network-transport-tcp-0.8.4: TCP instantiation of Network.Transport
Safe HaskellSafe-Inferred



TCP implementation of the transport layer.

The TCP implementation guarantees that only a single TCP connection (socket) will be used between endpoints, provided that the addresses specified are canonical. If A connects to B and reports its address as and B subsequently connects tries to connect to A as client1.local:http-alt then the transport layer will not realize that the TCP connection can be reused.

Applications that use the TCP transport should use withSocketsDo in their main function for Windows compatibility (see Network.Socket).


Main API

data TCPAddr Source #

Addressability of a transport. If your transport cannot be connected to, for instance because it runs behind NAT, use Unaddressable.

defaultTCPAddr :: HostName -> ServiceName -> TCPAddr Source #

The bind and external host/port are the same.

data TCPAddrInfo Source #

A transport which is addressable from the network must give a host/port on which to bindlisten, and determine its external address (hostport) from the actual port (which may not be known, in case 0 is used for the bind port).

data TCPParameters Source #

Parameters for setting up the TCP transport




  • tcpBacklog :: Int

    Backlog for listen. Defaults to SOMAXCONN.

  • tcpReuseServerAddr :: Bool

    Should we set SO_REUSEADDR on the server socket? Defaults to True.

  • tcpReuseClientAddr :: Bool

    Should we set SO_REUSEADDR on client sockets? Defaults to True.

  • tcpNoDelay :: Bool

    Should we set TCP_NODELAY on connection sockets? Defaults to True.

  • tcpKeepAlive :: Bool

    Should we set TCP_KEEPALIVE on connection sockets? Defaults to False.

  • tcpUserTimeout :: Maybe Int

    Value of TCP_USER_TIMEOUT in milliseconds

  • transportConnectTimeout :: Maybe Int

    A connect timeout for all connect calls of the transport in microseconds

    This can be overriden for each connect call with ConnectHints.connectTimeout.

    Connection requests to this transport will also timeout if they don't send the required data before this many microseconds.

    Defaults to Nothing (no timeout).

  • tcpNewQDisc :: forall t. IO (QDisc t)

    Create a QDisc for an EndPoint.

  • tcpMaxAddressLength :: Word32

    Maximum length (in bytes) for a peer's address. If a peer attempts to send an address of length exceeding the limit, the connection will be refused (socket will close).

  • tcpMaxReceiveLength :: Word32

    Maximum length (in bytes) to receive from a peer. If a peer attempts to send data on a lightweight connection exceeding the limit, the heavyweight connection which carries that lightweight connection will go down. The peer and the local node will get an EventConnectionLost.

  • tcpCheckPeerHost :: Bool

    If True, new connections will be accepted only if the socket's host matches the host that the peer claims in its EndPointAddress. This is useful when operating on untrusted networks, because the peer could otherwise deny service to some victim by claiming the victim's address. Defaults to False.

  • tcpServerExceptionHandler :: SomeException -> IO ()

    What to do if there's an exception when accepting a new TCP connection. Throwing an exception here will cause the server to terminate. Defaults to throwIO.

defaultTCPParameters :: TCPParameters Source #

Default TCP parameters

Internals (exposed for unit tests)

createTransportExposeInternals :: TCPAddr -> TCPParameters -> IO (Either IOException (Transport, TransportInternals)) Source #

You should probably not use this function (used for unit testing only)

data TransportInternals Source #

Internal functionality we expose for unit testing




type EndPointId = Word32 Source #

Local identifier for an endpoint within this transport

data ControlHeader Source #

Control headers



Tell the remote endpoint that we created a new connection


Tell the remote endpoint we will no longer be using a connection


Request to close the connection (see module description)


Sent by an endpoint when it is closed.


Message sent to probe a socket


Acknowledgement of the ProbeSocket message


Instances details
Show ControlHeader Source # 
Instance details

Defined in Network.Transport.TCP.Internal

data ConnectionRequestResponse Source #

Response sent by B to A when A tries to connect



B does not support the protocol version requested by A.


B accepts the connection


A requested an invalid endpoint


As request crossed with a request from B (see protocols)


A gave an incorrect host (did not match the host that B observed).

firstNonReservedLightweightConnectionId :: LightweightConnectionId Source #

We reserve a bunch of connection IDs for control messages

firstNonReservedHeavyweightConnectionId :: HeavyweightConnectionId Source #

We reserve some connection IDs for special heavyweight connections

socketToEndPoint Source #


:: Maybe EndPointAddress

Our address

-> EndPointAddress

Their address

-> Bool


-> Bool


-> Bool


-> Maybe Int


-> Maybe Int

Timeout for connect

-> IO (Either (TransportError ConnectErrorCode) (MVar (), Socket, ConnectionRequestResponse)) 

Establish a connection to a remote endpoint

Maybe throw a TransportError

If a socket is created and returned (Right is given) then the caller is responsible for eventually closing the socket and filling the MVar (which is empty). The MVar must be filled immediately after, and never before, the socket is closed.

type LightweightConnectionId = Word32 Source #

Lightweight connection ID (sender allocated)

A ConnectionId is the concentation of a HeavyweightConnectionId and a LightweightConnectionId.

data QDisc t Source #

Abstraction of a queue for an EndPoint.

A value of type QDisc t is a queue of events of an abstract type t.

This specifies which Events will come from 'receive :: EndPoint -> IO Event' and when. It is highly general so that the simple yet potentially very fast implementation backed by a single unbounded channel can be used, without excluding more nuanced policies like class-based queueing with bounded buffers for each peer, which may be faster in certain conditions but probably has lower maximal throughput.

A QDisc must satisfy some properties in order for the semantics of network-transport to hold true. In general, an event fed with qdiscEnqueue must not be dropped. i.e. provided that no other event in the QDisc has higher priority, the event should eventually be returned by qdiscDequeue. An exception to this are Receive events of unreliable connections.

Every call to receive is just qdiscDequeue on that EndPoints QDisc. Whenever an event arises from a socket, qdiscEnqueue is called with the relevant metadata in the same thread that reads from the socket. You can be clever about when to block here, so as to control network ingress. This applies also to loopback connections (an EndPoint connects to itself), in which case blocking on the enqueue would only block some thread in your program rather than some chatty network peer. The Event which is to be enqueued is given to qdiscEnqueue so that the QDisc can know about open connections, their identifiers and peer addresses, etc.




  • qdiscDequeue :: IO t

    Dequeue an event.

  • qdiscEnqueue :: EndPointAddress -> Event -> t -> IO ()

    qdiscEnqueue ep ev t enqueues and event t, originated from the given remote endpoint ep and with data ev.

    ep might be the local endpoint if it relates to a self-connection.

    ev might be in practice the value given as t. It is passed in the abstract form t to enforce it is dequeued unmodified, but the QDisc implementation can still observe the concrete form ev to make prioritization decisions.

simpleUnboundedQDisc :: forall t. IO (QDisc t) Source #

A very simple QDisc backed by an unbounded channel.

simpleOnePlaceQDisc :: forall t. IO (QDisc t) Source #

A very simple QDisc backed by a 1-place queue (MVar). With this QDisc, all threads reading from sockets will try to put their events into the same MVar. That MVar will be cleared by calls to receive. Thus the rate at which data is read from the wire is directly related to the rate at which data is pulled from the EndPoint by receive.

Design notes


The TCP transport maps multiple logical connections between A and B (in either direction) to a single TCP connection:

+-------+                          +-------+
| A     |==========================| B     |
|       |>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~\   |
|   Q   |>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~Q   |
|   \~~~|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~<|       |
|       |==========================|       |
+-------+                          +-------+

Ignoring the complications detailed below, the TCP connection is set up is when the first lightweight connection is created (in either direction), and torn down when the last lightweight connection (in either direction) is closed.


Let A, B be two endpoints without any connections. When A wants to connect to B, it locally records that it is trying to connect to B and sends a request to B. As part of the request A sends its own endpoint address to B (so that B can reuse the connection in the other direction).

When B receives the connection request it first checks if it did not already initiate a connection request to A. If not it will acknowledge the connection request by sending ConnectionRequestAccepted to A and record that it has a TCP connection to A.

The tricky case arises when A sends a connection request to B and B finds that it had already sent a connection request to A. In this case B will accept the connection request from A if As endpoint address is smaller (lexicographically) than Bs, and reject it otherwise. If it rejects it, it sends a ConnectionRequestCrossed message to A. The lexicographical ordering is an arbitrary but convenient way to break the tie. If a connection exists between A and B when B rejects the request, B will probe the connection to make sure it is healthy. If A does not answer timely to the probe, B will discard the connection.

When it receives a ConnectionRequestCrossed message the A thread that initiated the request just needs to wait until the A thread that is dealing with B's connection request completes, unless there is a network failure. If there is a network failure, the initiator thread would timeout and return an error.


The TCP connection is created as soon as the first logical connection from A to B (or B to A) is established. At this point a thread (#) is spawned that listens for incoming connections from B:

+-------+                          +-------+
| A     |==========================| B     |
|       |>~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~|~~~\   |
|       |                          |   Q   |
|      #|                          |       |
|       |==========================|       |
+-------+                          +-------+

The question is when the TCP connection can be closed again. Conceptually, we want to do reference counting: when there are no logical connections left between A and B we want to close the socket (possibly after some timeout).

However, A and B need to agree that the refcount has reached zero. It might happen that B sends a connection request over the existing socket at the same time that A closes its logical connection to B and closes the socket. This will cause a failure in B (which will have to retry) which is not caused by a network failure, which is unfortunate. (Note that the connection request from B might succeed even if A closes the socket.)

Instead, when A is ready to close the socket it sends a CloseSocket request to B and records that its connection to B is closing. If A receives a new connection request from B after having sent the CloseSocket request it simply forgets that it sent a CloseSocket request and increments the reference count of the connection again.

When B receives a CloseSocket message and it too is ready to close the connection, it will respond with a reciprocal CloseSocket request to A and then actually close the socket. A meanwhile will not send any more requests to B after having sent a CloseSocket request, and will actually close its end of the socket only when receiving the CloseSocket message from B. (Since A recorded that its connection to B is in closing state after sending a CloseSocket request to B, it knows not to reciprocate B reciprocal CloseSocket message.)

If there is a concurrent thread in A waiting to connect to B after A has sent a CloseSocket request then this thread will block until A knows whether to reuse the old socket (if B sends a new connection request instead of acknowledging the CloseSocket) or to set up a new socket.