{-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE MultiWayIf #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PatternGuards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-}
module Nix.Thunk
  ( ThunkSource (..)
  , GitHubSource (..)
  , ThunkRev (..)
  , getLatestRev
  , gitCloneForThunkUnpack
  , thunkSourceToGitSource
  , ThunkPtr (..)
  , ThunkData (..)
  , readThunk
  , CheckClean (..)
  , getThunkPtr
  , packThunk
  , createThunk
  , ThunkPackConfig (..)
  , ThunkConfig (..)
  , updateThunkToLatest
  , ThunkUpdateConfig (..)
  , unpackThunk
  , ThunkSpec (..)
  , ThunkFileSpec (..)
  , NixThunkError
  , nixBuildAttrWithCache
  , attrCacheFileName
  , prettyNixThunkError
  ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Lens (ifor, ifor_, (.~), makePrisms)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.Extra (findM)
import Control.Monad.Catch (MonadCatch, handle, MonadMask)
import Control.Monad.Fail (MonadFail)
import Control.Monad.Except
import Control.Monad.Log (MonadLog)
import Data.Aeson ((.=))
import qualified Data.Aeson as Aeson
import Data.Aeson.Encode.Pretty
import qualified Data.Aeson.Types as Aeson
import Data.Bifunctor (first)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LBS
import Data.Containers.ListUtils (nubOrd)
import Data.Either.Combinators (fromRight')
import Data.Foldable (toList)
import Data.Functor ((<&>))
import Data.Git.Ref (Ref)
import qualified Data.Git.Ref as Ref
import qualified Data.List as L
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty (..), nonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Map (Map)
import qualified Data.Map as Map
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Set (Set)
import qualified Data.Set as Set
import Data.String.Here.Interpolated (i)
import Data.String.Here.Uninterpolated (here)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as T
import Data.Text.Encoding
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Yaml (parseMaybe)
import GitHub
import GitHub.Data.Name
import System.Directory
import System.Exit
import System.FilePath
import System.IO.Temp
import qualified Text.URI as URI
import Cli.Extras
import Control.Exception (displayException, try)
import Data.Either.Combinators (rightToMaybe)
import Data.Traversable
import System.IO.Error (isDoesNotExistError)
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX (posixSecondsToUTCTime)
import System.Posix.Files
import Data.Default
import Data.Function
import Bindings.Cli.Git
import Bindings.Cli.Coreutils (cp)
import Bindings.Cli.Nix

-- Hacks

type MonadInfallibleNixThunk m =
  ( CliLog m
  , HasCliConfig m
  , MonadIO m
  , MonadMask m

type MonadNixThunk m =
  ( MonadInfallibleNixThunk m
  , CliThrow NixThunkError m
  , MonadFail m

data NixThunkError
   = NixThunkError_ProcessFailure ProcessFailure
   | NixThunkError_Unstructured Text

prettyNixThunkError :: NixThunkError -> Text
prettyNixThunkError = \case
  NixThunkError_ProcessFailure pf -> prettyProcessFailure pf
  NixThunkError_Unstructured msg -> msg

makePrisms ''NixThunkError

instance AsUnstructuredError NixThunkError where
  asUnstructuredError = _NixThunkError_Unstructured

instance AsProcessFailure NixThunkError where
  asProcessFailure = _NixThunkError_ProcessFailure

-- End hacks

--TODO: Support symlinked thunk data
data ThunkData
   = ThunkData_Packed ThunkSpec ThunkPtr
   -- ^ Packed thunk
   | ThunkData_Checkout
   -- ^ Checked out thunk that was unpacked from this pointer

-- | A reference to the exact data that a thunk should translate into
data ThunkPtr = ThunkPtr
  { _thunkPtr_rev :: ThunkRev
  , _thunkPtr_source :: ThunkSource
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

type NixSha256 = Text --TODO: Use a smart constructor and make this actually verify itself

-- | A specific revision of data; it may be available from multiple sources
data ThunkRev = ThunkRev
  { _thunkRev_commit :: Ref Ref.SHA1
  , _thunkRev_nixSha256 :: NixSha256
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

-- | A location from which a thunk's data can be retrieved
data ThunkSource
   -- | A source specialized for GitHub
   = ThunkSource_GitHub GitHubSource
   -- | A plain repo source
   | ThunkSource_Git GitSource
   deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

thunkSourceToGitSource :: ThunkSource -> GitSource
thunkSourceToGitSource = \case
  ThunkSource_GitHub s -> forgetGithub False s
  ThunkSource_Git s -> s

data GitHubSource = GitHubSource
  { _gitHubSource_owner :: Name Owner
  , _gitHubSource_repo :: Name Repo
  , _gitHubSource_branch :: Maybe (Name Branch)
  , _gitHubSource_private :: Bool
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

newtype GitUri = GitUri { unGitUri :: URI.URI } deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

gitUriToText :: GitUri -> Text
gitUriToText (GitUri uri)
  | (T.toLower . URI.unRText <$> URI.uriScheme uri) == Just "file"
  , Just (_, path) <- URI.uriPath uri
  = "/" <> T.intercalate "/" (map URI.unRText $ NonEmpty.toList path)
  | otherwise = URI.render uri

data GitSource = GitSource
  { _gitSource_url :: GitUri
  , _gitSource_branch :: Maybe (Name Branch)
  , _gitSource_fetchSubmodules :: Bool
  , _gitSource_private :: Bool
  deriving (Show, Eq, Ord)

newtype ThunkConfig = ThunkConfig
  { _thunkConfig_private :: Maybe Bool
  } deriving Show

data ThunkUpdateConfig = ThunkUpdateConfig
  { _thunkUpdateConfig_branch :: Maybe String
  , _thunkUpdateConfig_config :: ThunkConfig
  } deriving Show

data ThunkPackConfig = ThunkPackConfig
  { _thunkPackConfig_force :: Bool
  , _thunkPackConfig_config :: ThunkConfig
  } deriving Show

-- | Convert a GitHub source to a regular Git source. Assumes no submodules.
forgetGithub :: Bool -> GitHubSource -> GitSource
forgetGithub useSsh s = GitSource
  { _gitSource_url = GitUri $ URI.URI
    { URI.uriScheme = Just $ fromRight' $ URI.mkScheme $ if useSsh then "ssh" else "https"
    , URI.uriAuthority = Right $ URI.Authority
        { URI.authUserInfo = URI.UserInfo (fromRight' $ URI.mkUsername "git") Nothing
          <$ guard useSsh
        , URI.authHost = fromRight' $ URI.mkHost "github.com"
        , URI.authPort = Nothing
    , URI.uriPath = Just ( False
                     , fromRight' . URI.mkPathPiece <$>
                       untagName (_gitHubSource_owner s)
                       :| [ untagName (_gitHubSource_repo s) <> ".git" ]
    , URI.uriQuery = []
    , URI.uriFragment = Nothing
  , _gitSource_branch = _gitHubSource_branch s
  , _gitSource_fetchSubmodules = False
  , _gitSource_private = _gitHubSource_private s

getThunkGitBranch :: ThunkPtr -> Maybe Text
getThunkGitBranch (ThunkPtr _ src) = fmap untagName $ case src of
  ThunkSource_GitHub s -> _gitHubSource_branch s
  ThunkSource_Git s -> _gitSource_branch s

commitNameToRef :: Name Commit -> Ref Ref.SHA1
commitNameToRef (N c) = Ref.fromHex $ encodeUtf8 c

-- TODO: Use spinner here.
  :: MonadNixThunk m
  => GitUri
  -> m NixSha256
getNixSha256ForUriUnpacked uri =
  withExitFailMessage ("nix-prefetch-url: Failed to determine sha256 hash of URL " <> gitUriToText uri) $ do
    [hash] <- fmap T.lines $ readProcessAndLogOutput (Debug, Debug) $
      proc "nix-prefetch-url" ["--unpack", "--type", "sha256", T.unpack $ gitUriToText uri]
    pure hash

nixPrefetchGit :: MonadNixThunk m => GitUri -> Text -> Bool -> m NixSha256
nixPrefetchGit uri rev fetchSubmodules =
  withExitFailMessage ("nix-prefetch-git: Failed to determine sha256 hash of Git repo " <> gitUriToText uri <> " at " <> rev) $ do
    out <- readProcessAndLogStderr Debug $
      proc "nix-prefetch-git" $ filter (/="")
        [ "--url", T.unpack $ gitUriToText uri
        , "--rev", T.unpack rev
        , if fetchSubmodules then "--fetch-submodules" else ""
        , "--quiet"

    case parseMaybe (Aeson..: "sha256") =<< Aeson.decodeStrict (encodeUtf8 out) of
      Nothing -> failWith $ "nix-prefetch-git: unrecognized output " <> out
      Just x -> pure x

--TODO: Pretty print these
data ReadThunkError
  = ReadThunkError_UnrecognizedThunk
  | ReadThunkError_UnrecognizedPaths (NonEmpty FilePath)
  | ReadThunkError_MissingPaths (NonEmpty FilePath)
  | ReadThunkError_UnparseablePtr FilePath String
  | ReadThunkError_FileError IOError
  | ReadThunkError_FileDoesNotMatch FilePath Text
  | ReadThunkError_UnrecognizedState String
  | ReadThunkError_AmbiguousPackedState ThunkPtr ThunkPtr
  deriving (Show)

unpackedDirName :: FilePath
unpackedDirName = "."

attrCacheFileName :: FilePath
attrCacheFileName = ".attr-cache"

-- | Specification for how a file in a thunk version works.
data ThunkFileSpec
  = ThunkFileSpec_Ptr (LBS.ByteString -> Either String ThunkPtr) -- ^ This file specifies 'ThunkPtr' data
  | ThunkFileSpec_FileMatches Text -- ^ This file must match the given content exactly
  | ThunkFileSpec_CheckoutIndicator -- ^ Existence of this directory indicates that the thunk is unpacked
  | ThunkFileSpec_AttrCache -- ^ This directory is an attribute cache

-- | Specification for how a set of files in a thunk version work.
data ThunkSpec = ThunkSpec
  { _thunkSpec_name :: !Text
  , _thunkSpec_files :: !(Map FilePath ThunkFileSpec)

thunkSpecTypes :: NonEmpty (NonEmpty ThunkSpec)
thunkSpecTypes = gitThunkSpecs :| [gitHubThunkSpecs]

-- | Attempts to match a 'ThunkSpec' to a given directory.
  :: (MonadError ReadThunkError m, MonadIO m, MonadCatch m)
  => ThunkSpec -- ^ 'ThunkSpec' to match against the given files/directory
  -> FilePath -- ^ Path to directory
  -> Set FilePath -- ^ Set of file paths relative to the given directory
  -> m ThunkData
matchThunkSpecToDir thunkSpec dir dirFiles = do
  case nonEmpty (toList $ dirFiles `Set.difference` expectedPaths) of
    Just fs -> throwError $ ReadThunkError_UnrecognizedPaths $ (dir </>) <$> fs
    Nothing -> pure ()
  case nonEmpty (toList $ requiredPaths `Set.difference` dirFiles) of
    Just fs -> throwError $ ReadThunkError_MissingPaths $ (dir </>) <$> fs
    Nothing -> pure ()
  datas <- fmap toList $ flip Map.traverseMaybeWithKey (_thunkSpec_files thunkSpec) $ \expectedPath -> \case
    ThunkFileSpec_AttrCache -> Nothing <$ dirMayExist expectedPath
    ThunkFileSpec_CheckoutIndicator -> liftIO (doesDirectoryExist (dir </> expectedPath)) <&> \case
      False -> Nothing
      True -> Just ThunkData_Checkout
    ThunkFileSpec_FileMatches expectedContents -> handle (\(e :: IOError) -> throwError $ ReadThunkError_FileError e) $ do
      actualContents <- liftIO (T.readFile $ dir </> expectedPath)
      case T.strip expectedContents == T.strip actualContents of
        True -> pure Nothing
        False -> throwError $ ReadThunkError_FileDoesNotMatch (dir </> expectedPath) expectedContents
    ThunkFileSpec_Ptr parser -> handle (\(e :: IOError) -> throwError $ ReadThunkError_FileError e) $ do
      let path = dir </> expectedPath
      liftIO (doesFileExist path) >>= \case
        False -> pure Nothing
        True -> do
          actualContents <- liftIO $ LBS.readFile path
          case parser actualContents of
            Right v -> pure $ Just (ThunkData_Packed thunkSpec v)
            Left e -> throwError $ ReadThunkError_UnparseablePtr (dir </> expectedPath) e

  case nonEmpty datas of
    Nothing -> throwError ReadThunkError_UnrecognizedThunk
    Just xs -> fold1WithM xs $ \a b -> either throwError pure (mergeThunkData a b)
    rootPathsOnly = Set.fromList . mapMaybe takeRootDir . Map.keys
    takeRootDir = fmap NonEmpty.head . nonEmpty . splitPath

    expectedPaths = rootPathsOnly $ _thunkSpec_files thunkSpec

    requiredPaths = rootPathsOnly $ Map.filter isRequiredFileSpec $ _thunkSpec_files thunkSpec
    isRequiredFileSpec = \case
      ThunkFileSpec_FileMatches _ -> True
      _ -> False

    dirMayExist expectedPath = liftIO (doesFileExist (dir </> expectedPath)) >>= \case
      True -> throwError $ ReadThunkError_UnrecognizedPaths $ expectedPath :| []
      False -> pure ()

    -- Combine 'ThunkData' from different files, preferring "Checkout" over "Packed"
    mergeThunkData ThunkData_Checkout ThunkData_Checkout = Right ThunkData_Checkout
    mergeThunkData ThunkData_Checkout ThunkData_Packed{} = Left bothPackedAndUnpacked
    mergeThunkData ThunkData_Packed{} ThunkData_Checkout = Left bothPackedAndUnpacked
    mergeThunkData a@(ThunkData_Packed _ ptrA) (ThunkData_Packed _ ptrB) =
      if ptrA == ptrB then Right a else Left $ ReadThunkError_AmbiguousPackedState ptrA ptrB

    bothPackedAndUnpacked = ReadThunkError_UnrecognizedState "Both packed data and checkout present"

    fold1WithM (x :| xs) f = foldM f x xs

  :: (MonadNixThunk m)
  => NonEmpty (NonEmpty ThunkSpec) -> FilePath -> m (Either ReadThunkError ThunkData)
readThunkWith specTypes dir = do
  dirFiles <- Set.fromList <$> liftIO (listDirectory dir)
  let specs = concatMap toList $ toList $ NonEmpty.transpose specTypes -- Interleave spec types so we try each one in a "fair" ordering
  flip fix specs $ \loop -> \case
    [] -> pure $ Left ReadThunkError_UnrecognizedThunk
    spec:rest -> runExceptT (matchThunkSpecToDir spec dir dirFiles) >>= \case
      Left e -> putLog Debug [i|Thunk specification ${_thunkSpec_name spec} did not match ${dir}: ${e}|] *> loop rest
      x@(Right _) -> x <$ putLog Debug [i|Thunk specification ${_thunkSpec_name spec} matched ${dir}|]

-- | Read a thunk and validate that it is exactly a packed thunk.
-- If additional data is present, fail.
readThunk :: (MonadNixThunk m) => FilePath -> m (Either ReadThunkError ThunkData)
readThunk = readThunkWith thunkSpecTypes

parseThunkPtr :: (Aeson.Object -> Aeson.Parser ThunkSource) -> Aeson.Object -> Aeson.Parser ThunkPtr
parseThunkPtr parseSrc v = do
  rev <- v Aeson..: "rev"
  sha256 <- v Aeson..: "sha256"
  src <- parseSrc v
  pure $ ThunkPtr
    { _thunkPtr_rev = ThunkRev
      { _thunkRev_commit = Ref.fromHexString rev
      , _thunkRev_nixSha256 = sha256
    , _thunkPtr_source = src

parseGitHubSource :: Aeson.Object -> Aeson.Parser GitHubSource
parseGitHubSource v = do
  owner <- v Aeson..: "owner"
  repo <- v Aeson..: "repo"
  branch <- v Aeson..:! "branch"
  private <- v Aeson..:? "private"
  pure $ GitHubSource
    { _gitHubSource_owner = owner
    , _gitHubSource_repo = repo
    , _gitHubSource_branch = branch
    , _gitHubSource_private = fromMaybe False private

parseGitSource :: Aeson.Object -> Aeson.Parser GitSource
parseGitSource v = do
  Just url <- parseGitUri <$> v Aeson..: "url"
  branch <- v Aeson..:! "branch"
  fetchSubmodules <- v Aeson..:! "fetchSubmodules"
  private <- v Aeson..:? "private"
  pure $ GitSource
    { _gitSource_url = url
    , _gitSource_branch = branch
    , _gitSource_fetchSubmodules = fromMaybe False fetchSubmodules
    , _gitSource_private = fromMaybe False private

overwriteThunk :: MonadNixThunk m => FilePath -> ThunkPtr -> m ()
overwriteThunk target thunk = do
  -- Ensure that this directory is a valid thunk (i.e. so we aren't losing any data)
  readThunk target >>= \case
    Left e -> failWith [i|Invalid thunk at ${target}: ${e}|]
    Right _ -> pure ()

  --TODO: Is there a safer way to do this overwriting?
  liftIO $ removePathForcibly target
  createThunk target $ Right thunk

thunkPtrToSpec :: ThunkPtr -> ThunkSpec
thunkPtrToSpec thunk = case _thunkPtr_source thunk of
  ThunkSource_GitHub _ -> NonEmpty.head gitHubThunkSpecs
  ThunkSource_Git _ -> NonEmpty.head gitThunkSpecs

-- It's important that formatting be very consistent here, because
-- otherwise when people update thunks, their patches will be messy
encodeThunkPtrData :: ThunkPtr -> LBS.ByteString
encodeThunkPtrData (ThunkPtr rev src) = case src of
  ThunkSource_GitHub s -> encodePretty' githubCfg $ Aeson.object $ catMaybes
    [ Just $ "owner" .= _gitHubSource_owner s
    , Just $ "repo" .= _gitHubSource_repo s
    , ("branch" .=) <$> _gitHubSource_branch s
    , Just $ "rev" .= Ref.toHexString (_thunkRev_commit rev)
    , Just $ "sha256" .= _thunkRev_nixSha256 rev
    , Just $ "private" .= _gitHubSource_private s
  ThunkSource_Git s -> encodePretty' plainGitCfg $ Aeson.object $ catMaybes
    [ Just $ "url" .= gitUriToText (_gitSource_url s)
    , Just $ "rev" .= Ref.toHexString (_thunkRev_commit rev)
    , ("branch" .=) <$> _gitSource_branch s
    , Just $ "sha256" .= _thunkRev_nixSha256 rev
    , Just $ "fetchSubmodules" .= _gitSource_fetchSubmodules s
    , Just $ "private" .= _gitSource_private s
  githubCfg = defConfig
    { confIndent = Spaces 2
    , confCompare = keyOrder
        [ "owner"
        , "repo"
        , "branch"
        , "private"
        , "rev"
        , "sha256"
        ] <> compare
    , confTrailingNewline = True
  plainGitCfg = defConfig
    { confIndent = Spaces 2
    , confCompare = keyOrder
        [ "url"
        , "rev"
        , "sha256"
        , "private"
        , "fetchSubmodules"
        ] <> compare
    , confTrailingNewline = True

createThunk :: MonadNixThunk m => FilePath -> Either ThunkSpec ThunkPtr -> m ()
createThunk target ptrInfo =
  ifor_ (_thunkSpec_files spec) $ \path -> \case
    ThunkFileSpec_FileMatches content -> withReadyPath path $ \p -> liftIO $ T.writeFile p content
    ThunkFileSpec_Ptr _ -> case ptrInfo of
      Left _ -> pure () -- We can't write the ptr without it
      Right ptr -> withReadyPath path $ \p -> liftIO $ LBS.writeFile p (encodeThunkPtrData ptr)
    _ -> pure ()
    spec = either id thunkPtrToSpec ptrInfo
    withReadyPath path f = do
      let fullPath = target </> path
      putLog Debug $ "Writing thunk file " <> T.pack fullPath
      liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True $ takeDirectory fullPath
      f fullPath

createThunkWithLatest :: MonadNixThunk m => FilePath -> ThunkSource -> m ()
createThunkWithLatest target s = do
  rev <- getLatestRev s
  createThunk target $ Right $ ThunkPtr
    { _thunkPtr_source = s
    , _thunkPtr_rev = rev

updateThunkToLatest :: MonadNixThunk m => ThunkUpdateConfig -> FilePath -> m ()
updateThunkToLatest (ThunkUpdateConfig mBranch thunkConfig) target = spinner $ do
  checkThunkDirectory target
  -- check to see if thunk should be updated to a specific branch or just update it's current branch
  case mBranch of
    Nothing -> do
      (overwrite, ptr) <- readThunk target >>= \case
        Left err -> failWith [i|Thunk update: ${err}|]
        Right c -> case c of
          ThunkData_Packed _ t -> return (target, t)
          ThunkData_Checkout -> failWith "cannot update an unpacked thunk"
      let src = _thunkPtr_source ptr
      rev <- getLatestRev src
      overwriteThunk overwrite $ modifyThunkPtrByConfig thunkConfig $ ThunkPtr
        { _thunkPtr_source = src
        , _thunkPtr_rev = rev
    Just branch -> readThunk target >>= \case
      Left err -> failWith [i|Thunk update: ${err}|]
      Right c -> case c of
        ThunkData_Packed _ t -> setThunk thunkConfig target (thunkSourceToGitSource $ _thunkPtr_source t) branch
        ThunkData_Checkout -> failWith [i|Thunk located at ${target} is unpacked. Use 'ob thunk pack' on the desired directory and then try 'ob thunk update' again.|]
    spinner = withSpinner' ("Updating thunk " <> T.pack target <> " to latest") (pure $ const $ "Thunk " <> T.pack target <> " updated to latest")

setThunk :: MonadNixThunk m => ThunkConfig -> FilePath -> GitSource -> String -> m ()
setThunk thunkConfig target gs branch = do
  newThunkPtr <- uriThunkPtr (_gitSource_url gs) (_thunkConfig_private thunkConfig) (Just $ T.pack branch) Nothing
  overwriteThunk target newThunkPtr
  updateThunkToLatest (ThunkUpdateConfig Nothing thunkConfig) target

-- | All recognized github standalone loaders, ordered from newest to oldest.
-- This tool will only ever produce the newest one when it writes a thunk.
gitHubThunkSpecs :: NonEmpty ThunkSpec
gitHubThunkSpecs =
  gitHubThunkSpecV5 :|
  [ gitHubThunkSpecV4
  , gitHubThunkSpecV3
  , gitHubThunkSpecV2
  , gitHubThunkSpecV1

gitHubThunkSpecV1 :: ThunkSpec
gitHubThunkSpecV1 = legacyGitHubThunkSpec "github-v1"
  "import ((import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json)))"

gitHubThunkSpecV2 :: ThunkSpec
gitHubThunkSpecV2 = legacyGitHubThunkSpec "github-v2" $ T.unlines
  [ "# DO NOT HAND-EDIT THIS FILE" --TODO: Add something about how to get more info on NixThunk, etc.
  , "import ((import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub ("
  , "  let json = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json);"
  , "  in { inherit (json) owner repo rev sha256;"
  , "       private = json.private or false;"
  , "     }"
  , "))"

gitHubThunkSpecV3 :: ThunkSpec
gitHubThunkSpecV3 = legacyGitHubThunkSpec "github-v3" $ T.unlines
  , "let"
  , "  fetch = { private ? false, ... }@args: if private && builtins.hasAttr \"fetchGit\" builtins"
  , "    then fetchFromGitHubPrivate args"
  , "    else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub (builtins.removeAttrs args [\"branch\"]);"
  , "  fetchFromGitHubPrivate ="
  , "    { owner, repo, rev, branch ? null, name ? null, sha256 ? null, private ? false"
  , "    , fetchSubmodules ? false, githubBase ? \"github.com\", ..."
  , "    }: assert !fetchSubmodules;"
  , "      builtins.fetchGit ({"
  , "        url = \"ssh://git@${githubBase}/${owner}/${repo}.git\";"
  , "        inherit rev;"
  , "      }"
  , "      // (if branch == null then {} else { ref = branch; })"
  , "      // (if name == null then {} else { inherit name; }));"
  , "in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json)))"

gitHubThunkSpecV4 :: ThunkSpec
gitHubThunkSpecV4 = legacyGitHubThunkSpec "github-v4" $ T.unlines
  , "let fetch = { private ? false, fetchSubmodules ? false, owner, repo, rev, sha256, ... }:"
  , "  if !fetchSubmodules && !private then builtins.fetchTarball {"
  , "    url = \"https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz\"; inherit sha256;"
  , "  } else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub {"
  , "    inherit owner repo rev sha256 fetchSubmodules private;"
  , "  };"
  , "in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json)))"

legacyGitHubThunkSpec :: Text -> Text -> ThunkSpec
legacyGitHubThunkSpec name loader = ThunkSpec name $ Map.fromList
  [ ("default.nix", ThunkFileSpec_FileMatches $ T.strip loader)
  , ("github.json" , ThunkFileSpec_Ptr parseGitHubJsonBytes)
  , (attrCacheFileName, ThunkFileSpec_AttrCache)
  , (".git", ThunkFileSpec_CheckoutIndicator)

gitHubThunkSpecV5 :: ThunkSpec
gitHubThunkSpecV5 = mkThunkSpec "github-v5" "github.json" parseGitHubJsonBytes [here|
let fetch = { private ? false, fetchSubmodules ? false, owner, repo, rev, sha256, ... }:
  if !fetchSubmodules && !private then builtins.fetchTarball {
    url = "https://github.com/${owner}/${repo}/archive/${rev}.tar.gz"; inherit sha256;
  } else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchFromGitHub {
    inherit owner repo rev sha256 fetchSubmodules private;
  json = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./github.json);
in fetch json

parseGitHubJsonBytes :: LBS.ByteString -> Either String ThunkPtr
parseGitHubJsonBytes = parseJsonObject $ parseThunkPtr $ \v ->
  ThunkSource_GitHub <$> parseGitHubSource v <|> ThunkSource_Git <$> parseGitSource v

gitThunkSpecs :: NonEmpty ThunkSpec
gitThunkSpecs =
  gitThunkSpecV5 :|
  [ gitThunkSpecV4
  , gitThunkSpecV3
  , gitThunkSpecV2
  , gitThunkSpecV1

gitThunkSpecV1 :: ThunkSpec
gitThunkSpecV1 = legacyGitThunkSpec "git-v1" $ T.unlines
  , "let fetchGit = {url, rev, ref ? null, branch ? null, sha256 ? null, fetchSubmodules ? null}:"
  , "  assert !fetchSubmodules; (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchgit { inherit url rev sha256; };"
  , "in import (fetchGit (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./git.json)))"

gitThunkSpecV2 :: ThunkSpec
gitThunkSpecV2 = legacyGitThunkSpec "git-v2" $ T.unlines
  , "let fetchGit = {url, rev, ref ? null, branch ? null, sha256 ? null, fetchSubmodules ? null}:"
  , "  if builtins.hasAttr \"fetchGit\" builtins"
  , "    then builtins.fetchGit ({ inherit url rev; } // (if branch == null then {} else { ref = branch; }))"
  , "    else abort \"Plain Git repositories are only supported on nix 2.0 or higher.\";"
  , "in import (fetchGit (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./git.json)))"

-- This loader has a bug because @builtins.fetchGit@ is not given a @ref@
-- and will fail to find commits without this because it does shallow clones.
gitThunkSpecV3 :: ThunkSpec
gitThunkSpecV3 = legacyGitThunkSpec "git-v3" $ T.unlines
  , "let fetch = {url, rev, ref ? null, sha256 ? null, fetchSubmodules ? false, private ? false, ...}:"
  , "  let realUrl = let firstChar = builtins.substring 0 1 url; in"
  , "    if firstChar == \"/\" then /. + url"
  , "    else if firstChar == \".\" then ./. + url"
  , "    else url;"
  , "  in if !fetchSubmodules && private then builtins.fetchGit {"
  , "    url = realUrl; inherit rev;"
  , "  } else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchgit {"
  , "    url = realUrl; inherit rev sha256;"
  , "  };"
  , "in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./git.json)))"

gitThunkSpecV4 :: ThunkSpec
gitThunkSpecV4 = legacyGitThunkSpec "git-v4" $ T.unlines
  , "let fetch = {url, rev, branch ? null, sha256 ? null, fetchSubmodules ? false, private ? false, ...}:"
  , "  let realUrl = let firstChar = builtins.substring 0 1 url; in"
  , "    if firstChar == \"/\" then /. + url"
  , "    else if firstChar == \".\" then ./. + url"
  , "    else url;"
  , "  in if !fetchSubmodules && private then builtins.fetchGit {"
  , "    url = realUrl; inherit rev;"
  , "    ${if branch == null then null else \"ref\"} = branch;"
  , "  } else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchgit {"
  , "    url = realUrl; inherit rev sha256;"
  , "  };"
  , "in import (fetch (builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./git.json)))"

legacyGitThunkSpec :: Text -> Text -> ThunkSpec
legacyGitThunkSpec name loader = ThunkSpec name $ Map.fromList
  [ ("default.nix", ThunkFileSpec_FileMatches $ T.strip loader)
  , ("git.json" , ThunkFileSpec_Ptr parseGitJsonBytes)
  , (attrCacheFileName, ThunkFileSpec_AttrCache)
  , (".git", ThunkFileSpec_CheckoutIndicator)

gitThunkSpecV5 :: ThunkSpec
gitThunkSpecV5 = mkThunkSpec "git-v5" "git.json" parseGitJsonBytes [here|
let fetch = {url, rev, branch ? null, sha256 ? null, fetchSubmodules ? false, private ? false, ...}:
  let realUrl = let firstChar = builtins.substring 0 1 url; in
    if firstChar == "/" then /. + url
    else if firstChar == "." then ./. + url
    else url;
  in if !fetchSubmodules && private then builtins.fetchGit {
    url = realUrl; inherit rev;
    ${if branch == null then null else "ref"} = branch;
  } else (import <nixpkgs> {}).fetchgit {
    url = realUrl; inherit rev sha256;
  json = builtins.fromJSON (builtins.readFile ./git.json);
in fetch json

parseGitJsonBytes :: LBS.ByteString -> Either String ThunkPtr
parseGitJsonBytes = parseJsonObject $ parseThunkPtr $ fmap ThunkSource_Git . parseGitSource

mkThunkSpec :: Text -> FilePath -> (LBS.ByteString -> Either String ThunkPtr) -> Text -> ThunkSpec
mkThunkSpec name jsonFileName parser srcNix = ThunkSpec name $ Map.fromList
  [ ("default.nix", ThunkFileSpec_FileMatches defaultNixViaSrc)
  , ("thunk.nix", ThunkFileSpec_FileMatches srcNix)
  , (jsonFileName, ThunkFileSpec_Ptr parser)
  , (attrCacheFileName, ThunkFileSpec_AttrCache)
  , (normalise $ unpackedDirName </> ".git", ThunkFileSpec_CheckoutIndicator)
    defaultNixViaSrc = [here|
import (import ./thunk.nix)

parseJsonObject :: (Aeson.Object -> Aeson.Parser a) -> LBS.ByteString -> Either String a
parseJsonObject p bytes = Aeson.parseEither p =<< Aeson.eitherDecode bytes

-- | Checks a cache directory to see if there is a fresh symlink
-- to the result of building an attribute of a thunk.
-- If no cache hit is found, nix-build is called to build the attribute
-- and the result is symlinked into the cache.
  :: ( MonadIO m
     , MonadLog Output m
     , HasCliConfig m
     , MonadMask m
     , MonadError NixThunkError m
     , MonadFail m
  => ThunkSpec
  -> FilePath
  -- ^ Path to directory containing Thunk
  -> String
  -- ^ Attribute to build
  -> m (Maybe FilePath)
  -- ^ Symlink to cached or built nix output
-- WARNING: If the thunk uses an impure reference such as '<nixpkgs>'
-- the caching mechanism will fail as it merely measures the modification
-- time of the cache link and the expression to build.
nixBuildThunkAttrWithCache thunkSpec thunkDir attr = do
  latestChange <- liftIO $ do
      getModificationTimeMaybe = fmap rightToMaybe . try @IOError . getModificationTime
      thunkFileNames = Map.keys $ _thunkSpec_files thunkSpec
    maximum . catMaybes <$> traverse (getModificationTimeMaybe . (thunkDir </>)) thunkFileNames

  let cachePaths' = nonEmpty $ Map.keys $ Map.filter (\case ThunkFileSpec_AttrCache -> True; _ -> False) $
                      _thunkSpec_files thunkSpec
  for cachePaths' $ \cachePaths ->
    fmap NonEmpty.head $ for cachePaths $ \cacheDir -> do
        cachePath = thunkDir </> cacheDir </> attr <.> "out"
        cacheErrHandler e
          | isDoesNotExistError e = pure Nothing -- expected from a cache miss
          | otherwise = Nothing <$ putLog Error (T.pack $ displayException e)
      cacheHit <- handle cacheErrHandler $ do
        cacheTime <- liftIO $ posixSecondsToUTCTime . realToFrac . modificationTime <$> getSymbolicLinkStatus cachePath
        pure $ if latestChange <= cacheTime
          then Just cachePath
          else Nothing
      case cacheHit of
        Just c -> pure c
        Nothing -> do
          putLog Warning $ T.pack $ mconcat [thunkDir, ": ", attr, " not cached, building ..."]
          liftIO $ createDirectoryIfMissing True (takeDirectory cachePath)
          (cachePath <$) $ nixCmd $ NixCmd_Build $ def
            & nixBuildConfig_outLink .~ OutLink_IndirectRoot cachePath
            & nixCmdConfig_target .~ Target
              { _target_path = Just thunkDir
              , _target_attr = Just attr
              , _target_expr = Nothing

-- | Build a nix attribute, and cache the result if possible
  :: ( MonadLog Output m
     , HasCliConfig m
     , MonadIO m
     , MonadMask m
     , MonadError NixThunkError m
     , MonadFail m
  => FilePath
  -- ^ Path to directory containing Thunk
  -> String
  -- ^ Attribute to build
  -> m FilePath
  -- ^ Symlink to cached or built nix output
nixBuildAttrWithCache exprPath attr = readThunk exprPath >>= \case
  -- Only packed thunks are cached. In particular, checkouts are not.
  Right (ThunkData_Packed spec _) ->
    maybe build pure =<< nixBuildThunkAttrWithCache spec exprPath attr
  _ -> build
    build = nixCmd $ NixCmd_Build $ def
      & nixBuildConfig_outLink .~ OutLink_None
      & nixCmdConfig_target .~ Target
        { _target_path = Just exprPath
        , _target_attr = Just attr
        , _target_expr = Nothing

-- | Safely update thunk using a custom action
-- A temporary working space is used to do any update. When the custom
-- action successfully completes, the resulting (packed) thunk is copied
-- back to the original location.
updateThunk :: MonadNixThunk m => FilePath -> (FilePath -> m a) -> m a
updateThunk p f = withSystemTempDirectory "obelisk-thunkptr-" $ \tmpDir -> do
  p' <- copyThunkToTmp tmpDir p
  unpackThunk' True p'
  result <- f p'
  updateThunkFromTmp p'
  return result
    copyThunkToTmp tmpDir thunkDir = readThunk thunkDir >>= \case
      Left err -> failWith $ "withThunkUnpacked: " <> T.pack (show err)
      Right ThunkData_Packed{} -> do
        let tmpThunk = tmpDir </> "thunk"
        callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
          proc cp ["-r", "-T", thunkDir, tmpThunk]
        return tmpThunk
      Right _ -> failWith "Thunk is not packed"
    updateThunkFromTmp p' = do
      _ <- packThunk' True (ThunkPackConfig False (ThunkConfig Nothing)) p'
      callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Error) $
        proc cp ["-r", "-T", p', p]

finalMsg :: Bool -> (a -> Text) -> Maybe (a -> Text)
finalMsg noTrail s = if noTrail then Nothing else Just s

-- | Check that we are not somewhere inside the thunk directory
checkThunkDirectory :: MonadNixThunk m => FilePath -> m ()
checkThunkDirectory thunkDir = do
  currentDir <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory
  thunkDir' <- liftIO $ canonicalizePath thunkDir
  when (thunkDir' `L.isInfixOf` currentDir) $
    failWith [i|Can't perform thunk operations from within the thunk directory: ${thunkDir}|]

  -- Don't let thunk commands work when directly given an unpacked repo
  when (takeFileName thunkDir == unpackedDirName) $
    readThunk (takeDirectory thunkDir) >>= \case
      Right _ -> failWith [i|Refusing to perform thunk operation on ${thunkDir} because it is a thunk's unpacked source|]
      Left _ -> pure ()

unpackThunk :: MonadNixThunk m => FilePath -> m ()
unpackThunk = unpackThunk' False

unpackThunk' :: MonadNixThunk m => Bool -> FilePath -> m ()
unpackThunk' noTrail thunkDir = checkThunkDirectory thunkDir *> readThunk thunkDir >>= \case
  Left err -> failWith [i|Invalid thunk at ${thunkDir}: ${err}|]
  --TODO: Overwrite option that rechecks out thunk; force option to do so even if working directory is dirty
  Right ThunkData_Checkout -> failWith [i|Thunk at ${thunkDir} is already unpacked|]
  Right (ThunkData_Packed _ tptr) -> do
    let (thunkParent, thunkName) = splitFileName thunkDir
    withTempDirectory thunkParent thunkName $ \tmpThunk -> do
        gitSrc = thunkSourceToGitSource $ _thunkPtr_source tptr
        newSpec = case _thunkPtr_source tptr of
          ThunkSource_GitHub _ -> NonEmpty.head gitHubThunkSpecs
          ThunkSource_Git _ -> NonEmpty.head gitThunkSpecs
      withSpinner' ("Fetching thunk " <> T.pack thunkName)
                   (finalMsg noTrail $ const $ "Fetched thunk " <> T.pack thunkName) $ do
        let unpackedPath = tmpThunk </> unpackedDirName
        gitCloneForThunkUnpack gitSrc (_thunkRev_commit $ _thunkPtr_rev tptr) unpackedPath

        let normalizeMore = dropTrailingPathSeparator . normalise
        when (normalizeMore unpackedPath /= normalizeMore tmpThunk) $ -- Only write meta data if the checkout is not inplace
          createThunk tmpThunk $ Left newSpec

        liftIO $ do
          removePathForcibly thunkDir
          renameDirectory tmpThunk thunkDir

  :: MonadNixThunk m
  => GitSource -- ^ Git source to use
  -> Ref hash -- ^ Commit hash to reset to
  -> FilePath -- ^ Directory to clone into
  -> m ()
gitCloneForThunkUnpack gitSrc commit dir = do
  let git = callProcessAndLogOutput (Notice, Notice) . gitProc dir
  git $ [ "clone" ]
    ++  ["--recursive" | _gitSource_fetchSubmodules gitSrc]
    ++  [ T.unpack $ gitUriToText $ _gitSource_url gitSrc ]
    ++  do branch <- maybeToList $ _gitSource_branch gitSrc
           [ "--branch", T.unpack $ untagName branch ]
  git ["reset", "--hard", Ref.toHexString commit]
  when (_gitSource_fetchSubmodules gitSrc) $
    git ["submodule", "update", "--recursive", "--init"]

--TODO: add a rollback mode to pack to the original thunk
packThunk :: MonadNixThunk m => ThunkPackConfig -> FilePath -> m ThunkPtr
packThunk = packThunk' False

packThunk' :: MonadNixThunk m => Bool -> ThunkPackConfig -> FilePath -> m ThunkPtr
packThunk' noTrail (ThunkPackConfig force thunkConfig) thunkDir = checkThunkDirectory thunkDir *> readThunk thunkDir >>= \case
  Right ThunkData_Packed{} -> failWith [i|Thunk at ${thunkDir} is is already packed|]
  _ -> withSpinner'
    ("Packing thunk " <> T.pack thunkDir)
    (finalMsg noTrail $ const $ "Packed thunk " <> T.pack thunkDir) $
      let checkClean = if force then CheckClean_NoCheck else CheckClean_FullCheck
      thunkPtr <- modifyThunkPtrByConfig thunkConfig <$> getThunkPtr checkClean thunkDir (_thunkConfig_private thunkConfig)
      liftIO $ removePathForcibly thunkDir
      createThunk thunkDir $ Right thunkPtr
      pure thunkPtr

modifyThunkPtrByConfig :: ThunkConfig -> ThunkPtr -> ThunkPtr
modifyThunkPtrByConfig (ThunkConfig markPrivate') ptr = case markPrivate' of
  Nothing -> ptr
  Just markPrivate -> ptr { _thunkPtr_source = case _thunkPtr_source ptr of
      ThunkSource_Git s -> ThunkSource_Git $ s { _gitSource_private = markPrivate }
      ThunkSource_GitHub s -> ThunkSource_GitHub $ s { _gitHubSource_private = markPrivate }

data CheckClean
  = CheckClean_FullCheck
  -- ^ Check that the repo is clean, including .gitignored files
  | CheckClean_NotIgnored
  -- ^ Check that the repo is clean, not including .gitignored files
  | CheckClean_NoCheck
  -- ^ Don't check that the repo is clean

getThunkPtr :: forall m. MonadNixThunk m => CheckClean -> FilePath -> Maybe Bool -> m ThunkPtr
getThunkPtr gitCheckClean dir mPrivate = do
  let repoLocations = nubOrd $ map (first normalise)
        [(".git", "."), (unpackedDirName </> ".git", unpackedDirName)]
  repoLocation' <- liftIO $ flip findM repoLocations $ doesDirectoryExist . (dir </>) . fst
  thunkDir <- case repoLocation' of
    Nothing -> failWith [i|Can't find an unpacked thunk in ${dir}|]
    Just (_, path) -> pure $ normalise $ dir </> path

  let (checkClean, checkIgnored) = case gitCheckClean of
        CheckClean_FullCheck -> (True, True)
        CheckClean_NotIgnored -> (True, False)
        CheckClean_NoCheck -> (False, False)
  when checkClean $ ensureCleanGitRepo thunkDir checkIgnored
    "thunk pack: thunk checkout contains unsaved modifications"

  -- Check whether there are any stashes
  when checkClean $ do
    stashOutput <- readGitProcess thunkDir ["stash", "list"]
    unless (T.null stashOutput) $
      failWith $ T.unlines $
        [ "thunk pack: thunk checkout has stashes"
        , "git stash list:"
        ] ++ T.lines stashOutput

  -- Get current branch
  (mCurrentBranch, mCurrentCommit) <- do
    b <- listToMaybe . T.lines <$> readGitProcess thunkDir ["rev-parse", "--abbrev-ref", "HEAD"]
    c <- listToMaybe . T.lines <$> readGitProcess thunkDir ["rev-parse", "HEAD"]
    case b of
      (Just "HEAD") -> failWith $ T.unlines
        [ "thunk pack: You are in 'detached HEAD' state."
        , "If you want to pack at the current ref \
          \then please create a new branch with 'git checkout -b <new-branch-name>' and push this upstream."
      _ -> return (b, c)

  -- Get information on all branches and their (optional) designated upstream
  -- correspondents
  headDump :: [Text] <- T.lines <$> readGitProcess thunkDir
    [ "for-each-ref"
    , "--format=%(refname:short) %(upstream:short) %(upstream:remotename)"
    , "refs/heads/"

  (headInfo :: Map Text (Maybe (Text, Text)))
    <- fmap Map.fromList $ forM headDump $ \line -> do
      (branch : restOfLine) <- pure $ T.words line
      mUpstream <- case restOfLine of
        [] -> pure Nothing
        [u, r] -> pure $ Just (u, r)
        (_:_) -> failWith "git for-each-ref invalid output"
      pure (branch, mUpstream)

  putLog Debug $ "branches: " <> T.pack (show headInfo)

  let errorMap :: Map Text ()
      headUpstream :: Map Text (Text, Text)
      (errorMap, headUpstream) = flip Map.mapEither headInfo $ \case
        Nothing -> Left ()
        Just b -> Right b

  putLog Debug $ "branches with upstream branch set: " <> T.pack (show headUpstream)

  -- Check that every branch has a remote equivalent
  when checkClean $ do
    let untrackedBranches = Map.keys errorMap
    when (not $ L.null untrackedBranches) $ failWith $ T.unlines $
      [ "thunk pack: Certain branches in the thunk have no upstream branch \
        \set. This means we don't know to check whether all your work is \
        \saved. The offending branches are:"
      , ""
      , T.unwords untrackedBranches
      , ""
      , "To fix this, you probably want to do:"
      , ""
      ] ++
      ((\branch -> "git push -u origin " <> branch) <$> untrackedBranches) ++
      [ ""
      , "These will push the branches to the default remote under the same \
        \name, and (thanks to the `-u`) remember that choice so you don't \
        \get this error again."

    -- loosely by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7773939/show-git-ahead-and-behind-info-for-all-branches-including-remotes
    stats <- ifor headUpstream $ \branch (upstream, _remote) -> do
      (stat :: [Text]) <- T.lines <$> readGitProcess thunkDir
        [ "rev-list", "--left-right"
        , T.unpack branch <> "..." <> T.unpack upstream
      let ahead = length $ [ () | Just ('<', _) <- T.uncons <$> stat ]
          behind = length $ [ () | Just ('>', _) <- T.uncons <$> stat ]
      pure (upstream, (ahead, behind))

    -- Those branches which have commits ahead of, i.e. not on, the upstream
    -- branch. Purely being behind is fine.
    let nonGood = Map.filter ((/= 0) . fst . snd) stats

    when (not $ Map.null nonGood) $ failWith $ T.unlines $
      [ "thunk pack: Certain branches in the thunk have commits not yet pushed upstream:"
      , ""
      ] ++
      flip map (Map.toList nonGood) (\(branch, (upstream, (ahead, behind))) -> mconcat
        ["  ", branch, " ahead: ", T.pack (show ahead), " behind: ", T.pack (show behind), " remote branch ", upstream]) ++
      [ ""
      , "Please push these upstream and try again. (Or just fetch, if they are somehow \
        \pushed but this repo's remote tracking branches don't know it.)"

  when checkClean $ do
    -- We assume it's safe to pack the thunk at this point
    putLog Informational "All changes safe in git remotes. OK to pack thunk."

  let remote = maybe "origin" snd $ flip Map.lookup headUpstream =<< mCurrentBranch

  [remoteUri'] <- fmap T.lines $ readGitProcess thunkDir
    [ "config"
    , "--get"
    , "remote." <> T.unpack remote <> ".url"

  remoteUri <- case parseGitUri remoteUri' of
    Nothing -> failWith $ "Could not identify git remote: " <> remoteUri'
    Just uri -> pure uri
  uriThunkPtr remoteUri mPrivate mCurrentBranch mCurrentCommit

-- | Get the latest revision available from the given source
getLatestRev :: MonadNixThunk m => ThunkSource -> m ThunkRev
getLatestRev os = do
  let gitS = thunkSourceToGitSource os
  (_, commit) <- gitGetCommitBranch (_gitSource_url gitS) (untagName <$> _gitSource_branch gitS)
  case os of
    ThunkSource_GitHub s -> githubThunkRev s commit
    ThunkSource_Git s -> gitThunkRev s commit

-- | Convert a URI to a thunk
-- If the URL is a github URL, we try to just download an archive for
-- performance. If that doesn't work (e.g. authentication issue), we fall back
-- on just doing things the normal way for git repos in general, and save it as
-- a regular git thunk.
uriThunkPtr :: MonadNixThunk m => GitUri -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Text -> Maybe Text -> m ThunkPtr
uriThunkPtr uri mPrivate mbranch mcommit = do
  commit <- case mcommit of
    Nothing -> gitGetCommitBranch uri mbranch >>= return . snd
    (Just c) -> return c
  (src, rev) <- uriToThunkSource uri mPrivate mbranch >>= \case
    ThunkSource_GitHub s -> do
      rev <- runExceptT $ githubThunkRev s commit
      case rev of
        Right r -> pure (ThunkSource_GitHub s, r)
        Left e -> do
          putLog Warning "\
\Failed to fetch archive from GitHub. This is probably a private repo. \
\Falling back on normal fetchgit. Original failure:"
          putLog Warning $ prettyNixThunkError e
          let s' = forgetGithub True s
          (,) (ThunkSource_Git s') <$> gitThunkRev s' commit
    ThunkSource_Git s -> (,) (ThunkSource_Git s) <$> gitThunkRev s commit
  pure $ ThunkPtr
    { _thunkPtr_rev = rev
    , _thunkPtr_source = src

-- | N.B. Cannot infer all fields.
-- If the thunk is a GitHub thunk and fails, we do *not* fall back like with
-- `uriThunkPtr`. Unlike a plain URL, a thunk src explicitly states which method
-- should be employed, and so we respect that.
uriToThunkSource :: MonadNixThunk m => GitUri -> Maybe Bool -> Maybe Text -> m ThunkSource
uriToThunkSource (GitUri u) mPrivate
  | Right uriAuth <- URI.uriAuthority u
  , Just scheme <- URI.unRText <$> URI.uriScheme u
  , case scheme of
      "ssh" -> uriAuth == URI.Authority
        { URI.authUserInfo = Just $ URI.UserInfo (fromRight' $ URI.mkUsername "git") Nothing
        , URI.authHost = fromRight' $ URI.mkHost "github.com"
        , URI.authPort = Nothing
      s -> s `L.elem` [ "git", "https", "http" ] -- "http:" just redirects to "https:"
        && URI.unRText (URI.authHost uriAuth) == "github.com"
  , Just (_, owner :| [repoish]) <- URI.uriPath u
  = \mbranch -> do
      isPrivate <- getIsPrivate
      pure $ ThunkSource_GitHub $ GitHubSource
        { _gitHubSource_owner = N $ URI.unRText owner
        , _gitHubSource_repo = N $ let
            repoish' = URI.unRText repoish
          in fromMaybe repoish' $ T.stripSuffix ".git" repoish'
        , _gitHubSource_branch = N <$> mbranch
        , _gitHubSource_private = isPrivate

  | otherwise = \mbranch -> do
      isPrivate <- getIsPrivate
      pure $ ThunkSource_Git $ GitSource
        { _gitSource_url = GitUri u
        , _gitSource_branch = N <$> mbranch
        , _gitSource_fetchSubmodules = False -- TODO: How do we determine if this should be true?
        , _gitSource_private = isPrivate
    getIsPrivate = maybe (guessGitRepoIsPrivate $ GitUri u) pure mPrivate

guessGitRepoIsPrivate :: MonadNixThunk m => GitUri -> m Bool
guessGitRepoIsPrivate uri = flip fix urisToTry $ \loop -> \case
  [] -> pure True
  uriAttempt:xs -> do
    result <- readCreateProcessWithExitCode $
      isolateGitProc $
          [ "ls-remote"
          , "--quiet"
          , "--exit-code"
          , "--symref"
          , T.unpack $ gitUriToText uriAttempt
    case result of
      (ExitSuccess, _, _) -> pure False -- Must be a public repo
      _ -> loop xs
    urisToTry = nubOrd $
      -- Include the original URI if it isn't using SSH because SSH will certainly fail.
      [uri | fmap URI.unRText (URI.uriScheme (unGitUri uri)) /= Just "ssh"] <>
      [changeScheme "https" uri, changeScheme "http" uri]
    changeScheme scheme (GitUri u) = GitUri $ u
      { URI.uriScheme = URI.mkScheme scheme
      , URI.uriAuthority = (\x -> x { URI.authUserInfo = Nothing }) <$> URI.uriAuthority u

-- Funny signature indicates no effects depend on the optional branch name.
  :: forall m
  .  MonadNixThunk m
  => GitHubSource
  -> Text
  -> m ThunkRev
githubThunkRev s commit = do
  owner <- forcePP $ _gitHubSource_owner s
  repo <- forcePP $ _gitHubSource_repo s
  revTarball <- URI.mkPathPiece $ commit <> ".tar.gz"
  let archiveUri = GitUri $ URI.URI
        { URI.uriScheme = Just $ fromRight' $ URI.mkScheme "https"
        , URI.uriAuthority = Right $ URI.Authority
          { URI.authUserInfo = Nothing
          , URI.authHost = fromRight' $ URI.mkHost "github.com"
          , URI.authPort = Nothing
        , URI.uriPath = Just ( False
                         , owner :| [ repo, fromRight' $ URI.mkPathPiece "archive", revTarball ]
    , URI.uriQuery = []
    , URI.uriFragment = Nothing
  hash <- getNixSha256ForUriUnpacked archiveUri
  putLog Debug $ "Nix sha256 is " <> hash
  return $ ThunkRev
    { _thunkRev_commit = commitNameToRef $ N commit
    , _thunkRev_nixSha256 = hash
    forcePP :: Name entity -> m (URI.RText 'URI.PathPiece)
    forcePP = URI.mkPathPiece . untagName

  :: MonadNixThunk m
  => GitSource
  -> Text
  -> m ThunkRev
gitThunkRev s commit = do
  let u = _gitSource_url s
      protocols = ["file", "https", "ssh", "git"]
      scheme = maybe "file" URI.unRText $ URI.uriScheme $ (\(GitUri x) -> x) u
  unless (T.toLower scheme `elem` protocols) $
    failWith $ "obelisk currently only supports "
      <> T.intercalate ", " protocols <> " protocols for plain Git remotes"
  hash <- nixPrefetchGit u commit $ _gitSource_fetchSubmodules s
  putLog Informational $ "Nix sha256 is " <> hash
  pure $ ThunkRev
    { _thunkRev_commit = commitNameToRef (N commit)
    , _thunkRev_nixSha256 = hash

-- | Given the URI to a git remote, and an optional branch name, return the name
-- of the branch along with the hash of the commit at tip of that branch.
-- If the branch name is passed in, it is returned exactly as-is. If it is not
-- passed it, the default branch of the repo is used instead.

  :: MonadNixThunk m => GitUri -> Maybe Text -> m (Text, CommitId)
gitGetCommitBranch uri mbranch = withExitFailMessage ("Failure for git remote " <> uriMsg) $ do
  (_, bothMaps) <- gitLsRemote
    (T.unpack $ gitUriToText uri)
    (GitRef_Branch <$> mbranch)
  branch <- case mbranch of
    Nothing -> withExitFailMessage "Failed to find default branch" $ do
      b <- rethrowE $ gitLookupDefaultBranch bothMaps
      putLog Debug $ "Default branch for remote repo " <> uriMsg <> " is " <> b
      pure b
    Just b -> pure b
  commit <- rethrowE $ gitLookupCommitForRef bothMaps (GitRef_Branch branch)
  putLog Informational $ "Latest commit in branch " <> branch
    <> " from remote repo " <> uriMsg
    <> " is " <> commit
  pure (branch, commit)
    rethrowE = either failWith pure
    uriMsg = gitUriToText uri

parseGitUri :: Text -> Maybe GitUri
parseGitUri x = GitUri <$> (parseFileURI x <|> parseAbsoluteURI x <|> parseSshShorthand x)

parseFileURI :: Text -> Maybe URI.URI
parseFileURI uri = if "/" `T.isPrefixOf` uri then parseAbsoluteURI ("file://" <> uri) else Nothing

parseAbsoluteURI :: Text -> Maybe URI.URI
parseAbsoluteURI uri = do
  parsedUri <- URI.mkURI uri
  guard $ URI.isPathAbsolute parsedUri
  pure parsedUri

parseSshShorthand :: Text -> Maybe URI.URI
parseSshShorthand uri = do
  -- This is what git does to check that the remote
  -- is not a local file path when parsing shorthand.
  -- Last referenced from here:
  -- https://github.com/git/git/blob/95ec6b1b3393eb6e26da40c565520a8db9796e9f/connect.c#L712
    (authAndHostname, colonAndPath) = T.break (== ':') uri
    properUri = "ssh://" <> authAndHostname <> "/" <> T.drop 1 colonAndPath
  -- Shorthand is valid iff a colon is present and it occurs before the first slash
  -- This check is used to disambiguate a filepath containing a colon from shorthand
  guard $ isNothing (T.findIndex (=='/') authAndHostname)
        && not (T.null colonAndPath)
  URI.mkURI properUri