTx r d v) Source # | |
(Arbitrary r, Arbitrary d, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (ValidTx r d v) Source # | |
type Rep (ValidTx r d v) Source # | |
Defined in Language.Nominal.Properties.Examples.IdealisedEUTxOSpec type Rep (ValidTx r d v) = D1 (MetaData "ValidTx" "Language.Nominal.Properties.Examples.IdealisedEUTxOSpec" "nom-" True) (C1 (MetaCons "ValidTx" PrefixI False) (S1 (MetaSel (Nothing :: Maybe Symbol) NoSourceUnpackedness NoSourceStrictness DecidedLazy) (Rec0 (Transaction r d v)))) |
fromValidTx :: ValidTx r d v -> Transaction r d v Source #
newtype SmallChunk r d v Source #
SmallChunk (Chunk r d v) |
(Show r, Show d, Show v) => Show (SmallChunk r d v) Source # | |
Defined in Language.Nominal.Properties.Examples.IdealisedEUTxOSpec Methods showsPrec :: Int -> SmallChunk r d v -> ShowS # show :: SmallChunk r d v -> String # showList :: [SmallChunk r d v] -> ShowS # | |
Arbitrary (Chunk r d v) => Arbitrary (SmallChunk r d v) Source # | |
class Validator r d v => Fixable r d v | v -> r d where Source #
fixOutput :: Context r d v -> Output d v -> Output d v Source #
Takes a context and an output and modifies the output such that it can be consumed by the context.
fixChunkToBlockchain :: (Arbitrary d, Arbitrary v, Fixable r d v) => Chunk r d v -> Gen (Blockchain r d v) Source #
prop_arbitraryChunkIsValid :: TC -> Bool Source #
Sanity check: every arbitrary chunk is indeed a valid chunk.
prop_arbitraryChunkIsValid' :: TC -> Bool Source #
Sanity check: every arbitrary chunk is indeed a valid chunk (alternate test).
prop_arbitraryChunkEqCheck :: TC -> Bool Source #
Sanity check: every arbitrary chunk is equal to itself (not trivial because Eq
instance is nontrivial)
prop_notEveryChunkBlockchain :: TC -> Property Source #
Sanity check: not every chunk is a blockchain (might have UTxIs)!
prop_arbitraryTxIsValid :: TX -> Bool Source #
Sanity check: an arbitrary transaction is indeed a valid transaction.
prop_arbitraryBlockchainIsValid :: TB -> Bool Source #
Sanity check: an arbitrary blockchain is indeed a valid blockchain.
prop_blockchainToChunkAndBack :: TB -> Bool Source #
Sanity check: arbitrary instance of TB generates a blockchain, which is equal to itself.
must be used here, because of the local scope.
prop_blockchainHasNoUTxIs :: TB -> Bool Source #
Blockchain has no UTxIs
prop_emptyIsPrefix :: TC -> Bool Source #
Empty chunk is prefix of any chunk
prop_chunkTail_is_chunk :: TC -> Property Source #
The tail of a chunk, is a chunk.
prop_chunkTail_is_prefix :: TC -> Property Source #
The tail of a chunk, is a prefix of the original chunk.
genChunkTail :: (UnifyPerm r, UnifyPerm d, UnifyPerm v, Validator r d v) => Chunk r d v -> Maybe (Chunk r d v) Source #
The tail of a chunk, generating fresh atoms if required
prop_chunkTail_is_prefix_gotcha :: TC -> Property Source #
The tail of a chunk, is a prefix of the original chunk. Gotcha version, that doesn't have the Nom bindings: expect failure here.
prop_warningNotChunkTail_is_not_chunk :: TC -> Property Source #
is wrong: expect failure here. warningNotChunkTail
prop_underbinding :: TC -> Property Source #
Underbinding is when not enough atoms are bound in a chunk
prop_overbinding :: TC -> Property Source #
Overbinding is when too many atoms are bound in a chunk
prop_chunkHead_chunkTail_recombine :: TC -> Property Source #
Gotcha: Fails because loss of information from two Nom bindings.
prop_chunkHdTl_recombine :: TC -> Property Source #
Succeeds because one Nom binding thus no loss of information.
prop_reverseIsNotValid :: TC -> Property Source #
If you reverse the order of transactions in a chunk, it need not be valid
prop_subchunksValid :: SmallChunk TR TD TV -> Bool Source #
prop_apart_is_valid_tx :: TX -> TX -> Bool Source #
If two transactions are apart, they can be validly combined. | Corresponds to Lemma 2.14(1) of UTxO- vs account-based smart contractblockchain programming paradigms.
prop_apart_is_valid_ch :: TC -> TC -> Bool Source #
If two chunks are apart, they can be validly combined. | Extends Lemma 2.14(1) of UTxO- vs account-based smart contractblockchain programming paradigms.
prop_chunk_apart_commutes :: SmallTC -> SmallTC -> SmallTC -> Bool Source #
If two chunks are apart, they can be validly commuted. | Extends Lemma 2.14(1) of UTxO- vs account-based smart contractblockchain programming paradigms. We use smaller chunks for speed.
prop_validity_fresh :: TC -> Property Source #
This corresponds to a key result, Lemma 2.14(2) of UTxO- vs account-based smart contractblockchain programming paradigms.
Orphan instances
Arbitrary r => Arbitrary (Input r) Source # | |
(Eq r, UnifyPerm r, Arbitrary r, Eq d, UnifyPerm d, Arbitrary d) => Arbitrary (ValFin r d) Source # | |
Arbitrary (ValTriv r d) Source # | |
(Arbitrary d, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (Output d v) Source # | |
(Arbitrary r, Support r, Arbitrary d, Support d, Arbitrary v, Fixable r d v) => Arbitrary (Blockchain r d v) Source # | |
(Arbitrary r, Support r, Arbitrary d, Support d, Arbitrary v, Validator r d v) => Arbitrary (Chunk r d v) Source # | |
(Arbitrary r, Arbitrary d, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (Context r d v) Source # | |
(Arbitrary r, Arbitrary d, Arbitrary v) => Arbitrary (Transaction r d v) Source # | |