module Network.Socket.Handle where

import qualified GHC.IO.Device (IODeviceType(Stream))
import GHC.IO.Handle.FD (fdToHandle')
import System.IO (IOMode(..), Handle, BufferMode(..), hSetBuffering)

import Network.Socket.Types

-- | Turns a Socket into an 'Handle'. By default, the new handle is
-- unbuffered. Use 'System.IO.hSetBuffering' to change the buffering.
-- Note that since a 'Handle' is automatically closed by a finalizer
-- when it is no longer referenced, you should avoid doing any more
-- operations on the 'Socket' after calling 'socketToHandle'.  To
-- close the 'Socket' after 'socketToHandle', call 'System.IO.hClose'
-- on the 'Handle'.
-- Caveat 'Handle' is not recommended for network programming in 
-- Haskell, e.g. merely performing 'hClose' on a TCP socket won't
-- cooperate with peer's 'gracefulClose', i.e. proper shutdown
-- sequence with appropriate handshakes specified by the protocol.

socketToHandle :: Socket -> IOMode -> IO Handle
socketToHandle s mode = invalidateSocket s err $ \oldfd -> do
    h <- fdToHandle' oldfd (Just GHC.IO.Device.Stream) True (show s) mode True{-bin-}
    hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
    return h
    err _ = ioError $ userError $ "socketToHandle: socket is no longer valid"