{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}

-- | Peek and poke functions for network byte order.

module Network.ByteOrder (
    -- *Types
  , Offset
  , BufferSize
  , BufferOverrun(..)
    -- *Poking
  , poke8
  , poke16
  , poke24
  , poke32
  , poke64
    -- *Peeking
  , peek8
  , peek16
  , peek24
  , peek32
  , peek64
  , peekByteString
    -- *From Word to ByteString
  , bytestring8
  , bytestring16
  , bytestring32
  , bytestring64
    -- *From ByteString to Word
  , word8
  , word16
  , word32
  , word64
    -- *Utilities
  , unsafeWithByteString
  , copy
  , bufferIO
    -- *Class to read a buffer
  , Readable(..)
    -- *Reading from buffer
  , ReadBuffer
  , withReadBuffer
  , read16
  , read24
  , read32
  , extractByteString
    -- *Writing to buffer
  , WriteBuffer(..)
  , newWriteBuffer
  , withWriteBuffer
  , write8
  , write16
  , write24
  , write32
  , copyByteString
  , shiftLastN
  , toByteString
  , currentOffset
    -- *Re-exporting
  , Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64, ByteString
  ) where

import Control.Exception (bracket, throwIO, Exception)
import Data.Bits (shiftR, shiftL, (.&.), (.|.))
import Data.ByteString.Internal (ByteString(..), create, memcpy, ByteString(..), unsafeCreate)
import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef)
import Data.Typeable
import Data.Word (Word8, Word8, Word16, Word32, Word64)
import Foreign.ForeignPtr (withForeignPtr, newForeignPtr_)
import Foreign.Marshal.Alloc
import Foreign.Ptr (Ptr, plusPtr, plusPtr, minusPtr)
import Foreign.Storable (peek, poke, poke, peek)
import System.IO.Unsafe (unsafeDupablePerformIO)

-- $setup
-- >>> import Data.ByteString hiding (foldl')
-- >>> import Data.Word
-- >>> import Data.List


-- | A pointer to 'Word8'.
type Buffer = Ptr Word8
-- | Offset from the current pointer.
type Offset = Int
-- | Size of a buffer.
type BufferSize = Int


(+.) :: Buffer -> Offset -> Buffer
(+.) = plusPtr


-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf (poke8 0)
-- >>> unpack buf
-- [0,2,3,4]
poke8 :: Word8 -> Buffer -> Offset -> IO ()
poke8 w ptr off = poke (ptr +. off) w

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf (poke16 (7*256 + 8))
-- >>> unpack buf
-- [7,8,3,4]
poke16 :: Word16 -> Buffer -> Offset -> IO ()
poke16 w ptr off = do
    poke8 w0 ptr off
    poke8 w1 ptr (off + 1)
    w0 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR`  8) .&. 0xff)
    w1 = fromIntegral  (w              .&. 0xff)

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf (poke24 (6*65536 + 7*256 + 8))
-- >>> unpack buf
-- [6,7,8,4]
poke24 :: Word32 -> Buffer -> Offset -> IO ()
poke24 w ptr off = do
    poke8 w0 ptr off
    poke8 w1 ptr (off + 1)
    poke8 w2 ptr (off + 2)
    w0 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff)
    w1 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR`  8) .&. 0xff)
    w2 = fromIntegral  (w              .&. 0xff)

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf (poke32 (6*65536 + 7*256 + 8))
-- >>> unpack buf
-- [0,6,7,8]
poke32 :: Word32 -> Buffer -> Offset -> IO ()
poke32 w ptr off = do
    poke8 w0 ptr off
    poke8 w1 ptr (off + 1)
    poke8 w2 ptr (off + 2)
    poke8 w3 ptr (off + 3)
    w0 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xff)
    w1 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff)
    w2 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR`  8) .&. 0xff)
    w3 = fromIntegral  (w              .&. 0xff)

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf (poke64 (6*65536 + 7*256 + 8))
-- >>> unpack buf
-- [0,0,0,0,0,6,7,8]
poke64 :: Word64 -> Buffer -> Offset -> IO ()
poke64 w ptr off = do
    poke8 w0 ptr off
    poke8 w1 ptr (off + 1)
    poke8 w2 ptr (off + 2)
    poke8 w3 ptr (off + 3)
    poke8 w4 ptr (off + 4)
    poke8 w5 ptr (off + 5)
    poke8 w6 ptr (off + 6)
    poke8 w7 ptr (off + 7)
    w0 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 56) .&. 0xff)
    w1 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 48) .&. 0xff)
    w2 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 40) .&. 0xff)
    w3 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 32) .&. 0xff)
    w4 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 24) .&. 0xff)
    w5 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR` 16) .&. 0xff)
    w6 = fromIntegral ((w `shiftR`  8) .&. 0xff)
    w7 = fromIntegral  (w              .&. 0xff)


-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf peek8
-- 1
peek8 :: Buffer -> Offset -> IO Word8
peek8 ptr off = peek (ptr +. off)

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf peek16
-- 258
peek16 :: Buffer -> Offset -> IO Word16
peek16 ptr off = do
    w0 <- (`shiftL` 8) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr off
    w1 <-                fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 1)
    return $ w0 .|. w1

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf peek24
-- 66051
peek24 :: Buffer -> Offset -> IO Word32
peek24 ptr off = do
    w0 <- (`shiftL` 16) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr off
    w1 <- (`shiftL`  8) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 1)
    w2 <-                 fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 2)
    return $ w0 .|. w1 .|. w2

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf peek32
-- 16909060
peek32 :: Buffer -> Offset -> IO Word32
peek32 ptr off = do
    w0 <- (`shiftL` 24) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr off
    w1 <- (`shiftL` 16) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 1)
    w2 <- (`shiftL`  8) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 2)
    w3 <-                 fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 3)
    return $ w0 .|. w1 .|. w2 .|. w3

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
-- >>> unsafeWithByteString buf peek64
-- 72623859790382856
peek64 :: Buffer -> Offset -> IO Word64
peek64 ptr off = do
    w0 <- (`shiftL` 56) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr off
    w1 <- (`shiftL` 48) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 1)
    w2 <- (`shiftL` 40) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 2)
    w3 <- (`shiftL` 32) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 3)
    w4 <- (`shiftL` 24) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 4)
    w5 <- (`shiftL` 16) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 5)
    w6 <- (`shiftL`  8) . fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 6)
    w7 <-                 fromIntegral <$> peek8 ptr (off + 7)
    return $ w0 .|. w1 .|. w2 .|. w3 .|. w4 .|. w5 .|. w6 .|. w7

peekByteString :: Buffer -> Int -> IO ByteString
peekByteString src len = create len $ \dst -> memcpy dst src len


-- |
-- >>> let w = 5 :: Word8
-- >>> unpack $ bytestring8 w
-- [5]
bytestring8 :: Word8 -> ByteString
bytestring8 w = unsafeCreate 1 $ \ptr -> poke8 w ptr 0

-- |
-- >>> let w = foldl' (\x y -> x * 256 + y) 0 [5,6] :: Word16
-- >>> unpack $ bytestring16 w
-- [5,6]
bytestring16 :: Word16 -> ByteString
bytestring16 w = unsafeCreate 2 $ \ptr -> poke16 w ptr 0

-- |
-- >>> let w = foldl' (\x y -> x * 256 + y) 0 [5,6,7,8] :: Word32
-- >>> unpack $ bytestring32 w
-- [5,6,7,8]
bytestring32 :: Word32 -> ByteString
bytestring32 w = unsafeCreate 4 $ \ptr -> poke32 w ptr 0

-- |
-- >>> let w = foldl' (\x y -> x * 256 + y) 0 [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8] :: Word64
-- >>> unpack $ bytestring64 w
-- [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
bytestring64 :: Word64 -> ByteString
bytestring64 w = unsafeCreate 8 $ \ptr -> poke64 w ptr 0


-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
-- >>> word8 buf
-- 1
word8 :: ByteString -> Word8
word8 bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeWithByteString bs peek8

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
-- >>> word16 buf
-- 258
word16 :: ByteString -> Word16
word16 bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeWithByteString bs peek16

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
-- >>> word32 buf
-- 16909060
word32 :: ByteString -> Word32
word32 bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeWithByteString bs peek32

-- |
-- >>> let buf = pack [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]
-- >>> word64 buf
-- 72623859790382856
word64 :: ByteString -> Word64
word64 bs = unsafeDupablePerformIO $ unsafeWithByteString bs peek64


-- | Using 'ByteString' as 'Buffer' and call the 'IO' action
--   of the second argument by passing the start point and the offset
--   of the 'ByteString'.
--   Note that if a 'ByteString' is created newly, its offset is 0.
unsafeWithByteString :: ByteString -> (Buffer -> Offset -> IO a) -> IO a
unsafeWithByteString (PS fptr off _) io = withForeignPtr fptr $
    \ptr -> io ptr off

-- | Copying the bytestring to the buffer.
--   This function returns the point where the next copy should start.
copy :: Buffer -> ByteString -> IO Buffer
copy !ptr (PS fp o l) = withForeignPtr fp $ \p -> do
    memcpy ptr (p `plusPtr` o) (fromIntegral l)
    return $! ptr `plusPtr` l
{-# INLINE copy #-}

bufferIO :: Buffer -> Int -> (ByteString -> IO a) -> IO a
bufferIO ptr siz io = do
    fptr <- newForeignPtr_ ptr
    io $ PS fptr 0 siz


-- | Read and write buffer.
data WriteBuffer = WriteBuffer {
    start :: !Buffer
  , limit :: !Buffer
  , offset :: !(IORef Buffer)
  , oldoffset :: !(IORef Buffer)

-- | Creating a write buffer with the given buffer.
newWriteBuffer :: Buffer -> BufferSize -> IO WriteBuffer
newWriteBuffer buf siz =
    WriteBuffer buf (buf `plusPtr` siz) <$> newIORef buf <*> newIORef buf

{-# INLINE write8 #-}
-- | Write one byte and ff one byte.
--   If buffer overrun occurs, 'BufferOverrun' is thrown.
write8 :: WriteBuffer -> Word8 -> IO ()
write8 WriteBuffer{..} w = do
    ptr <- readIORef offset
    if ptr >= limit then
        throwIO BufferOverrun
      else do
        poke ptr w
        let !ptr' = ptr `plusPtr` 1
        writeIORef offset ptr'

{-# INLINE write16 #-}
-- | Write two bytes and ff one byte.
--   If buffer overrun occurs, 'BufferOverrun' is thrown.
write16 :: WriteBuffer -> Word16 -> IO ()
write16 WriteBuffer{..} w = do
    ptr <- readIORef offset
    if ptr `plusPtr` 1 >= limit then
        throwIO BufferOverrun
      else do
        poke16 w ptr 0
        let !ptr' = ptr `plusPtr` 2
        writeIORef offset ptr'

{-# INLINE write24 #-}
-- | Write three bytes and ff one byte.
--   If buffer overrun occurs, 'BufferOverrun' is thrown.
write24 :: WriteBuffer -> Word32 -> IO ()
write24 WriteBuffer{..} w = do
    ptr <- readIORef offset
    if ptr `plusPtr` 2 >= limit then
        throwIO BufferOverrun
      else do
        poke24 w ptr 0
        let !ptr' = ptr `plusPtr` 3
        writeIORef offset ptr'

{-# INLINE write32 #-}
-- | Write four bytes and ff one byte.
--   If buffer overrun occurs, 'BufferOverrun' is thrown.
write32 :: WriteBuffer -> Word32 -> IO ()
write32 WriteBuffer{..} w = do
    ptr <- readIORef offset
    if ptr `plusPtr` 3 >= limit then
        throwIO BufferOverrun
      else do
        poke32 w ptr 0
        let !ptr' = ptr `plusPtr` 4
        writeIORef offset ptr'

{-# INLINE shiftLastN #-}
-- | Shifting the N-bytes area just before the current pointer.
--   'Offset' is the distance from the offset pointer.
--   If 'Offset' is positive, shift it to right.
--   If 'Offset' is negative, shift it to left.
shiftLastN :: WriteBuffer -> Offset -> Int -> IO ()
shiftLastN WriteBuffer{..} 0 _   = return ()
shiftLastN WriteBuffer{..} i len = do
    ptr <- readIORef offset
    let !ptr' = ptr `plusPtr` i
    if ptr' >= limit then
        throwIO BufferOverrun
      else if i < 0 then do
        let !src = ptr `plusPtr` negate len
            !dst = src `plusPtr` i
        shiftLeft dst src len
        writeIORef offset ptr'
      else do
        let !src = ptr `plusPtr` (-1)
            !dst = ptr' `plusPtr` (-1)
        shiftRight dst src len
        writeIORef offset ptr'
    -- memcpy cannot be used for overlapped areas.
    shiftLeft :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Int -> IO ()
    shiftLeft _    _    0   = return ()
    shiftLeft !dst !src n = do
        peek src >>= poke dst
        shiftLeft (dst `plusPtr` 1) (src `plusPtr` 1) (n - 1)
    shiftRight :: Buffer -> Buffer -> Int -> IO ()
    shiftRight _    _    0   = return ()
    shiftRight !dst !src n = do
        peek src >>= poke dst
        shiftRight (dst `plusPtr` (-1)) (src `plusPtr` (-1)) (n - 1)

{-# INLINE copyByteString #-}
-- | Copy the content of 'ByteString' and ff its length.
--   If buffer overrun occurs, 'BufferOverrun' is thrown.
copyByteString :: WriteBuffer -> ByteString -> IO ()
copyByteString WriteBuffer{..} (PS fptr off len) = withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> do
    let src = ptr `plusPtr` off
    dst <- readIORef offset
    let !dst' = dst `plusPtr` len
    if dst' >= limit then
        throwIO BufferOverrun
      else do
        memcpy dst src len
        writeIORef offset dst'

-- | Copy the area from 'start' to the current pointer to 'ByteString'.
toByteString :: WriteBuffer -> IO ByteString
toByteString WriteBuffer{..} = do
    ptr <- readIORef offset
    let !len = ptr `minusPtr` start
    create len $ \p -> memcpy p start len

-- | Allocate a temporary buffer and copy the result to 'ByteString'.
withWriteBuffer :: BufferSize -> (WriteBuffer -> IO ()) -> IO ByteString
withWriteBuffer siz action = bracket (mallocBytes siz) free $ \buf -> do
    wbuf <- newWriteBuffer buf 4096
    action wbuf
    toByteString wbuf

{-# INLINE currentOffset #-}
-- | Getting the offset pointer.
currentOffset :: WriteBuffer -> IO Buffer
currentOffset WriteBuffer{..} = readIORef offset


class Readable a where
    -- | Reading one byte as 'Word8' and ff one byte.
    read8 :: a -> IO Word8
    -- | Reading one byte as 'Int' and ff one byte. If buffer overrun occurs, -1 is returned.
    readInt8 :: a -> IO Int
    -- | Fast forward the offset pointer. The boundary is not checked.
    ff :: a -> Offset -> IO ()
    -- | Returning the length of the remaining
    remainingSize :: a -> IO Int
    -- | Executing an action on the current offset pointer.
    withCurrentOffSet :: a -> (Buffer -> IO b) -> IO b
    -- | Memorizing the current offset pointer.
    save :: a -> IO ()
    -- | Getting how many bytes from the saved offset pinter.
    savingSize :: a -> IO Int

instance Readable WriteBuffer where
    {-# INLINE read8 #-}
    read8 WriteBuffer{..} = do
        ptr <- readIORef offset
        w <- peek ptr
        writeIORef offset $! ptr `plusPtr` 1
        return w
    {-# INLINE readInt8 #-}
    readInt8 WriteBuffer{..} = do
        ptr <- readIORef offset
        if ptr < limit then do
            w <- peek ptr
            writeIORef offset $! ptr `plusPtr` 1
            let !i = fromIntegral w
            return i
            return (-1)
    {-# INLINE ff #-}
    ff WriteBuffer{..} n = do
        ptr <- readIORef offset
        let !ptr' = ptr `plusPtr` n
        writeIORef offset ptr'
    {-# INLINE remainingSize #-}
    remainingSize WriteBuffer{..} = do
        ptr <- readIORef offset
        return $! (limit `minusPtr` ptr)
    {-# INLINE withCurrentOffSet #-}
    withCurrentOffSet WriteBuffer{..} action = readIORef offset >>= action
    {-# INLINE save #-}
    save WriteBuffer{..} = readIORef offset >>= writeIORef oldoffset
    {-# INLINE savingSize #-}
    savingSize WriteBuffer{..} = do
        old <- readIORef oldoffset
        cur <- readIORef offset
        return $ cur `minusPtr` old

instance Readable ReadBuffer where
    {-# INLINE read8 #-}
    read8 (ReadBuffer w) = read8 w
    {-# INLINE readInt8 #-}
    readInt8 (ReadBuffer w) = readInt8 w
    {-# INLINE ff #-}
    ff (ReadBuffer w) = ff w
    {-# INLINE remainingSize #-}
    remainingSize (ReadBuffer w) = remainingSize w
    {-# INLINE withCurrentOffSet #-}
    withCurrentOffSet (ReadBuffer w) = withCurrentOffSet w
    {-# INLINE save #-}
    save (ReadBuffer w) = save w
    {-# INLINE savingSize #-}
    savingSize (ReadBuffer w) = savingSize w


-- | Read only buffer. To ensure that the internal is not modified,
--   this is an abstract data type.
newtype ReadBuffer = ReadBuffer WriteBuffer

-- | Converting 'ByteString' to 'ReadBuffer' and run the action
--   with it.
withReadBuffer :: ByteString -> (ReadBuffer -> IO a) -> IO a
withReadBuffer (PS fp off siz) action = withForeignPtr fp $ \ptr -> do
    let !buf = ptr `plusPtr` off
    nsrc <- ReadBuffer <$> newWriteBuffer buf siz
    action nsrc

-- | Extracting 'ByteString' from the current offset.
--   The contents is copied, not shared.
--   Its length is specified by the 2nd argument.
--   If the length is positive, the area after the current pointer is extracted and FF the length finally.
--   If the length is negative, the area before the current pointer is extracted and does not FF.
extractByteString :: Readable a => a -> Int -> IO ByteString
extractByteString wbuf len
  | len == 0 = return mempty
  | len >  0 = do
    bs <- withCurrentOffSet wbuf $ \src ->
        create len $ \dst -> memcpy dst src len
    ff wbuf len
    return bs
  | otherwise = do
    withCurrentOffSet wbuf $ \src0 -> do
      let src = src0 `plusPtr` len
      let len' = negate len
      create len' $ \dst -> memcpy dst src len'

-- | Reading two bytes as 'Word16' and ff two bytes.
read16 :: Readable a => a -> IO Word16
read16 rbuf = do
    w16 <- withCurrentOffSet rbuf (\buf -> peek16 buf 0)
    ff rbuf 2
    return w16

-- | Reading three bytes as 'Word32' and ff three bytes.
read24 :: Readable a => a -> IO Word32
read24 rbuf = do
    w24 <- withCurrentOffSet rbuf (\buf -> peek24 buf 0)
    ff rbuf 3
    return w24

-- | Reading four bytes as 'Word32' and ff four bytes.
read32 :: Readable a => a -> IO Word32
read32 rbuf = do
    w32 <- withCurrentOffSet rbuf (\buf -> peek32 buf 0)
    ff rbuf 4
    return w32

data BufferOverrun = BufferOverrun -- ^ The buffer size is not enough
                     deriving (Eq,Show,Typeable)

instance Exception BufferOverrun