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nom- Name-binding & alpha-equivalence

Copyright(c) Murdoch J. Gabbay 2020
Safe HaskellNone




Name-binding for dummies: tutorial on use of nominal package



The interaction of name-binding and alpha-equivalence with data can be tricky. Examples include:

This package implements a solution in Haskell, based on names and swappings.

Features include:

  • This is a package; no need to use a modified compiler.
  • No state monad is imposed. Binding environments like KNom and Abs are available, but they track local scope not global scope and are relatively easy to escape.
  • No distinction is imposed between free names and bound names. Names are just another datatype whose values can be freely passed around. Binding operators are just datatype constructors.
  • Capture-avoidance is taken care of in the background.
  • A well-understood mathematical reference model is available, in nominal techniques as referenced in a new approach to abstract syntax with variable binding (see also author's pdfs).

Basics of names

Let's start by declaring a type MyNameLabel of labels for names; our labels are just strings.

Example: More complex examples of labels are in the Language.Nominal.Examples.SystemF example, including labels that can themselves contain names.

Then we create a type MyName of MyNameLabel-labelled names. An inhabitant of this type is a string-labelled name. Under the hood names are implemented a pair of a Unique identifier, and a label. So names are just unique hashable atomic objects with a label attached.

Creating fresh names

Let's create a fresh name a'. Note that it's wrapped in a name-binding monad KNom; more on that shortly.

>>> let a' = freshName "a" :: Nom MyName

Is a' == a'?

>>> a' == a'

No! This is because evaluation is lazy, so two copies of a' are created in two distinct local name-binding contexts; one to the left of the == and the other to the right.

But we can unpack name-binding context in (at least) two ways: using exit, or using nomToIO:

>>> a1 = exit a' :: MyName
>>> a2 = exit a' :: MyName
>>> a  <- nomToIO a' :: IO MyName

Both methods trigger the computation of actual fresh identifiers for any bindings. We may prefer nomToIO in this tutorial, just because we're at an interactive prompt, but the code has many examples of the use of exit (which is also a more polymorphic method):

>>> a == a
>>> a1 == a1
>>> a2 == a2
>>> a1 == a2
>>> a == a1

a is just a plain datum, whose name-identifier was generated fresh. So if we do this again:

>>> b <- nomToIO a' :: IO MyName
>>> a == b

This is to be expected: the unique identifier of b was generated fresh for that of a.

Warning: The label of b is still "a" ... of course:

>>> nameLabel b
>>> nameLabel a == nameLabel b

Creating KNom bindings with res

Having freed a from its name-binding context, we can wrap it up again.

>>> let a'' = resN [a] a :: Nom MyName

This isn't equal to a' because the name bound in a'' is bound by a separate context from that bound in a':

>>> a' == a''

Binding multiple names

We can bind multiple names simultaneously:

>>> let x1 = resN [a,b] (a,a,b) :: Nom (MyName, MyName, MyName)

We'll see more of x1 later.

Local scope out of global names

Now for a more involved example. We show how resN creates local scope:

>>> :set -XScopedTypeVariables
>>> let prop_split_scope (n :: MyName) = (resN [n] n) /= (resN [n] n)

Note we use one input name n to create two output local scopes. This should return True on a:

>>> prop_split_scope a

Nameless types

Some types, like Bool and String, are Nameless. E.g. if we have a truth-value, we know it doesn't have any names in it; we might have used names to calculate the truth-value, but the truth-value itself True or False is nameless.

On Nameless types the KNom context can always be removed. We can use unNom (a general and versatile function which happens to be useful in this instance). Let's illustrate this by safely extracting a's nameless String label:

>>> unNom $ nameLabel <$> a' :: MyNameLabel

The monad of name-binding

KNom is a monad. We can use monad composition >>= to go under a binder:

>>> unNom $ a' >>= \a -> return $ a == a

We can use monad composition to merge binding contexts in a capture-avoiding manner. Compare x1 with x2 below:

>>> let x1 = resN [a,b] (a,a,b) :: Nom (MyName, MyName, MyName)
>>> let x2 = a' >>= \a -> a' >>= \b -> return (a,a,b) :: Nom (MyName, MyName, MyName)

x2 is morally equal to x1, though an equality test will return False because they each have their own local binding context.

>>> x1 == x2

x1 and x2 are unifiable. We'll come to that later.


The package offers facilities for Abstraction. Let's abstract a in a:

>>> absaa = abst a a :: Abs MyNameLabel MyName

Think of absaa as the a.a in λa.a. Unlike the res binding x1, this abstraction is equal to itself ...

>>> absaa == absaa

... and to any other alpha-equivalent abstraction:

>>> absaa == abst b b


>>> c <- (nomToIO $ freshName "a") :: IO MyName
>>> abst b [a, b]  ==  abst c [a, c]

Warning: The label of the abstracted name is preserved; only its identifier gets alpha-converted. Thus, this returns false, just because "a" /= "d":

>>> d <- (nomToIO $ freshName "d") :: IO MyName
>>> abst b [a, b]  ==  abst d [a, d]

We can concrete absaa at a to get a, or at b to get b.

>>> conc absaa a == a
>>> conc absaa b == b

Name labels come from the abstraction, whereas the name's identifier comes from the argument. Thus, we get "a" below and not "d" (recall the labels of a, b, and c are "a" and the label of d is "d"):

>>> nameLabel a
>>> nameLabel d
>>> nameLabel (conc absaa d)

Example: There are many examples of using abstractions in Language.Nominal.Examples.SystemF.

Warning: Behaviour if we concrete an abstraction at a name that is not fresh, is undefined.

>>> conc (abst a (a, b)) b :: (MyName, MyName)

Functorial action of binders

Our machinery now pays dividends. Abstraction is functorial, and capture-avoidance is automagical:

>>> let aTob = (map $ \n -> if n == a then b else n) :: [MyName] -> [MyName]
>>> c <- (nomToIO $ freshName "a") :: IO MyName
>>> (aTob <$> abst a [a, b])  ==  abst a [a, b]
>>> (aTob <$> abst b [a, b])  ==  abst c [b, c]

Another equally valid rendering of the second example above, because alpha-equivalence allows it:

>>> (aTob <$> abst b [a, b])  ==  abst a [b, a]

Note: resN is functorial in the same way, but it unbinds its local scope differently from abst:

>>> resN [a] a == resN [a] a
>>> abst a a == abst a a


>>> [a, b, c] <- nomToIO $ freshNames ["a", "b", "c"]

We can swap a and b in simple types like lists ...

>>> swpN a b [a,b,c,a,a,c] == [b,a,c,b,b,c]

... and in not-so-simple types, like Abs, KNom, and function-types.

>>> :{
 f n  
   | n == a    = b
   | n == b    = c
   | n == c    = a
   | otherwise = n
>>> map f [a, b, c] == [b, c, a]
>>> fswp = swpN a b f
>>> map fswp [a, b, c] == [c, a, b]

Unification up to permutation

Recall x1 and x2 above; let's reconstruct them here:

>>> [a, b] <- nomToIO $ freshNames ["a", "b"]
>>> let x1 = resN [a,b] (a,a,b) :: Nom (MyName, MyName, MyName)
>>> let x2 = x1                 :: Nom (MyName, MyName, MyName)

We noted that x1 and x2 are not equal because they have distinct local scopes:

>>> x1 == x2

However, they are unifiable:

>>> unifiablePerm x1 x2

If a type is sufficiently structured, unifiablePerm can be used as an equality predicate that tries to unify local scopes. More on this in Language.Nominal.Unify, with many example applications in Language.Nominal.Examples.IdealisedEUTxO.


We have a theory of substitution given by a typeclass Sub with function sub. This works automatically on simple datatypes (like lists and name-abstractions) and can be extended using typeclasses to more complex datatypes (see Language.Nominal.Examples.SystemF).

>>> [a, b, b', c] <- nomToIO $ freshNames [(), (), (), ()]
>>> sub a b [a,b,c] == [b,b,c]
>>> (sub a b $ abst b [a,b,c]) == abst b' [b, b', c]

Gotcha: The expression below might not mean what you think. Note the bracketing!

>>> sub a b $ abst b [a,b,c] == abst b' [b, b', c]

Names and atoms

We actually have two species of identifier:

Both names and atoms are datatypes of bindable identifiers, but names come with labels and atoms don't. An atom is essentially identical to a ()-labelled name, and conversely a name is essentially identical to a pair of an atom and the name's label.

So why maintain both?

  • If you need identifiers with no semantic information, then use atoms. We do this in Language.Nominal.Examples.IdealisedEUTxO, where atoms are used to identify locations in a blockchain. Because our identifiers have no semantic content aside from pointing to themselves, we use atoms.
  • If you need identifiers with associated semantic information (e.g. a denotation, a type, or even just a display name), then you might prefer to use names. We do this in Language.Nominal.Examples.SystemF, where term names NTrm are labelled with types Typ.
  • Although we can emulate atoms as ()-labelled names, these are not quite the same thing. Atoms are interesting because they give us swapping, and swapping gives us res and abst. Names (i.e. labelled atoms) are built on top of this underlying structure. (So even if we only exposed names and not atoms, the atoms would still be there.)

Sometimes functions come in two versions: an atoms-version and a names-version (e.g. swp and swpN, and res and resN). Where this occurs, the N (for KName) version just discards labels and calls the atoms-version.

Instead of names, why not maintain a state lookup monad, associating atoms to their semantic information? We could, but we'd have to thread it through our computations (if they need labelled atoms), incurring overhead that defeats a purpose of the design of this package, to not require everything to happen inside a KNom monad (see for example prop_split_scope above). It is a principle of nominal techniques that names are data: pure data should not require an omnipresent top-level monad.

Gotcha: Names are compared for equality on their atoms. Labels are discarded during the equality check:

>>> a = exit $ freshName "a"
>>> b = a `withLabel` "b"
>>> a == b

Wait, we can explain!

  • We get Eq and Ord instances of name-types (because atoms have them) even if the labels don't.
  • We get Data.Map on name-types, again even if the labels lack Eq or Ord.
  • Have you considered why you're asking for this? A name is an atomic ID tagged with information, and one atom occurring associated to multiple tags is like one license plate number on multiple cars; that's not what unique identifiers are meant for. Or if you must do this, you can, but then it's up to you to keep track of which label (or combination of labels) is "true". This package makes it easy to create fresh atoms, so perhaps you'd be better off creating multiple fresh atoms and giving a distinct label to each one.