{-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}

#include "HsNetDef.h"

module Network.Socket.Shutdown (
  , shutdown
  ) where

import Network.Socket.Imports
import Network.Socket.Internal
import Network.Socket.Types

data ShutdownCmd = ShutdownReceive
                 | ShutdownSend
                 | ShutdownBoth
                 deriving Typeable

sdownCmdToInt :: ShutdownCmd -> CInt
sdownCmdToInt ShutdownReceive = 0
sdownCmdToInt ShutdownSend    = 1
sdownCmdToInt ShutdownBoth    = 2

-- | Shut down one or both halves of the connection, depending on the
-- second argument to the function.  If the second argument is
-- 'ShutdownReceive', further receives are disallowed.  If it is
-- 'ShutdownSend', further sends are disallowed.  If it is
-- 'ShutdownBoth', further sends and receives are disallowed.
shutdown :: Socket -> ShutdownCmd -> IO ()
shutdown s stype = void $ do
  fd <- fdSocket s
  throwSocketErrorIfMinus1Retry_ "Network.Socket.shutdown" $
    c_shutdown fd $ sdownCmdToInt stype

foreign import CALLCONV unsafe "shutdown"
  c_shutdown :: CInt -> CInt -> IO CInt